The Buffalo Ray Buck


LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-10 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-10 AT 12:13?PM (MST)

The Buffalo Ray Buck
By Bridger Kummer

We woke up on the last day of the fourth season deer hunt in Colorado. This was a brisk day with no cloud cover it had been snowing for the last two days it had been a very awesome hunt and I had had many chances at many great bucks. There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground and had been over cast the two nights prior to the last day of my hunt. We then proceeded to drive to the area where I had seen a pretty big buck that we had seen two days before. My Uncle Jeff and I were in the truck headed out and we were discussing the buck I had missed the day before, he was a dandy buck. We arrived at the area my Uncle Jeff asked me where in the area I wanted to go. I told him I wanted to go to the area where my Uncle Brent had shot a buck a year earlier. We then headed up the road and we saw a few deer off the side of the road. There was a 20 inch 4x4; he was a tall buck about 20 inches. My uncle asked if I wanted to take a shot at it. I figured it was the first of the day; we can come back and get him if we don't see any other bigger bucks. We then preceded up the canyon some more, we saw a few more deer and just saw little two points and three points in the snow. Driving down the road we started to head up a hill that gave you a great look down the canyon I noticed a deer in the bottom of the canyon and I told my uncle, he looked down the canyon with his binoculars. He saw the deer that I was looking at it was a doe, but when he looked to the side of her he noticed a buck on the ground in the snow next to her. He then said that this was a good buck and it looked like it had clubs on it head. Then we turned around in the road and drove back down the road we had come up. We had stopped around the area where we had seen the deer. Next we got out of the truck and my uncle said this looked like a good buck; we didn't have a clue how big it was. It was the last day and I was ready to shoot any kind of buck. The biggest buck that I had shot was a three 3x3 so I wanted to shoot my first 4x4, I didn't care how big. My uncle Jeff and I got out of the truck and we started to head towards the canyon were we had seen the buck. We walked through really thick oak and sage. Looking into the canyon we noticed a lot of does. Standing there it seemed like forever then I saw a doe hop out then another doe and then there was a buck. He was a 4x4 and he was about 24 inches wide and 20 tall. We studied him for awhile and looked at each other and didn't know where the buck we had seen had gone. Looking down the canyon my uncle noticed a buck headed towards a doe about 800 yards down the canyon. We then decide to sneak some more around the hill to look for anything else in the area. We hiked up to a clearing just about 20 yards higher, and we looked back into the canyon. Waiting to see what we could see in the canyon. When all the sudden we notice a doe come out of the bottom of the canyon through the sage brush. There he was in full rut right behind a doe. My Uncle Jeff said there he is that the one we saw. I took my shot and hit him in the leg. Buck fever was then shot through my body. I had to calm myself down and took the next shot he started walking away so I thought I had missed him so I shot again. This shot put him down for good we stood there and called my brother and sister in law on the phone they were scouting the other canyons in the same area. They met up with my uncle and we told him we had one down we didn't know how big it was. We then proceeded down into the canyon; it was thick and we look for where he was we all the sudden my uncle let out a yell. My brother and sister in-law and I were 40 yards away looking high on the hill. Coming down the hill I could see my uncle and then all the sudden I could see the buck. My brother right behind my said what did you kill an elk jokingly. We all were in complete shock to see this great buck that I had killed on the last day of my hunt. I'm in the military and served a year in Iraq, and scheduled to return soon. The joy that I had of coming home from that was just as exciting as getting a chance to hunt again. Thanks Family







My Brother Boone just above.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-10 AT 01:04PM (MST)[p]That is a monster! I agree with Brian, somewhere around 190-195. What unit were you hunting?

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"
Great Buck! Thanks for the story and pics, and more importantly, thanks for serving our country! I'll guess 187.
Sweet Buck! Cool Story, he'll go 186.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I will say 191. Awesome deer and thanks for your service.

With you sitting on him 186.
With you 4 feet behind him 199.
In the back of the truck 190.

A dandy 189.

>With you sitting on him 186.
>With you 4 feet behind him
>In the back of the truck
>A dandy 189.

Nice call HK! LOL.

Some good pics and a great buck. The one with the taxidermist gives the best perspective I beleive. Right at 190.

Great buck!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If he had a matching eyeguard, he might go book. Awesome buck and congrats, I say he grosses 193 and nets 187.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]Thanks for all the guesses. I was really strict with my scoring. I did it online at the B&C web site. The buck green score is: Gross 200 1/8 and Nets 191 5/8. Typical
We will have it scored professionally in a month. I will keep you posted.
Not to get off subject, but how do you like that XCR? Worth the dough? Looking into one, just curious.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]Here is another picture of the width. It is right at 30 at its widest. To the cheater.


Not the best picture, but it gives you a little better perspective. My brother's(bddog) buck is great in my opinion. It is always to see someone who is a do it youselfer take a fenomenal buck. Hard work and a little luck. I'll take it any day and not even blink.

Thanks for all the great comments. It is cool to see all the support for the troops here.
If you measure it the eastmans way, that buck would be 32 wide. Just move your left hand that is holding the tape to the G4 and you have 32.

Not meaning to hi jack this thread but how do most of you measure spread?
Inside or outside?

Either way it needs to be straight across at the widest point. Doing a diagonal isn't correct in my opinion and for inside scoring there is no choice.

I have had a few XCR rifles.....I have enjoyed them and yes they seem to perform well. Thats a sweet buck but I'm still having second thoughts at 200 inches, how long are his beams? Maybe that will put my curriousity to sleep!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-10 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10
>AT 08:41?PM (MST)

>Here is another picture of the
>width. It is right at
>30 at its widest. To
>the cheater.

>Not the best picture, but it
>gives you a little better
>perspective. My brother's(bddog) buck
>is great in my opinion.
> It is always to
>see someone who is a
>do it youselfer take a
>fenomenal buck. Hard work
>and a little luck.
>I'll take it any day
>and not even blink.
>Thanks for all the great comments.
>It is cool to see
>all the support for the
>troops here.

On this deer it looks like his widest would be g4 to g4 that is his width. An I dont think he not quite 200 he a little short on g3s and 4s but a nice deer.
I thought the inside spread measurement had to be on the main beams?

On one of my bucks it is about 3" wider from g4 to g4 but I thought it had to be on the main beam itself.
npaden, when measureing the inside it dose have to be from MB to MB at the widest point between the two.

These guys are talking about outside, witch is measured at the widest point of the antlers on the outside of the rack, and should be spuared up to the skull (so dont go diagonal from g-4 to the g2 on the other side)

The best way to get a true outside spread if the antlers are mis matched (say G4 is widest on one side and G3 is widest on the other) is to set the antlers sideways against a wall and then set something like a box up on the other side and measure from the wall to the box keeping the box squared to the wall.

I hope that makes sense lol.

Thank you. That is exactly what I did. I got the widest point by sticking it up aginst a wall and used two framing squares to get the widest point. I also know that the only width that counts is mb to mb. Mule deer are my passion. I live to hunt them. I must apologize though, My brother left with the score sheet with him and I wrote down the scores after he had gone. I must have wrote them down wrong. It acculy nets 190 2/8, but I had him email me the score sheet so all could see. So sorry founder, you wern't the closest after all. So here it is. P.S. We will have it scored professionally at the Hunting expo next month after the drying period is over and if I did it right which I believe I did it will be in the books. Cool for my bro. Sorry for missing the net score.
Nice but in that pic it looks like u are going cross tined it might just be me. Them beams are 26 would never had guessed that. Nice buck again!
Once again, friggin stud! Thanks for posting the score sheet. You forgot to put the exact locality where killed.;-)
Ok, if the mains are that long then I can go with that score :)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
What a great thread... That deer is a brute...

Looking at the rack on the couch I would doubt it was 200" but that pic of him ni the truck, at the taxidermist really gives a lot of reference to just how big his rack really is...

Thanks for sharing..!!!! I hope he makes the book..!!!!

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