The Cowboys Will Win The Superbowl

>You guys done talking about the
>worst NFL team in history
>yet?? Just curious...

What are you talking about? No one has been talking about the Raiders here.
Garrett is on thin ice and a loss against the Giants could convince Jones to dump him. There is talk that a possible replacement could be former Titans coach Jeff Fisher.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-11 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]Ain't no patience in the NFL, is there? Thanks complete. I hunted my ass off for that bull, and while he is not a monster, I am damn proud of him. mtmuley
Putrid performance by the Dallas D. Simply inexcusable to give up a late 12 point lead. Jones needs to fire Garrett and Ryan. Props to the Giants.

>Putrid performance by the Dallas D.
>Simply inexcusable to give up
>a late 12 point lead.
>Jones needs to fire Garrett
>and Ryan. Props to the

As a Cowboys fan I say ditto.
Fire Garret, and maybe Ryan too.
Also start shopping for a real quarterback.
Romo is great until it really counts, then he always chokes.
Any highschool quarterback could have made that pass to Austin and burned up the clock with a first down.
Cowboys are super bowl this season! That was a pathetic performance against the Giants.
This pic tells all you need to know about the Cowboys season.

Like I said on the 24th post of this message...(look it up).

I'm a Giants fan, and even that aside, last nights game was phenominal! Still pumped about it. As a Giants fan, gotta hate the Cowboys. Giants still undefeated in that un-godly stadium!!
From bad to worst. DeMarco Murray suffered a fractured ankle in the the loss to the Giants and will be lost for the remainder of the season.

>Jerry Jones looks 10 years older
>than he did at the
>start of the season.

Jerry Jones looks 10 years older than he did at the start of that GAME!! LOL

Does my heart good!



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Cowboys need a great deal of work to return to respectability. They need to rebuild the offensive line and reconfigure their defense. They are unable to control the line of scrimmage on either side of the ball. A better coach would help as well.

So, let me get this straight....does this mean that the Cowboys' are NOT going to win the Super Bowl?

Who knew?

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
The silver lining in this otherwise disappointing season is the emergence of Demarcus Murray and Laurent Robinson.

8 months from today this post will occur. " The Cowboys Will Win the Superbowl."

It occurs every year like the swallows returning to Capistrano. It will be correct some year but probably not in my lifetime.
No they won't win it this year. And ya know what I really hate to admit? I didn't even think they would win last night a week ago. Makes me a bad fan. I've NEVER lost faith like that in the 30 something years I've been a Cowboy fan. I don't know where the problem lies, it damn sure ain't talent. The blame can be pointed many ways. Well, after February 7th, 31 other teams will be in the same boat. Looking forward to the playoffs anyways. mtmuley
I've already posted this MtMuley buy your my kind fan, with your team through thick and thin. I might add after today its pretty thin with the Cornhuskers. I'm going to celebrate way too much when we finally get rid of Bozo Pelini.
One of these days Cornhusker, one of these days... We'll both be celebrating. Anyone that switches team dedication isn't a fan. mtmuley

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