The Don stumping for Trump


Active Member
Anyone hear The Don on KSL this morning? He sure makes it easy for people to dislike him. The fact that he's touting Trump says a lot. And no, I can't stand the ##### from the donk's side either! The caliber of candidates is pretty sad this election. To hear Peay talk makes me wonder what kind of perks he's hoping to land if his candidate gets the presidency. What a suck up! Talk about pathetic!


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
I Agree!

The Choices SUCK & are Sad!

440 is doing Up-Skirts on His Favorite Nominee!

But Outside of that I don't know too many that don't wanna PUKE!

None of the candidates make me very happy either, but look at it this way. Cruz wanted to give all of the federal land away and Trump does not, so smile and vote for the lesser of two evils in November elections.
If the "Don" waited until after Trump locked up the nomination, I would not worry about him stumping for Trump. Sounds like the "Don" waited for a sure thing before he decided who to support. A Johnny come lately.

Do you really believe H Clinton would be better than Trump..-- I guess if you want more "free" stuff you might answer yes. I agree that the choices are tough to swallow but someone needs to get this ship turned around, even if he is a jerk. We are losing the country that we all love and are grateful to be living in.
>Do you really believe H Clinton
>would be better than Trump..--
>I guess if you want
>more "free" stuff you might
>answer yes. I agree that
>the choices are tough to
>swallow but someone needs to
>get this ship turned around,
>even if he is a
>jerk. We are losing the
>country that we all love
>and are grateful to
>be living in.

this thread isn't about the choices for presidency it's about how much of an a$$ the Don is.
The idea that trump is no better than Hillary is absolutely absurd. I'm not a huge Trump fan, but he's head and shoulders better than Hillary. His stance on the 2nd amendment is solidly on point, and frankly that is the issue I'm voting on during this election cycle.
South Park ran an episode before the 2004 election about a vote between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.
They could run that episode every 4 years and it seems accurate.
The tough part is that if you don't vote for Trump, you're essentially giving Hillary your vote. You think 8 years under Obama was bad, let's add in another 4 of a worse enemy to our 2nd ammendment and jobs......and everything else!

Won't matter, we're giving the election to Hitlery because of the republican field, and party. When Don Peay has ties to to a political party's top brass, then that's the wrong side.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Peay just seems like he has something to hide to me.
I don't know him but he has something to gain out of this for sure and he just seems sleezy. I don't know him at all just my impression. He has an angle for sure.
I watched the interview/debate.

Personally, Trump was about my 4th choice.

Trump tells it like it is. He needs to be more Presidential. The attacks against Megan Kelly questions were not justified IMO.

The choice is Hillary or Trump.

Hillary record.

Poor judgement in foreign affairs.

Lied to service men and their families.

Set up an illegal email server to hide donations from other Countries, and political favors.

On record taking away our second amendment rights.



Successful business man. We are 19 trillion in debt.

Not bought by politicians.

Strong second amendment supporter with two avid hunters for son's.


Slamdunk nailed it. A non-vote is a vote for Hilary. This one's a no-brainer.

I never vote for someone. It's always a vote AGAINST someone.
I find it disturbing that given what Hillary has said on the record regarding 2nd amendment rights, the gun toting democrats will still vote for her.
I am more shokey at how many people at this point are anti trump in Utah. A no vote or a write in vote is a vote for Clinton! I know there was better people to vote for a month ago but at this point It's goingtobeTrump vs Hillary or Trump vs Sanders. To me it's a no brainer...

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