The expo clown show

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Long Time Member
Well. Here it is Saturday. One day after the catastrophic meltdown.

What did we learn.

1. Despite drawing names Tues., and having a year, plus 3 days, and all those $3.75 admin "donations", $FW failed. Miserably.
I hope you guys didn't get your data exposed, but the screen shots from their site would make me nervous.

2. $300k deer tags for years to save AI. Yet when the sheep are terminated for disease, and it's time to restock, KUIU pays the bill.

3. Did anyone, ANYONE, ANYONE, notice that despite the $$$ you all handed $fw in "Administration costs", THE DWR INFORMED GUYS LAST NIGHT?

So, the DWR hands out 200 welfare tags. The DWR does the advertising. The DWR MANS the booths at the expo. AND NOW the DWR has to be the ones revealing results last night? And for that, $fw pockets 2/3 of the money.

I know some guys get blinded by the lotto, so let me summarize.


AND $FW got paid.

4. Go back a re read #3. SLOWLY.

I know they have the contract. I know.

But, can we NOW just be honest.

This whole fiasco is a revenue generator for a special interest group on the backs of YOUR wildlife.

You PAID TWICE. Once to the DWR who administered the tags and results. And once to $fw. Who blew smoke up your butt.

I'm glad guys enjoyed the expo. But a party and trade show in February paid for by selling wildlife, ISNT CONSERVATION. It isn't what we were sold. It's just what it is, a party.
Hey Hossy!

I'm Thinking My Odds Are Perty Damn Bad!

Kinda Like going to Vegas!

Here's another Thought:

The Quality of Our Elk & Deer are way Down Statewide from what it should/Could be!

If It Keeps going in the same direction,which it will!

Winning one of the Prize Tags Ain't gonna be so Neat!

But there will always be More TARDS Taking their Chances & Blowing Big Bucks in Hopes of Winning something!

They've already got the HUNT-EXPO on the Calendar booked up to 2027!

One Last Question Hossy:

Why Weren't We Smart Enough to Start something like this?

Not everyone wakes up in the morning developing schemes.

Utah is the Serengeti of the West. Not sure how you think otherwise.
One really should question where he’s at in life when he’s using a website crashing as reasoning to keep his hate going for something as insignificant as the hunt expo.
Dude you really are stretching here, but keep the hate going. I'm not even a huge SFW guy but you are being ridiculous. Also I'm pretty sure all the money raised for the AI deer go back to Antelope island for them to use it how they see fit, SFW just sells it.

And they didn't even fail, results were posted the day they said they would be, might of had some difficulty getting it out when they wanted but it was out when they said it would be.

And as for #3 the DWR is a partner of the Expo and the sell of those tags they use the DWR system to validate every tags, plus the DWR gets extra money as anyone who apply also has to have a small game license to do so. Nothing shady or wrong with the DWR being part of the notification process and chances are they would have been anyway they just bumped it up when they had there technical difficulty.
Hell Hoss, CPW is workin with $67 mill and their system takes a dirtnap every year.
What is amazing is you don't want any one getting paid to do this. It's obviously work and not just ditch digging. The people doing the work have skills and intellectual property invested in this but most of yall got your panties in a twist that they get to keep some of the fees instead of giving it away. Some how yall are entitled to get paid for work you do but these guys can't?????? What makes you so dang special?
As usual Tri, you missed it.

I did pay someone to do it. The DWR did it. They did the whole thing. And cleaned up SFW mess. And im betting, their IT guys helped fix the issues.

Im Not sure why SFW got paid to do what the state did for them.
But yet you want the Government to have all the tags!
The government doesn't own the tags, the government holds them in trust for management by the People.

What is happening now is Government Welfare and Wealth Redistribution to a chosen few. It's a good thing its not Ukraine or there'd be an investigation ? as to why one group makes millions when they didn't even follow the RFP to get the tags in the first place

We know they were given the contract without even submitting a proposal as required by Regulation. That fact is indisputable!
I said it was the calm before the expo storm yesterday on a different post....

Well here it starting...
OK Hossy!

Let Me Re-Phrase:

Why Weren't We 'EVIL' Enough to Start something like this?

I Propose We Do This:

Let's Tell Them We Are Starting the "GRAND-DADDY OF ALL HUNTING EXPO'S"!

We Need 400 Tags!

We'll Make the other HUNT-EXPO look like a PISSCUTTER Event!

Within a couple Years We'll Have Enough Money We'll be Set!

After a few Years we could Sell out to the RMEF along with an annual Percentage paid back to us every year & Everybody would be Happy!

How's that Sound Hoss?
How much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to apply Bessy? I want in. I want a tag too. It’s all BS. It’s about the $$$$. Period. 19 Nonresident elk points. I’ve paid plenty. Sure would love to have those tags back in the pool for the unit I’m applying for. Would have probably drawn already. Just waiting my turn. PATIENTLY. LOL!!!
OK Hossy!

Let Me Re-Phrase:

Why Weren't We 'EVIL' Enough to Start something like this?

I Propose We Do This:

Let's Tell Them We Are Starting the "GRAND-DADDY OF ALL HUNTING EXPO'S"!

We Need 400 Tags!

We'll Make the other HUNT-EXPO look like a PISSCUTTER Event!

Within a couple Years We'll Have Enough Money We'll be Set!

After a few Years we could Sell out to the RMEF along with an annual Percentage paid back to us every year & Everybody would be Happy!

How's that Sound Hoss?

We were naive. When Peay started it was going to "give the average guy a voice'. His contention was that the DWR wasn't listening to average hunters and our concerns.

We needed to "save the mule deer" coming off a couple big winters, there was an issue there as well

They went around raffling guns. I worked with Batemans son so I bought tickets. But I didn't join

Then prop 5 . And 100% I give $fw credit. They were a force in its passage. They got the word out. There is no denying.

Then Karl Malone.

Not sure if Karl publically offering huge money to hunt AI was Karl, or if Karl was making a point on behalf 8f his friend THE DON, so that the gov could see there was bug $$$. I suspect THE DON had been lobbying prior.

Afterwards it went really shady. There was no accounting. There was statements from THE DON(Grizzlies old tag lines). Guys inside were privately battling with THE DON.

Lost, was that "voice for the average guy". And so was the focus on deer.

It morphed into what it is today. The special interest group of the deep pockets.

So Bess. I'd like to think that had this started in another state, we all would have seen it for what it is, and never let it take hold. Similar to what all the surrounding states have done.

Those tags though, to be honest, are what I care about, but not SFW.

The auction tags are their baby. They are the big money makers. They are the guys who will hire guides. They are the constituency of $fw.

The lotto part makes them money, but it creates the attendance # they use to justify to the State it's participation.

Without those tags, you have a small, mostly via phone auction for gov tags.
Chuck do you buy your tinfoil in bulk at Costco or wait for it to go on sale?
So is this the official annual MM Expo Post or is it one of the 4 or 5 others? Or is this just a simple continuation of the previous 5-6 years or so? Doesn't seem like anything new really.
I like how a drawing for deer tags at $5 a chance can be construed as "special interest for the deep pockets"?
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So is this the official annual MM Expo Post or is it one of the 4 or 5 others? Or is this just a simple continuation of the previous 5-6 years or so? Doesn't seem like anything new really.

I agree. Seems like we were told about complete transparency. Public accounting. Etc, etc.

Wonder what happened?
I like how a drawing for deer tags at $5 a chance can be construed as "special interest for the deep pockets"?

Your "best bud " Wade dropped $100k on 2 tags there. Would that be deep pockets? And his clients didn't have to show up and have it validated.

Why didn't you roll into town? Your 100% supporter. Your best friend Wade was there. There is some good taxidermy. Why did you sit in Houston all weekend?

Money where your mouth is Tri.
Doesn’t Tri clown live in Texas? But feels the need to be a part of a conversation that involves Utah’s tags? Get a life boy
"It's obviously work and not just ditch digging. The people doing the work have skills and intellectual property invested"

Great, I dig ditch for a living and I don't own property. Damn Im Worthless!!!

The thread is about the expo. I go to the expo when I can. So yes I am part of this conversation. Learn how to read boy.


I believe you should be paid for your labor also. The way a lot of the fellas talk around here they would believe if you dig a ditch for the state you should be required to do it for free.
Doesn’t Tri clown live in Texas? But feels the need to be a part of a conversation that involves Utah’s tags. Get a life boy
That’s what we hear in the Wyoming forum! You have to live in Utah to have an opinion about anything Utah???!??! That’s silly.
Yea, I remember a while back about him giving us in depth knowledge of the school trust lands and then him avoiding the question of him even knowing where the area in question was located
Yea, I remember a while back about him giving us in depth knowledge of the school trust lands and then him avoiding the question of him even knowing where the area in question was located
I don’t know about that, but I think it’s silly when Wyoming folks get pissed that someone from Utah has an opinion about anything in Wyoming.

If you can't handle the truthful answer to your chicken5-it question don't ask , boy.

I notice he deleted the post, was a pretty classless comment really.

I dont agree with everything you say Tristate but your not as dumb as they make you out to be. You do enjoy being the MM Troll LOL.

Hell of a cat, anyone that followed a pack of hounds around for 10 days in lion country worked for there cat unless they got really lucky and it treed next to the road, a cat like the one you got I'm sure you worked for it even if the guide trained the dogs and the dogs put him in a tree for you.

If you can't handle the truthful answer to your chicken5-it question don't ask , boy.

Not sure. Didn't think telling him to post pics of the dogs and trainer since they do the actual hunting was off limits.


You drove right past my exit ,"boy".

You were with WLH. Only one road out to AI.

You should have taken the 30 min it takes to drive out and circle AI.

At least then you would have some ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE what you were talking about.

Trust me. I ever roll to your neighborhood, id go find whatever it is you Houston hunters pay $xxx,xxx to shoot just out of curiosity.

You drove past Founders exit too. Why not stop in and say hi?

On your way back to your good friend WLH house, you could have drove past those Nebo Bowls you made famous.

You were here for 10 days? You had a ton of time waiting for the dogs to tree that cat and WLH to call you to come shoot it. Lots of guys around who would have loved to show you around.
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Hoss, I was referring to a post by smokepolejohnson...
He posted a SFW news letter from Dec. 1994 but now it’s gone....
My post telling Tri to calm down git zapped too.

I get called all sorts of names. Smokepolejohnson I thought was kinda cool?
not sure grizz, that’s why I asked....
I didn't see it. Was there other stuff in the post that was unnecessary, or just the newsletter?

Founder is usually pretty good to not censor, though I get why he gets rid of the name-calling.
I didn't see it. Was there other stuff in the post that was unnecessary, or just the newsletter?

Founder is usually pretty good to not censor, though I get why he gets rid of the name-calling.
It was all in good taste, I don’t think Founder would have taken it down...
I don’t know about that, but I think it’s silly when Wyoming folks get pissed that someone from Utah has an opinion about anything in Wyoming.
I agree, same thing happens in the idaho forum, but it’s noticeable if not irritating that Tri is always trying to find something to argue about, maybe it’s just an observation
Go look Cooper. The vast majority of topics on these forums I don't say a word. There are just a couple of topics that I get involved in here. Regardless of what gets said on here I don't lie to people here, I have a perfect memory of everything that gets said and I don't like it when people think forums are a tool to lynch people with.
Id be curious to see that newsletter. 94' was when $fw looked like a great idea.

But like the Mustang II, and the Bronco II, they became flaming piles
The government doesn't own the tags, the government holds them in trust for management by the People.

What is happening now is Government Welfare and Wealth Redistribution to a chosen few. It's a good thing its not Ukraine or there'd be an investigation ? as to why one group makes millions when they didn't even follow the RFP to get the tags in the first place

We know they were given the contract without even submitting a proposal as required by Regulation. That fact is indisputable!
Not sounding to bright there #briteboi'~ You really think a State Govt.RFP could be awarded to a contractor (anyone) without even sending in a proposal? You need to go back and do some research and look at the 2 proposals side by side then come back to the drawing board with a different narrative. But for you to chime on here and say "they were given the contract without even submitting a proposal as required by Regulation" is just down right false, #fakeNews and a blatant ignorant lie ~ regardless of who won,lost or why.
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Not sounding to bright there #briteboi'~ You really think a State Govt.RFP could be awarded to a contractor (anyone) without even sending in a proposal? You need to go back and do some research and look at the 2 proposals side by side then come back to the drawing board with a different narrative. But for you to chime on here and say "they were given the contract without even submitting a proposal as required by Regulation" is just down right false, #fakeNews and a blatant ignorant lie ~ regardless of who won,lost or why.

We can compare the proposals any time, any place. I'll take that Pepsi Challenge any day of the week.

Only one group, RMEF, submitted an application to host the Expo by September 1, 2015, the submission deadline as outlined in DWR Administrative Rules. It was hand-delivered by an attorney that frequents MM. He can give you more information if he'd like. SFW did not submit a proposal by the deadline stated in DWR Administrative Rules.

I've appropriately refuted your post. I'll leave you to spin for a while.
Well if it means anything for a while a Kalan Lemon was at the top of sfw for a while. That in itself says enough
As usual Tri, you missed it.

I did pay someone to do it. The DWR did it. They did the whole thing. And cleaned up SFW mess. And im betting, their IT guys helped fix the issues.

Im Not sure why SFW got paid to do what the state did for them.
Have you ever worked with a state IT guy? If you had you would t have made such a statement.
Just saying I know Kalan personally, he thinks because he’s a “guide” or “outfitter” he is more entitled. .. as in his own words. That’s our lively hood. My thought, it’s not our fault you make a living on a public resource. Everything is money driven whether we the pubic like it or not... those outfitters do bring a big chunk of $$$$$ to the state
I get the feeling if you could write something coherent it wouldn't mean anything either. ?
I would like to help you then. Don't come on a public forum and start slinging a person's name in the mud who isn't even part of this conversation. That's not the behavior of a man. Act like a gentleman here and you'll get a lot more respect from a lot of good men already here.
Certain things I don't worry about. One is gaining the respect of someone who thinks shooting people in the kneecaps is an "appropriate response".
Certain things I don't worry about. One is gaining the respect of someone who thinks shooting people in the kneecaps is an "appropriate response".

Okay, but what about every other person on the forum that doesn’t respect you?

If you’re going to “quote” me you at least ought to get it right, tri. Not that anyone expects anything different from you. But if you’re talking about something not being “the behavior of a man,” I’d guess that would certainly qualify. And once you get it right, you should include the whole sentence included. You know, when I said vigilante justice isn’t right and wasn’t advocating for it? That wouldn’t play as well for your narrative, I know.

Or you could be a man of your word and just go away. Not holding our collective breath on that one.
Spin it boy. Works out pretty good for you that the thread got nuked. I know what you said, and so do the other people that read it.

Isn't it funny how I didn't even mention your name with the quote but you ran here as quick as you could to defend yourself???? I could have been talking about anyone but YOU KNOW YOU SAID THAT. You indict yourself with your actions.
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