The Hand Shake

I agree 100%. there is a huge amount of business we're missing out on sitting right there and nobody even knows why.

Stay thirsty my friends
True story, we should have had the coast gaurd sinking rafts far enough out they couldn't swim either direction.

Stay thirsty my friends
Both parties should worry more about the black and non-Cuban, Latino vote. BTW, most in the Cuban emigrant community are open to the idea of eventually lifting the embargo.

>Both parties should worry more about
>the black and non-Cuban, Latino
>vote. BTW, most in the
>Cuban emigrant community are open
>to the idea of eventually
>lifting the embargo.

Most Cuban immigrants hate the Cuban Communists. Need to walk a fine line in how relations are handled.
I would agree that it could be done, but, our Cuban immigrants should have a say in it.

Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Why should they have a say in it anymore than the illegal mexicans have a say in immigration reform?

If the cubans who jumped ship had stayed there and fought Castro rather than tuck tail and swim maybe they could have fixed it themselves. the cowards come here and tell us what we should do about it, just pizzes me off.

Why do we deal with China but not Cuba? if human rights are our concern we've already been shown as frauds so why pretend.

Stay thirsty my friends
It's ridiculous that we allow the Cuban immigrant community (and for that matter the Jewish community) to have veto power over U.S. foreign policy.

Veto power???? They got 1 vote each like the rest of us idiots?

Politicians do things to stay in power. Got its good points and bad points.

There are enough Cuban immigrants and FL is an important enough state that they carry a little bit of clout. Bring them into the process is all I would say.

This horse is beat.
So you have no problems with either community using their political muscle to block foreign policy that would advance U.S. interests?

The Cuban embargo and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict do not serve the interests of the U.S. They serve the narrow interests of a minority while damaging the broader interests of a nation.

So why do wetback Cubans deserve more consideration than mexicans? if we're going to let cubans shift our policy then we shouldn't resent the mexicans having a say.

All it would take to end this stupid thing is for people to pull their heads out of there butts and ignore morons like Ted Cruz. it's insane what we're doing.

Stay thirsty my friends
Reading comprehension needs to be revisited here.

Try it again with out putting words in my mouth.

Just telling you how the system works.
The simpletons have been told to hate Cuba for so long it's going to take time for them to change, they're good sheep they don't think much they just do as they're told.

It's sorry how many times the tail wags the dog in this nation.

We will have open trade with Cuba in the next decade, that's almost a given. that's about 3 decades too late.

Stay thirsty my friends
Trade is a two way street, Cuba will buy more US goods than it exports to the US. won't that be a change.

If Cuba had the means to improve their economy they'd produce goods for export around the world. they can't do that when they're cut off.

Our policy with Cuba has been a total failure for us and Cuba. so why screw with it right?

Stay thirsty my friends
Lets support a country where people are dying .... literally dying to leave....and are willing to ride small rafts through the ocean while surrounded by sharks just to get away...and come here.

Why not just start trading our piper...for Cubans that want to be would be pipers dream come true!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
So, educate me....we get a little bit of trade...that we don't really need.

Why end the embargo? Unfortunately none of you gave any reasons in the discussion above.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Better question is, why keep the embargo?

If your concern really was about human rights why do we deal with China at all? they make the Castro's seem like choir boys.

Cuba has a huge work force and could have a thriving tourism industry. they can produce high value food products but they can't grow enough of the basics.

Once again, why not end it? do tell.

Stay thirsty my friends
As per usual...AspenAdventures feels compelled to question things he has ZERO knowledge of.

Hey Aspen, maybe one of these days you can do your own research...maybe even shock us all with a logical thought of your own on a subject.

I realize you're doing the best you can with what little you have to work with.

Aspen, doing his best:

I am grateful that I don't have to take the time to write a letter and research all the issues.
Buzz H,

I didn't want to know what CNN thought.

I just wanted your opinion...which I cant get by doing research.

So enlighten me with your educated opinion. Why should we lift the embargo?

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
So I take it you don't have a clue why we shouldn't life the embargo?

Why is it we always have to prove why we shouldn't do something stupid rather than why we should? the embargo was in place before either of us were born, isn't it time we ask what is it in place for today?

Stay thirsty my friends
What's to explain? The embargo has been a colossal failure. Cuba is not going to change or go away. The smart thing is to end more than 50 years of hostility and deal with the country in the same manner we now deal with China and Vietnam. It certainly hasn't hurt having diplomatic and economic relations with those 2 countries.

I find it somewhat ironic that you preach that we should deal with several communist countries, but are against dealing with Israel in the same manner.
Are you a closet socialist commie or just a bigot.

We don't deal with Israel, they screw us. and you won't even ask for a kiss afterwards.

If we make cuba our largest foreign aid case, defend their apartheid state, fight the world to protect them and expect nothing in return then I could see your comparison. there isn't a comparison. just because cubans are hispanic you don't have to hate them like you do mexicans. simmer down old timer.

Are you a moron or just closet zionist who can't wait to scream anti-semite?

Stay thirsty my friends
dude you are the bigot that keeps referring to Mexicans as "wetbacks". Guess that makes you the "moron" among the members of this forum.
My question to Eldorko has nothing to do with race, just countries that are under communist rule that he seems to favor over a country that is not communist.
We don't like them

We don't need them

You have no good reasons to lift the embargo...

Let them rot!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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