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Statement for a Student Loan on a desktop. Loan is PAST DUE with a red rubber stamp. Props include reading glasses, coffee cup and pen. Horizontal photograph. PAST DUE is bright red against the white form. Shot from a high angle looking down. ... (Kirby Hamilton)

As the staggering national student loan debt tally sits at an all-time high of $1.33 trillion, according to the Department of Education, many Millennials say they would go to extreme lengths to wipe their slate clean.

According to a new survey from Credible, a personal finance website, 50% of all respondents (ages 18-34) said they would give up their right to vote during the next two presidential elections in order to never have to make another loan payment again.

Other extremes include a willingness to ditch ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft (44%) and giving up travel outside of the country for five years (42%) to have student loans forgiven.

Yet, only 27% said they would be willing to move in with their parents for five years or give up texting at 13%. Of the 500 Millennials surveyed, only 8.2% of them chose to keep paying off their debt and not give up anything.

The survey comes just as The Associated Press reports that tens of thousands of former students have been left in limbo as the Trump administration has delayed action on requests for loan forgiveness, according to court documents. The report says The Education Department is sitting on more than 65,000 unapproved claims as it rewrites Obama-era rules that sought to better protect students.

During his campaign, Trump proposed student loan forgiveness after 15 years of repayment. However since taking office, Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy Devos? initial education budget have sought to eliminate current loan forgiveness programs.

More on this...
? This state has the most student loan debt

In July, FOX Business reported on a similar survey from that found that nearly 42% of Americans think President Trump?s administration should forgive all federal student debt in order to help stimulate the economy.

Michael Dubrow, co-founder of MoneyTips, told FOX Business that while the survey didn't specifically focus on Millennials (ages 18-29) a majority of them were ?especially passionate? about it, nearly twice as much as those 50 and older.

?Even if older people are still paying off their loans, younger people paid more and borrowed more for higher education,? Dubrow said in an interview in July.
Who put the gun to their head and made em take the loan? Nemonts take should be interesting.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-17 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]Imagine if their baby boomer parents had ever taught them anything regarding personal responsibility, money management or there is no free lunch. Boomers looking down their noses as people borrowing money and not paying back is hilarious.

The last greatest generation President was Bush 1. The Debt stood at $4.2 Trillion. Four Boomer presidents in a row have grown it to $20.1 Trillion. So make the Millennials pay off their student loans it is too bad the boomers won't pay off the debt they owe. Bunch of Cheapskates.

Nope boomers are a bunch of sociopaths who won't be happy until they completely ruin the country and then kabitch about millennials. Stupid is as stupid does.

You boomers need to look in the mirror and for once take some personal responsibility.

to the extent that millennials really are self-absorbed and narcissistic, it may be because they learned from the masters: their parents. Baby boomers ― the unusually large generation born during a wave after World War II ― grew up in a time of historic prosperity. In many ways, the world they'll leave for their children couldn't be more different from the one they knew as children.

Boomers blew through resources, racked up debt, and brought an end to economic growth, using their enormous voting power to elect politicians who enacted policies that typically benefitted boomers? interests, rather than future generations. Now, millennials face more debt, fewer resources and higher levels of unemployment than their parents, and are likely to see the fallout of runaway environmental destruction within their lifetimes.
Depends on who those boomers were about teaching their kids to be responsible. My youngest son and his wife ran up a student loan of around $ 100,000.00 getting their degrees to teach school. They have paid it down to less then 10 thousand and will have it paid off next year.
Most of the me-me generation that want a free ride are the kids of liberal parents who believe that the government should take care of them according to my son whose has talked to many of them in the education field.


Boomers never take any responsibility. Never did in the 1960's with the hippies, not in the 70's cocaine culture, not in the greed of the 80's, not in the tech bubble of the 90's, the housing bubble of the early 00's and now not for the massive debt they will stick their grand children with.

If millennials are all about Me, me, me it begs the question: who made them that way and where did they learn to be so self absorbed. If you were a millennial and could see what is happening, why would you want to not live for yourself like you see all the boomers doing?

Do you ever get tired of attacking all boomers? I was married and had a kid at 18. I worked my way through school with zero debt. My old man never gave me a dime. I graduated in 4 years while holding down a job and paying my rent. My kids never had a loan that I signed for. They never had a school loan at all. Any parent who signed for student loans with zero controls deserve what they end up with. A lazy freeloader for a kid and a lot of debt dumped on them. How many stories have you heard of college kids using student loans to live high and party? Thousands. Our daughter just paid for a week in Maui for us for our 50th so KMA.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-17 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]>Do you ever get tired of
>attacking all boomers? I was
>married and had a kid
>at 18. I worked my
>way through school with zero
>debt. My old man never
>gave me a dime. I
>graduated in 4 years while
>holding down a job and
>paying my rent. My kids
>never had a loan that
>I signed for. They never
>had a school loan at
>all. Any parent who signed
>for student loans with zero
>controls deserve what they end
>up with. A lazy freeloader
>for a kid and a
>lot of debt dumped on
>them. How many stories have
>you heard of college kids
>using student loans to live
>high and party? Thousands. Our
>daughter just paid for a
>week in Maui for us
>for our 50th so KMA.

Congrats on the 50th. We just celebrated our anniversary, Kids and all went to Cancun.

I did the same as you, have never cosigned, paid my own way, not loans for three college kids, paid that as well. Isn't that what you are supposed to do?

As for boomers, no I don't get tired of pointing out the hypocrisy of them whining about the generation they not only raised but have stolen the future from. If a single boomer would ever take responsibility for what the kind of country they will leave vs. the one they inherited then maybe I would stop. Fat chance of that happening. So KMA.
Nemont the boomers that raised spoiled kids into the me-me generation were the liberal hippies and dope smoking idiots that felt the government owed them something.

Like others I worked full time and went to college at night or days when I worked the swing or graveyard shift. My two sons did the same because they were taught the only way to get ahead is hard work and get a education and do not expect any help from others outside of your family.

You have a habit of lumping all boomers into the same ##### pot and that makes you a Adam Henry narcissistic idiot.


Adam Henry hmmm. Read the title of your post. You lumped all millennials together.

If you can dish it out, learn to take it or better yet grow a pair and man up and admit the boomer generation is leaving a stinking mess of a country to the next generation. I don't expect boomers to care about it, they never have, ever.

The only reason you guys have to respond and defend your actions is because deep down you know I am right about the boomer generation.

What generation raised you? I have nothing against any generation because there is no such thing. People are all different. Some of us never took a dime from the taxpayers even though we should have when we needed help. There are lazy millennials and hard working ones. You keep lumping millions of people together and that can't be done.
Really? go read the title of this thread. Boomers have no problem lumping everyone together. Why can't we do it to the boomers?

Tell me where I have been led astray in calling boomers out? I don't really have anything against baby boomers, I think it is funny to point out that they aren't lily white when they start blaming Millennials for anything. If you point out the hypocrisy boomers lose their minds. Nothing is ever their fault.

Just saying.

I know for a fact that there are some smart, diligent, hard working, true American patriots in the millennial generation and they just want a fair shot at the American dream. Hard to do when you come into the world $20 Trillion in debt on top of everything else you got to pay for.

>Told ya his take would be
>interesting, predictable but interesting.

Beats the h#ll out that idiot on here with his +1 to everything that is stupid.

Now explain to me why baby boomers are off limits from any blame for anything wrong in the country? How many millennials are in the House or Senate? 5 or 6. How many have been president? 0. How many of the millennials will have to work to pay off the debt boomers racked up? It will take all of them and their kids and their grand kids.

Let's not forget 10 trillion if that debt came from the last president. And if I'm not mistaken, he's from our generation.

Yes indeed Obama is the ultimate boomer. Spend today, don't give a shyt about the future generations. He learned from the previous boomer, Bush who took doubled the debt and Obama showed him and doubled it again. $15 Trillion in just two boomer presidents. That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of boomer leadership.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-17 AT 05:20PM (MST)[p]He's not a boomer, he's from our generation. You forget you me and that knucklehead are all close to the same age.

The boomer generation is anyone born between 1946 and 1964. Obama was born in 1961 ergo a boomer.
>>Told ya his take would be
>>interesting, predictable but interesting.
>Beats the h#ll out that idiot
>on here with his +1
>to everything that is stupid.
>Now explain to me why baby
>boomers are off limits from
>any blame for anything wrong
>in the country?
>How many millennials are in
>the House or Senate?
>5 or 6. How
>many have been president?
>0. How many of
>the millennials will have to
>work to pay off the
>debt boomers racked up?
>It will take all of
>them and their kids and
>their grand kids.
Get use to it pessimist ,you negative POS you will be paying for my Social Security and my Medical, and I will be deer and elk hunting in your state, life has been good to me.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-17 AT 08:13PM (MST)[p]Hey now, all Presidents since it's creation inherit the National Debt and the only real way to analyze their performance addressing the growth of the National Debt is by percentage. The National Debt increased under Obama by 68%.

By comparison Bush Jr who inherited a projected surplus saw the National Debt rise by 101% under his watch.

In the modern era the crown still goes to Reagan and he was part of the Silent Generation, not a boomer. 190% increase

Go one generation before him and you have FDR who had a 1,000% increase, keep going further back and you have Woodrow Wilson at 700%.

I would not argue that the world will be a better place when the last person born in 1964 keels over. I believe that a lot of xenophobia and hedonism exists with my generation.

Sometimes Presidents have to spend money to pay for wars or inject a stimulus into the economy.

Bush Jr actually had a chance to tackle the debt but chose to go battle a non-winning never-ending war over ideology. If there were no "Temporary Bush Tax Cuts" and we surgically removed Bin Laden instead of going to war we very well could have our National Debt well under $5 Trillion.

Oh and by the way just like 3 inches is not 10 inches, the National Debt rose by $7.4 Trillion under Obama, not $10 Trillion.

All I know is the cost of a 4 year degree has quadrupled since I went to college. I have 2 kids in college now and I am so glad that I opened 529s for them when they were born. Funny, I always thought with the amount in their funds they could attend a 4 year, then pursue a post graduate degree. Given the skyrocketing cost of college adjustments were needed.

In order for them to be covered for post graduate both chose to attend a Jr. College to save money getting their general education requirements out of the way. Even doing that I fully expect to have to help out a little towards the end should they pursue post grad degrees.

I never had college debt, back then if you worked a decent job and were willing to put in the time you could pay for college out of pocket, those days are long gone.
>>>Told ya his take would be
>>>interesting, predictable but interesting.
>>Beats the h#ll out that idiot
>>on here with his +1
>>to everything that is stupid.
>>Now explain to me why baby
>>boomers are off limits from
>>any blame for anything wrong
>>in the country?
>>How many millennials are in
>>the House or Senate?
>>5 or 6. How
>>many have been president?
>>0. How many of
>>the millennials will have to
>>work to pay off the
>>debt boomers racked up?
>>It will take all of
>>them and their kids and
>>their grand kids.
> Get use to
>it pessimist ,you negative POS
> you will be paying
>for my Social Security and
>my Medical, and I will
>be deer and elk hunting
>in your state, life has
>been good to me.

I give a Shyt, I know I will never see you any where near where I hunt. If you want to drop a couple of grand on hunt have at it.

I thought you said you weren't a welfare queen but it appears you can't wait to take with both hands
This is a good topic. I always like the arguments about who is better or worse. They have been going on since the beginning and they are a lot of fun. It always makes me think about how it will be in 50 years. I wish I could look right now.
I'm in the last year of what is considered the boomer generation and I must admit the boomers have to suck the worst of any generation to date.

We took what the greatest generation gave us and raped and pillaged it. we didn't like taxes so we cut them. we liked to spend money so we borrowed it. we don't give a phuk about the environment so we deny we screwed that up too. now we want what's our and someone damn well deliver it.

This world will be better off when the boomers are gone. though when I see the work ethic of the younger generations I fear a new sort of train wreck may be just down the road. I'm not sure they even have the ambition to get off the couch and rape and pillage . so where does that lead?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-17 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]>This is a good topic.
>I always like the arguments
>about who is better or
>worse. They have been
>going on since the beginning
>and they are a lot
>of fun. It always
>makes me think about how
>it will be in 50
>years. I wish I
>could look right now.

Gen Xer's are no better than any generation, as a generation we keep up with Jones and carry massive personal debt on credit cards, cars and homes we can't afford. The Housing crisis was almost all Gen Xer's speculating in housing.

Millennials don't believe that work should come before vacations or destination weddings, even their birthday parties had to be events with themes, goodie bags, etc. They played sports and got participation trophies. It is no wonder they need safe rooms on campuses because somebody saw a statue.

I get the criticism I just enjoy jabbing the boomers because you can get them all on the defensive in just a few short words and for some reason telling the truth about their generation impacts, makes them mad.

Not a whole lot to worry over. All of us men will be gone soon. Within 10 years most of the men from my year will kick the bucket. It is the old ladies you better worry about. They live to be 100 and will all be in expensive care facilities. Soylent Green may be the answer.

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