The Midterms



The republicans poll lower in voter satisfaction , and more voters say they would vote for a democrat today over a republican. yet odds are decent the republicans will take some seats .

Adds more meaning to the term " all politics are local " doesn't it?

Stay thirsty my friends
Whatever you say Tonto....

Whatever you say. You and your buddy Barack better bend over cause the GOP is bending you over in Novemebr.
Wow, you clowns should be on FOX with that kind of in depth analysis.

While polls are improving for the dems lets say the republicans do take a slim majority in the senate. you can't repeal obamacare which is the only issue you have going for you, so how do take healthcare away from people in a way that wins votes in 2016?

All the republicans need to screw themselves good is a chance to lead. I welcome it, lets see you in action.

Stay thirsty my friends
It would have to be taken at the Bundy ranch to get the results you desire.

It's been 6 years since you've had to show us what you can do, enough blah blah blah whine whine whine. I want the republicans to take the senate.

Stay thirsty my friends
>It would have to be taken
>at the Bundy ranch to
>get the results you desire.
>It's been 6 years since you've
>had to show us what
>you can do, enough blah
>blah blah whine whine whine.
> I want the
>republicans to take the senate.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Thank's Janet Reno. Think before you drink
Whether 264 likes it or not the minority vote is becoming crucial to winning every 4 years.

Disparaging a key voting block is stupid if you want to win.

>Whether 264 likes it or not
>the minority vote is becoming
>crucial to winning every 4
>Disparaging a key voting block is
>stupid if you want to
Mehoe you are ignorant.
Eldorado, would that disparaging of a minority group refer to ones that are legal citizens, or illegal aliens in this country.
One reason Democrats fight voter identification laws and want to grant amnesty to those border jumpers.

Have you wingnuts wondrerd why the republicans don't take a firm unified stand on immigration? think about that then flip your lips somemore.

What if the republicans controlled congress? what would they do about immigration? would they try to push something major over on Obama? want to bet? but you can say they would until they don't.

See what I mean wingnuts? what will you do when you can't just say no? will the voters like what you do? or don't do? bring it on letting you try is what's going to shut you up.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Have you wingnuts wondrerd why the
>republicans don't take a firm
>unified stand on immigration?
>think about that then flip
>your lips somemore.
>What if the republicans controlled congress?
>what would they do about
>immigration? would they try to
>push something major over on
>Obama? want to
>bet? but you can
>say they would until they
>See what I mean wingnuts? what
>will you do when you
>can't just say no?
>will the voters like what
>you do? or don't do?
> bring it on letting
>you try is what's going
>to shut you up.
>Stay thirsty my friends
We could let Reid and BLM shoot illegal's,afther all let's give them a war.
Either you're really lame at changing the subject, or you don't understand the subject.

The subject is, if you win both houses you're going to have to lead. no more whimpering about how impotent and helpless you are and you will be held accountable . so, what great things should I expect? do tell.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Either you're really lame at changing
>the subject, or you don't
>understand the subject.
>The subject is, if you win
>both houses you're going to
>have to lead. no more
>whimpering about how impotent and
>helpless you are and you
>will be held accountable .
> so, what
>great things should I expect?
> do tell.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Paying your share of 17 trillion
The right has been conditioned that if it's not white then it must be bad.

Therefore their fear and hate for minorities.

>The right has been conditioned that
>if it's not white then
>it must be bad.
>Therefore their fear and hate for

One of the most ignorant statements made on here lately. Always blaming your problems on the white man, who by coincidence will be the minority soon. Then will you defend him?? The left is screwed without racial tensions so keep up the good work eldorko.

I agree that is an ignorant statement from Eldorado, shameful in fact. Liberal do more race baiting then anyone else in this country and the lapdogs that don't understand that are part of the problem.

I think there are way more head winds for Democrats then just the ACA and it's impacts, there is the underperforming economy for those who don't have the ability to play the markets and leverage the tax code.

That is why the Democrats will not campaign on the word recovery, because there it will be obvious that the recovery under Obama went not to the 99% but to the 1%, in ever increasing amounts.

Also the Obama administration has so completely stepped into in foreign policy that it will be a drag on dems as well.

What matters is which electorate shows up. If the republican electorate shows up, it won't matter what the issues are.

The dems better get their ground game back into play because without Obama at the top of the ticket the youth of country may just yawn and pass the voter booth.

Dude several GOP Senators have already made statements about if they take the Senate, they will pass bills that is wanted by the voting public and force Obama to sign it or veto it. I look for a immigration bill to be one of them. But, amnesty will not be a feature of that bill as most voters do not want amnesty. We can not afford granting amnesty to 14 million and half of them turn around and go on welfare that pays more then min. wage jobs in 32 states.

Obama has nothing to lose, he can feed you all the rope you need to hang yourself. all he has to do is look like as a dem he's fighting for the working man . AND woman. good luck on that teabaggers.

Underperforming economy? speak for yourself. chit is selling like hotcakes and trucks are so busy you can't get one under a load. is it perfect? not for absolutely everyone like it was in 2008 ( hope we all have a short memory ) but it sure as hell ain't bad.

Could it crash? I don't see how it could it never has before. ( short memory required again).

These are the good 'ol days. if you don't like them you're going to be one miserable SOB down the road is all I can say. I don't care who wins the senate I'll stand by that.

I hope like hell the republicans win the senate. it's time you put up or shut up, enough yap yap already lets see some solutions.

Stay thirsty my friends
Usually the Dems don't show up in medterm elections. The Republicans have it made if they don't mess it up. Obama is a lame duck president all hes got left is his legacy. If the republican win the senate and hold the house I don't see a lot going on. They would have to win the senate by a large margin to make a difference.
I do agree with you 440sixpack it's time to put up or shut up.
Quest, you need to do a check on the senate seats. 22 dems are up for re-election and I believe only 14 GOP. The states with GOP up for election are strong red states, while some of the Dems are in toss up states.
I also believe that the GOP only has to gain 6 more senate seats to have a majority in the Senate. That will give them a majority in both houses and can pass bills without any Dems crossing over the aisle to help them.

If they do that, then the ball will be in their court and how they play that ball will determine elections in 2016. If they put up bills that have the approval of the voter majority and Obama vetos it, that will hurt the Dems even more in 2016. I would not put it pass him to veto popular bills that do not meet his agenda based on his previous record, or I should say his lack of any record on being a good leader.


I said that for guys like you and me things are great. I added over 1,000 new clients just on my individual block. Each client is worth about $16 a month in gross profit to my business.

Guys like you and me are doing great.

Go look at the facts about the rest of the country. Explain why the dems are not going to run on the economy if everything is so rosy?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-14 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]RELH I hear you but the GOP has a way messing things up.
>The right has been conditioned that
>if it's not white then
>it must be bad.
>Therefore their fear and hate for

Having a lot of minority friends and relatives, I'm sure glad they aren't as dumb as this. Elbaboso, you don't know shyt about the right.
I'm glad you have minority friends Buck.

It doesn't change the fact that the right for years has demonized minorities for America's problems.

Their thinking can not be any worse then Eldorado's way of thinking. If they screw it up, then they need to be turned out as well as many Democrats need to be turned out of office.

The Fox News poll, from Democratic pollster Anderson Robbins Research and GOP pollster Shaw & Company, shows Clinton's favorable rating dropping to 49 percent, compared to 45 percent unfavorable.

Doesn't this paragraph tell you enough to know your random poll isn't random? Anderson Robbins Research is much more aligned with the GOP than a Democratic pollster as stated in the article. This is yet another example of feel good numbers that Fox is becoming famous for.
>The Fox News poll, from Democratic
>pollster Anderson Robbins Research and
>GOP pollster Shaw & Company,
>shows Clinton's favorable rating dropping
>to 49 percent, compared to
>45 percent unfavorable.
>Doesn't this paragraph tell you enough
>to know your random poll
>isn't random? Anderson Robbins
>Research is much more aligned
>with the GOP than a
>Democratic pollster as stated in
>the article. This is
>yet another example of feel
>good numbers that Fox is
>becoming famous for.

Lol.....and msnbc uses unbiased numbers.....jeezus cornholer.......and peoples young kids are exposed to you.

How true, the liberal press agencies are noted for slanting their questions to get the results they are looking for to favor their agenda.
I am not sure if the Washington Post used their results or used Fox's poll, but they also reported a big drop for Hillary in the poll numbers.

You people still don't get it, you don't have to be good you just have to be better than your competition. if Hillary was hated she'd still win the election because the losers you like are unelectable.

Nemont I only know one type of person umemployed today, deadbeats. the libs won't run on the strong economy because it's hard to say the economy has recovered and still ask for a jillion dollars in unemployment for parasite losers who don't want to work. you should understand democrats better than that.

Stay thirsty my friends
>I'm glad you have minority friends
>It doesn't change the fact that
>the right for years has
>demonized minorities for America's problems.

Like I said, you don't know shyt about the right. Just keep drinking your koolaid. Race baiter.
Why don't you tell him about the right? be specific about how they view minorities and women .

Stay thirsty my friends
Zigger give me one time I've ever use an MSNBC poll as example of a reliable poll, it's biased duh! Gallup is usually considered the most unbiased that I do use an guess what it's usually correct.

I think the republicans will do well in the midterms, in 2016 they are still in trouble unless Hillary strokes out or decides not to run. I do think they could drag out someone who might beat Biden although they seem bent on self destructing so maybe not.
Who's arguing with you? chances are the republicans will take the senate by a narrow majority.

That should be all it takes to put the dems back in full control in 2016.

All the republican candidates are so unpopular the dems should have no trouble finding a candidate who can win if Hillary doesn't run. which is unlikely.

Stay thirsty my friends
440sixpack 2016 its to far out to predict so many things can happen between now and then.
The GOP hasn't done a very good job when it comes to minorities and women. They need to do more.
RELH (If they screw it up, then they need to be turned out as well as many Democrats need to be turned out of office) I agree.
Dude-really? You have heard of plenty of democrats to replace the old witch? Maybe drunk Uncle Joe Biden? Maybe Running Deer Warren? There is no viable candidate beyond Hillary so she will run for the sake of the party. I think she will get hit hard with ads since she has so much history to feed on. That and she looks like a fat, wrinkly old hag which doesn't help with young voters.
You're just used to watching FAUX where they only show blondes younger than 35. there are lots of ugly women and they can vote too, let the GOP say what you're saying ( and they are ) and even cute ones will support Hillary. was Margret Thatcher hot? it's not what it's about.

As I've said before you don't have to be good just better than your competition. the dems can turn up someone in a flash who could beat the republicans you have on tap.

Stay thirsty my friends
If Repubs think like Gleninaz then they are in for a another disappointment.

They should know by now never to underestimate a Clinton.

His theory is as long as you hate someone enough they can't win. nevermind it didn't work on the black guy, but it should on an ugly woman.

Stay thirsty my friends
Eldorado says don't underestimate a Clinton. Is that what happen in 2008 and she lost the primary after everybody said she had it in the bag. I guess Obama did not underestimate her and told better lies to beat her out.

I said fat and ugly not just ugly. That is an old fugly white woman. You compare the totally unkown young black man to her? Obama was the shiney new object to the morons that voted for a man based upon a huge PR campaign. Zero substance there but he won twice. I think Hillary is nothing like the Obama campaign. She has substance along with a boatload of issues in her past. Good luck in 2016.
Be thankful Obama can't run in 2016, because his numbers are better than any of your republicans.

Hillary did lose to him one time, you lost to him twice with different opponents. how does that make Hillary unable to beat your slackjaws?

Stay thirsty my friends
Hillary loves having power and control over others. She would give both t!ts to be the first woman president. The only reason she stuck with slick willie, when he was screwing around, was to ride his coat tails into office and make a name for herself.
She will run unless something unforseen happens.

And if she does she will win.

Too late for the make a name crap, she is the most admired woman in the world 18 years running according to Gallup. that ain't bad if she stopped today.

Your shallow double standard between men and women who succeed is the thinking that prevented a woman or minority from having a shot at the whitehouse for over two centuries. it should be clear by now those days are gone.

All you can hope for is she's too old to go for a second term in 2020. what will you be then? 115? I don't need to tell you about getting old do I?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude I might be old, 66 years, but I am confident I could kick your sorry butt into the next week and drag you back and do it again.
As for a black person running for President, you can kiss that goodby for about 20 years due to the bad taste Obama has left in everyones mouth that voted for him. Excluding the 15% that still supports him and feels he did a good job. Instead of bringing the races together, Obama created a bigger rift in the race war.

As for old thunder thighs, she could be another Thomas Dewey come election day. She is not the shoo in you try to make her out to be. Besides she is too old for you, and she would look down her nose at you anyway, except when she wanted your vote.

I can see her wanting to be the first female but is it worth it being drag through all that mud. I don't think it matters to most people what race or gender when going for the Whitehorse.
Race matters a lot , look at what on the internet about Obama's race. if you still don't believe me what would happen if an american born arab ran for president?

Dewey? leave it to an oldtimer to bring up a figure from their childhood. no doubt you read all about his escapades in the paper by candlelight with a good sarsapirilla.

Stay thirsty my friends
There is reverse discrimination, no question. but as a whole you're way better off being white when it comes to discrimination.

You can be a good person and be racist, it's human nature. are you saying you would rather not have an arab pilot? an asian bus driver? you wouldn't rather see white kids coming your way in a dark steet than black kids? we all notice race and have thoughts about it.

Come to lunch with me in a small eastern Oregon town and we'll ask some locals about Obama and race. rural america is very very racist, I have to believe if lots of people in big cities could speak their mind you'd be shocked. in any event race does matter, gender not so much I think. as long as she's not brown.

Stay thirsty my friends
440sixpack come on... a few mess it up for everyone else. A lot of what your saying is association by whats going on in the world. For one I wouldn't walk down a dark street been there done that got jump by two white kids.
>There is reverse discrimination, no question.
>but as a whole you're
>way better off being white
>when it comes to discrimination.
>You can be a good person
>and be racist, it's human
>nature. are you saying you
>would rather not have an
>arab pilot? an asian bus
>driver? you wouldn't rather see
>white kids coming your way
>in a dark steet than
>black kids? we all
>notice race and have thoughts
>about it.
>Come to lunch with me in
>a small eastern Oregon town
>and we'll ask some locals
>about Obama and race.
>rural america is very very
>racist, I have to believe
>if lots of people in
>big cities could speak their
>mind you'd be shocked.
>in any event race does
>matter, gender not so much
>I think. as long as
>she's not brown.
>Stay thirsty my friends
I like em round and brown-----My baby got back!
So how do you know what people think when they won't be honest? asking people if they're racist is worse than asking them if they like midget porn. you won't get an honest answer.

If you actually believe what you say you're either from a PC metro area or you don't get out much. I travel in circles that are so racist no attempt is made to hide it , typical of the rural western population as well as others. most assume they know your attitude by your occupation, way you dress and where you live and they're pretty safe in doing so. it's very very easy to start a conversation even with stangers that would make the grand dragon sheepish.

That's just the way it is and I was no different in my younger days. I don't hold it against them it's our culture, but I acknowledge it as the truth.

Stay thirsty my friends
I cant read minds. Its not like some Disease-Running-Ramped. I try not to be part of the problem. I do agree with you about the way you dress and where you live you can be stereo type.
I wouldn't say it's a ramped disease either, only because the majority of americans aren't rural rednecks like myself . yet I'd bet there are more disingenuous closet racists than you might imagine everywhere.

In any event the fact Obama has been elected twice proves the majority either put their racism aside or aren't racist. but remember this is a national election, that doesn't apply in congressional elections they're far more local. so racism can and does thrive in congress and state elections , which is evident in their words and actions.

Don't get me wrong this is not a major issue for me, my point is you have to understand it's an actual influence in politics at times.

Stay thirsty my friends
Bundy is a loser and a retard, but what he said about the blacks wouldn't cause any alarm in rural western america. just a few laughs.

The difference between him and most of us on this subject is we don't have the media watching us, and if we did we wouldn't be stupid enough to even brush up against this subject.

Stay thirsty my friends

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