The Narcissistic drunk uncle vs The Senile grandfather


Active Member
The most likely scenario for the 2024 GE will be a rematch of 2020. Both candidates being "up in age" is an understatement. How much will their respective age affect voters' decision making process?
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Drunk uncle any day! Can speak on his own with no notes (or handlers) needed, ask Kaitlin Collins of CNN.

There is such a huge difference in how age/genetics has affected both. One looks decrepit and smells like Ben-Gay and mothballs while the other wants to do good for the USA and get every ounce of credit for it. Trumpy, bigly.

But, also a big fan of DeSantis, so there's that.
I believe Biden at 80 (currently) will be affected more as even his own base has admitted concern with his age and declining mental capacity. Although Trump is no spring chicken at 76yrs of age, we do not hear much concern from the Republicans about his age.

I actually think Trump is sharper than most people give him credit for. While I do think it likely he's being medicated for one or more conditions that could impact his overall mental function, I think said treatment has been working. People mistake the megalomania and flaws in Donald's character for broader dysfunction.

He's not stupid, he's just ignorant because he doesn't care about anything except himself. It's not that he cannot track details or correctly recall events, he just has no interest in doing so, and never faces consequences for blatant lies.

He's perfectly capable of following normal reasoning, but ignores it because it doesn't give him the outcomes he wants. I suspect he can even speak like a normal human being, but his "unique style" makes him and his audience feel good, so he doesn't put forth the effort to communicate more clearly.

Other than being 76 and having megalomania/narcissistic personality disorder, his brain works fine. He's just been coddled and privileged almost his entire life, and is intellectually incredibly lazy while being utterly amoral.

Unfortunately we are in very desperate times as it appears we will have to choose between these two Again. One can only hope a good 3rd party candidate will come out of nowhere and surprise us - a 1 in a Billion chance!
I thought it curious....5 paragraphs on the drunk narcisist and 1 on the senile crime boss
I believe Biden at 80 (currently) will be affected more as even his own base has admitted concern with his age and declining mental capacity. Although Trump is no spring chicken at 76yrs of age, we do not hear much concern from the Republicans about his age.

I actually think Trump is sharper than most people give him credit for. While I do think it likely he's being medicated for one or more conditions that could impact his overall mental function, I think said treatment has been working. People mistake the megalomania and flaws in Donald's character for broader dysfunction.

He's not stupid, he's just ignorant because he doesn't care about anything except himself. It's not that he cannot track details or correctly recall events, he just has no interest in doing so, and never faces consequences for blatant lies.

He's perfectly capable of following normal reasoning, but ignores it because it doesn't give him the outcomes he wants. I suspect he can even speak like a normal human being, but his "unique style" makes him and his audience feel good, so he doesn't put forth the effort to communicate more clearly.

Other than being 76 and having megalomania/narcissistic personality disorder, his brain works fine. He's just been coddled and privileged almost his entire life, and is intellectually incredibly lazy while being utterly amoral.

Unfortunately we are in very desperate times as it appears we will have to choose between these two Again. One can only hope a good 3rd party candidate will come out of nowhere and surprise us - a 1 in a Billion chance
Fair points you make here Centerfire. I will have to disagree about trump being sharp though. Neither Trump nor Biden have the mental capacity to turn this country around.

But a 3rd party??
Hoping it's not a rematch. Unbelievable to me that Biden and Trump will likely be what the parties are gonna put out there for the country to chose from.
Hoping it's not a rematch. Unbelievable to me that Biden and Trump will likely be what the parties are gonna put out there for the country to chose from.
I would say 60-70% of the country does not want either one of them and I would also say that we will indeed end up with both of them being our choices.

I would say 60-70% of the country does not want either one of them and I would also say that we will indeed end up with both of them being our choices.

Does it really matter though?

If those who voted Biden the first time think he will somehow do anything different, and better, the second time….they are idiots, and this country is screwed more than we already are.
The "drunk" part was an attempt at humor eluding to the "drunk uncle at dinner" cliche. Make no mistake about it, I am no way accusing Donald J Trump of being a drunk. DJT is a church going God fearing man.
Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Biden to a T....
Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Biden to a T....
Unfortunately it describes both - that's why we are screwed if these two are the options in the 2024 GE.
Unfortunately it describes both - that's why we are screwed if these two are the options in the 2024 GE.
Honestly, I don’t think Joe will be running in 2024. I have a feeling his party and media will be turning on him, making way for Mike Obama.

They will do whatever it takes to put Trump in Jail, so he will be out as well.
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The dems have begged and pleaded for Mike to run but she wants no part of it - luckily for the GOP because she would win the GE going away.

If they Dems were smart they would Not push all the way to get Trump locked up because he would be a candidate that gramps can beat again. If DeSantis gets the nomination, grampa would have a difficult time beating him in the GE.
The dems have begged and pleaded for Mike to run but she wants no part of it - luckily for the GOP because she would win the GE going away.

If they Dems were smart they would Not push all the way to get Trump locked up because he would be a candidate that gramps can beat again. If DeSantis gets the nomination, grampa would have a difficult time beating him in the GE.
I’m not so sure. Who are the D’s going to put up as a candidate? They can’t run Joe with his numbers, a majority of his own party and voters don’t want him. They can’t keep him in the basement again and surely can’t put him on the debate stage.

If they have him as nominee and he “wins again” then you know the elections are rigged.
I’m not so sure. Who are the D’s going to put up as a candidate? They can’t run Joe with his numbers, a majority of his own party and voters don’t want him. They can’t keep him in the basement again and surely can’t put him on the debate stage.

If they have him as nominee and he “wins again” then you know the elections are rigged.
Gramps in a wheel chair in a basement will beat Trump again.
They're not afraid of any election and it shows. They are light years ahead of the R's in ballot harvesting, activist ground game, law fare, funding and every election cheating tactic possible.
Gramps in a wheel chair in a basement will beat Trump again.
I get that’s the feeling but they are sure making it seem like they’re scared of him running and doing everything they can put him away.

If they thought they could beat Trump so easily I’m not seeing that message.

Tbh, I hope neither of them run.
I get that’s the feeling but they are sure making it seem like they’re scared of him running and doing everything they can put him away.

If they thought they could beat Trump so easily I’m not seeing that message.

Tbh, I hope neither of them run.
I agree with you there - I hope neither run as well.

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