The Next Reagan (Food for Thought)


The Next Reagan ( food for thought)

By Bruce Walker

Two months ago, I wrote an article, "The Next Reagan," in which I outlined
many of the reasons why Fred Thompson will be the next Ronald Reagan. Events
since then have confirmed my arguments. I predict that Fred Thompson will
enter the Republican nomination, that he will win it fairly easily, and that
he will also defeat Hillary comfortably in the presidential election. Why?

First, no Republican since Ronald Reagan draws remotely as much genuine
enthusiasm among conservatives as a serious presidential candidate. Both of
the Bush presidencies have been mild disappointments. Though respect for our
current commander-in-chief is high, President Bush is simply not an
effective communicator or articulator of conservative principles. President
Bush, however, is light years ahead of Senator Dole, the 1996 nominee, and
also better as a communicator and campaigner than his father. That is how
bad things have been for conservatives since the Gipper left the White

Fred Thompson, in stark contrast, is a phenomenal communicator. His
background as a film and television star combines perfectly with his
background as a very persuasive trial lawyer so that he is not only
comfortable in front of the camera or at the microphone, but his skills in
rhetoric are unequaled in any major political figure since Senator Robert
Taft over fifty years ago.

Second, Thompson has always walked the walk on ethical issues. When he was
Republican counsel in the Watergate hearings - the same hearings in which
Hillary cut her teeth in politics as a Democrat - Fred Thompson did not
tolerate the corruption of the Nixon Administration. He can effectively
point out that both Hillary and he were on the same side in opposing
corruption when it was his political party that had problems. Thompson also,
though, was unrelenting in his opposition to the corruption of the Clinton
Administration and stood out as the lone Republican senator with real guts
during the impeachment trial of Clinton. The combination of these two
principled stands will allow Thompson to relentlessly condemn Hillary as an
accomplice in her husband's thoroughly corrupt eight years in office, to ask
her point-blank about how she became the best investor in America (with no
experience), and otherwise to do more than simply suggest that Hillary is a
liar, a hypocrite and a bully.

Third, Thompson would unite the whole leadership of the Republican Party. No
one dislikes him and almost everyone likes him. Although some conservatives
may worry about his friendship and past support for John McCain, the
critical fact is that friendship is
reciprocated: McCain would be a very active and passionate supporter of Fred
Thompson in the presidential election.

Fourth, the rap on Thompson is that he was "lazy" when he was in the Senate.
This is precisely the same sort of rap that Leftists made about Ronald
Reagan. In fact, this is a strength. Because Thompson acts from principle,
he does not need to engage in the Machiavellian machinations which pass for
"work" in Washington. The reality is that it is absurd to consider Thompson,
who has worked during his life in more real jobs than almost any politician
in Washington and who today stars in two television programs as well as
being the substitute for Paul Harvey and a frequent commentator in
conservative periodicals as "lazy" at all. Like Reagan, he probably works
harder than anyone in Washington.

Fifth, because he was an extremely popular Tennessee senator, Thompson would
completely sweep the South, including problematic states like Arkansas,
Florida and Virginia. Thompson, like Reagan, is one of the few modern
candidates who has true regional drawing power.
Thompson, though, would run very strongly in swing states outside the South
like Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Oregon and New Hampshire. His appeal to truly
independent and undecided voters is real.

Sixth, Thompson cannot be demonized. His whole life has been a study in how
the American Dream works. His blue collar background, his constancy of moral
purpose, his lack of ambition for power for its own sake, his palpable
decency - all of these will make anyone who tries to slime him look awful
and any attempt will backfire in sympathetic support for him.

Seventh, because Thompson cannot be hurt in the usual ways that Leftists
hurt conservative Republicans, Hillary will have to campaign him on the
issues. This will create an insurmountable problem for her because, like all
Leftists, Hillary has no stands on any issues. She just wants power.
Thompson just wants what is best for America. We have our Reagan.

For reference: Google Fred Thomson or click on:
.......and anyone that has laid wood to Lori Morgan is presidential timber to me.

Gee, HUNTINDUDE must have swallowed his tongue on this one!

Another Republican better than anything the Democraps have to offer!
Were you guys around when Reagan was president? Remember the defecit? I don't think we can afford another Reagan.........or Bush. Sorry.
I'm nost sure I like the guy all that much, but if he did get some of Lori, I may have to change my card. . . LOL

He would make a great conservative president so I'm sure there isn't much you would like about him.

here's a pic of T's candidate..


I'm not real excited about any of the candidates so far, I think if thompson would throw his hat in it could get interesting. Haven't heard anything bad about him.
Anything is better than Obama. The guy wants to go around the world and tell everyone how bad we suck and , oh yeah, here's some money to let you know we mean it. I'm not kidding, he said we need to increase our foreign aid $$$ to bring back good will.



LAST EDITED ON May-04-07 AT 09:16AM (MST)[p]Bobby,

I think a trillion in the 80's equals a billion dollars a week in Irag today. Something like that. My math is a little fuzzy.

D-cup had me thinking about Lori all night and I woke up this morning pinned to the bed..........and I've got vaulted ceilings. Maybe Thompson is the man for the job.
If Bush hadn't sunk the republican party he may have had a chance, he seems like a stand up guy but a hard line conservative may as well forget it until voters forget or forgive the GOP for the current administration. wouldn't this be more interesting if he was going to run? he's already said he won't but you're so desparate you won't leave him alone.
Didn't Thompson announce like two weeks ago he had cancer, it was treatable but he will be out of it for a little bit?
Dude there hasn't been a hard line conservative in office. Bush definately isn't a hard line conservative. If a hard line reagan like conservative were to run I believe the american people would back him overwhelmingly. Don't be fooled by the media, the majority of the american people do not want hillary.
Thompson would be a tough customer for the
Dem's to beat. He may be the most well spoken
politician around right now, and that goes a long
way in this day and age. He'd drop kick Hillary
through the goal posts of life in a debate.

I was unaware of the Lori thing. Wow.


he's already said
>he won't but you're so
>desparate you won't leave him

No dude he hasn't said he wouldn't run. As usual your "facts" are wrong.

Former Senator, Actor Fred Thompson Mulls Over Presidential Bid
By Marie Horrigan | 2:31 PM; Mar. 27, 2007 | Email This Article
The 2008 presidential campaign has been under way for months and features plenty of candidates, but some vocal Republicans continue to push for a candidacy by former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson ? the actor-politician they say best exemplifies the conservatism and exudes the charisma and leadership ability of former President Ronald Reagan.

Thompson ? who has had careers as a lawyer, movie actor, U.S. senator (1994-2003) and now as a television actor who plays the New York district attorney on the NBC show ?Law and Order? ? said earlier this month that he was considering a run for the White House. ?I'm going to leave the door open,? Thompson said on Fox News Sunday on March 11, adding that he was ?going to wait and see how it pans out.?

Recent polls surely are enticing Thompson to enter the race. A CBS/New York Times survey released March 12 said that nearly three out of five of registered Republicans want more options than in the current GOP presidential field. A majority of Democrats, on the other hand, say they are satisfied with their options.

An American Research Group survey released Friday had Thompson winning 12 percent of likely Republican caucus voters in Iowa ? putting him effectively in third place, behind former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (29 percent) and Arizona Sen. John McCain (29 percent) and roughly even with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (11 percent). Iowa will host the first presidential nomination contest next Jan. 14.

And a Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday had Thompson running about even in a November 2008 matchup with New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44 percent to 43 percent. Thompson trailed Democratic Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, 49 percent to 37 percent.

Thompson, for his part, says that voters are looking for a fresh face.

?People are somewhat disillusioned. I think a lot of people are cynical out there,? he said in the Fox News interview.

Thompson has received a groundswell of support over the Internet, with ?draft? organizations calling on him to enter the race. Tennessee Republican Reps. Zach Wamp of the 3rd District and John J. ?Jimmy? Duncan Jr. of the 2nd District had endorsed Romney but are among those advocating Thompson?s entry at the Web site, which is affiliated with the ?Draft Fred Thompson 2008? committee that recently filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

The Web site lauds Thompson as ?a real conservative,? and likens Thompson to Reagan, whom many Republican voters revere.

?Fred Thompson, like Ronald Reagan, has the ability to bring conservative principles to the Oval Office, communicate to Americans and bring our nation together,? the site said.

Among those encouraging a Thompson run are former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (1995-2007), who also represented Tennessee in the Senate, and some members of the House.

Thompson?s supporters argue that he is a bona fide conservative who can win in November 2008. Thompson did occasionally exhibit a maverick streak during his Senate tenure, such as backing an overhaul of campaign finance laws that was promoted by McCain, a Thompson friend. But Thompson usually voted with conservatives and opposed abortion and gun control measures and supported tax cuts and a balanced-budget constitutional amendment.

To be sure, there is some degree of conservative support for the three leading Republican candidates ? Giuliani, McCain and Romney. But each GOP front-runner has some vulnerability among right-leaning voters ? Giuliani for his social-issue liberalism, McCain for his occasional legislative alliances with Senate Democrats and Romney for his past support for abortion rights and gay rights.

?For Republicans to know Rudy is to oppose Rudy,? said Glenn C. Altschuler, a professor of American studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.

Thompson has declined to set a firm deadline to make a final decision, though he says it is not too late to enter the race even though many candidates have been campaigning and raising money for months. ?This day and time it doesn't take long to learn what people think,? he told Fox News.

?I have never beaten down a lot of doors in my life,? he said. ?There are occasionally doors that open to me, and I had sense enough to see they were opening and I would walk through them, and they've always turned out well for me. I'm just going to wait and see what happens.?

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(CBS/AP) Fred Thompson isn't officially in the race for the Republican nomination yet, but the former Tennessee Senator and "Law & Order" star is sounding a lot like a candidate.

"If I didn't think I could win in November I wouldn't think about it," Thomspon said in an interview with Scott Baker for

Thompson said he "had some thoughts" about when he might officially jump into the crowded field of Republican candidates, but he said he wasn't "ready to talk about that too much."

But, if he commits to running for president, Thompson said he will not do it halfway.

"I'm not interested in winning a primary and losing in November," he said in the interview. "I'm not interested in being the tallest midget in the room."

When asked about the Republicans who would be his competitors, Thompson would not go on the attack.

"Some of them I know very well, some of them I don't know well at all," he told Baker. "So I'm not going to pass judgment on them at all."

The former Senator did offer an example of what he thought voters were looking for in a candidate and weren't finding in Washington. Thompson also said voters might find what they were looking for in him.

"I think people are looking for someone that talks straight to them and deliver the news to them whether it's good or bad," Thompson said. "That's what I hope I bring to bear when people think of me in that context."

On one issue, Thompson seems to be in lockstep with the other Republicans in the presidential field.

Like the 10 leading Republican contenders did in a televised debate on Thursday, Thompson has argued against leaving Iraq unless stability is restored. He noted that even when the U.S. leaves Iraq, the world still will be full of danger.

Thompson, speaking Friday night to the Lincoln Club of Orange County in California, sketched a broad agenda that hewed to Reaganesque themes ? a strong military, a limited federal government and robust free markets.

Thompson also warned that people in the United States must be prepared to sacrifice in a world threatened by terrorism and hostile governments.

"Every generation has made sure that it did its part to make sure that it did endure, with the sacrifices they made. And now it's our turn," Thompson said.
I think the republicans have some interesting potential candidates, not all of whom would be electable(Duncan Hunter for instance) but of all of them, I like Fred Thompson the most. I think he'd make an excellent choice, when compared to the other rep candidates, and especially the two leading dem candidates.
Im voting for him. Yes he has cancer but it is in remission.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"He'd drop kick Hillary through the goal posts of life in a debate."

Every debate I watched Bush jr. in he got drop kicked. So does it really matter?
He got drop'kicked to YOU zig,
and that's OK. Keep thinking that way.

Fred Thompson can Drop-Kick anyone, and I mean
ANYONE, that the Dem's put up, so hard, so far, and
so through the uprights...........

It won't even be disputable.

It'll be nasty, in a real pretty'kinda way.

I sense you're skepticism Dude.
And that's alright. I don't really blame you.

Let's hide and watch. Shall we ??

If I'm wrong, and I've been many times, I'll fes'up.

Don't think that will be a problem.

Time sir, precious time will tell about these matters.

If he runs I'll agree he'll take the primary, to win the general he'll need a decisive win in Iraq to have a chance. that's not likely so all the dems need to do is sit back and try not to beat each other up too much in the primary. it's just a matter of thinking with your head and not your heart, but you're right we'll see.
Then let's watch and see.

I'm thinking with both.

I'll bet you a six-pack of your
favorite beer.

How's that ??
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to see the Republicans shooting for 08. I have to assume they have learned a lot from this administration. Especially after the new rating. And yes, ratings matter. Did somebody say 28% approval? OUCH!!! If only Bush would have budged a little before the last election, he'd still have the house and senate and a better rating.
Ive that would be Kokanee, next time you're in eastern Oregon we can drink it together, it's as good as mine so we don't have to wait until next November if you don't want.

Zigga is right, if Bush had backed down a little he may have held congress. I'm not sure it would have changed the '08 elections but his hard headed all or nothing way is going to leave the replicans with just that, nothing. I'm happy the dems took congress to give a balance of power and put the screws to Bush, but with the prospects the dems have for president I'm not happy Bush is finishing the republicans off. if Hillary or Obama get elected it's going to take lots of six packs to feel better.

I'm just a real Radical Right Wing Dude "no pun intended"
And I, PERSONALLY, just think you are really, really, really
wrong about a whole bunch of stuff (other than who makes good
custom barrel's), about, pretty much what time the sun comes
up, and everything after that.

Other than that, you're Ok with me.

We will see what happens. It will be very interesing.
And you can be assured, It will be talked about right here
on this forum.

Should be a bunch of fun.

Headed for CO to go TK hunting Sat., so you boys have at
it for a while.

Talk to y'all when I get back.
Ya,ya whatever Ive, just send the beer and save yourself a year and a half of agony.

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