The Orange Horndog


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-16 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]Republicans are scrambling to distance themselves from the orange one once again. and the best excuse he has is Bill said worse! I friggin love this clown. this is going to hurt.

Personally I think this is a bit of a raw deal since it was a private conversation and not unusual at all for guys whether women believe it or not. but I suppose if Putin hacking the democrats to influence the election is fair then using Trump's own big mouth against him sure as hell is.

My first question is how are Manny and the church ladies going to handle this ? this is how good Christians talk? this is how married men act? with married women? if it doesn't cost him a lot of the evangelical vote then evangelicals are nothing but hypocritical posers.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
All the evangelicals wanted Ted Cruz, but he didn't make the cut. Now they have to chose between Trump and Satan.
One More Thing dude can JERK to!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Remember when "Slick Hose-Em" Willy said:

And I Quote:

I Didn't Have Sexual Relations with that Girl!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
It's Getting More CUT-THROAT by the Day!

Will Somebody PLEASE Stand Up!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Is it offensive to women, yes it is. Lets put it in it's proper perspective. Happen 11 years ago and it was the typical locker room boosting that just about every man has done in his lifetime. Most common sense women will know that and accept his apology.

When Bill Clinton's sex affairs were reported, Hillary found it more valuable to defend her husband and called the women some very offensive names. She should have apologized to those women long ago when she took up the mantle of defending women's rights. She has not done that.

Another mantle she has taken up is she is for the "middle income man and woman", yet the new email leaks show she is in bed with Wall Street and for them not to worry no matter what she tells the public. In other words she is bought and paid for by Wall Street and finds it convenient to lie to the voting public who will have priority when she is in office.

I think that will damage Hillary more then Trump's sexual boosting to another man. I have heard that there is more emails to be leaked in the coming weeks that may show Hillary's true side to the public that has failed so far to except the fact she is a lying criminal that will say anything to get elected.
It seems that wilkileaks did have more emails to dump even thought some of our members thought otherwise.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-16 AT 11:00PM (MST)[p]Yes , Trump says he can go grab the kitty on any woman if he wants to and we end up talking about Hillary instantly. I love it.

I don't think Trump had a chance anyway but this just cinched the election for Hillary. if Trump even shows up to the debate Sunday Hillary will have a hay day with it.

It has started.

Oh my goodness.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Knowing Hillary, she will bring it up at the next debate. This time I look for Trump to take the gloves off and turn it around on her and show the public she could care less about other women's rights.
With the liberal press failing to report any negative information on Hillary. I am sure his advisors know that the only way to get the truth out to the public on Hillary is to use the debates since it will have a large audience.

Also he will discuss policy where Hillary is very weak and really does not want the public to hear what her real policy agenda is.

Do you think the voting public is going to accept this and more is coming.

Throughout the campaign, Hillary Clinton resisted calls to release the transcripts of speeches she gave at Goldman Sachs, other banks and corporations, and various private settings from 2013 onward.

Now, it appears, we can see why. Wikileaks has posted thousands of emails from Clinton?s campaign chair John Podesta?s account, and BuzzFeed News?s Ruby Cramer found one email that listed several potentially damaging excerpts from those speeches. The Clinton campaign hasn't confirmed the authenticity of this particular email, but they haven't disputed it either, and Podesta has confirmed he was hacked.

The January 2016 email, which you can read here, appears to be the Clinton campaign?s own summary of what attacks could potentially be made on her from various excerpts in the speeches, as they weighed whether or not to release the transcripts. As such, the headers are framed in deliberately uncharitable and damaging ways, such as ?Clinton admits she is out of touch.?

There?s nothing outright scandalous in here, but there are several statements that clash with Clinton?s recent presentation of herself as a staunch progressive and that likely could have been used against her to great effect by Bernie Sanders in the primary.

But weirdly enough, there are also a couple of other statements ? namely Clinton?s praise of ?open borders? and single-payer health care ? that could (and will) be used by Republicans to portray her as a wacko liberal.

On any ordinary day, these disclosures would be likely to dominate the news ? yet the leak of a video in which Donald Trump bragged that he felt free to grope women without asking permission because he was famous may overshadow them.

Still, the speech excerpts provide a revealing glimpse into what the potential next president of the United States said to wealthy people behind closed doors.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-16 AT 01:58AM (MST)[p]
How far does your intellectual dishonesty go RELH? Deflect and conflate is all you ever do, each weak response more disingenuous than the next.

We are all still waiting for your answer how Bush was better than Obama. Facts never seem to stand in the way of your blindly biased opinions.

Think about it, do your really want either of these turds to be Prez. Truth is Cali is going to Clinton one way or another just like Idaho is going to Trump. So why vote for either of these douche bags or be a party member anymore. Join me in the middle and escape being partisan lackey.

Look at the OP, yet your reply is 600 words about Clinton with only 17 played down paraphrased words without admonishment of what trump said. Hope you are wearing your Make America Great Again knee pads given how much time you have Trump's tiny hands in your mouth.
RELH's lips are orange, but it's not from eating Cheetos.

Trump is done put a fork in him. I wonder if he'll even come to the debate now.

The discussion now needs to turn to will he drop out as more and more republicans call on him to do? and if so when? and will it be Pence to take over? and what will be his chances ?

I doubt Trump will quit, that makes him a quitter. I think he'll stick it out for two reasons. one he can stick it to the GOP who he hates as much as the democrats, and more important he can claim he won but the election was rigged. whatever is best for Trump's ego he will do, that is an absolute given fact.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-16 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]"more important he can claim he won but the election was rigged. whatever is best for Trump's ego he will do, that is an absolute given fact."

I think you are spot on target.

At this point though it may not matter, Jeb Bush was right when he declared Trump a chaos candidate. Hyper-partisanship has become a religion and for the most devout Satan is always the guy on the other side of the aisle. What is good for the American people remains a secondary point for party members.

We have 2 major parties with 23% of registered voters identifying as Republicans and 27% identifying as Democrats. In essence, our 2 terrible candidates were selected by 6% and 14% respectively of R & D registered voters.

I personally hope that the GOP suffers a crushing defeat this election. As the Dems gain power and try to exercise their neo-liberal agendas, hopefully the American people will grow disenfranchised when they realize they are no different than their across the aisle counterparts.

The combination of both occurrences could lead to a viable 3rd party.

FW wants to know how Bush was better then Obama so he will not feel so darn foolish for voting for Obama twice.

1. Economy:

Again, assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)

No matter what happens in 2016, Obama's record on economic growth will be considerably worse than that of the much-maligned George W. Bush. Bush 43 delivered RGDP growth averaging 2.10%, with two years (2004 and 2005) above 3.0%.

2. Obama had a majority in Congress for his first two years in office. All he managed to push though was Obamacare and that is failing at a rapid pace with runaway premiums.

3. World affairs:
Decisions by Obama to pull out of Iraq too early and interfering in Libya was the leading cause of the uprise of ISIS.
Obama backing down on his "RED LINE" showed he was all bluff and Putin is running rings around him in the middle east and Ukraine, Putin has even told Obama not to interfere with their operations in Syria. I doubt Putin would have done this with Bush.

A third world country president, Philippines, just recently told Obama in a public broadcast that he could go F##K himself and to stay out of their affairs. This country has been an ally of the U.S. since WW11. Obama is the laughing stock of many foreign nations and no respect given him.
I did not see this happening under Bush.

FW if there is any intellectual dishonesty, you are the harbinger of it. Joining you in the middle would be like going to a circle jerk. I will let you and Dude and Piper have fun all by yourself.

When are you going to answer my question as to why you bailed out of CA. since you felt it was doing so great under the Democrat majority rule since 1971.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-16 AT 02:01PM (MST)[p]I thought LEOs were all about facts, evidence, and investigation. You've gotten lazy, for you facts mean nothing, evidence is irrelevant and by all means avoid investigation at all costs.


2. ACA is the largest social program since Social Security.

3. S.O.F.A.

As for Duterte or Kim Jung Un, both of whom are your kindred spirits, only you would give any credibility to what they say.

Bush - Global Opinion

Obama - Global Opinion

Why did I leave Cali? Simple, I like Idaho better.
I gave you facts. You are just too darn stupid to see what is in your face. Keep it up and you will win the village idiot title from Piper. Have a nice day. You are beginning to be a bore just like your politics. Still have not answered my question about why you bailed out of CA. to go to Idaho. Did it have anything to do with the Silicon Valley losing over 14,000 jobs?

RELH you better stop arguing here and get back on your knees
Trump needs you more than ever. when this is over not even his hooker wife is going to help you do the job. you're only making a fool of yourself anyway.

Will Trump show up at the debate or call in sick?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
dude's about to wet Himself again!

Now if somebody can Bring some Hillary's BS out of the Closet!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I am enjoying the show I must admit.

We've spent millions of taxpayer dollars and had the longest congressional investigation in US history in a partisan attempt to come up with what you're looking for. and you got jack chit from it.

It's time you look at Trump and not Clinton. if you morons had done that during the primary you wouldn't have assured Hillary the whitehouse. idiots.

So it's safe to say if you're counting on anything saving your sorry azzes in the next 30 days you're odds are long.

About as long as Trump's odds. enjoy.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude having the longest Congressional investigation in history and it ending up the way it did, should tell you just how corrupt the Obama Democratic machine is. One coverup after another and direct interfering with the investigation. You can support them all you want. Just tells us what side of the fence you are on when it comes to right and wrong. We really do not expect any better from you.
Trump for all his shortfalls is far better then Hillary who will continue with the mass corruption if she gets the White house.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-16 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]Adultery is not Hillary's strong suit. This is a topic she wanted to avoid. The moderators won't mention it. They have to now.

She has rumps words. Trump has Bill's rapes. Tomorrow night should be interesting.

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-16 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]I'm sorry but correct me if I'm wrong, it's Hillary Clinton running for president not Bill is it not?

So you're saying it's the woman's fault the bull goes to another pasture? yeah, try that angle and see if it plays any better with women than just grabbing their pu##sy.

Hillary is going to have a field day with this.

RELH, if you're right, and that would be a first, then Hillary is the smartest and most effective woman ever put on the face of the earth. you have a duty to make her president.

OR, more likely you're just full of chit and making unfounded accusations with no merit . I assume you will side with Trump when he loses by a landslide and claim he won but the Clinton's stole the election. the only thing worse than a sore loser is a retard sore loser. decide which you're going to be on November 8th.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude you are right it is Hillary that is running for president. It was also Hillary that called Bill's girlfriends vile names while defending Bill and failing to protect women's rights as she claims to be doing now. Nor has she ever apologized to those women for defaming them and blaming them for her husband's sex affairs.
A lot of women will not accept that from Hillary and believe that she could care less about women rights. I know several women that turned against Hillary when she did that because they felt she was more concerned with protecting her position as first lady and put the blame on the different women instead of her husband.
If Trump loses, I will accept as showing that we have too many voters who are willing to accept a liar and a crook as their President. I will be more convinced that we have a majority of fools that goes to the polls and you will have more of those idiots like you to rub elbows with.

Oh well now I get it. any woman who doesn't invite her husbands mistresses over for tea and crumpets is a ##### unfit to be president.

I'm sure most women will agree with you on that. what a dumbazz.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude if you are going to twist it, please be smart enough to do a better job. What you wrote above is on the level of a second grader. Maybe we need to give you the #1 position of village idiot since that seems to be your best speed.

There is someone in this election besides Hillary old timer.

Trying to defer the conversation to Hillary or her husband tonight will only make it worse. that's old news this is front page.

You really need to get in the game.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> There is someone in this
>election besides Hillary old timer.
>Trying to defer the conversation to
>Hillary or her husband tonight
>will only make it worse.
> that's old news this
>is front page.
>You really need to get in
>the game.
> Stay Thirsty My Friends

hope u love humble pie cause in a few weeks ur gonna be eating a lot of it...

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