Things Dad's say


Long Time Member
I know it's past Father's Day but I was thinking about my dad today. I was working in the shop and banged my knuckle and it reminded me of what he always said:

"Don't worry about it, that green hide has to come off."

A couple more:

"Keep it up and you'll be a man before your mother"

Me. "Dad, let's go fishing!"
Dad. Nooooo!, maybe next year if all goes well"

Let's hear some of yours.




LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-14 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]If you want to keep voting after you die registrar as a democrat.

Hey boy 'if you got the wants....Get the gets"

It ain't hot and it ain't $h.t! so get a hold on your end of it!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-14 AT 10:10PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-14 AT 10:08?PM (MST)

I don't really remember my dad saying anything in particular but he never left me. I try to pass that feeling on to my kids & grandkids.

Ok just one. "Dad it's a doe"

"Is it dry?"

(Miss you Dad)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-14 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]Quit taking my Old Crow and Cigaretes....if you want to smoke and drink do it right here in the house, understand? Yea Dad, can I make you a drink now? I was 16 then and shortly after that I lost my dad and have to this day been alone without his words of growing up.....Miss ya Dad and Mom too.

Next Wed. June 25th would have been his birthday. He would be 111 years old if he were here for me now, rest in peace Dad.

A line from a Dan Fogelberg's song Leader of the Band always reminds me of my Dad:

"A thundering velvet hand"

What do I remember him saying? One thing is probably one of the hardest for a Dad to say to his son: "Love you". Mine said it and lived it.

Another line I remember he said to me once: "Would you rather get a whipping, stay in your room without supper, or go hunting?" Had me going there for a minute.

My Dad was pretty hard on me at times, and I know there were some times when he said some things he probably regretted, but now that he is gone, I only seem to remember the good things


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
When I really screwed up, Dad would say " ya send a boy in the forest to do a mans job and what does he do? he gets lost and $#!+s his pants.
I Promise you Son not to be the Dad & the Grandpa!



[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Always yelled to me and my brothers (5) & sisters (4) when we did something foolish: "What's the matter? Are you Stoop or Something?

If I ever asked for money: "Go asked the old lady".

If I ever hollered to him that my mom wants him: "What's the broad want now"

If we were told to get to bed and we said no: "Do you want me to get the belt? Boy....did we move fast.

His most famous line: "Hello Mr. Benny"

Those were fun times.
"Pete, would ya just keep quiet?" I Believe it was more of an endearing sentence than a complaint. My Dad had the patience of Job, as he always had time for my jabbering and endless, proverbial "Why?",etc. ...I was a real chatterbox,and in retrospect he musta really loved my company...I remember 40+ years worth of stories about experiences from his life as well. Mostly in was being too talkative at the wrong moments when I would be overly excited.(My version of deer fever):)
One of my most cherished memories is believe it or not, in front of peers who had heard the shots on the mountain (and after I'd hung my head shamefully after being asked, "Did you get him?"):
"Hell sakes, the kids been doing that for 20 years!"
Love ya so much Dad and miss ya!:)
"We'll have fun even if we don't catch fish"

We always had fun and we always caught fish. I still love a Twinky and an orange crush and the smell of fish on my hands.

My dad passed September 9, 1989. 1 year later, to the exact day, I killed a bighorn in Colorado. Thanks dad!

"Did you learn anything?" that was after handing me 9 empties he had picked up at the spot where I missed an enormous Strip buck that day. I said yes I did and the next day I killed a 34 1/2" 4x4 buck by taking a rest and 1 shot.
My dad was 1st army 4th battalion if I remember correctly. In his unit you didn't survive WWII unless you were a crack shot and had a lot of luck.

Save that board.
Save that wire.
I can still see my Dad picking up an old bent rusty nail he found laying on the ground. He would spend 5 minutes straightening it out for use later.

"Don't worry kid if you have duct tape and WD 40 you can fix anything "
He would also say " Look at those jugs"
Can't soar with the eagles if you're going to scratch with the chickens !!!
The day before he died he passed away he told me he had a secret, an when I leaned in to hear him he said BOOOOO!!!
>Save that board.
>Save that wire.
>I can still see my Dad
>picking up an old bent
>rusty nail he found laying
>on the ground. He would
>spend 5 minutes straightening it
>out for use later.

Eel my dad did the same darn thing, he also taught me the art of picking up pennies in the parking lots , we found some old uns n had fun doing it !!!
"A change is as good as a rest"

"Thats how we did it back in Texas" (he had never been to Texas)

"Dont force it, get a bigger hammer"

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
"can i help you with that gate" I rode "shotgun" with Dad for years until i was old enough to hunt off by myself.

"i'm not looking for a big buck, small bucks eat better." This after i was knocking my brains out to get him to stop when i had just saw a big 4x4 buck on our family ranch.

"i shot him right in the heart, he's laying dead just over there" It took the right rifle setup. it's now in my safe, but once he got that, the heart was his target and i never saw him miss.

"Someday i'd like to see what you keep in your icebox" When one day i complained that there wasn't enough "good stuff" in our refrigerator.

"hey, can i give you a few bucks?" as he was stuffing a hundred dollar bill in my front shirt pocket. Though i never asked him for money once i reached my twenties or so, to his last days, he was always generous with me. I think he'd have given me his last dollar if i had asked for it.

We were friends!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Dad used this expression his whole life, and I went along with it every time.

Dad: "If it rains, we'll just have to do what they do in the old Country"
Me: "What's that?"
Dad: "Let it rain"
Two things-

When I was younger and would come up with excuses with can't in them, he would say "CANTS ASS"
Then, when we were hunting, he would say "why don't you #####-foot over there..."
When I told him I wished I had something he would say, why don't you crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first!
Or, you haven't been knocked on your azz yet today have you!
Or, if you screw with the bull you're gonna get the horns !
Or, do I look like a bank?
"gotta be smarter than a....(whatever noun fits the situation)"

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>Save that board.
>Save that wire.
>I can still see my Dad
>picking up an old bent
>rusty nail he found laying
>on the ground. He would
>spend 5 minutes straightening it
>out for use later.

That was the Depression Era mentality - "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!"

My Grandparents were the same way. My mom is too. Dad was a little more practical. "Throw that raggedy old sonofabitch away!"


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
My sister and I were taking our 80+ year old Dad out to lunch one day: "I gotta tell you, that Viagra stuff, doesn't work!" Just recently, as he was rehabing, in a care center, he is now 89; There's something wrong with the water table! "I went in and sat down to go to the bathroom." "If there is one thing that shuts you right down, it's to have your scrotum hang in the cold water!" "I figured out what to do." "Just give me two wash rags." "I'll just fold them in half, and put one on each side of the seat." "That should raise me up enough to solve the problem." Dad has always been a fixer, and a builder of amazing things, from junk. I have to find a little humor in all that is going on. Otherwise, it would just be too heart breaking.
My dad use to say:
"Ani't none of us getting out here alive" We all will have to take that walk into the light.
I always told him I'm going to try and be the first.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
My dad is really good at mixing up what he's trying to say especially when he's mad.He would say you keep it up and I will be all over you like sh$t on flies.Haha that was the best I could hardly keep myself from laughing and getting smacked again.Or you making me so mad I'm loosing my mind of thought.
When I was a lad, hunting with dad and suffering from buck fever he would say: "well, at least we got some shooting." Seemed to make me feel better after an empty magazine and nothing to show for it.
My ol man used to tell me he was "Gonna build a boot shop in my ass" meaning he was fixin to kick it.

But my worst was when he hollered "get up and build a fire" while i was freezin my sack off first thing in the morning before school.

Got up late one morning and had to pick between feeding the hogs and missing the school bus. I picked what i thought was the lesser of 2 bads and caught the bus. My ol man built that boot shop and told me that "school is good, but them pigs gonna get us through the winter"

He was drunk one nite at a buddies house and mom was mad at him. he hollered out to me to take the truck and go get your mother! I was like 10. So I did. She was pissed!
"you have got to remember to always keep your tool clean"
Dad had his own stone masonry company, any time there was a stone that wouldn't stay on the house, or wall it was,"I don't want your co#k sucking son of a bi@#h on my wall/house anyways"
If there's something that doesn't work right, and he cant fix it, he will "fix it for good" or in other words completely destroy it.
You don't know ##### from shineolla
You don't know ##### from putty
You wouldn't know ##### if you had a mouth full
Usually about a month after we get home from our annual two week elk trip my 76 year old father will say; "Only 9 more months till deer season!"
Whenever he was trying to sharpen his ancient knife : ''This damn thing is harder than woodpecker lips!''

We once had to leave a wounded deer over night , we found the buck dead the next morning . the deer was completely frozen due to the sub zero temps . The old man went to roll it over and exclaimed ''This thing is stiffer than a wedding prick!''

My all time favorite '' Life is tough , its a lot tougher if you're dumb''.
My dad was an extreme hardass when it came to dealing with us boys. I made bad grades one grade period and he told me to come home each night and do my homework and he would have work for me to do until bedtime. If I came home some night and he was not there I was to go to the back yard and dig a hole, Next night I was to fill it up.
Tomorrow I will drive for 90 minutes and mow his gravesite. I do it everytime it needs mowing and have for years. I won an academic scholarship and sure have always knew why. He wanted better for me and only knew one way to make sure it would happen. My cousins (my hunting buddies) help me. Last thing we sweep off our ancestors tombstones back 5 generations. When we depart the cemetery I cannot describe the feeling.
"The harder I work the Luckier I get" Dad has been gone just over a year. He worked his but off and he got lucky a lot in life.

My old dad uses to tell us to "stay put on any deal you make even if it takes the hide off." He taught my twin brother and me to be honest; square in our dealings; and to speak the truth. He died 20 years ago and what I miss the most about him is not having him around for me to ask his advice on anything. Cow Tag
My dad and I were out helping my sister on a deer hunt in South Western Wyomimg. We glassed up a giant cheater buck bedded in a cedar and sandstone canyon. While making a plan for a stalk the buck stands up looks our way and slinks out of sight. I was sick to my stomach. Me: Well, I guess we'll never see that buck again.
Dad: What? he can't get away. ( in the most serious tone.)
That moment still cracks me up to this day.
you are useless as $$$$ on a boar hog
Don't tell your Mother
When you going to shoot the big one Cocky ( it was after he died and didn't get to see it)
my absolute favorite
you can't piss like a puppy if you are going to run with a pack of dogs
A couple of my favorites...

"Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing."

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

"Life is a lot harder if you make stupid choices."
I remember btchin and moanin about cleaning out our tack room when I was a kid and told the old man "what's the use it's just gonna get dirty again" and the old man replied..."why wipe your a$$ if your just gonna $hit again".
My dad when talking about a scary carried through the redwoods with a crazy friend driving a fast car.

"My azzhole was biting buttonholes out of the seat"


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