This is just stupid!


Long Time Member
This is another prime example of how the government do gooders take away your freedoms based on un proven junk science.

Beach bonfires may be banned
They fuel global warming, parks department says


Even with the skies overcast and threatening rain, Khang Nguyen, 18, and Joel Juan, 19, kicked back after school at Alki Beach.

"It's just a relaxing way to hang out with friends," Nguyen said of the bonfire crackling in front of them one evening earlier this week.

But Seattle Parks and Recreation might do what even this week's chilly weather couldn't -- douse the long tradition of beach bonfires at Alki and at Golden Gardens.

Park department staff is recommending reducing bonfires at the two beaches this summer and possibly banning them altogether next year.

The park board will hear the recommendation Thursday, and the city plans to run public-service announcements and hand out brochures later this month about the effects of bonfires on global warming.

According to a memo to the park board from the staff released Thursday, "The overall policy question for the Board is whether it is good policy for Seattle Parks to continue public beach fires when the carbon ... emissions produced by thousands of beach fires per year contributes to global warming."

Under the proposal, the department in July would reduce the number of fire rings at Alki from six currently to three and at Golden Gardens from 12 to seven.

Then later this year, the department would consider banning bonfires or requiring fees and permits to reduce the number of bonfires next year.

It's the second time in the past few years the tradition of lounging by a fire at the beach has run up against the environmental ramifications of bonfire smoke.

Parks and Recreation recommended banning the fires in 2004, after a violation notice from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency to the city after someone set a couch on fire at Alki Beach. However, 1,200 people signed a petition to save Alki's bonfires, and 100 others signed a petition to save the ones at Golden Garden.

Instead, park staff said the department should do more to regulate what people burn and make sure the fires are out by 11:30 p.m.

"I think people still feel the same way (about preserving bonfires)," said Larry Carpenter, treasurer of the Alki Community Council. "Old-timers see bonfires as a tradition that they did as children and growing up. It's a nostalgia thing."

At Alki on Wednesday night, Linda Garcia, a 56-year- old West Seattle resident, walked her dog and made a slightly rose-colored argument for preserving her beloved bonfires. "It's so windy around here it probably doesn't pollute that much.

"They have to try to take everything away," she said.

Sara Russell, 34, who also was walking her dog, rolled her eyes at the idea of banning bonfires to stave off global warming.

"If they really wanted to do something, they could enforce the no-cruising law, because in the summer you see so many cars cruising around here," she said.

Russell's neighbor, Debbie Nichols, said that last July Fourth, she got up at 5:30 a.m. to grab one of the fire pits. "I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat there all day," Nichols said. "We use the fire pits all year round."

Since the park board last heard the issue, the department assigned more staff to the two sites. The number of fires using illegal materials has dropped by two-thirds, according to the park memo.

The memo also noted that restrictions could cause illegal fires and fights over the limited number of fire pits. Charging fees to use the pits could disproportionately bar youths and low-income people from having bonfires, the report said.

But Mayor Greg Nickels' plan to reduce climate-threatening pollutants "begs the question of whether Seattle Parks is acting responsibly ... to systematically reduce controllable contributions to global warming," the memo said.

"I can certainly understand it. (Global warming) is a legitimate concern," said Robert Drucker, vice president of the Sunset Hill Community Association.

Still, he said of the bonfires at Golden Gardens: "It's a long-standing tradition. I think people would be upset to see it go."

But at Alki, Nguyen said he'd be OK with banning bonfires.

"By all means, I'd rather not have bonfires than have global warming," he said.

As a sliver of silvery sky shrank under the growing clouds, Nguyen played a guitar, and maybe for the last year, the flames licked the salt air.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-08 AT 02:48PM (MST)[p]most beach fires in areas where already the air exceese federal air pollution standars are ban. We could have all the beach fires we wanted if people would drive less and park their SUV's. There are limits 02, the world is filling up the more people we have with unlimited demands and no self control, people like you, the more rules we will have to construct in order to help protect the inocent people from those who have not a care in the world about how they impact the earth or their neighbor. It's too bad, but it's a fact.

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
Although you may believe it is fact it is not. This is all liberal feel good BS. No common scence or thought behind it what so ever. All emotion based junk.


"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
"most beach fires in areas where already the air exceese federal air pollution standars are ban. We could have all the beach fires we wanted if people would drive less and park their SUV's. There are limits 02, the world is filling up the more people we have with unlimited demands and no self control, people like you, the more rules we will have to construct in order to help protect the inocent people from those who have not a care in the world about how they impact the earth or their neighbor. It's too bad, but it's a fact."

Pure socialilsm speak right here folks! Anytime someone uses phrases with, "protect the innocent", you can bet your freedoms are being choked a little more, like a freakin boa.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
So what the right wing fundamentalists are saying is that its ok to burn railroad ties in your fireplace, ok to spray chemical pesticides anywhere, if we dump climate changing levels of carbon in the atmosphere then just say its a good thing, like the petetion says. Since this is a hunting site I will go ahead and say it, the big threat to hunting and wildlife is not PETA or non hunting enviros, its the land raping, chemical dumping,road building,club for growth loving types, that care only for themselfs, in fact all the damage that has ever been done to the environment has been done by those kind of shallow thinking people
yea, like all the real true americans that have the money, the time, and access to change policies. You know what, if not for a stong faith in humanity the love of the creator or God, and each brother helping the other, america would not be the great country that it is.

I'm sorry that there are people who take our nation for granted, and who ignore the plight of the poor and less fortunate, but it is what it is my friend, what goes around comes around. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
Those shallow thinking people are the folks that have kept you from running around naked and living in a cave my friend. If it were not for these shallow thinking religous folk there would have never been an America.

Back to the subject at hand. Fires on the beach are NOT going to make a hill of beans to global warming. Fires on the beach are not the tiping point for the globe.

The Global Warming Nazi's agenda is scocialism. They want to impose their agenda on you. Remeber what I said a long, long time ago. Global Warming is nothing more than a power grab and a money grab. Period.

3.5% of all the bad juju in the atmosphere is man made. If we could take away the 3.5% it would not change the natural course of global temps. Man can not control nature.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
man cannot control nature, maybe not, but nature can control man and we should think about that, humans are the big changing force on earth from over fishing oceans,synthetic chemical pollution, air pollution,water pollution, extinct species, on and on, In case there isn't an almighty god, or if there is and when he said to take care of the earth he meant more than keeping your lawn mowed, there are lots of people to come after us it would be nice to think about them a little, and do our best to take care of what takes care of us, if thats a power grab I dont know what to say
"but nature can control man"

I agree. However the way the Global Warming Nazi's are acting is not the correct way.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

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