This is what an audit looks like


Long Time Member

Here is a real audit of an amount of money slightly less than what yall are claiming yall want audited. The table of contents alone is longer than the financial summary Hawkeye links to RMEF, AND CALLS AN AUDIT. It isn't some junk where the bookkeeper hands a prepared memory stick of the companies financials to their approved CPA firm, who later receives a payment from them, to rubber stamp whatever the hiring company says AND THEN PASS IT OFF AS "INDEPENDENT". It costs a lot of money to do this and a hellavu lot of time. Somebody elses time and money which frankly none of yall respect or care about because yall don't even know what an audit is. %90 of the information in those three boxes, %99 of yall would consider a foreign language.

>Here is a real audit of
>an amount of money slightly
>less than what yall are
>claiming yall want audited.
>The table of contents alone
>is longer than the financial
>summary Hawkeye links to RMEF,
>It isn't some junk where
>the bookkeeper hands a prepared
>memory stick of the companies
>financials to their approved CPA
>firm, who later receives a
>payment from them, to rubber
>stamp whatever the hiring company
>a lot of money to
>do this and a hellavu
>lot of time. Somebody
>elses time and money which
>frankly none of yall respect
>or care about because yall
>don't even know what an
>audit is. %90 of
>the information in those three
>boxes, %99 of yall would
>consider a foreign language.

Wow! That's a lot of paperwork! Looks like SFW better start gathering up their records right away for submission to the independent auditors, whoever they are.
Why is there 3 boxes a third full, instead
Of one completely full box??

Is this auditor trying to pad his bill.

Perhaps someone should request an audit on the auditor.

Finn 2/14/16
Tri you think your the only business owner in these forums? You think your the only one that know what financial reports are, profit loss statements, inventories? Damn straight it cost money, someone elses money. $fw is run on someone elses money. Someone else paid for the tags. Someone else sponsors the booths. Someone else donates the time. Someone else donates the labor. SO WHAT? It doesn't cost anywhere near what $fw takes in on expo tags. So what if it does? Your company has an accountant. Mine does. In fact mine has 2, and mine is tiny. BIG FRIGGIN DEAL. And no, its not a foreign language, because at the end of the audit is a summary. Again SO WHAT. Every other one of us that own buisnesses have to deal with financials. We have to report. Its the cost of doing business. HOWEVER NONE of us get our materials/products given to us by the public, which we sale at retail, and then keep the profit. I would gladly have the State give me my sheetrock, let me sale it at high end retail price, then give them back 30%. GLADLY!! Texas isn't giving you your mounts, glue, thread, epoxy. YOU BUY IT. So lets not pretend that $fw is being picked on, or unjustly accused. Without the tags, there is no $fw, so NO ONE outside of Texas cares that they have to answer for the welfare they take in.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
lolol. ol. lol. lolo. olol.

That's a damn good looking audit. One of the best I've ever seen. What did it score?

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
See Hossblur that's where you are %100 wrong. You aren't looking to audit someone else's money if you audit SFW. And the state didn't give them money nore did the state give them an asset. Get your facts straight.

If you know business then you should know what Hawkeye and others have been feeding you that RMEF gives is just a financial summary prepared by a firm with a conflict of interest, but they claim they are going to find out all this info if SFW did the exact same. And again you are going to throw more money at money you can't get. But I guess that's OK because its other people's money. I'll tell you exactly what I told Hawkeye. Put YOUR money where your mouth is. If its so important why don't you volunteer to pay for it.

Let me apologize for my buddy tristate. He accidentally posted a photo of the records reviewed by his psychologist as part of a "mandatory mental health audit." The good news is they increased his Risperdal perscription. The bad news is they revoked his drivers license and he has been relegated to a tricycle.

LMAO? Hawkeye
+1 elkfromabove

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
Last time I checked, SFW has had the 200 expo tags not RMEF. Thanks for showing a small version of documents we are expecting and also what Don Peay agreed to back in 2005. But I'm guessing they need a lot more documents than what's shown in your picture.
Either way, it seems Don sold the BS to the board and the public to get the expo tags in the beginning with no intention at all of showing much of the documents.
But hey.....we all can be suckers sometimes right?

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
That's a cute picture of your cute little audit of your cute little company. Thanks for the laugh Dorkstate.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
>Let me apologize for my buddy
>tristate. He accidentally posted
>a photo of the records
>reviewed by his psychologist as
>part of a "mandatory mental
>health audit." The good
>news is they increased his
>Risperdal perscription. The bad
>news is they revoked his
>drivers license and he has
>been relegated to a tricycle.

I'm %100 in agreement with that, LOL!
Good since yall all know what an audit looks like then you know that junk your hero Hawkeye posts up ain't an audit. And yet yall just go along with it. ANd all Hawkeye can do is crack jokes and hope yall don't notice that Jim Jones has filled yall so full of crap you can't see anymore.

Great news, guys. I just got off the phone with RMEF and they have sent me their complete independent 2015 audit and given me permission to post it here.

Here it is. Hope you're happy, tristate.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-16 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]You have to remember that we're dealing with a Texas Aggie here guys!


LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-16 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Since you believe the RMEF certified independent audit is a "joke", why don't you see if your buddies at SFW and MDF will do the same? That shouldn't be a problem since such audits mean absolutely nothing, right?

And on a serious note, there have been some great discussions on these threads. However, you cannot expect anyone to take you serious with the crap that you post. But if nothing else, you provide pure comedy.

Why should I see if SFW will post a joke also? Is that what you call logic? You question someone's credibility because they will not spend time and money to satisfy your idiot wishes?????

I am trying to provide you with comedy. That's what you did for years when I was watching you whine. But when it went from comedy to tragedy is when people started believing that bull you were spewing.
>Why should I see if SFW
>will post a joke also?
> Is that what you
>call logic? You question
>someone's credibility because they will
>not spend time and money
>to satisfy your idiot wishes?????
>I am trying to provide you
>with comedy. That's what
>you did for years when
>I was watching you whine.
> But when it went
>from comedy to tragedy is
>when people started believing that
>bull you were spewing.

Ha now you posted it as a joke. Nice try bistate

Yes or no does the link that Hawkeye has been holding as a gold standard for RMEF tell you anything specific about what amount of monies went to specific companies or individuals, with what he refers to as %100 transparency?

You are %100 lost again. I know it is completely fruitless to try to explain anything to you but this may be helpful for others.

The audit report posted on RMEF's website is their audited financial statements for 2015. Please show me any similar accounting reports on SFW's or MDF's websites? See

I never asked for SFW to be %100 transparent on all of their financial dealings. What I asked for was for them account for the monies generated from the Expo Tags -- roughly $10 million over the last decade. I even stated that if SFW would just fix the problem moving forward then I would stop asking for an audit of the Expo Tag revenues. So far, the problem has not been fixed.

Before you go and make yourself look silly again by asking me to show you where RMEF has accounted for its Expo Tag revenues, please remember that RMEF has not hosted the Expo and therefore has no such monies to account for. But, RMEF did offer to provide a fully independent audit (not to be confused with a box full of medical records) of all monies earned and spent relating to the Expo in their recent proposal. That audit (sorry for using that word again) would have not only covered the Expo tag revenues but all other sources of revenue from the Expo (admissions, auction revenues, booth rentals, food and beverage, etc.).

>See Hossblur that's where you are
>%100 wrong. You aren't
>looking to audit someone else's
>money if you audit SFW.
> And the state didn't
>give them money nore did
>the state give them an
>asset. Get your facts
>If you know business then you
>should know what Hawkeye and
>others have been feeding you
>that RMEF gives is just
>a financial summary prepared by
>a firm with a conflict
>of interest, but they claim
>they are going to find
>out all this info if
>SFW did the exact same.
>And again you are going
>to throw more money at
>money you can't get.
>But I guess that's OK
>because its other people's money.
> I'll tell you exactly
>what I told Hawkeye.
>Put YOUR money where your
>mouth is. If its
>so important why don't you
>volunteer to pay for it.

Yeah genius the state does give them the asset. Regardless of what you might think, and regardless of what you want to believe, those tags have a monetary value. The State is the only entity in Utah that can issue them. The State also pays the DWR employees at the expo. SL city and county also give the expo tax breaks to house it. The State does the lions share of the advertising for it. So your just wrong(as usual).

Secondly, don't know how things go in Texas, but I can't just walk in and take $fw books and audit them. There is a small statute against breaking and entering here in Utah. Now, if the only thing stopping $fw from entering an audit is the cost, I'll pay for it. Hell after 2 decades of hiding I didn't realize that was what was stopping them. Done deal, I will head down Mon., bring my truck, load up their financials, and pay for an audit. In fact, I will pay the same guy that did your audit to do this one. See, im a problem solver(or a bull ##### caller).

Last. I could giving not a fuke about RMEF. I come at this from a totally different angle. I DON'T WANT THE TAGS AUCTIONED BY ANY THIRD PARTY. Damn, there goes your argument on that one. See Tri, the state of Utah somehow figured out a way to do the big game drawing on there own. Somehow they manage to draw for over 100,000 various tags, every year. I believe, they could probably figure a way to auction 200. Somehow, someway, I bet they could pull it off. And in doing so, they can keep ALL the money. 100%. Or am I to believe that the Denny Austads of the world will only spend 6 figures to buy tags if $fw runs the auction? Its the tags that bring the money. I know you might think a rubber chicken dinner and the musical stylings of Lee Greenwood pry open the wallet, but I think it might be the chance to shoot the Lagoon elk that does it. So, like I said, easiest way to end the BS, the DWR can auction the tags, keep the money, and THE DON can go lobby for saving the Mormon cricket.
>AT 08:58?AM (MST)

>You have to remember that we're
>dealing with a Texas Aggie
>here guys!


Easy now
Your panicking Hawkeye. You are trying to convince people I say and think things you make up.

The truth is anything resembling the audit which you hold to a gold standard isn't sufficient to answer the questions you yourself demand.

This whole thing is a diversion to hide your real motives which you have shared on another thread. You don't believe in this enough to pay for it yourself and that says more to me than three years of internet whining ever could.
I have given up trying to have a conversation with Tristate. He is never wrong so I would be wasting my time. But don't link all Aggies to someone like him. He has evidently forgoten what "Good Bull" is.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
You mean to tell me that it would take some work and financial obligation to have an appropriate audit done??

Jeez. Forget it then... That's the last thing we would want anyone to have to do to protect our public resources...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

How would this audit protect your natural resource? More importantly how does someone running a raffle endanger your natural resources NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO WITH THE FIVE DOLLARS?

The state still receives full price of the tag just as if it was drawn and sold by the state. I want to see how that endangers your public resource.

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