Tied up!

Today's Gallup still shows Obama with a 2 point lead, down but still a lead. after the rock star type hype and honeymoon Palin got I expected MCain to lead for a little while.

Palin was a hail mary attempt for McCain to stay in the game and it appears to have kept the door open. will it last? many experts say after the hype dies down and the reality sets in it won't. who knows, look at Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton, they managed to be stars longer than what Palin needs to and they don't have much going for them other than looks either. only in America.
Funny you should talk about stars. That's pretty much all Barack Obama amounts to. A political star. And he is on top of the ticket.

He sure as heck doesn't have the experience to be president.

Didn't Kerry have a 9pt lead right after the RNC?
I have no faith in polls, they always have an excuse as to why they got it so wrong after the fact. Whether it be Obama ahead or McCain ahead it's still to early to be significant. I do believe that after the last 2 election the electorate still remains divided.

This election like no other in my lifetime, has placed an interesting spotlight on the No.2 position.

After 19 months of pandering, posturing, parading, praying, and politicing it will all come down to the debates.

In the end it may all be for not, in a system where the winner of the popular vote is the loser of the election.

We'll have a better picture by Halloween. The debates will set a new viewer-record-high for presidential debate ratings. I think it's great! By the end of the debates I think there will be a clear winner going into election day.
Zoggby has McCain up 50% vs Obama at 46%. Gallup has McCain up 48% to Obama's 45% among likely voters.

But it is correct that polls don't count. It is a close race. I'm going to be interested in seeing how all this turns out. I'm thinking the undecided voters are going to be more than a little turned off and offended buy the media propaganda machine beating up on Palin and McCain, shopping unfounded, bogus character attacks. I'm also wondering how the McCain campaign is going to handle their initiative and advantage. They need to keep pressing their advantage and not let up. It is like a chess game. When you have the initiative the other player has to respond to you and if you are equally matched, the player with the initiative should win unless he blunders.
"USATODAY poll has Mccain up by 10 among "likely" voters."

Which is kind a weird as the USA Today is kind of a leftist rag.
It is going to be a close election. Those in the battleground states may want to turn of their TV's and radios because both candidates will swamp the airwaves with ads.

I sure am glad hunting season started and I can get out and chase birds again.

Its looking like McCain hit a home run with his VP selection.

I doubt the debate will decide the election. Its going to be interesting to say the least.

Several months ago, I didn't think the Republican's had a chance. I am glad I was wrong...
Forewall said "I have no faith in polls"
Good I am glad. Niether does much of anyone else around here except for one person. That would be Hdude. he absolutly lives and dies by the polls. That is why we love to bait him and taunt him with polling data.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
I'm wondering if anyone remembers McCain? you know the old guy who asked Palin to be his VP. after the hype dies down and Palin starts answering questions let's see where the polls go. she's already being called out to answer questions about the facts she distorted in her speech. let's see how she does when she's not preaching to the choir, she better wear something low cut to keep our eye on what's really important in a leader .

If this works and Palin, I mean McCain wins I can't wait for the 2012 election, it's going to look like the Playboy channel with the bunnies vs the playmates. we've reached the point where looks count more than qualifications even in politics , she's cute but the competition can come up with someone hotter, we're going to have a true miss America contest in 2012, Hillary was just too old and ugly. only in America.
HD, you sure don't have much faith in the American voters.

You need to come out and chase sharptail and huns with me and forget all the political BS.

Here are the last couple of days.



Dude is one of those types that would be afraid that you would pull a "Cheny" on him with your shotgun.
Looks like you had a fanstastic hunt.

Actually I'm too busy farming or I'd be there. that looks like a blast, sharpies and huns in the early fall how does it get any better. thanks for the pics Nemont, our chuckar season starts in about a month so I hope I've got things wrapped up enough to break away for a few days.

Some of you guys need to take a break from being jerks once in a while.
"Some of you guys need to take a break from being jerks once in a while."

Oh god. That is rich....LMAO!!!
So who is it who can't get off the personal drivel?

Maybe you just don't understand the topics we're discussing and going after the one who posted is all you can chime in on.

Let's try something you can relate to like say... a cartoon. I'll bet you like the Roadrunner now don't you? you know he's the bird that says beep beep and the coyote is the one always trying to get him. Ok, now it's your turn, say something about the cartoon and not about me, com'on you can do it.
"Say something about the cartoon". I find it hilarious that you would use that paticular cartoon. You just described yourself in the role of Wiley coyote. You think you are cunning, but end up being shown as the dummy by a "Beep-Beep" roadrunner bird.
Don't you think you better go out and plow a field and forget about mental sparring with others.

" If this works and Palin, I mean McCain wins I can't wait for the 2012 election, it's going to look like the Playboy channel with the bunnies vs the playmates. we've reached the point where looks count more than qualifications even in politics , she's cute but the competition can come up with someone hotter, we're going to have a true miss America contest in 2012, Hillary was just too old and ugly. only in America."

Spoken like true liberal misogynist. Not only are you a misogynist Dude but if you interperate this surge as northing more than men lusting over palin then you are far more ignorant then even I thought. Most of this surge is from women and independants, bone head misogynist.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
So when are they going to take the muzzle off her and let her out on her own? will the love affair last once she talks in an open forum?

So far we know she's full of crap, she was for the bridge to nowhere, she hasn't met an earmark she didn't like, in fact she comes from the state with the highest federal pork funding in the union, 10 times what Obama's home state gets per capita. she billed the state for $17,000 for nights spent at her own house, yes it was legal, but not very " maverick " like wouldn't you say? she left Wasilla in debt to the tune of 20 million dollars in long term debt, $3000 per resident and also pushed through a sales tax increase. Maverick? I think the difference between Palin and Bush is lipstick.

Then we have her church videos, I'm begining to think polititians should stay away from churches. her church says they can " pray away the gay" that's rich, and the Jews are suffering attacks because of " god's judgement of disbelief " towards jews who haven't embraced christianity. she WAS in attendance, and the crap she says herself is pretty amazing.

Will she still be the media sweetheart once she starts talking and takes some heat? the average American voter isn't to bright that's a fact, anything could happen but I think the myth of Palin is more popular than she will be in the end.
I tend to get the average American voter more credit. In the coming weeks there will be lot's to dissect. I don't care who they put on which ticket I am still writing in a candidate and voting my conscience.

It seems the entire country has forgotten that Obama and McCain are the two main parties nominees for president. To listen to people you would think it was Palin Vs. Obama.

I don't think that given Obama attendance in his church that any mud is going to stick to Palin. That ship has sailed, he will look hypocritical. Just like the Republicans cannot assail Obama experience much anymore. People has quit listening.

Are you really worried about her?

I am more worried about our government having to seize two public corporations that hold $5 TRILLION worth of mortgage paper in this country. Neither side has a plan to deal with that.

I am concerned about not only the massive debt and further MASSIVE deficits that we are racking up, adding another $400 BILLION this year alone.

Palin, McCain, Obama, Biden: Not a dimes worth of difference between them when it comes to how they will spend my money.

Now what Dude failed to mention just like the liberal press that he is becoming.

1. she was for the bridge at first, then reversed that after a closer look and used the money for more priority roadwork in her state that benifited more people then just a few in a village.

2.Her state was noted for it's pork barrel politics, just like a lot of democrats are noted for doing. Except this was GOP in her state. she opposed certain people involved and made a dent in the pork barrel spending and cost several persons their jobs over it.

3. Do not talk to me about $17,000 dollars on a legal billing while staying at her residence. Hillary and Bill Clinton bought a 1.5 million dollar mansion in New York that has a guest cottage.
They house the secreat service in that guess house and charge the Gov. rent. Guess what, we are paying for that 1.5 million dollar mansion. Bill has SS protection for life and for life they will bill us the taxpayers for their mortgage payments.

4. I do not know where dude got his infro on the time she was mayor and will not comment until I see facts and not Dudes word.

5. That information on the church she used to attend is true, but she left that church 6 years ago. She dis not wait like Obama did when he had to leave to save face and votes.

Hunter22, Obama is going, back to where he belongs in a congress that does not know how to wipe their own butt. If you believe what you posted about him, I elect you as the dummy of the year. Do not get me wrong, there is a few things about McCain I do not agree with or like.
The problem with Obama is that he is a con man of the first order and will lie at the drop of the hat. His voting record is just the reverse of what he says he stands for.
In another post you claim to be a hunter, I have serious doubts about that claim since any level headed hunter and owner of firearms knows that Obama is only exceeded in his anti gun stance by his VP Joe Biden.
your kind intelligent man also was a dopehead and used marijuana and cocaine for a extended time. I find it shocking that the liberal press never pinned him down on how long that use was and if he ever sold dope to support his habit. They bring up a 23 year old DUI on Palin's husband but totally overlooked his admittance on his extended narcotics use.
If you want him, you can have him and be welcome to him. Two peas in a pod.

Hunter22 = Tmoneyshot

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-08 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]RELH are you ready for her to talk? the interview with Gibson tomarrow night is with pre approved questions and her handlers present so I'm not sure how telling it will be, but anything other than her greatest hits from ther convention speech will be news.

Nemont you're right, none of them are going to do anything to " change " what the real problems are. the only real difference I see is the dems will try to tax and spend and the conseratives will borrow from China and spend. does it really matter?
Dude, how about borrowing from China and spend, then reneg on paying the money back. China, Russia and a host of other countries, France and Germany included did that to us after WW11 on paying their debts to us.
Turn about is fair play from what I have heard!! Too bad it is not that easy.

As for the interviews, I want to see both candidates and their VP's interviewed by a panel that will ask hard ball questions of all four of them. I think Obama will falter big time and Biden will do better then Obama, but I think McCain and Palin will do far better then the two dems on the hard ball, get specific type questions.

So when does she venture out like a big girl and campaign like Biden is? he's out taking and answering questions on his own while Palin is in her cone of silence hiding in McCain's shadow.

I'm wondering if it's the questions they're afraid of or her abilty to deliver the scripted answers. how long will the media let her hide before that alone becomes a hot topic? nobody gives a crap about McCain he's old news, this election depends on Palin and her attraction to the media which is in love at the moment. I don't think she's cute enough to get by until election day with one speech preaching to the choir and one or two padded glove rehearsed interviews.

watch the polls a few weeks from now and we'll get a better feel for her real effect on the election.

The one I remember avoiding the town house debates over issues was your hero Obama. It seems he did not like the idea of answering questions off the cuff and has avoided it like the plague. I guess you forgot about that again.
I think Palin will come out at the right time to hammer the nails in the Obama-Biden coffen. Obama is a great speaker, but only when it is scripted and he does not have to answer questions that he is not prepared for. It seems that it is above his paygrade.


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