Tony Stewart ....


Active Member
"I have the buck picked out that I am going to harvest this year." Yes, that is an actual quote from Tony Stewart during todays pre-race show. OK, so I know many hunters take scouting trips in hopes to find good places to go during the hunt and to maybe find some good animals to go after but does anyone actually 'have the deer picked out' that we are going to harvest? Especially someone as busy as a Nextel Cup driver..Unless of course it is behind a fence. NO, couldnt be....
That is why you scout or have someone scout for you(in Tonys case). I personally want to know the quality of game in the areas I'm hunting. I think we all want to harvest the largest animal possible. If you find the big one while pre-season scouting then you can say you have one picked out and you know what your looking for.
Yeah, I mentioned scouting. I just dont think its the case. You can scout all you want, you will never definitively have the animal you are going to harvest picked out.
All I know is his post race interview where he mentioned just trying to win for his new sponsor was the best yet this year. For those who didn't see it, it was his taxidermist!! and got in a great plug for him! :)

Kirt C.
I disagree with you on this one. You can pick anything out: future wife, future house, future truck, future buck and future what ever. That doesn't mean your going to have or get them. They are something you have your eye on and want. Two years ago my dad had a bull picked out and he got him. So there is your proof that you can pick one out and get it. Are you trying to put words into Tonys mouth like he has a buck tied up in a pen ready to be released so he can shoot it? That's not what I got out of what he said.
I agree with shotgun jim. 48 is da man!! Tony Stewart is a female cleansing liquid ! I would bet its a penned hunt or he has a few fellas following and baiting the deer. If he dont get the buck he wants is he going to get mad and push the guide out of the tree stand like he wrecks people when he is mad?

This may be the best post ever. A bunch of crude redneck Nascar fans crying about a canned hunt. Gitter done!

'It's all about the gut pile'
I think you guys are a bit too skeptical. Out west hunting elk and muleys, yes, it's pretty hard to pick out an individual animal that you're going to pursue. But back east chasing whitetails that, even in fair chase conditions, are creatures of habit and generally live their entire life in one square mile? I certainly don't think it's a stretch that you'd pick out a certain animal and hold out for them. Particularly if you've got game cameras out - you don't need to spend much time in the field (e.g. if you're racing every weekend) to find the buck you want to pursue if you've got a ranch with game cams all over the place.
Wow I started a riot... I didn't intend to accuse the man of anything, but in the interview it he did make it sound like he was going to a meat market saying "I want that one please"
Uhhh,,, most of the hunters do a lot of scouting here and already "have their buck or bull picked out" . I don't see a problem with it. Said Troy Gentry.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm not a Tony Stewart fan, but if he was in the Chase everyone would be chasing him to his third championship.
Your right they might be chasing him for his third championship. He is one hell of a driver but a cocky whinny ass. And he poops his pants when he drives. Maybe thats why he is so pissy all the time, tired of getting diaperrash.


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