Toughest Athlete?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-04 AT 04:38PM (MST)[p] I picked up Monday's USA Today newspaper because there was a big editorial supporting hunting of California's Mountain Lions.
REALLY, I couldn't believe it either!
It was written by a lady with the last name of Zeiss!
I promptly emailed a response!
Any way while flipping through the sports pages saw that they are doing a countdown of the "Toughest" athletes and they were at #5,Here is who they listed so far and their ranking.
#10. Julie Krone?
#9. Shaquille O'neil
#8. Tiger Woods
#7. Annika Sorenstam
#6. Scott Stevens
#5. Ray Lewis
I haven't seen today's paper to see #4 yet,but in my humble
Male-Chauvenistic opinion, should Annika Sorenstam (the lady golfer)be listed just two spots behind All Pro linebacker Ray Lewis?,(Should golfers be listed at all under the title of "Tough"?)
I do understand the difficulty in being a succesful golfer,I doubt I could finish 18 holes without killing myself or someone else!I still have a "tough" time labeling them as TOUGH!
What do you guy's think?
Peter Forsberg- Anybody who can get cheap-shotted and knocked around every night and still hold his own, draw double teams, and still be the best player on the ice and "school" guys on a nightly basis.

Lenny Dykstra, Bret Favre, Nolan Ryan, Gordie Howe, Jack Lambert
"the Csonk", and dozens of others that Tiger and Squaquille couldn't even hold their jocks.
Now some of those other people listed may be good, but here's some of the toughest athletes around that most can't and/or won't dispute: Chris Shivers, Troy Dunn, J.W. Hart, Ty Murray and ALL the other PBR athletes. They're living proof to the phrase, "Cowboy Up". :)

BOHNTR )))------------->
John Matuszak, Howie Long, Jim Otto, Kevin Turley, Scott Parker, Forsberg, Tony Twist, Rocky Marciano, Joe Frazier. Toughness is what keeps them in the game and makes a name for themselves. Showboating accounts for nothing.
How can someone actually concider someone that golfs, drives a race car, rides a bike, skis, etc and "athlete"? It is like saying that a pro bowler is a true athlete. Haaahaaaa...

Butterbean, Mr. T (Haahaaa),Mike Tyson (even though he is a pr!ck), Mohomad Ali, Bruce Jenner(I know that he looks more like a woman now, but in his day he was one tough s.o.b.),D!ck Butkus,etc......... Oh, and my boy, Randy White!
ray lewis tough? what a joke. his buddies get in a knife fight and kill a couple guys, he gets arrested with em and to save his sorry @$$ he rolls over on his so called friends?? yeah, he's real tough. when he's got pads on and a zebra protecting him. rats ain't never tough. my vote Larry Mahan. ##### buttkiss is a pud too. he mouthed off to mean joe green and joe spit in his face. buttkiss just turned and walked away with joe phlem on his face. tough fight anybody. not just guys that won't fight back.
Julio Ceaser Chavez-In his prime he could beat anyone.
Bill Romanowski-breaks his own teamates face in.
Mike Tyson- In a street brawl he would eat both ears.
Zack Thomas- One heck of a tough guy.
Chad Brown- The only guy who had me seeing stars playing football.
lane frost is the toughest, along with anyone else who has sacrificed thier life for the sport they love!

Later Yall!!!!
As much as I hate the Packers- I would have to say the toughest athlete I have ever watched in my life is Brett Favre. He is a man's man, never quits, always plays hurts, finds a way to win.....etc.....etc...
John Elway was right up there with the best. When Howie Long retired he gave John his helmet inscribed, "To the toughest guy I ever played against".

Brett Favre....has played wiith more injuries, over came an additcition to pain pills and still one of the most consistant QB's in the league...oh yeah...and ME!

Scott G.
What? No one has mentioned us hunters. We are atheletes as well boys. Our sport just doesn't have the glam of the television cameras as we bust our hump up the mountain everyday. I'd love to see some of the so-called toughguys in sport put up with some of the $hit we put up with. Coyoting out in mosiqutos from hell, climbing through a jungle of blowdown, scaling rock cliffs (without ropes), spending a week with everything you own on your back and then packing out that trophy of a lifetime on your back as well.
Who does that?????. I stay in motels, drive my ATV up the mountain side and shoot deer from my truck window.....Shoot, A pair of boots lasts me 20 years....LOL....Just kidding!!!
They ended up naming Brett Favre #1
He does have some grit!
The poll reflected popular T.V sports.
I am sure that there are many,many guys out there that have endured incredible hardships that would rank much higher than Bret Favre,but the public will never know their names!
Anyone that has seen frontline combat in wartime has my vote!
The men and women involved in the 911 tragedy also have a ranking that cannot be numbered!
Well I think you guys left out a couple.
How about "Sweetness" Walter Payton, Jim Brown, Cal Ripken Jr., These are but a few who never missed a game, never complained, asked no quarters and gave no quarters. MEN.

"We must HUNT"

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