Training Lion Dogs


Active Member
My buddy just acquired three hound pups ( the "pound hounds"). Before getting these dogs he thought he had someone that was willing to help him work these dogs and teach him the fine art of lion/bear hunting behind hounds. Well, this individual backed out and now my friend is looking for help on getting started with these dogs. Are there any books out there on this subject? We have done some searching with no luck. Would any of you seasoned houndsmen be willing to help him get started on the right track. If any of you are willing you can e-mail me at "[email protected]" with your number and he could call you at your conveinence. Thanks for all the help in advance.

Your buddy has taken on a huge undertaking if he wants to train three pups at the same time. First, I would suggest finding a good home for two of them and then try and hook up with someone in your area. How about starting with what state you are in and maybe a town?
He understands the time involved in this. Supposedly these dogs have been to the tree but they are young and my friend has no experience either. We live in Southeastern Az, Morenci to be exact. Like I said in my intial post he had someone lined up to help him and his dogs learn and this individual backed out. He is commited to this and is just seeking any help to get started, be it books or someone to take him under there wing or just some good avice. Thanks again

The first thing your buddy needs to do is get his hands on the book "Walk With Wick" by John Wick.

Tell him to read it. And then read it again and when he's done read it one more time and pay close attention to what he says.

Best of luck. I can't help you because I don't know anyone in your neck of the woods.

Does Dean Warren still live up on Eagle Creek? If he does your buddy would probably learn more in talking to that guy for an hour than just about anything else he could do. I heard he might have sold all his dogs and moved to Texas but I wasn't sure.

Bret M.
good luck with the pound hounds...that wick book is out of print so you can only find it on ebay type deals for alot of coin...there is a new hound training book being advertised in fullcry and coonhound bloodlines by Vicky Lamb (sp ??) I have not read that book but it may be more readily available than the wick book. good luck

I have a video called "Selecting And Training Coon Hounds" that I can send down to your buddy if he wants it. I think I got it for Christmas or something when I was first starting out. By the time I got it, however, I had already had my hounds for longer than 6 months and had actually caught something, so I already knew about everything there was to know about the sport of hound particular why my dogs were far superior than anybody elses and the proper deer/lion ratios for any given unit in the state. Perhaps if I sent it down priority mail it will get to him in time to do him some good!

Tell your buddy not to be discouraged he picked his dogs up from the pound either. My old Molly dog, one of the better hounds I ever owned, started her career as a pound hound. I've come to learn that good dogs are where you find them.
Thanks for some good starting points everyone. I comepletely forgot about Dean Warren also. Its been a while since I have seen him, he may have moved like you said. I sold him a great mustang four or five years ago. If anyone has any more advice or knows of someone in the area that might help, let us know. I will give you guys a progress report in a few months. Kevin, I will let my buddy know about the video offer and get back with you ASAP.


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