Trophy Rock



I have a friend who won part of there trail cam contest last year. His photo is plastered all over there displays at Cabels, Sportsmans warehouse and IFA. They have never honored the prizes he won. Pretty low class if you ask me
their.......not there.....

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
I think we need a little more information before we start condemning three companies for what you stated! Could it be that there is not much time between now and when the contest ended for them to come through with what he was supposed to receive? Has he contacted them because humans do make errors now and then?
Wow! Nbhunter2

You are out for blood!!

Not only posting all over our Trophy Rock Trail Contest Gallery that we "failed to deliver" prizes to our winners... but I see you also posted here on this forum and I am sure on other forums too. I think you need to visit lately with your friend who won. Maybe you have?

Indeed he won a huge archery package for a photo he entered in our contest and it all rolled in from the various manufacturers in the Spring 2012... all but his Limbsaver Proton bow. He and I knew it was on a long back-order, they had more paid orders than bows (so free bows got second fiddle)... it got to the point Limbsaver and the Winner (username Smith87 on our site) decided to wait it out a bit longer for a their 2013 model. He said he had a good bow that would work for the 2012 and would wait.

He was in communication with Limbsaver all this time, not so much with us. I thought he had his bow already way back in the Fall. I even sent him some T-shirts with his Trail Pic on it thinking he finally had the bow. The user Smith87 can't be all that upset with us like you are...he entered some awesome photos again this past Fall. He has everything now and I think he wished the bow didn't take so long getting to him, but it all worked out in the end.

We have the largest Trail Camera Contest in the numbers of photos entered and number of prizes given away by us and 30 other "great" well known companies and products who partner with us. To our knowledge everyone has gotten "everything" promised them since we started this in 2008. We have given some 100 prizes out over the years. If anyone has not got all their winnings, please call our Toll Free #. and I promise you we will make good on it. -Trophy Rock
I guess Nbhunter2 got shot down, too bad we couldn't get a trail cam pic of his face when he was reading TR's post :)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
That's why it's best to take things like this with a grain of salt when some newbie comes on a site and starts making accusations about a poor outfitter or something else like this guy did with nothing to back it up. If he has any nuts at all, he will come back on here and offer a big apology to Trophy Rock!!!
Great contest, great prizes. Well over one year and he still has no bow.I know he got the run around many times. Shoot me down all you want, but come through on the promise. Excuses are just that, not after blood at all, just accountability.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-13 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]If your friend was wronged he should be on here giving us his side of the story not you. I don't see how you have a dog in the fight. Plus it sounds like TR is trying to make it right.

I for one like the product and most of all so do the deer in my backyard that come to the nutrition all the time.
Don't say burning around any Hatfields or you might get your wish. LOL

Tell your friend to post up what he thinks about the contest.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]I don't want this to get out of hand. I have learned in life that all too often stuff like this is nothing more than communication breakdown. I don't even blame a guy trying to come to the rescue for his friend. I don't agree with the method you used. I know you thought this was the only effective go public and embarrass Trophy Rock. I don't think all the facts were laid out to the public, so they got a twisted perception of what Trophy Rock is truly all about.

I know there was communication breakdown with one contest winner, our Trophy Rock Team and Limbsaver. Like I said I thought our winner had his bow long before he really got it. I apologize to our contest winner. I am glad his winning package is complete now. It was a rare deal. We have had and will continue to have a great track record in getting prizes out to winners in a timely manner. It will never be perfect but I think it is all but perfect.

We don't have to do a trail contest with awesome prizes. We choose to do it because we know those who use Trophy Rock enjoy it so much! We do too!! It's a great thing, its not 100% perfect but we strive to make it perfect. I love calling a hunter up and telling them they just won something cool.

I am excited this year, I get to join our Grand Prize winner on an archery hunt on Wade Heaton's place in Southern Utah. Monster bucks! The winner is from MO and has never been in the Rocky's or harvested a mule deer. He is our fifth Grand prize hunt winner, all have taken a nice mule deer or whitetail buck. Winners either get to whitetail hunt in OH or mule deer hunt in UT or CO. We pay the flight, the permit, the hunt, the food and lodging and the taxidermy fee to get it mounted.

Our Second Grand Prize has been a muzzle load package worth $4K..the gun alone is $2.5K an Ultimate Arms Muzzle loader. Every year they have gotten all that was promised.

Our Third Grand Prize each year is an archery package worth $2K. Usually its a totally decked out bow..usually Ross or Limbsaver, clothing, trail camera, Glen Dell full rut target.

Thanks to all those companies who love to sponsor our contest, we also give out about 40 monthly contest prizes a year too.

We sell about 90% of our Trophy Rock to Whitetail hunters. Eastern Soils lack trace mineral, so Trophy Rock and Whitetail hunting go hand in hand in today's hunting. There are 1o million whitetail hunters. This is why if you go to our contest you will see the majority of entries and winners are from whitetail states. However, we "love" to see quality trail picks from the west and several winner's have been from the West with their Deer and Elk pics.

I am not trying to plug Trophy Rock with saying all this...just doing some damage control after what has been negatively said about Trophy Rock and say take a look at our winners gallery. Click on the winning photos and it will show you what prize they won..To my knowledge 100% of them have their prize now, except for the Grand Prize winner.. He will be hunting this Aug.
one guy is complaining about his "friend" and now is throwing a fit and with the complaints over the web a sponsor could drop out and mess the contest up for everyone else.

if there is a problem let your friend deal with it.
one_dryboot-Yes.Yes,he does.And if you call him out on it,you will get called a "stalker"(among other things),because TOPMOUTH is NEVER wrong.
Great contest, great prizes, and great companies. Just a breakdown in communication that seems like it took way to long. Im sure he will get his bow package.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 07:11AM (MST)[p]>Great contest, great prizes, and great
>companies. Just a breakdown in
>communication that seems like it
>took way to long. Im
>sure he will get his
>bow package.

***Please read the second paragraph of post #15 where it states that your friend has already received the bow. How long has it been since you have actually "talked" with your friend regarding this situation because your post is still saying he hasn't received the prize?
This situation sounds a lot like our welfare program. People ##### about not getting something that they neither paid for nor earned. Sounds to me like TR is doing what he can and has/had no plans to not deliver on his promise. I know which of these two guys I'd rather have in my camp.
I know my horses loves the stuff.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Please listen closely TOPGUN, I talked to him 15 minutes ago and he has no bow package. Do you enjoy just blasting off on everyone, or do you really know it all. I think these are great companies and they will come through with the rest of his bow and package won with some truly great pictures. You however will continue to be an A****
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]No, the A** is the "friend" who keeps coming on here disputing what TR has stated! You obviously can't seem to comprehend what the haydes all of us have been stating, so don't come down on me! I, as well as all the others, aren't "blasting off" on anyone! You say one thing and Trophy Rock has come on and said that the guy now has his bow. How the haydes are we to believe anyone but the guy that actually won the prize? You have been asked more than once by others on here to please have your friend, the actual winner, come on here and give his side of the story and that has not happened. As of right now with your last statement it's a standoff because we don't know what the actual truth is! Please, for the last time, have your friend come on here and tell us he has or hasn't received the bow and/or anything else he was supposed to receive and that should settle things. Until then, please quit trashing this Company when you are just a person giving us second hand information!!! Will the real winner please enter and sign in please, LOL!!!
Is your buddy incapable of solving his own problems?

Why come here and spout off? Like I said earlier if a sponsor was to see these post they can just pull the prizes and not do the contest. I myself have won stuff and has taken a lot of time to get to me, but its called PATIENCE

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
I've never understood people who complain about prizes they won, or complain about something they WON not meeting their expectation? Petty, spoiled @$$ stuff if you ask me. I'd like to think as sportsman folks would have more integrity than that. Be grateful for what you get, it's not like he is out hundreds of dollars for all of this... First world problems at their finest.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-13 AT 07:51AM (MST)[p]Tell your buddy to post up, it that simple.
Just a couple trophy Horses and a couple of trophy mules
That so far has brung me home safe every trip.
They can find that stuff anywhere on the mountain, must be like a cold beer to them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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