
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-17 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]
How Bout it dude?




Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Sounds good, get that church going taxpayer out of here. So when does his wife and kids start collecting social services from the state and the church?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-17 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]
Maybe They should Send this one Home!

Or Get a F'N Rope!

Biskupski wants Bigger Jails!(And Probably NVB Too!)


Start X'ing these Low-Life Bastards!


Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

I have serious doubts that this man and woman are married. Oh, they're living together and those are probably his kids, but if she was married to him, then she wouldn't be able to get all the government aid she's probably receiving. This crap is happening everywhere with the illegals. They don't want to get married, because then they lose the government aid. So, I don't feel a damn bit sorry for one of them when they deport one. Get married and get off the government tit.
well....if he was a regular rmj tither.....angel Moroni will get him back.

....don't you worry about them kids....

>well....if he was a regular rmj
>tither.....angel Moroni will get him
>....don't you worry about them kids....

Easy there Homer with RMJ Offenses!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

"I have serious doubts that this man and woman are married."

Of course you do.

"His wife, who served in the U.S. military for a year, can't petition for a green card for her husband to return because she is from American Samoa, the one U.S. territory that doesn't grant U.S. citizenship at birth.

Manusina?s mother and sister are U.S. citizens. They can petition for Manusina?s citizenship, but because he is a married adult, the wait time for a visa can be years, Nejad said."
>"I have serious doubts that this
>man and woman are married."
>Of course you do.
>"His wife, who served in the
>U.S. military for a year,
>can't petition for a green
>card for her husband to
>return because she is from
>American Samoa, the one U.S.
>territory that doesn't grant U.S.
>citizenship at birth.
>Manusina?s mother and sister are U.S.
>citizens. They can petition for
>Manusina?s citizenship, but because he
>is a married adult, the
>wait time for a visa
>can be years, Nejad said."
There must be some bars in Samoa he can fight in.
>>"I have serious doubts that this
>>man and woman are married."
>>Of course you do.
>>"His wife, who served in the
>>U.S. military for a year,
>>can't petition for a green
>>card for her husband to
>>return because she is from
>>American Samoa, the one U.S.
>>territory that doesn't grant U.S.
>>citizenship at birth.
>>Manusina?s mother and sister are U.S.
>>citizens. They can petition for
>>Manusina?s citizenship, but because he
>>is a married adult, the
>>wait time for a visa
>>can be years, Nejad said."
> There must
>be some bars in Samoa
>he can fight in.

Keepin it classy
Shows how screwed up our immigration laws/policies are. We need strict common sense reforms with US interests at heart.

Like that will ever happen. hahaha!
He's been paying taxes. Sure, he pays sales tax and gasoline tax, etc. With four kids he probably pays into and files Federal and State income taxes every year. That means he gets income credit, doesn't pay any tax, plus gets a big refund above and beyond what he had withheld. Since he's not a citizen or shows no interest in becoming one, he probably sends money home every month. Money that contributes nothing to the US economy.
Goddamn' I sure wish my ancestors were all born in this country like everybody elses on this forum. My poor immigrant family only came here within the last 125 or so years. Some of em didn't even intend to stay and sent money home. Cheating bastages worked the system is what they did. Hell my grandmothers lived in this country for quite a while before they obtained citizenship. All the while working and helping save money to buy farms here. Probably were on the dole the whole time. I'm so embarrassed now that you guys point out that all immigrants are evil liberals.

Unless you can prove your ancestors evolved here (or were created here) then every last one of you came from immigrants looking for a better life. Even dude. So maybe we should start deporting everybody.

I guess I missed that part in the history books where not everybody immigrated here.
>Goddamn' I sure wish my ancestors
>were all born in this
>country like everybody elses on
>this forum. My poor immigrant
>family only came here within
>the last 125 or so
>years. Some of em didn't
>even intend to stay and
>sent money home. Cheating bastages
>worked the system is what
>they did. Hell my grandmothers
>lived in this country for
>quite a while before they
>obtained citizenship. All the while
>working and helping save money
>to buy farms here. Probably
>were on the dole the
>whole time. I'm so embarrassed
>now that you guys point
>out that all immigrants are
>evil liberals.
>Unless you can prove your ancestors
>evolved here (or were created
>here) then every last one
>of you came from immigrants
>looking for a better life.
>Even dude. So maybe we
>should start deporting everybody.
>I guess I missed that part
>in the history books where
>not everybody immigrated here.
The working class,came here legally and expecting nothing.
>Goddamn' I sure wish my ancestors
>were all born in this
>country like everybody elses on
>this forum. My poor immigrant
>family only came here within
>the last 125 or so
>years. Some of em didn't
>even intend to stay and
>sent money home. Cheating bastages
>worked the system is what
>they did. Hell my grandmothers
>lived in this country for
>quite a while before they
>obtained citizenship. All the while
>working and helping save money
>to buy farms here. Probably
>were on the dole the
>whole time. I'm so embarrassed
>now that you guys point
>out that all immigrants are
>evil liberals.
>Unless you can prove your ancestors
>evolved here (or were created
>here) then every last one
>of you came from immigrants
>looking for a better life.
>Even dude. So maybe we
>should start deporting everybody.
>I guess I missed that part
>in the history books where
>not everybody immigrated here.

And I Quote:

"Even dude"!

Good F'N Luck on that!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

That has to be NVBighorn's dumbest post ever. In fact, that almost had to be a drunk post in which case we can possibly forgive him this once. Good God NV, do you think your ancestors came here 125 years ago and got food stamps, welfare or free healthcare?

I don't give a flying ##### if you're from Antarctica. We are either a nation of laws or we are not, PERIOD!! If you can't see the problem with ILLEGAL immigration then you're just too stupid to even have a discussion with. Eelgrass is right, we need common sense immigration reform and it should start with illegal immigrants getting NOTHING from the taxpayers of this country.

Don't act like America used to be some great bastion of immigrant bliss and we're trying to eliminate it. 125 years ago, if you came here and didn't work, you had nothing to fall back on. You couldn't go to the welfare office and get food stamps. You couldn't be married in Mexico and come here claiming to be single with kids to get section 8 housing. If you were sick and you needed the doctor, you better figure out a way to pay or repay the good doctor.

Maybe you're not taxed enough yet? Maybe you should pay more voluntarily if you want to help the lazy moochers that sit around and do nothing all day. Sure there are good hard working illegals out there, lots of them in fact. But there are also lots of takers out there just gaming the system. Hell even the hard working illegals are driving down wages and I'm an employer, you'd think I would like it but I don't. When I first became an electrician, it was a very respectable job. Now, around here you're lucky to find one that speaks English. It's sad for my industry to see a quality occupation be flooded with illegals working for cheaper wages. They're infiltrating the food service industry which was a good opportunity for kids fresh out of high school to help pay their way through college. Now, if you don't speak Spanish, forget it for the most part.

So prove to me how the illegal immigrant population 125 years ago was anywhere near as costly to taxpayers as it is now, or just admit that one beer kicked your ass.
NVB Wants a Perfect F'N World!

Ain't F'N Happening!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Hey CAForky!

That is Not NVB's Dumbest Post!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-17 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]
Coming from you Cafuky and 264 I'm flattered.

No beer got the best of me. Maybe I'm just cranky Cuz my local bigot tea bagger idiot sent some of the same hate email around today.

If anyone here would know a dumb post it would be ElKass and RELH. It's funny RELH, every time I think about you all I can see is that old tea bagger I mentioned.
NVB, everytime I think of you, I imagine Tiny Tim prancing though the tulips. You and Tiny Tim make a good bent wrist liberal pair.
This old teabagger can probably kick your butt and out shoot you limp wristed liberal any time of the day or night.

Jeezuz phuk RELH. You need a diaper change or something? Your hood too tight? I don't recall ever crossing you before. You calling me names only solidifies my earlier comments. Do you not like that I call Trump into question? Maybe because seeing the truth makes you uncomfortable.
Hey NVB!


I've Posted some Dumb Sshhiiiit in my Day!

Difference between Me & You Is I'll Admit it!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Uh... NV you gotta stop drinkin dude. You're the first one to call anyone names. "CAfuky" really? That's the best you could do? Why don't you refute my post? Do you agree with it or are you cool with illegals coming here living off of taxpayers while we can't even take care of our veterans properly?
When NVB Baffled Himself with His Own BULLSSSHHHIITT and Said LaVoy Deliberately Swerved to Try & Run over that Dumb-Ass from the FBI/OSP that Run in LaVoys Direction Just About took the F'N Cake as far as DUMBEST Posts Go!

Sorry NVB!

We Still Like the Hell out of Ya!:D

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!


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