Trump's Toxic Freefall..Graduation Day Soon

I see both of you still are struggling with reading comprehension issues...... Nemont you changed your tune on this thread more than Hillary changed her email story......

But if, but if, this has to happen....then this.... way up above I said it was the first step and now you starting to have to admit it may kinda work......... if......get serious

I know they're still not getting the 80% right....and only the government can suppress free two clowns are fake news.....LOL
I see you and Stoney are cut from the same cloth. Big surprise there.

I am from Missouri show me where I said anything you accused me of

Explain why the GOP had to borrow $1.5 trillion to Just ?give people their money back?. If they rob your grand children and give it to you that isn't your money.

You can't have it both ways.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17 AT 08:12PM (MST)[p] When you can't admit you've called guys out and discouraged them from taking their social security and retirement on these forums it tells a very sad story. I was the guy that told them they earned it and not to feel guilty about taking it. Your tirades about that on here are legion. so sit up buttercup and admit it. Some better educated guys than you have decided to give this a try and guess what you put them in there so you should quit crying about it.

So you didn't say only the government can suppress speech? You didn't infer the 80% was wrong.

Next thing you're going to be telling us both parties never tried to help our economy using the same methods.

The sky is falling because all these corporations are sitting on mountains of cash here and off shore.....lower taxation won't help huh? Well who owns those corporations? The stockholders do don't they and who do the boards of directors and CEO report to..... the stockholders (tax payers). You think the stockholders won't be looking for bigger dividends or repurchased shares or increased market share? So buying back their stock won't help? where does that money go? Who get's it? You think employees won't be looking at bigger paychecks since the free market will expand.

Some of us have witnessed and lived while these types of plans were deployed and guess what......we're still here aren't we, and many of them worked.......imagine that and that's exactly why we have a 2 party system so we can correct things for the betterment of this country.

So since you didn't vote for either party you cast your own fate to the wind.....guess you'll just have to hope things work out. One things for certain it's out of your hands isn't it....and now you're screaming foul....jokes on you skippy you gave up you chair before the music stopped.....LOL but you and DUD are sure singing the blues...
So big business is sitting on stacks of cash and record high stock prices. obviously this would be the perfect time to give them huge tax cuts and saddle the next generation with more debt. chit, now I get it.

Is that your final answer retard?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>AT 08:12?PM (MST)

> When you can't admit you've
>called guys out and discouraged
>them from taking their social
>security and retirement on these
>forums it tells a very
>sad story. I was the
>guy that told them they
>earned it and not to
>feel guilty about taking it.
>Your tirades about that on
>here are legion. so sit
>up buttercup and admit it.
>Some better educated guys than
>you have decided to give
>this a try and guess
>what you put them in
>there so you should quit
>crying about it.

I guess wanting your grand children to not have to live hand to mouth is now "crying". Medicare and Social Security are the biggest drivers of our problem. If you don't understand that then I get why you cheer lead adding debt and pretending you are conservative.

>So you didn't say only the
>government can suppress speech? You
>didn't infer the 80% was

Yes it is only illegal for government, per the U.S. Constitution to suppress free speech, period. Try reading it some time. When you have access to multiple platforms of media and complain about having your speech suppressed you are either riding the short bus or a professional victacrat.

>Next thing you're going to be
>telling us both parties never
>tried to help our economy
>using the same methods.

You still can't explain why if it was just, "giving people their own money back" that it requires borrowing another $1.5 Trillion. Yes both parties spend money and one used to stand for fiscal discipline but now even that party's members never met more debt they didn't like.

>The sky is falling because all
>these corporations are sitting on
>mountains of cash here and
>off shore.....lower taxation won't help
>huh? Well who owns
>those corporations? The stockholders do
>don't they and who do
>the boards of directors and
>CEO report to..... the stockholders
>(tax payers). You think the
>stockholders won't be looking for
>bigger dividends or repurchased shares
>or increased market share? So
>buying back their stock won't
>help? where does that money
>go? Who get's it? You
>think employees won't be looking
>at bigger paychecks since the
>free market will expand.

So what happens when it swings back as it always has and we are sitting on $25 Trillion and the world markets end the free ride? You ever think more than 15 minutes into the future? When things are rocking and the economy is recovering, the old conservatives, the real ones enforced fiscal discipline in order to put away some dry powder for the inevitable rainy day. Now we have the fake ones who spend more, borrow more and pat themselves on the back that they really don't give a shyt about what happens next.

>Some of us have witnessed and
>lived while these types of
>plans were deployed and guess
>what......we're still here aren't we,
>and many of them worked.......imagine
>that and that's exactly why
>we have a 2 party
>system so we can correct
>things for the betterment of
>this country.

Yes we are still here and it only took $21 Trillion more than we took in to keep us here, when you stop and think about what happens when interest rates rise and borrowing cost sky rocket? The FED is required to step in when the party really starts going and take away the punch bowl. So when the hang over from this happens are you going to own it, highly doubtful

>So since you didn't vote for
>either party you cast your
>own fate to the wind.....guess
>you'll just have to hope
>things work out. One things
>for certain it's out of
>your hands isn't it....and now
>you're screaming foul....jokes on you
>skippy you gave up you
>chair before the music stopped.....LOL
>but you and DUD are
>sure singing the blues...

If the choice is between a criminal and a floppy haired clown car driver, that is not a choice we should be forced to make. You can believe Trump is all that and a bag of chips but he isn't.

The joke will end up being on you when your only claim you can make is that conservatives added Trillions more to the debt.

Keep cheering, the bill for all it won't come due for you to pay, you should hug your grand children before sending them away to debt prison but hey at least you got yours and that is what really matters to you in the end, isn't it?

>>LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17
>>AT 08:12?PM (MST)

>> When you can't admit you've
>>called guys out and discouraged
>>them from taking their social
>>security and retirement on these
>>forums it tells a very
>>sad story. I was the
>>guy that told them they
>>earned it and not to
>>feel guilty about taking it.
>>Your tirades about that on
>>here are legion. so sit
>>up buttercup and admit it.
>>Some better educated guys than
>>you have decided to give
>>this a try and guess
>>what you put them in
>>there so you should quit
>>crying about it.
>I guess wanting your grand children
>to not have to live
>hand to mouth is now
>"crying". Medicare and
>Social Security are the biggest
>drivers of our problem.
>If you don't understand that
>then I get why you
>cheer lead adding debt and
>pretending you are conservative.
>>So you didn't say only the
>>government can suppress speech? You
>>didn't infer the 80% was
>Yes it is only illegal for
>government, per the U.S. Constitution
>to suppress free speech, period.
> Try reading it some
>time. When you have
>access to multiple platforms of
>media and complain about having
>your speech suppressed you are
>either riding the short bus
>or a professional victacrat.
>>Next thing you're going to be
>>telling us both parties never
>>tried to help our economy
>>using the same methods.
>You still can't explain why if
>it was just, "giving people
>their own money back" that
>it requires borrowing another $1.5
>Trillion. Yes both parties
>spend money and one used
>to stand for fiscal discipline
>but now even that party's
>members never met more debt
>they didn't like.
>>The sky is falling because all
>>these corporations are sitting on
>>mountains of cash here and
>>off shore.....lower taxation won't help
>>huh? Well who owns
>>those corporations? The stockholders do
>>don't they and who do
>>the boards of directors and
>>CEO report to..... the stockholders
>>(tax payers). You think the
>>stockholders won't be looking for
>>bigger dividends or repurchased shares
>>or increased market share? So
>>buying back their stock won't
>>help? where does that money
>>go? Who get's it? You
>>think employees won't be looking
>>at bigger paychecks since the
>>free market will expand.
>So what happens when it swings
>back as it always has
>and we are sitting on
>$25 Trillion and the world
>markets end the free ride?
> You ever think more
>than 15 minutes into the
>future? When things are
>rocking and the economy is
>recovering, the old conservatives, the
>real ones enforced fiscal discipline
>in order to put away
>some dry powder for the
>inevitable rainy day. Now
>we have the fake ones
>who spend more, borrow more
>and pat themselves on the
>back that they really don't
>give a shyt about what
>happens next.
>>Some of us have witnessed and
>>lived while these types of
>>plans were deployed and guess
>>what......we're still here aren't we,
>>and many of them worked.......imagine
>>that and that's exactly why
>>we have a 2 party
>>system so we can correct
>>things for the betterment of
>>this country.
>Yes we are still here and
>it only took $21 Trillion
>more than we took in
>to keep us here,
>when you stop and think
>about what happens when interest
>rates rise and borrowing cost
>sky rocket? The
>FED is required to step
>in when the party really
>starts going and take away
>the punch bowl.
>So when the hang over
>from this happens are you
>going to own it, highly
>>So since you didn't vote for
>>either party you cast your
>>own fate to the wind.....guess
>>you'll just have to hope
>>things work out. One things
>>for certain it's out of
>>your hands isn't it....and now
>>you're screaming foul....jokes on you
>>skippy you gave up you
>>chair before the music stopped.....LOL
>>but you and DUD are
>>sure singing the blues...
>If the choice is between a
>criminal and a floppy haired
>clown car driver, that is
>not a choice we should
>be forced to make.
> You can believe Trump
>is all that and a
>bag of chips but he
>The joke will end up being
>on you when your only
>claim you can make is
>that conservatives added Trillions more
>to the debt.
>Keep cheering, the bill for all
>it won't come due for
>you to pay, you should
>hug your grand children before
>sending them away to debt
>prison but hey at least
>you got yours and that
>is what really matters to
>you in the end, isn't
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-17 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]

Truth be told they have no idea how much this new tax plan may add to the debt. For all they know it will decrease the debt due to more tax revenue generated by people having more money in their pockets. They just really can't honestly tell us because they don't know. Newsweek's best guess maybe 2 trillion over 10 years. Maybe absolutely nothing, maybe it actually lowers the debt. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.


When the economy heats up from more money being put into it and the FED steps in to temper irrational exuberance through increases in the Prime rate, what happens to the government's borrowing costs? What does a 1% increase in borrowing costs add to the federal deficit? Hint: it is more than any growth will produce in revenue.

Nobody knows what it will cost? Maybe not to the dollar but they know that it wasn't "paid for" and they know that both Medicare and Social Security costs will grow. The Trust funds for both are sitting on U.S. Government bonds which have to be redeemed. To attract enough bond buyers what will happen to the borrowing costs and yields? Who pays for the those costs when they are redeemed to pay entitlement payments?

Not a single dollar of spending has been cut and the "deal" being worked out between the White House, Ryan, McConnell, Chuck and Nancy is to increase both military and domestic discretionary because they need 60 votes in the Senate.

Is the debt an issue or isn't it? That is the single question that needs to be answered. If it no longer matters then there is no reason for a conservative party unless it is to dictate what religion is the right one.

There is zero analysis by anyone serious that shows these tax cuts will produce enough growth to offset their costs and nobody is saying that rising borrowing costs will be made up by these tax cuts.

So what are we to do file bankruptcy? Nobody said it would eliminate all the deficit But it will stimulate the economy and may ease the main body of taxpayers troubles a bit since they're living paycheck to paycheck.

After all the gop got called out when they tried to stop Obama didn't they? So how'd that work out?

So if the current economy is unable to produce enough tax revenue to reduce the debt and pay down the interest, what solution do they have?

Nemonts got some very valid points but the truth is without increasing sustainable revenues and eliminating debt the situation is eventually going to crash. So when do you drive the ship into the rocks?.......Since nobody can predict the future it seems more prudent to try to extend things and hope we can develop some new sources of revenue so things may change in a manner that would allow us to get out of the mess. If not do you really think a few trillion more matters? Hardly

Obama's intentions were clear socialism awaits us and Hillary was all to eager to follow Soro's plan to take us down that path since in reality the elites aren't affected are they.

Trump derailed the whole process and given the mess he inherited maybe they can set things on the right path to eliminate the deficit over time. The world was in ruins after WWII and American's saw grim times during the depression and after WWII yet we managed to recover and so did the rest of the world.

One things for certain in both those events we weren't in the best economic situation and we had to rebuild abroad and at home. Millions of servicemen were returning home to no jobs and yet we managed to do it.

If the financial gurus were always right we wouldn't have had the housing crash and the demise of several large brokerages in recent times. Remember Uncle Sam had to back some of those failures didn't they. The best minds in the financial failed to save themselves and billions of their investors dollars.

Trump and his team are betting on us not against us and the one thing that's lost on the naysayers is the fact they're all in anyway. If the economy crashes brokerages will tank and all those investments won't be worth the paper they're written on. I know OCHOKO your's are guaranteed......LOL No brokerage on earth has the cash reserves to cover ALL their portfolio the jokes on you in reality.

So we can all piss and moan about where we are or you can back the only game you've got right now and do the same in the future who ever gets elected.

Why? Because frankly socialism and the new world order based on the UN assembly's hostility towards us doesn't look to attractive to most American's no matter what color you are.

No economy on earth has the potential ours has let alone the capability to innovate and create products....that's been proven time and again.... so him playing to our strengths seems more logical than the grab your ankles concept and may demonstrate why he manages to succeed when those that opposed him failed.

Yes the financial minds ended up being bailed out by Uncle Sam and it is those same guys, who average Joe's had to cough up money to bail out, who populate the White House. Mnuchin was a Goldman Sachs/Hedge fund manager, who worked a sweet heart deal to bring George Soros to the table to buy Indymac and stuck the U.S. taxpayers with the junk and rode off with the good assets.

So spare me that Trump and he merry band of wise guys are smarter and better than all previous guys who came before them.

Yes we are all on the ride together, it is unfortunate that many of the riders don't give phuk about the destination.

Now you know this ride wasn't going to go on forever without some corrections. Trumps merry men are just as culpable as many that preceded them, and they all feathered their beds.

Let's not blame the Trump administration for what they inherited. Let's face it Nemont as long as you've been in the business you've had more than your share of cloudy days in that crystal ball, just like the rest of us, or you'd be retired by now. Trumps a pragmatist and given what we're facing that may wind up working better for us in the end. Time will tell.
3 years will tell if your orange chit stain will be reelected. you ready to bet on that ?

Com'on stop hiding under Trump's desk. they say god hates a coward, you don't want him to hate you now do you ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
No no no. you're talking the chit today, today is where you back it up.

Besides, even you dumbphuks will figure out it's hopeless before then. bet NOW .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-17 AT 07:24AM (MST)[p]

So you want us to bet OK how about we bet $10,000 on this: I say there's going to be more resignations or reassignments in the FBI or the DOJ in the future and possibly some charges being filed against individuals involved with the Russia Dossier matter and or the Clinton email matter. You keep holding to the fact there won't be any so big mouth put up or shut the hell up.

Then I'll wager another $10,000 that Trump doesn't get impeached and the senate removes him from office for proving the dossier is legit and Collusion with Russia in his first term.

If you can't man up and take these bets you aren't a man of your convictions since you think Trump colluded. So now big mouth you have two bets put up or shut up

This is a one time today only offer so let's see if you have the stones to stand behind your contentions. My guess is you'll fold.....LOL
I never said Trump will be impeached. but he might be. right now we have an ultra-partisan fox guarding the hen house. and you want me to bet on the hens, I'd have to be as dumb as you to take that one. ( to explain for you, you want me to bet this republican congress will put the nation ahead of partisan gain ) not phukin gonna happen. but if the midterms go as they may I might take that bet.

FBI resignations? WTF do I care about that ? Mueller is not working for the FBI dum dum . get in the game.

And with all your cheerleading and off topic chit you still will not bet on Trump's reelection. that says all there is to say about the likes of you.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So lets see you think it's fine for democrats and the media to keep terrorizing the President over fake news, a biased investigation and fake dossier? and you want us to vote against 3 more years of that.........

yet you won't ante up knowing the investigation isn't being conducted w/o prejudice....LOL

So when are you going to start growing pot since it's all the rage in Oregon? Bet it would make paying your property taxes much easier.....LOL I'll bet it's more lucrative than hay or just about anything you've been planting. :)
I have no interest in pot growing. I'd have to deal with too many people like you.

Prove the investigation is unfair and biased. prove the claims made against comrade Trump are false. the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to sort the truth from fiction and so far 90% of the fiction has come from the whitehouse in the form of lies and fake news.

If Trump had nothing to hide he's welcome the investigation and try to assist in speeding it along. but he's resorted to gathering like minded un-American republicans to assist him in discrediting everyone involved including those he chose . he knows the truth will be exposed and his only defense is what it's always been, call everyone a liar.

Your only hope is to throw enough family and friends under the bus to keep it from running your hero over. you may succeed but for the good of the nation I wish you a " yuge " failure.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
For the record I said if trump is guilty he should go. But you seem to not be able to grasp some simple facts. There are rules within the FBI that are there to prevent them from hurting their own efforts to investigate. Some of those rules concern conflicts of interest and being able to recuse yourself from an investigation so a snappy well educated defense lawyer can't use it against them in court.

Try to keep up because for the law enforcement agency with the highest conviction rate in the world, too many items being questioned, shouldn't have been a question at all. That's where the issue arises and given that many members of congress have jurist doctorate degrees it's a pesky little detail they know shouldn't have happened in the first place. The fact in the future we'll be seeing more resignations is proof they violated their own guidelines. FBI agents are degreed and well educated and know the rules. Is it politics yes and no. FBI agents who make a mistake are reprimanded and placed on corrective action they don't resign unless they have committed a serious violation.

So given the assistant director McCabe was on the Clinton investigation, Russian Dossier, and on the Trump matter is not normally the way they handle things. Couple that with the fact his wife received over 500K in campaign contributions from the democratic party he knew damn good and well he should have stepped aside but didn't. Given that many of the same players were involved in the same matters when policy called for different agents to handle different facets of ongoing matters can you see how they managed to circumvent policy and compromise their own investigation. Even if it all was above board they didn't follow policy.

It would have been a simple matter for them to have done so but why didn't they? See how the questions arise? Congress knows they didn't follow procedure and they also know the same folks shouldn't have been in control of all those interlinked investigations.

Especially when Clinton accepted millions indirectly from Russia to influence the sale of our Uranium, violated her security agreement and they now know her server was hacked by the Russians and they exonerated her. Then they had a dossier bought and paid for By Clinton that said Trump had ties to Russia which was bad information. Whom the same people in the FBI cleared. Yet we have the DOJ Atty now implicated whose wife worked for the firm that Clinton & the dems paid for the dossier. You think there aren't some issues here.....They didn't make this up.

Then we have the possibility of that same dossier being used to obtain the fisa warrant to spy on Trump and his campaign that allowed them to look at phones, emails, laptops and use other means to prove they were colluding may have been obtained illegally.

But wait since we already know Hillary's computer was hacked Russians) and she violated her agreement and destroyed evidence in front of the same agents ( investigating him) that cleared her seems that we may have missed the mark on several previous issues in this investigation.

lest not we forget the dems got caught red handed colluding to win the election for Hillary and wikileaks exposed Russia ties there too ( Podesta's). HMMM

So even a fair minded guy like you might be able to see there's some issues here when they have paper trails proving a lot of this. So while Trump may be guilty there seems to be far more evidence supporting the possibility of collusion by other individuals than Donald Trump and given they were investigating him it's hasn't been handled in the manner we'd expect from our FBI. That's why it's come into the sunlight so, let's see if it's a mirage or if it's true. Given the fact the Trump campaign wasn't trained in trade craft and the agents were it's interesting that the investigators & Clinton seem to have more proof of violations than the accused.
I thought collusion was not a crime? That is team Trump?s defense. But if a Democrat collude then it is illegal?

All you State about the FBI?s handling is mostly unproven allegations from team Trump. The investigation on both fronts is moving forward as we speak.

Team Trump is set to throw Flynn under the bus due to his cooperation with Mueller?s Investigation. Smoke and fire both originate from the same source. Just saying that Trump is picked on isn't a viable defense.

Go back and review what happened when Bill Clinton got investigated? The same smoke and mirrors happened.

Now to your point about collusion.... that was the term the dems used remember... and that's how we got sent down this damn road to perdition. It's hard to know what's fact and what's fiction in this but we do know the FBI violated their own procedures in how some of this was handled. Degreed agents many of whom have law degrees know exactly when they need to recuse some of the smoke isn't a mirage.
All roads return to Clinton.

How is that the Clinton investigation led articles of Impeachment passing the House? If it was just a witch hunt with smoke and mirrors seems odd that our system would risk a constitutional crisis on just smoke and mirrors. Mueller doesn't much care what mud Team Trump throws at him, he knows it won't stick.

We "know" the FBI violated anything or is that is what is reported in the media? Why do you distrust the media on all things except something that may help your guy? Is that like KNOWING there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but not finding them? We don't know anything about the investigation.

If you cannot trust the FBI to investigate Trump why do you trust them to investigate Hillary? Either you can trust them or you can't, it doesn't matter if what side of political aisle you sit on.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-17 AT 03:29PM (MST)[p]Nemont, have you ever had a federal security clearance? Well I have and so did many of the employees that worked on some of the things we made. Now I'm reasonably certain if one of my engineers had taken classified information out of the plant on a disc or a plan and it was discovered they would have been prosecuted. In fact the FBI would have been investigating the whole damn plant. They were in violation of their agreements.

Now to that end what we made by today's standards was old technology but yet it was restricted. When Comey gave us the talk based on what he said Hillary had done, everyone was surprised they let her off.

I think Comey couldn't get the attorney general to refer it and followed his orders. The FBI can't charge her the unless the DOJ or grand jury agrees to indict if what we are being told is true. Seems reasonable since that's the way it works in local cases.

But remember Politicians are immune to some things and maybe her actions fell under that but Huma and Cheryl Mill's certainly didn't. Da Weiner didn't have clearance for anything at this point and they know he had access to Huma's computer. So to say things are questionable is reasonable. It may all be well and good but then again it may not be according to hoyle.

It's the government so we only know what they want us too. When FBI agents and past directors are on TV saying things aren't right I tend to believe them......Why because they gave their life and soul to the bureau and people like that won't spit on their legacy, or their coworkers, for the same reasons you don't see Marines spitting on the corp.

That's exactly my point, if you can't trust them we're in bigger trouble than we think.....on either one of them. We'll see how this plays out but I think there's more actions coming to indicate procedure wasn't followed. You can disagree but we'll see how it plays out.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-17 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]
Saying the FBI is not to be when it is looking at Trump but to be trusted when it is looking at Hillary and company seems like magical thinking.

Mueller has produced indictments and guilty pleas. Trump himself is likely to not be caught up in it in the end but Jr. may be and Jared is going to get his hand slapped.

There is a bigger issue in this whole thing but time will tell if it comes out.

Weiner went to prison.

Since we can no longer place wagers, I will state again that if Hillary is dirty why hasn't the new AG went after her? The Clinton Foundation is the obvious target, yet nada, zip nothing. The "new" Uranium One investigation is going to come up with what? Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Even Jeff Sessions doesn't believe that one.

Why don't the dems just give you Clinton and guilty or not you can hang her. be my guest.

But after that what will be your defense for collusion and obstruction in THIS whitehouse?

You're as transparent as a windshield.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I can see you are having issues with the written word again. see the that's my point line above..... where I state with either one.....LOL

Looks like you're suffering from that small case of liberal hysteria yourself. LOL
I think if we did a thread count we'd find you show a lot more bias than anyone on this forum.....on numerous topics...LOL
>I can see you are having
>issues with the written word
>again. see the that's my
>point line above..... where I
>state with either one.....LOL
>Looks like you're suffering from that
>small case of liberal hysteria
>yourself. LOL

Why is it that Trump supporters believe that anyone who thinks Trump is the 2nd coming of Christ is a liberal? Many, many rock ribbed conservatives think he is huckster, a floppy haired cartoon character who will set back the Conservative case for smaller government at least 30 years.

I guess if you want to be brainwashed by team Trump that his is the greatest ever, just ask him, you can be. I am no liberal nor am a Trumpteer.

If you actually paid attention I've stated numerous times I don't agree with all he says but the reason you get thrown in with liberals is the fact you seem to identify with many of their talking points and actions.

I told you that once before and I know you're not a liberal but Trump makes your blood boil. You find it hard to find any good in anything he does. If you remember a while back I told you you'd have plenty of material to work with because he's out of the box, and you do.

But he's figured out it gets a reaction and he's going to use it as a weapon. He's not a normal politician and never will be and he's got thick skin. hell I'd like it if he were to appear more presidential but the press is all over him and the majority of it is crap.

When they choose to demonize him he'll sit back and catch them in their FAKE NEWS and let them hang themselves and it's working. Obama couldn't have stood up to what the press has dished out to Trump. They loved him, never questioned him, and he avoided them like the plague. So fasten your seat belt it ain't going to get better......
Trump is not a leader, Trump has the thinnest skin of anyone in DC. need examples ? which would you prefer first, whiney Trump ? or insane Trump ?

Trump is to America what getting knocked up is to a high school girl. a mistake you can't take back but one you can recover from.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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