Turkey Success Pic. Contest - Win Elk Hunter Magazine


Founder Since 1999
Turkey hunters kill elk too! Here's your chance to WIN Elk Hunter Magazine!

[font size=+1]Share your 2012 Turkey Hunting Photo(s).[/font]

Coolest pic wins. Let's see 'um boys n girls.........I'll pick winner in a couple week.

Elk Hunter Magazine features articles, tips, tricks that will have the elk nuts of the world drooling. Be a better elk hunter.


Brian Latturner
Me with the kid I mentored yesterday on his first turkey hunt!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:22?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:20?PM (MST)

Opening day Idaho general hunt on public land.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]That is quite a photo with all that snow for turkey season. Last year I stayed in bed on opening morning when it was like that! Good going and a picture that will be hard to beat!
I shot this bird at about 25 yards, 6:10 a.m. Saturday 4/29. I was sitting under the tree in the background. A nice two-year-old, 8.5" beard, 3/4 inch spurs, about 18 pounds, used a 12-gauge shotgun, #4 shot. Hubby (ColoradoBob) called him in along with three hens.

My entire goal of the turkey hunt was to have my son their with me if I pulled the trigger. We were fortunate and sealed the deal with a nice Tom; with probably the ugliest fan around.


LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 02:49?PM (MST)

My little Lioncub (JP) with his first turkey. Shot with a 20 gauge. Awesome pic of him carrying out the big bird (barely)! HA!


Priceless SMILE! :)

Back at the truck photo!!

This is my 2007 Turkey with a bow and my son kept him at bay by calling while I got close enough for a shot. 41 yards


4 years later he got one for himself while I called him in.


Great Memories
LAST EDITED ON May-02-12 AT 01:08PM (MST)[p]Not a success pic but this is my youngest on a recent gobbler hunt. One of our setups is a small crater where I can hide him. He built a corral and was putting earthworms in it.LOL

LAST EDITED ON May-05-12 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]I'd never taken a turkey with more than one beard until this week. My 22 1/2# Wisconsin public land bird had 4. 10", 6", 5 1/2" & 2". Total NWTF score of 85.125. Most of the properties I tried were overcrowded with hunters. This one was the exception.



Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON May-06-12 AT 03:09PM (MST)[p]Here are a couple of Utah archery toms! When the the birds were bagged, the fish were biting as a bonus!



These are our Idaho birds.My boys got these after we called in 16 jakes.It was my youngests first year for turkeys and hes hooked like all of us are.

My boy got this big tom opening morning.

I got mine after the boys were done.Me and the youngest are going back to fill our second tag he cant wait and neither can I.
Here is my bird this year. He came out of the roost in the trees in the background with his girls, and after about 30 minutes, they finally made their way over to me. The grass was pretty wet from the morning dew, which is why the bird looks totally soaked. This was the first time hunting this property, and it sure is beautiful.


Here he is with my son. I was back at the house before the family even woke up, and I brought donuts for breakfast!

Awesome pictures guys!

Both my boys scored Utah birds this year..
First was my 14 year old, He's harvested 3 now.
This one was BY FAR the biggest,, So I'm letting him
have it mounted..11" beard , biggest 'dead' bird I've ever seen.

The second bird was my 8 year olds first hunt ever.....
REALLY special! It was on the 3rd morning of the youth hunt.
Got to watch it for an hour gobbling and strutting around
before it came in range of our blind,,,SUPER FUN!

And ya,,,HE'S HOOKED!

Lots of good pictures here. Not sure mine has a chance, but here is the bird I took this year:


My favorite turkey pic of all time is this one of my hunt from last spring:

LAST EDITED ON May-14-12 AT 11:46PM (MST)[p][font size=+2]And the Winner Is.....HayZeus.[/font]

Thank you everyone for sharing the photos. Sure is fun to see success and smiles. Great stuff.

HayZeus - Shoot me a PM with your name and mailing information.


Brian Latturner

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