Turn tag back in?


Active Member
A group of three of us have NR 44 third season deer tags that took 18 years to draw. Weather doesn't look good over the next 10 days. What do you think?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-14 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]>A group of three of us
>have NR 44 third season
>deer tags that took 18
>years to draw. Weather
>doesn't look good over the
>next 10 days. What
>do you think?

Turn it back in and you will probably not draw the tag for another 10 years. You will be 1 point behind. Not to mention it is a ##### move to the 3 guys that could have drawn those tags and hunted anyways!

If it was me, I would just man up and go hunt! There have already been at least 4 bucks that have hit the ground in the2nd season that went well over 200 inches. Talk about a hot dry season!

Go ahead and drop the tags and like I mentioned you will likely be waiting another several years to even have a chance!

I personally hate the Colorado system! You should not get to turn a tag back in! It screws up everyone else's opportunity just because your not good enough to hunt in less than perfect conditions!
Like I mentioned to the Commission it is total bullshit to turn your tag back in because you don't think it will be a good hunt. There are too many people that would love to have the tag that you drew. Suck it up and go hunt.
Hunt it, You might have to get back in deeper, But there is still some good bucks in there. Up high it still is freezing every night or close to it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Here's the other thing, these weathermen struggle to predict 2morrows weather. We could get a 2 ft dumper in 3rd season for all they know. And no matter the weather they're startin to rut! It's just that time of year! Good luck!
If your gut says turn it in, then turn it in. I'd personally not wrap up 18pts in a group hunt when it's hard enough to find THE deer worth 18pts to fill 1 tag, let alone 3.
Horn growth this year is about as good as you could ever ask for in Colorado. Just look at the bucks that have been hitting the ground. What if the weather next time you draw is the same or even warmer? You might have to hunt a little harder, but that unit is far from a gimmie hunt to start with. Hunt it, be patient, and don't sit in camp throughout midday and you should have a great time.
It's bull crud to turn back tags because of what you think the weather might be in a week or so. Man up and hunt it, don't screw over the rest of us hunters.
I can see turning a tag back in because of health reasons, family issues, emergencies, the whole unit on fire, etc.

But because the weather isn't perfect?Come on now ......thats chicken $H!T. The deer are still there. Just hunt harder, walk an extra mile, glass until your eyes hurt. And when you do kill that trophy buck, you'll know you earned him.
Please don't take offense to some of the comments on here. They clearly want your tag! But you SHOULD go hunt, and post up your success and experiences after. Elks is right. You may not get the chance at this tag again for a long time. Have a blast!
I didn't MAKE the rule, I'm just playing by them. The tags went back today.

I've had numerous people tell me that this hunt really needs snow to be good and its not happening. Kind of like going salmon fishing when the run is on.

If we can't draw it next year we'll look for another hunt that takes 18 points.

Thanks for the comments.
Some of us might take offence to some of these "Gentlemens" comments.But what it comes down to is,Colorado made the rules, we earned the points, and this being America, we can do as we see fit with these tags. So suck it up boys, we might just draw these tags again next year and if need be we might just send them back again! Colorado ain't the only state that we have a pile of point for. Sincerely, Buckhunter1955
And 2morrow u might get hit by a bus. No one can predict the future, still may get a 2 ftr and they stack em like cord wood. Good luck men!
I'd gladly take them of your hands! I get your point waiting that long to hunt the perfect season, wish I had your dilemma, good luck next year
Link to the form to return a tag and get PP restored. I don't see anything that prohibits the return transactions.


I looked at the draw summaries and there were 15 tags available, 2 went to land owners, 9 went to residents, 4 went to non-residents. I guess by returning the three tags due to the "good" weather concerns means that 3 of the 4 non-resident hunters that applied with 15 preference points are taking it in the shorts. I wonder how often this happens and how much does it add to point creep?

Checking the City of Rifle Colorado 10-day forcast, looks like NORMAL temperatures expected. Typical precipitation of the entire month of November is 1.12 inches. Not sure why you rolled the dice thinking this was the year of big time, deer moving early snows?
The state of CO. just got a $1053 donation for nothing. You really think they are going to change the rules. 3 bucks just got pardened to grow for another year. I don't see the problem. Like he said " I don't make the rules, just play by them".
The real issue is how much this adds to pp creep and how much it decreases everyone's opportunity.

The funny part is they are calling for snow both Monday and Tuesday of the hunt. Temps are supposed to drop and most of the deer seem to have already moved lower and are displaying precut activity.

It is good for the other hunters in the unit as they have less competition but seriously what happens when this winter hits hard, tags are cut and the points jump like they did on 9/10 because number go back down.

Like mentioned above... You never know when this hunt is your last hunt! You may never see next season and every season you sit out because you did not like the weather is one less season all together!
Ethics vs regulations. Seems like a continuing question and dilemma here on MM...

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
You made the right choice. I had this same tag back in 2012 on a similar, unseasonable warm year. I now wish I would have went with my gut and turned my tag in. It was a tough hunt, and not what I hoped for burning the amount of points I had accumulated. I did end up grinding out a good buck, but did not pass, or see many other bucks. The biggest bucks in this unit come out on governors tags late in the year or when considerable snow falls. Don't let the MM jury sway your choice, you can't win on this site anyway these days. Good luck with your points, and when you do decide to draw it kill the three bucks that you let get a year older:)
>You made the right choice. I
>had this same tag back
>in 2012 on a similar,
>unseasonable warm year. I now
>wish I would have went
>with my gut and turned
>my tag in. It was
>a tough hunt, and not
>what I hoped for burning
>the amount of points I
>had accumulated. I did end
>up grinding out a good
>buck, but did not pass,
>or see many other bucks.
> The biggest bucks in
>this unit come out on
>governors tags late in the
>year or when considerable snow
>falls. Don't let the
>MM jury sway your choice,
>you can't win on this
>site anyway these days.
>Good luck with your points,
>and when you do decide
>to draw it kill the
>three bucks that you let
>get a year older:)

Oh no not a tough hunt!!! Who would want such a thing!
Here's my thinking. If you can't go into a unit of this caliber and size, in November, and get in on a shooter buck, you really need to hang it up. there are only 15 tags! What more could a person ask for.
I see both sides, CO gave them this ability even though I don't agree with it. Just like I don't agree with getting a buck or bull tag each year and still collecting a point. I do it though to play the game. If I had that tag, there is NO WAY I'd turn it in! The deer don't magically appear when 6" of snow hits the ground. They are still there you just need to go higher/deeper and hunt longer is all.
You may never draw that tag again now that you are a point farther back and with the late season dates coming up in future years, people with tons of points will be coming out of the wood work to dump them...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
I wish guys would just man up and hunt. I'm sure there are three people that applied that would not have turned their tags back in because they're afraid they won't have ideal conditions, in my mind people like you just took away someone's dream hunt. Roll the dice, its hunting not killing. I had a 3rd season tag in Colorado in 2012 in a unit that isn't known for giant deer. It was 70?+ and I was lucky enough to shoot a 190+ deer. I worked hard and was rewarded. In a primo unit like 44 you'd think you would be able to turn one up. Good luck with waiting though, I'll be there Saturday doing some hunting and enjoying the warm weather and being in the woods.
44 is a good unit with favorable conditions, without snow it is an average unit. Finding a shooter buck wouldn't be the problem, finding a buck worthy of an 18 year investment is another story. Nothing wrong with a hard hunt, but with 18 points you're not looking for just a "shooter" buck, you are hoping to put yourself in a position to kill a buck of a lifetime. Odds of that happening in 44 are much better with the right conditions.
I do not agree with turning tags back in from an ethical and obligatory standpoint. However, rules are rules and there are reasons behind them. I have a 44 3rd season tag and there's not a chance I'd turn it back in. I am glad that I will have three less hunters to compete with. Any tips would be appreciated by the way. Good luck to everybody.
I think I would have just applied for 1 or 2 tags and have the group hunt for 1 or 2 bucks. You could have done the same on turning them in, just turn in 1 or 2. Colorado should really set a time limit on when you can turn them in like Utah and then get the tags in the hand of the next in line. This scenario could repeat itself for years.
Hey is my 2 cents on turning tags back in. I feel there should have to be a substantial reason such as a death in the immediate family, A serious illness or some serious reason that can be somehow verified.

Afraid the weather will not be good or you dont want a hard hunt is NOT a reason. You chose the tag with the intention on hunting. You took the gamble. Now it is your time to follow through.
I have a 3rd season tag close to unit 44. I want to turn my tag in because it is going to snow on Sunday and Monday. I am looking for a tougher hunt and snow makes it a slam dunk. Plus i want to wear shorts too. Guess i should've put in for an archery hunt.
The snow on Sunday and Monday will be an unfortunate occurrence for the other poor dudes how had the manhood to keep their tags and hunt. They will have to deal with weather. So sad for them. As for the girls who turned in their tags, they will be able to draw the tags again next year without a problem and see if their corsets are tight enough to hunt come the same time next Fall. Turning tags back in because the weather is average seems like a selfish move.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]Did you have 18 points going in to the draw, or 17?

You mentioned that you will have 18pp next year, so that would mean you had 18 going into the draw this year, right? You don't gain a point when you turn a tag back in.

Did all three guys in your party have the same # of points? Are all three of you NR's?
Most scenarios are factored in. Even tags bein turned back in. Sure they have a percentage # averaged over 20 yrs that gets factored into their tag allotment.
>I was told the DWR issues
>extra tags up front for
>this reason, any truth to

Not really on the top hunts. When issuing tags they look at all sorts of numbers, success rates, days in the field, herd objectives, etc. In many cases returned tags are outliers. As mentioned it does mean more bucks next year and those with the tag still should be better off, but there is still a pile of guys that would want that tag. Hell maybe even give up body parts for such a tag.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14
>AT 10:45?AM (MST)

>Did you have 18 points going
>in to the draw, or
>You mentioned that you will have
>18pp next year, so that
>would mean you had 18
>going into the draw this
>year, right? You don't gain
>a point when you turn
>a tag back in.
>Did all three guys in your
>party have the same #
>of points? Are all three
>of you NR's?
All NR's. One guy with 17, one with 18 and one with 20 or 21 (not sure on the last guy). And I wear a size 5 corset.
I personally had to turn a tag back in this year due to a family death and using all my vacation. I tried as hard as I could to manipulate a way to hunt even with my situation but work just wouldn't allow it. Ever since then I feel I'm missing out on my chance.

In your situation turning the tag back in might seem like the smart thing to do but what if we have another huge winter that kills off a ton of deer like the winter in 06 or 07(can't remember which one it was)? The deer herds are finally rebounding and if there was another bad winter you will be kicking yourself pretty hard.
Quote: "All NR's. One guy with 17, one with 18 and one with 20 or 21 (not sure on the last guy). And I wear a size 5 corset."


Ok thanks...I was just curious, not about your corset though. There were only 4 NR tags available for that hunt. You guys took 3 of them. And of course they don't re-issue or re-offer deer tags that get turned back in.

So if your group applies again for 3rd season as a group next year, you'll have poor odds to draw, since you've now lost a year's worth of points and would be going in with 17pp as a group. That might be tough to swallow, particularly if I was the 20PP member of your group. Especially knowing that 20pp was enough to have drawn 4th season tag in 44 this year, but probably won't be in 2015, and probably not for several more years with point creep as it is.
I'm glad you turned in your tags. You and your clan sound like a bunch of pansys. You guys don't deserve 3rd season 44 tags.
Well the rest of the 3rd season hunters will be very happy you did. Probably not the unit for you guys anyways. Very steep terrain. A hard hunt no matter the weather.
Weather has been great for deer hunting around here lately! First of all most of the deer migrated without the snow anyways. There were tons of deer down in the pJ and sage. In a much lesser unit on Saturday I saw 1 buck pushing 180 and a couple in the 160 ranges. All rutted up and ready to fight.

The snow came. Temps were cold and the deer got really active. Down valley from 44. Seen a lot of guys enjoyingt he season and have seen a lot of decent, not huge, but good bucks hit the ground!

Thanks for sparing those bucks, they will be bigger next year for someone who just passed u in the points game!
I'm on the side of those against turning a tag back in. Whether it be ethical or obligation. You applied and drew, now hunt. If weather was/is a concern isn't that part of the experience either good or bad. Blaming mother nature is a cop out in my opinion.
I was glad that somebody turned their elk tag in this year. I was able to use the returned tag and got a nice bull. It wasn't a monster but I was very happy with it and it was an awesome hunt.
>I was glad that somebody turned
>their elk tag in this
>year. I was able
>to use the returned tag
>and got a nice bull.
> It wasn't a monster
>but I was very happy
>with it and it was
>an awesome hunt.

Not in Colorado they do not redraw the tags!
WOW! I can't believe the attitude of some hunter's out there. I'm still waiting for my chance to hunt a good 3rd season deer hunt and my chance at getting that tag gets worse every year. If we all had the type of attitude that SOME guys have, then our future of hunting would be wiped out and available only to those who had more money then they knew what to do with and the super privileged.
I'm messing with you a little bit. I thought the same thing as you, but the detail I left out was that it was a Ranching for Wildlife tag. Apparently if the tag gets returned with enough time, they will contact the next person on the list who would have drawn it. I learned that only because it happened to me, and I believe it only happens with the RFW tag.
All the more reason it stinks when someone waits til the last day to turn back in a RFW tag. Then they can't call the next guy on the list.
They contacted me about 9 days before season started. I took a risk and accepted the tag, even though I didn't have lots of days to hunt or plan.
Was at a friends taxidermy shop yesterday hanging out. While I was there, I started reading through the HuntinFool magazine for the Colorado draw. I laughed when I saw their info for the 44 3rd season. Something like "Great hunt if there is weather. If there is no weather, turn your tag in"
>I'm messing with you a little
>bit. I thought the
>same thing as you, but
>the detail I left out
>was that it was a
>Ranching for Wildlife tag.
>Apparently if the tag gets
>returned with enough time, they
>will contact the next person
>on the list who would
>have drawn it. I
>learned that only because it
>happened to me, and I
>believe it only happens with
>the RFW tag.
>All the more reason it stinks
>when someone waits til the
>last day to turn back
>in a RFW tag.
>Then they can't call the
>next guy on the list.
>They contacted me about 9 days
>before season started. I
>took a risk and accepted
>the tag, even though I
>didn't have lots of days
>to hunt or plan.

I never knew this, of course I have never looked into a RFW tag either though.
Good info though, thanks.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
Yeah I am not a fan of RFW so I have never looked that close at it!

I am happy to know it! If we can get any traction On my tags turned back in idea, using a lotto system, then I have a sample system to use!

I knew for sure it was not a normal situation!

Now you have to let us know how it went!
Turn your tags back in after 18 years? You guys blow me away. You think it'll be a slam dunk if there's snow? It is never a easy hunt unless you're just lucky. You have no idea what happened on the 2nd season hunt this year. Some guys....

Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up

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