UN Gun Treaty


Active Member
I just want to inform everyone about a UN Gun Treaty that is being discussed among members of the United Nation. This would authorize the UN to restrict gun and ammo sales and ownership within the US. President Obama is showing full support of the treaty, which could become International Law by July 27, 2012. A majority vote is required from the US Senate to ratify the treaty. As responsible gun owners and US citizens I urge you to read the potential restrictions and how this treaty could undermine our US constitution. Please contact your US Senators and spread the word about this haphazard treaty.
Thanks - Preston Nelson
It will never fly due to the requirement that it be ratified by Congress before it goes to the President, but it shows that what many people are saying that BO isn't doing anything to restrict our use of guns better wake up!!!
Here is a link from the NRA


ALERT for your immediate attention

July 9, 2012

U.N. Arms (restriction-Second Amendment) Treaty this week

For your information - alert others in your sphere of influence. This alert is presented by our firm without promotion of one political party over the other. We are presenting the facts which you can check out yourself. Our firm unabashedly supports the firearms and outdoor industries in our country but more than "just that," we rabidly support our Constitutional rights.

No need for us to go into great detail concerning this matter. You can look this information up by simply searching United Nations Small Arms Treaty or go to the NRA website to check it out.

The current administration (Secretary of State Clinton) is scheduled to sign the U.N. Small Arms Treaty this week. That Treaty and its terms WILL have very real private firearm restriction ramifications for our country! The weird part is countries hostile to the U.S. will be voting to limit our Second Amendment rights via this U.N. treaty. In fact Iran is the chair of this Treaty committee!

The Process: The U.N. Small Arms Treaty has been sanctioned by President Obama and WILL be signed by Secretary Of State Clinton this week.THEN this Treaty must be approved by our U.S. Senate (as must all international treaties). Should our Senate approve this Treaty, it becomes absolutely binding to our country and any international firearm restrictions within the Treaty will carry the legal authority to supersede our Constitution and Bill of Rights as it pertains to firearm rights and ownership in the U.S.!

In other words any foreign government's limitations of private firearms agreed to under this Treaty would actually become LEGALLY enforceable in our country. Yeah, Really! This international arms restriction was originally promoted by President Clinton and many members of his party. Promotion of this Treaty has continued unabated by anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment factions within our political system up to and through today. If ratified by the Senate, President Obama has already announced, he will sign it!

This Treaty is incredibly dangerous to our freedoms and it is the camel's nose under the tent for our country. More will follow once (if) this precedent is set.

Contact your U.S. Senator now! Then remember who votes for what when it comes up for a Senate vote. And, remember, regardless of your party affiliation, elections really do matter and do so matter in many different ways.

Presented as a public service announcement from
Shults Media Relations, LLC
[email protected]
-- XXX ---
Check out what some of the nations are saying about the ATT. I went to the UN website and cannot find anything about what may or may not have been decided. They need more time I suppose. The US hasn't even filed a response yet.
Here is the link, surprising what Russia has stated but Mexico's position is predictable. Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom all agree with the European Unions position but that statement , I haven't found yet. Long read but very interesting as well.

Oddly enough, I thought The Heritage Foundation comments made the most sense. Some of the comments submitted by a few nations are troubling, at best.

pound sand buzz...we know you are on the other team....sleep well with a mattress stuffed with tax dollars...

Good Luck! Seems so many of the SHEEPLE want to be like Europe. Things are so great over there, always have been. Never could understand why for the past several hundred years so many would leave everything they have, family included to flock over here? And now WE THE SHEEPLE will sit back and watch as other nations and Our corrupt government determine Our future and systematically dismantle Our Constitution...REALLY? None of the SHEEPLE should be surprised as obummer is doing exactly what he said he was going to do, fundamentally change the United States. As I have stated in the past We will surrender our Rights to keep our privileges! HOW FRICKEN WEAK WE HAVE BECOME. Has anyone heard any trumpets? Sad most won't get that one.


Well said Norkalnimrod. Definitely seems like the trumpets are sounding. Either that or birth pains are beginning. Kind of exciting if you ask me. Who wants the typical life anyways?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."
-- Abraham Lincoln, 4 April 1861

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.
-- Hitler, April 11 1942
I have heard that 58 Senators in Congress have confirmed they will vote against it if Hillary signs it at the U.N. If that is true, it will never get to Obama, who would sign it into law in a heartbeat. The NRA has been putting pressure on members of Congress to go against this U.N. mandate. Even some Democrat Senators are among those 58 members who will oppose it.

There will be a chosen few vocal Democrats that will vote Yea and they are the likes of Pelosi, Boxer, Shumer, Feinstein, Kerry, etc., because it doesn't matter how they vote on anything when you look at the constituents they represent and that keep re-electing them!
Never happen, but it does expose those "extra worthless" politicians amongst us.

Find W. LaPierre's video of his address of the UN on this matter. He sounds/appears to be truly PISSED!

Too bad that 100 million Americans own guns, yet only 4 million are NRA members. I remember paying off my life membership while living off Ramen noodles in college. If you are not a member, GET SIGNED UP!
delmag1942 stated: "Too bad that 100 million Americans own guns, yet only 4 million are NRA members. I remember paying off my life membership while living off Ramen noodles in college. If you are not a member, GET SIGNED UP!"

Hard to believe that for a few bucks a year that there are that few of us who belong, but it's just another fact of life in today's society where tons of folks cry out, but few lend a hand in the actual fight against something!
What really sucks about all of this is that the US is assessed for 25% of the UN's annual budget (the bright spot in this one is that we are well behind in making our payments). Iran, the one in charge of this effort at this point, does not even make the list of contributors. While looking at the UN budget today, I also found a list of their "additional mandate and priorities" these two listed in a list of 9: "Strenghtening the Peacebuilding Support Office" and "Disarmament". I am certain the second one refers to nuclear weapons:)
I almost bought a life membership about 25 years ago. Instead I decided to pay my yearly fees and the NRA will get more money out of me on a year to year basis. Have been paying those membership fees for the past 35 years.

I also order gun supplies from several places that allows a contribution fee for the NRA and I give an extra 5 bucks on the order.

I have found that a lot of guys who refuse to join up and give one phoney reason after another, are just too damn cheap and not enough guts to admit it. I can accept persons who will not join the NRA, but will instead join another pro gun outfit and contribute their money to them.

Anyone who fails to join the NRA or other pro gun outfits have lost the right to complain about anti gun laws as far as I am concerned. I turn my back on them and walk away when they start squealing.

I too have been paying my lifetime membership either 3 or 5 years at a time. I need to "re-up" pretty dang quick. I have one brother that refuses to join, say's he is worried about government obtaining member roles and confiscating guns. Got a very good friend with the same attitude, PISS'S ME OFF!

Check out the UN's website, fricken scary really!

Too bad the planes didn't take the UN building out on 9//11 instead of the Twin Towers. The UN and their friggin peace keeping with us footing most of the bills is a bunch of BS!
I have been an NRA member for over 20 years!! Anyone who thinks
this can't happen better guess again.
If (OBAMA) One Big Ass Mistake America is reelected he and his
socialistic followers will push for it and you can take that to the bank. I FOR ONE WILL NEVER GIVE UP MY GUNS EVER!!! So if it means goin to the grave to keep em so beit. Alot talk the talk, but my family will not go down without a fight. The UN CAN SHOVE IT RIGHT UP THEIR A**HOLE AND STAY OUT OF AMERICAS BUSINESS!!!!
I've been a Benefactor Member for over 10 years, a Life member for over 20. I've since been sending the most mmoney to the Calguns Foundation. They are leading the fight through the judicial system and have been very instrumental and succesfull in bringing ccw's back to the common folk here in Ca among other victories. The UN and there supporters can f_ck off.....better off without em.
Tell your Brother and friend that they can bet their backsides Big Brother (no pun intended) already knows who has the evil guns and such. However, the NRA is listed as an extremists group right along with the KKK and the NBPP (New Black Panther Party). Also, anyone that is scared to join because they are afraid of making the BNL (Bad News List) most likely will lay down and lick'em at the moment of truth.
For those of you that will fight to protect Your Rights, (That would be you Sheep Dogs out there that protect our Constitution and the SHEEPLE from the Big Bad Wolf) there are a couple of other orgs that you might want to look at. For Military, Vets and Peace Officers you might want to check out the "Oath Keepers" for the rest of you that don't produce wool or have it over your eyes you might want to check out the III%'s. Just Saying.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-12 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]
Can anyone tell me, other than financially supporting groups such as the NRA, how we put an end to this once and for all?

Our country is SOOOO messed up!

Our choices on ballots are rarely good choices.

Since I started voting I feel like most of my choices have beeen for the lesser of two evils.

We need more good, God fearing, common men who will get into politics and do what's right.

We must lock down our borders.
We must deport every illegal immigrant.
We must put God first.
We must financially support the NRA and other similar orginizations.
We must kick the UN out of the United States.

Maybe the trumpets are sounding and none of this matters to those of us who are born again...
>AT 04:41?PM (MST)

> Can anyone tell me, other
>than financially supporting groups such
>as the NRA, how we
>put an end to this
>once and for all?

Introduce as many non shooters as you can to firearms and try to teach them the true meaning of the second amendment.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-12 AT 09:36PM (MST)[p]The problem is there are to many liberal idiots brainwashing are kids. Look at most of are teachers and professors in our school system. Washington DC is a joke even if we get someone in there with values it only takes a couple of years before they become corrupt like the rest. We hunters, gun owners, and anyone who believes in freedom need ban together and don't let this SH** happen on our soil!!!!
You are correct, God first the rest will follow. The problem with our schools is that they are gov run. Our schools no longer teach, they INDOCTRINATE. I have three kids in public schools, we live in a very conservative area. So conservative that I am allowed to use our school to teach Hunter Education...and yes the school is in Kalifornia, hard to believe isn't it? Anyhow, our schools rank high in regard to national and state averages. Problem is, what is taught, stupid policies (no child left behind) and numerous (not all) teachers that don't know the material they are teaching. My kids on numerous occasions over the past few years have proven teachers wrong. Many times the teachers refuse to admit it even after my kids have taken the time to research the issue and present the facts to the "educator" politely. Some of the teachers respond in a positive way and are impressed with the fact that my kids don't just give up because the teacher said they were wrong. Here is what is wrong, God is not allowed in our schools. My kids get in trouble for mentioning Him on a regular basis. Christmas Vacation can't be called Christmas Vacation, same with Easter. How fricken pathetic it is that in a nation that was formed based on Christianity we have allowed Him to be removed from almost everything! We can only hope that God will Bless America even though we have turned our backs on him!


Our country was not formed based on christianity! One of the basis of the founding of our country is freedom of religion so all of us have a choice as to what religion is right for each of us. Nowhere does it narrow down a specific religion and were a great country because of that. The concept of God should not be taught in any public school. It creates too much conflict since there are so many opinions on the subject. Since God cant vote we shouldnt leave this up to him. Get Obama out of office and vote in someone that isnt against our constitution and the american way of life. Thats all we can do as citizens. Keep religion and politics seperate and we will be better off. Join the N.R.A no other org. sticks up for us like they do. Just my opinion and hope I didnt offend anyone.
One of the greatest things about this country is that we have the right to our own opinions. And I am way to "thick skinned" to be offended by anyone, so no offense taken, by me anyway. That said, I have to disagree with you in regard to my interpretation on our Right to Freedom of Religion. The reason it was not narrowed down was because our Founding Fathers did not recognize any non-Christian religion as a religion. In the United States religion and politics are far from separate and it has been that way from the start of this country, regardless of what the SHEEPLE may want to believe or what they have been indoctrinated to believe. And as God's will determines all, and everything is left to His disposition, God has no need to vote. Also, just how great has this country become since the recognition of other "religions"?
I strongly agree with the need for obummer to be voted out as well as numerous others as they are the enemy of our Constitution.


The preamble to the Constitution doesn't say anything about Christianity in eastablishing the good old US of A:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

My intrepretation of the phrase "secure the Blessings of Liberty" is that it was meant to also insure that we have freedom of religion to practice it as we see fit. That might be a little simplisitc, but that's what I see in that phrase.
I'm telling you guys, use the links I provided above or Google UN Gun ban treaty. Read up on what the other countries are saying and make your own decisions.
We really do live in the free,est land on the face of the earth.
>Our country was not formed based
>on christianity! One of the
>basis of the founding of
>our country is freedom of
>religion so all of us
>have a choice as to
>what religion is right for
>each of us. Nowhere does
>it narrow down a specific
>religion and were a great
>country because of that. The
>concept of God should not
>be taught in any public
>school. It creates too much
>conflict since there are so
>many opinions on the subject.
>Since God cant vote we
>shouldnt leave this up to
>him. Get Obama out of
>office and vote in someone
>that isnt against our constitution
>and the american way of
>life. Thats all we can
>do as citizens. Keep religion
>and politics seperate and we
>will be better off. Join
>the N.R.A no other org.
>sticks up for us like
>they do. Just my opinion
>and hope I didnt offend


Hayzeus... sorry but you are WRONG!!! You have obviously never taken a tour of Washing DC!

Have you not read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?

The United States was IN FACT founded upon "Christianity"!!

It is NOT "Freedom of Religion", it is "Freedom from religious persecution". Read the 1st amendment. Our "Liberal" "Politically correct" crowd in DC started calling the first amendment "freedom of religion", but that is NOT what it says.

All of our founding fathers believed that there is only One TRUE GOD.

Have you ever read the writing on the cash in your pocket?

In "GOD" we trust!

It does not say Buddha, Allah, Zeus, or any other so called "god".

Read this... [http://www.afn.org/~govern/Christian_Nation.html]

Then read this... [http://www.examiner.com/article/evidence-of-god-our-government-is-carved-stone]

Our founding fathers made certain that YOU have the right to free speech and therefore have the right to debate this topic until you are blue in the face. I hope you can at least thank them for that.

I urge you to go to Washing DC and make a tour. You will see with your own eyes the countless references to "GOD", including but not limited to "The Ten Commandments".

The one true God also gave us all free will to choose to believe or not to believe in him.

Is this something you truly want to gamble with? The consequences of making the wrong choice are incredibly serious... and eternal.

It is frankly impossible to substantiate your claims, but nice try...
1FastGambler your right about "Freedom from religous persecution" and I believe that it was totally ment for people like you. You cant deny that little phrase gives us all the right to believe in whatever religous beliefs we want.We can all thank whatever "GOD" we believe in that our forefathers had enough insight to see what religous tyrants can do to citizens and countries.Not all the founding fathers believed or practiced "Christianity".Only an idiot would think the word "GOD" refers to "Christianity" or any other specific religion. Your like MOST religous freaks and think the religion that you believe in and practice is the only true one and well all pay the consequences for not believing how you do. GO pound sand and get a clue then join the NRA. If you got more to say about religion go start a thread in the Political Forum.
So much for a well meaning polite discussion!!! Now a member is an idiot and a religious freak just for expressing an opinion that may or may not be correct, but HZ just lost the debate with those sorry retorts.
I believe you are incorrect. If I remember my history all of the Founding Fathers that signed were members of one Christian religion or another. Name one that was not.
And thank you for calling me and many others an idiot and religious freak.
Again I will ask, just how great have we become as a society since God has been removed from our schools?
Nough said.


The way I look at it the day they come for my guns, my neighbors guns or my countries guns... That will be the first day of the REVOLUTION!! Maybe then we can get this country back on track!

I would not be surprised if BuzzH votes for Obama this fall. They seem to think alike!!

Lets just hope the SHEEPLE do not forget the lessons learned in 1930's Germany. Our Gov. has already attempted to confiscate firearms on more than one occasion. Katrina comes to mind, also in Kalifornia with the "assault weapons ban" fondly called the roberti-roos act by the left here in the peoples republic. Idiots actually turned in Their semis to local LE and or registered them. Seems I remember being told stories of the same occurring in Germany by those who were actually there.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-12 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-12 AT 01:36?PM (MST)

Pure comedy gold!!!



Second, let me be clear once more on the question of domestic transfers. The Treaty must not touch on domestic transfers or ownership. The United States has received widespread international support for this oft-repeated position that only international transfers would come within the purview of this Treaty. We will not support outcomes that would in any way infringe on the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. We have received, in fact, letters from United States Senators opposing any Treaty restricting the Second Amendment. This has been the position of the Executive Branch since 2009, and it remains our position today. We will not support or agree to any Treaty that would do so. We believe that the international community can draft a Treaty on international arms transfers that would both increase international security and still protect sovereign rights of nations. That is the Treaty that the United States will pursue in July and for which we expect there will be widespread support.

Carry on with the tin foil hats.

If you believe anything coming from Hillary and/or the State Department, you're the one who needs to take off the tinfoil hat. BO completely reversed policy from what the the Bush Administration had in place when he took office in 2009. Read up on what the UN member states are proposing and what Hillary actually would sign and you might change your tune.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-12 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-12 AT 06:50?PM (MST)

>1FastGambler your right about "Freedom from
>religous persecution" and I believe
>that it was totally ment
>for people like you. You
>cant deny that little phrase
>gives us all the right
>to believe in whatever religous
>beliefs we want.We can all
>thank whatever "GOD" we believe
>in that our forefathers had
>enough insight to see what
>religous tyrants can do to
>citizens and countries.Not all the
>founding fathers believed or practiced
>"Christianity".Only an idiot would think
>the word "GOD" refers to
>"Christianity" or any other specific
>religion. Your like MOST religous
>freaks and think the religion
>that you believe in and
>practice is the only true
>one and well all pay
>the consequences for not believing
>how you do. GO pound
>sand and get a clue
>then join the NRA. If
>you got more to say
>about religion go start a
>thread in the Political Forum.

Wow hayzeus... Not once have I criticized you for what "YOU" beleive and I never will. That's YOUR business.

The word "GOD" in American History absolutely, undeniably, means the one true God depicted in the Holy Bible cherished by "Christians".

Please watch this short video and see for yourself... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGkEHF-zXP4]

1) You are absolutely correct that you, me, & everyone else has the "God given right" + the constitutional right to believe in whatever religion you choose. I am not responding to your post with the intention of debating this with you. I am simply correcting the false things you posted and have shown you how to verify it for yourself with historical facts.

2) Yes sir, I do believe that there is only one true God and that he sent his one and only son - Jesus Christ - so that we can have salvation and eternal life in heaven and forgiveness for our sins. All we have to do is ask for it and believe. My bible of choice is either the King James Version or the New International Version of the Holy Bible.

3) I don't consider myself to be a "Religious freak", but believe it or not, I thank you for the compliment. I would define myself as a "Believer and a Christian".

4) The only sand I'll be pounding is around fence posts.

5) I joined the NRA many years ago and the money I donate to them not only helps secure my freedoms and second amendment rights, but yours too, and I'm happy to do so.
TOP do you honestly believe for one second the Federal Govt.
will ever be to the point of re-writing or even amending the U.S. Constitution to remove the second amendment?? Saying that by some stroke of insanity that did happen, how would law enforcement collect almost 300 MILLION guns?? Are you going to give up yours voluntarily??

While we are going back to 2009 could you carry in a National Park back then?? Were the gun laws in Washington DC different?? Yep!! More fear and blatant B.S.

People wonder why the country is in such deep $hit?? With blatant lies and enough lunacy being consistently repeated the true SHEEPLE cant think it through far enough to let common sense
manifest. Look I ain't a fan of Obama but I am even less a fan of outright falsehoods!!

The gov does not have to re-write anything. Our gov is only one Supreme Court Justice vote away from changing the meaning of the Second Amendment. They will get that vote if obummer is re-elected and he gets to choose another judge.
Don't think for a minute that this country as we know it is secure. Rome WAS secure for hundreds of years, almost 2 thousand if you combine the Eastern and Western empires. It is foolish for the SHEEPLE believe the gov is going to protect their Rights. People in power want one thing, more power. What do you think obummer meant when he stated he was going to "fundamentally CHANGE the United States as we know it"


NOR that is a valid point concerning the SCOTUS. However say for instance a ban does take effect and private gun ownership is declared illegal. Say also that HALF of the guns in the U.S. are voluntarily surrendered. Who is going to collect the other 200 MILLION guns from the citizens that are determined to keep them??

There isn't any entity big enough on the planet to make this happen. I'm pretty sure that the politicians and judges are aware of this fact.

I pray it never happens, but....

If it gets that far, don't think for a second that they won't TRY to take our guns.

I can picture them putting people in jail, arresting them at work or even going house by house with armed police/SWAT/Marines, whatever, for failing to surrender their guns.

It will take several "Stand-offs" and people willing to die before any steps are taken to push further with the ownership ban.

Who knows... they might take a more patient approach and ban ammunition or limit the purchase of ammunition?

Who knows how it could actually go down, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the left wing idiots already have several plans in place and are foaming at the bit to make it happen in their lifetime.


Wily, I sincerely hope that you take this and all other threats to the Constitution & Bill of Rights serious and fight to maintain our Freedoms, rather than sit back and argue about the logistics of how it can or can't happen, because it WILL HAPPEN if we don't make our voice heard.

Our gov wants us disarmed. In 1994 a friend of mine who was a Lt. Col (USMC) showed me a document that was being given to troops going through training at Twentynine Palms. This document was a survey, a barometer so to speak of the mind-set of our troops in regard to how they felt about taking orders from a UN commander, assisting police in the United States, confiscating weapons/firearms deemed un-authorized by our gov from our SHEEPLE and firing upon the SHEEPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. My friend informed me that the responses they were getting were scary even though the majority of the troops had been opposed to confiscating weapons and firing upon the SHEEPLE. Now consider that this was done almost twenty years ago. The media and our schools have done a great job of indoctrinating during that time. I wonder how our troops would answer those same questions today? In order for the firearm owning citizens to be a concern for our gov they would have to be organized. Here in the PROK (PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KALIFORNIA) it is against the law to be in a militia. I do not remember the section but it reads something to the effect that two or more individuals training with firearms is considered a militia and that being found guilty of violation of this law constitutes a felony.


Sorry, but that is a bunch of bull cookies. Nothing other than a 2/3 vote of the Senate can enact a treaty of any sort and that will never happen unless the Democrats really controlled the Senate to get the required 66 votes, which is very doubtful the way the country is so polarized now. Just the fact that they are trying to get one sigend should be enough to send the alarm out to all gun owners that our rights are never fully assured with the Libs and other anti gun/hunter nuts that are out there.
When in Kuwait for the buildup before OEF/OIF, I was talking with an MP. Her thoughts on the 2nd ammendment were that only LE and military should have the right to arm themselves. Yes, she was a Hillary supporter but still, an MP with that attitude?????
I wish you were right Topgun (and hope you are) but read article VI paragraph 2 of the constitution:

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The Vienna Convention (1969) on treaties was signed on by the United States and has been in full effect since 1980. So according to article VI it is Supreme law of the land.

If this goes into effect it will hurt importation more than anything else. Probably not a coincidence why many foreign firearms companies have set up U.S. divisions and manufacturing facilities.
United States law:

In the United States, the term "treaty" has a different, more restricted legal sense than exists in international law. U.S. law distinguishes what it calls treaties from executive agreements, congressional-executive agreements, and sole executive agreements. All four classes are equally treaties under international law; they are distinct only from the perspective of internal American law. The distinctions are primarily concerning their method of approval. Whereas treaties require advice and consent by two-thirds of the Senate, sole executive agreements may be executed by the President acting alone. Some treaties grant the President the authority to fill in the gaps with executive agreements, rather than additional treaties or protocols. And finally, congressional-executive agreements require majority approval by both the House and the Senate, either before or after the treaty is signed by the President.
Currently, international agreements are executed by executive agreement rather than treaties at a rate of 10:1. Despite the relative ease of executive agreements, the President still often chooses to pursue the formal treaty process over an executive agreement in order to gain congressional support on matters that require the Congress to pass implementing legislation or appropriate funds, and those agreements that impose long-term, complex legal obligations on the U.S.
Like I said, I truly hope you're right because there's no way the votes line up in the senate for this at the moment. I'm no longer counting on anything to happen in Federal Gov't the way it's supposed to. Only congress can declare war, but we've seen how well that's worked out anymore. If there's a loophole these traitors will find it.

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