unemployment down and economy up good news


Active Member
Today unemployment drops to lowest level since 2008 when you know who was president. Markets closing in on new highs. Construction jobs up by 45,000. Chrysler made 101 million dollars in the first quarter quite a turnaround from their bankruptcy days. Glad Mitt was not president or they would not be around to pay taxes and have thousands of employees pay taxes.

Some have criticized Hillary for her immigration stance no different than McCain, Rubio, or Graham. Oh well those are facts and not opinions. Most on here are full of opinions and excuses since the facts do not meet their beliefs. Ask yourself are you better off today than you were in 2008.
We lost 630,000 construction jobs in 08 alone. How bout a little honest perspective. I was better off in 08 and every year prior than every year since. Wages have done nothing in decades due to immigration and will continue to be stagnant as long as we allow it.
If we could just get gm to pay us back all we lost on them, what is it 10-15 billion?
93 million not working.
48 million on food stamps.
how many on a disability claim just to survive?
Everything's great, just rearrange those deck chairs, don't mind that water!
........it has become comical.....they don't even try to hide it anymore.

Put out a BS jobs report.....bump the market.....take the profits......then quietly revise the numbers......

Works great for the 1% and dud.

......and most of the 99% don't have a clue
You wingnuts are so predictable. everything sucks.

I'm one hell of a lot better off than I was in '08. anyone I know who's not a loser is.

If you know how they bump the market and take a profit why aren't you playing ? get in, get rich. or sit and whine about how bad you have it like the rest of the losers that works too.

Anyone who thinks everything will ever be perfect needs to ask themselves when was the last time everything was perfect? and will it ever be ? these are the good 'ol days STFU and get in the game or pay the price for your negativity.

Stay thirsty my friends
You must have listened to the loser Huckabee. He quoted the 93 million not working. That included all retired people, anyone disabled and anyone that is not looking because they do not need to work. If unemployment rate is 5% and 93 million not working we must have 95% of the people working and that equates to 8.8 billion living in this country.
Quite a few people have left the workforce since they do not need to work. With the stock market tripling since Bush left office a lot of people do not need or want to work.
If you were better off in 08 you must be a total loser. All my friends in business are doing well whether it is construction or retail businesses.Remember 08 2 of 3 auto companies in bankruptcy, banks on verge of going out of business, AIG insurance ready to collapse, stock market crashing. Eight years before that the stock market had a great 8 year run down 50%. Remember your hero inherited a large surplus when he took office and lowered taxes and waged a war. Good way to have the economy run. What Bush did is raise deficit and collapse the economy. Our spending is up trying to get out of wars and rebuild the economy from a recession.
Did you swallow after you went down on Barack or was he gentleman and just did on your blue dress?

LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 03:32PM (MST)[p]AZbullhunter, if things have been so great. How did we go from 7 trillion in debt under Bush to over 17 trillion in debt under your favorite liar, Obama. today. It took Bush 8 years to compile that debt with several wars in the middle east. Obama more then double that amount in 6 years and pulling the majority of the military out of the middle east which should have saved him money. We are heading for another economy collapse that may be bigger then the last one.

LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 03:32PM (MST)[p]Yeah it is currently a great economy IMO but I do find it interesting what the died in the wool liberals will buy as a great economy.

If you have money and half a brain you can make mucho deniro.

If you are from the part of the demographic that liberals champion then Obama has been worse than Bush for you.


I don't know why a liberal would be cheering for the top 1% to gain more and for those in the bottom 30% to actually do worse. Yes the stock market is up but what has the Obama economy done for savers and for the elderly that can not risk the assets in the stock market? The Fed policy of never ending QE has destroyed any chance of the lower and middle class savers to stay even with inflation.

So cheer away but you are cheering on an economy that you be be whining about if a Republican occupied the White House.

How bout the laughable 5% unemployment number bein the one that's just a bit off? And the fact that the number of people on food stamps has doubled? Effect of a great economy? People with a bunch in the stock market have probably done well. Especially if they pulled it out before the crash and put it back in when it started to climb. But wait, that didn't help the common man, the ones the Democrat party supposedly represents. The democrats have "waged a war on poverty" for 50yrs now and all we've got to show for the 22 trillion they've spent on this war is more poverty. You claim to be doin well and as I've said before I'm happy for ya, I'm doin fine myself, but in 07 I had 13 employees, now I have 1. There were hundreds of companies like mine in this area in 07 and they've all experienced the same thing. Thousands of lost jobs that have yet to return. When you lose 630,000 construction jobs in a single year, braggin on 45k seems a bit ridiculous. But it's what we've come to expect the last 7 yrs
LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]440 of course you're doing good the tax payers of this country paid you over 400,000. And that's not including the monthly native American checks.
Well by all means lets spin this until we can make it suck. you people are a riot. it's bad m'kay.

If you recall, and I know it's hard, the Bush boom was a total fake out we know that for sure. I didn't hear any crying when the cash was flowing then. why now?

gros ventre, that amount of money over 20 years I can lose behind the seat of my pickup. and I paid half of it right back in taxes. you need to think bigger than that paper hat job allows you to. my stocks are up more just today than I got from FSA most years . actually quite a bit more.

As far as all the concern for the poor and middle class we have going here all I can say is, priceless. do tell once more how the republicans have and are working for the middle class and poor? everyone4 knows they've always been the party of the working man. lets hear about all those valiant efforts made for the poor and middle class, fighting the selfish evil libs all the way to glory. do tell I can't wait.

I'm not saying the dems have done the best job humanly possible at all. but the republicans wish to chit they could take credit for it you can bet your azz on that. that's the best part of this insanely disingenuous debate.

Stay thirsty my friends
govt spending?? check and see the increases in the budget for Homeland Security. How much are we spending caring for veterans both their physical health and for their mental health? 50% are receving benefits.It costs billions getting out of the recession.
This is silly. Both sides overestimate the impact a president has on the economy.
I would say they have almost none. This political rhetoric gets old.

Is the economy better than 08? Yes.

Does it have anything to do with Obama? Nope
LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 08:57PM (MST)[p]It has something to do with the president, just like the crash had something to do with Bush.

Obama hasn't made any big mistakes, Bush made a couple, the war and trillions in tax cuts.

We are still paying for those mistakes, and will for some time.
Thats the thing about big governmental decisions, the results come slowly and can last a long time.
>45 k for one month

We do that for 3 or 4 yrs straight we should b all caught up! Any bets?
The president has something to do with it , but not everything. he is however held responsible so if that's how it's played he should also get credit. republicans refuse to allow that. go figure.

The fact that cannot be denied is these are good times for the bulk of the nation. we can either capitalize on it or play the GOP game and cry for poor welfare Willy as if we give a FF about him for political theater.

Just for once be honest.

Stay thirsty my friends
>The president has something to do
>with it , but not
>everything. he is however held
>responsible so if that's how
>it's played he should also
>get credit. republicans refuse
>to allow that. go
>The fact that cannot be denied
>is these are good times
>for the bulk of the
>nation. we can
>either capitalize on it or
>play the GOP game and
>cry for poor welfare Willy
>as if we give a
>FF about him for political
>Just for once be honest.
>Stay thirsty my friends
LOL, move to Baltimore
If we don't give a FF about welfare Willy then why do liberals tie themselves in knots whining like little girls about income inequality?

When the boom of the Bush years was going on it was unfairly enriching the wealthy. If you are in the top 10% you should be a huge Obama. That segment has done better under Obama since any president going back to the 1920's.

Why thump your chest when you are cheering on the economy that only rewards those with the money and wealth already?
LAST EDITED ON May-09-15 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-09-15 AT 09:34?AM (MST)

We know how things are, but this has its roots going back to Reagan and has recently manifested itself.

I wish the country hadn't drifted this way, but it's human nature I guess.

A black democrat president isn't going to change the direction of greed, and the materialistic nature of Americans, last time it took the great depression.

All I can say is this, think about how bad things would be for the majority of Americans if the rightwing got everything it wants? The public land issue shows some of that.

Pretty ugly for the majority who were born with little or nothing.
piper, it's "human nature" when things don't improve for the poor under a Democrat president but "Republican greed" if it's a Republican president?

If Hillary gets elected the first thing you may want to do is open a new bank account for when she redistributed all that money.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Capitalism will always reward those with money the most , this economy is an anomaly ?

Did I say it's the perfect economy? I said it's a damn good one for anyone willing to participate. no, welfare Willy has not eclipsed Warren Buffett. do I really need to justify why?

The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer, the democrats would like to be Robin Hood and level the field but the republicans fight them every step of the way and have for 150 years. in this case the dems are not happy with the recovery but politically they'll take it. considering where it was and where it is I don't blame them.

So , this economy, the democrats and Obama are bad m'kay I get it.

So what will GOP do for poor Willy once they get control? we all know
Willy is phuced either way but lets play this game as if we really cared. how will the republicans do a 180 and help poor Willy for the first time ever ? and for christs sake don't say give him a tax break just this once .

Stay thirsty my friends

I am not the one bragging about what Obama has done, OP that swallowed is. The liberals would lose their minds if the top 10% did as well under a Republican as they have under Obama. The poor are poorer under Obama and the rich are richer, why would a liberal brag about that?

The rest of your post is just filler

DW check your math or arithmetic that would equate to 2.16 million jobs at 45,000 for 48 months. Many more jobs created in this 7 years than the previous 8 by far
gm numbers too high. Would you have like it if GM was out of business. Actually it was a good investment. Much more money paid in taxes by gm, employees and all the suppliers , salesman, mechanics and wealthy car dealers themselves. Give the man some credit.
Because that is all they can hang their small size hat on to brag about with this administration.

If libs can hang their hat on the economy that's one more hook than the conservatards had with the Bush administration.


Is an economy where the top 10% do better than everyone else worse than an economy where all fail like we had in 2008? if this concerns you the best solution as I see it is to increase taxes on the top 10% to offset the gap. is that a solution the GOP would support ? considering the fact they have spent more effort lowering taxes on the top 10% than anything else in the last 8 years I question it.

What are the libs doing wrong for poor Willy the republicans can do better for him? and more important , will they?

Skip the hypothetical " filler " lets stick to plans already discussed by GOP leaders which may actually come to fruition under GOP control. how will the Koch brothers go to bat for poor Willy and will they succeed?

Stay thirsty my friends

I'm no business expert but i ain't blind i let my contractor license go two years ago, when the phone don't ring even after you advertising and i see company after company shutting down. and buildings vacant, but hey i'm in S, oregon...
Construction isn't so good, partly because we overbuilt, tight lending and a
flattened middle class..IMO
The tight lending is because of the housing collapse that your favorite democrats passed bills to allow every tom, #####, harry to get a home loan beyond their means to pay for. Also allowed the loan companies to pass off the home loans before they went belly up. Does Fannie Mae and Barney Franks ring a bell with you Piper.

Thy can't build fast enough around here to meet demand. OR is even giving temporary border state license recognition to bring in enough tradesmen to keep things going.

Contractors are back to bidding higher on each job in hopes they won't get the bid. it's as wild as it was in 2007.

Stay thirsty my friends

What has Obama down for Welfare Willy. I never said anything about the Republicans. I asked why would a democrat pound their chest for an economy that has inflated both the incomes and total wealth of the top and left so many behind?

I don't really care except that now those able to leverage the tax code have figured out that they can also get a huge tax credit to pay their health insurance. It is an amazing thing to watch but I have gotten to look at enough tax returns since the fall of 2013 to know that the numbers are cooked and there are many well off people who Uncle Sam is paying the freight for on their health plans.

It is to the point that if you work for wages and a W2 you are the sucker in the country. Everyone else that doesn't have to worry about seeing all their income off of a W2 can rape and pillage the treasury. Obama signed that permanently into law.

I can't get a contractor to build my new shop until next summer. I could have it done half assed by some of the guys who I don't know but the contractor I want is a year out.

What has Obama done for Willy ? sounds like he put him to work, and gave him a path to insurance.

Is it perfect? no. but it's a hell of a lot better than it was nobody can deny that.

I know what you're saying about cooking the books. we did it last year by playing a nutshell game and thought we were pretty smart until this year when we couldn't paid it all back. if your income it truly too high you can't make it work for long.

The point is, most americans are far better of than they were in 2008. Willy has always sucked hind tit and always will, a democrat can't change that fact of capitalism. as a republican would say, if you don't want to live like Willy don't be a Willy. in this case they're pretty much right given the world we live in.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON May-11-15 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]Have you looked at any of the other Stats regarding employment?

How come debt was bad under Reagan and Bush but it is just a cost of the government under Obama?

In addition to another $7 Trillion of on books debts to the Federal government, we also have the FED taking on Trillions more.


You give me $10 Trillion and loose money policy and I can show you a very good time. So it isn't like what Obama has done is free and clear, it also has not helped any of the key measures of poverty in this country.



The rate of poverty for those 18-64 has increased every year since Obama was elected. That is while we have spent an additional $10 Trillion in 6 years stimulating the economy.

Again it is all fine and I am good with it. My question is why would a Democrat thump their chest about it? Or the other way to ask the question is what good are democrats if they just take Republican policies and double down on them.

Low Taxes the rich, endless war, endless spending, continued policies of making the rich richer and poor poorer, supporting another massive trade agreement that hurts American workers (even worse than NAFTA). If that is what liberals support then they are basically useless.

I guess being a liberal is just never having to be truthful about what actually happens. They are no better than the Bush cheerleaders that you dislike so much.


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