Unique Wall-Pedestal Poses


Active Member
Looking for unique examples of wall-pedestal poses.

Trying to re-create a "rutty" look (lip curl?) in a semi or full sneak neck position. Maybe even have head titled on one side....Just need something to reference for discussion with my taxidermist.

Whatcha got out there in MM Land? Post em up here....

Please share pic of deer.

G3 Buck 1.jpg
Been looking...havent found anything other than "standard" (non-altered) poses. Thought I might give it a try here....
i think he means find a pic of a live buck behaving the way you want to emulate and see what the taxi can do. lot of pretty good wildlife photography out there. and on here quite frankly.
i think he means find a pic of a live buck behaving the way you want to emulate and see what the taxi can do. lot of pretty good wildlife photography out there. and on here quite frankly.
I have found a couple photos that kinda looks like what I’m hoping for…just hoping lo see some custom wall pedestal mounts. Maybe I’ll see some thing I like better.
Most every wall pedestal mount I’ve seen has the head/neck in an upright position. Can it be done in a semi sneek or full sneek? That’s what I’d like to see to determine whether I like it or not.
Yes. Some of the Joe Coombs whitetail wall pedestals are like that.
I've been trying to get a Mountain Mike's elk skull since January. They still don't have them available.

I'll take a look at Toposkulls!

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