Unit 30 Barbary ????


Active Member
Merry Christmas and hope all are enjoying your families and new toys! I am heading down to unit 30 next weekend to scout for my February Barbary hunt and wondering if anyone had any advice (bad roads, likeley areas, etc.)? I am starting on the west side of the Guadalupes.

Not sure if i'll even see one, but looking forward to hunting something new and seeing some new country. Thanks!
I havent been able to make it out there yet but will soon. We have the same hunt. Maybe we can compare notes? Shoot me a pm.

Sure will! It is a 4-6 hour drive from ABQ and looks like a little crazy to navigate. I am heading down Friday with my 12-year old.

Happy New Year!
I would take you guys but I would hate for anyone to tag out the first day and think it was easy so I'll just let you guys figure it out. I will give you one area to stay away from. Collins hills. Yep theres barbarys in there. Usually only one decent herd running around in that general area and it seems every year theres a dedicated group of guys who concentrate on that one small group. Its not the best of areas thats for sure but you can sure give it a shot as there is always a couple sheep in there. Its just not worth the hassel as there are areas where you will ALWAYS find sheep and they aren't exactly hard to find once you actualy figure out that sheep DO lay down flat and stay still to avoid detection. You can walk within 30 yds of a sheep and they won't even move. It took me 7 straight years of hard core sheep hunting before I figured that out and now I can bag a good ram over 26" every year I draw on opening day if I like. I would say more but on mm i wouuld simply be wasting my breath so i will say no more.
I will be deer hunting in 30 next week. I will keep an eye out but don't think I will be in some of the better barbary country.
fish I will be there tomorrow and will let you know if I see any deer.

Stomp, I have no problems with easy! I am looking forward to seeing some new country win or loose. It sure will not be the first or last tag soup I eat! I am taking my 12-year old, so win-win!
well shoot me a pm. If im around I'll take you and show you where a group hides from hunters. It'll have to be an evening hunt as that group is easier to spot then. Just make it early in the season as I'm taking some utards later in the season and then im going to the rmef national convention the last week of the hunt.

If you want to hunt all day I can go show you a gnarly area where the 30" ers hang out but they take lots of patience, glassing and days to find and they are in way ugly spots and its a brutal hike.
I just returned and it is BIG country! The desert is not supposed to get that cold at night. It was fun and will be anything but easy. Did not find any sheep, but plenty of antelope and a few broken horn oryx if anyone has an off range tag.


Im not sure on the arse kissing, but will deffinetly buy a steak and beer for any help! If you would be willing to take the time to help I will deffinetly come back down! I would love to talk and atleast tell me if I was warm or not. Let me know if I could call you.




My son is telling me how fun he had, so it was a success!
Good luck to you and your son...I know he's enjoying it and they grow up way to soon! Let us know how it turns out.


...a couple years ago I watched as a warden cited a guy for that very thing--the guy was hunting 32 with a 30 permit. The kicker was that the poor guy was being "guided". I know because the guy driving the truck they were both in approached me the previous year to offer his "services"...

Just be careful out there and make sure you know which side of that line you're on...
im very well aware of which unit we are talking about. i have another good place in 30. i just wanna get out since i cant draw a tag anymore. i will take him to where we got ur 70yr old mom hers and mine that one year. that group stays in there n u saw how noone can find them. i found them in there eery time ive went back since that hunt. i didnt go in there last year cuz i was helpin that guy out in 32. u remember the one who couldnt hit that monster standing broad side.
I aint past getting pointed in the right direction! Like I said, I am a poor working, familyman, so the best I can offer is a steak and beer anywhere of your choice!

Thanks all!
Good luck to you and your son on your hunt. Sounds like you and your son had a fun scouting trip, there is nothing like a father son hunt. Keep us posted how it turns out. Good luck

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