Unit 63 Antelope


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A couple friends and I have 5 poinst each going into the draw this year. Last time we hunted we did Unit 63 and it turned out to be a good hunt. We hunted 5 days archery killed two then tagged out on the last tag with a rifle.

It was our plan to go back to 63 but wondering if there may be a better choice to consider. For searching the web it seems numbers are down in some areas. Not looking for book buts just a good time.
63 can be a good hunt, I used to hunt it for 5 or 6 years. I even killed a book head from there, but since they came out with type 2 tags I believe it has been hammered on. There is still lots of antelope, but I believe it's overcrowded now.
Over rated, over hunted, too many doe tags, it used to be a good unit, but the mags all pimped it, too many tags were issued, its proximity to Casper results in that unit getting hammered by doe hunters. Much better options with 5 points. You talking regular draw or special?
I'm talking regular draw. Checking the regs yesterday I see the 63-1 and 63-2 have a different boundary area. The area we hunted 4 years ago is in 63-1 westrn most section of the unit. Open to suggestions. This is primarily an archery hunt and I'll be using a longbow so finding huntable water sources are important for me.
My understanding regarding the creation of the 63-2 hunt was that the unit was created to address a lack of water on the 63-1 side that had pushed a large percentage of the goats over near the reservoir. Some dispute between BLM and landowners in the area. That was during the drought a couple of years back, maybe it has been resolved now....the type 2 side has more water.
Hunted 63-2, didn't see anyone. It was mid week and a ton of animals just none over 75-77.. Good bottoms and prongs ,weak tops. Seems to be the story in a lotta areas last year. No shortage of antelope tho.......BULL!
Thanks for the info. I think we are going to try 63 again. With our loins we should be able to draw 63-2. Not sure about 63-1.

My other option would be something closer to the Bighorns if someone has a recommendation. I'd have max elk points and would like to scout that area when I'm dome goat hunting for 2016.
75 is up that way and is reachable with your points. Couple 84+ goats came out of that unit last year.
Hunted 63-2 a few years ago and saw plenty of goats, just nothing big. We only saw one other group of hunters and they were a bunch of clowns that were using their trucks to push some goats against the reservior, then jumped out and shot. There is a nice man-made water hole for the cattle that would be a good place for an archery blind...PM me if you're interested. Other than that, the goats were pretty spaced out on the water sources because of the reservior.

Good luck

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