United Airlines - Antlers as baggage experience


Very Active Member
I have a hunt in NWT this year and if everything goes perfectly I may have a sheep, caribou and moose to get back to the states. I know, I am asking a lot. I am looking at a United flight from Edmonton to Denver and the United website says that each ticketed passenger can take one set of antlers or horns. I was looking at the possibility of splitting the skulls and boxing up the moose, caribou and sheep horns all as one box. I am fairly certain I will stay under the dimension requirements but I was curious if any of you have any experience with United on taking antlers as baggage. How strict are they on the one set per passenger policy? I am fine paying an excess baggage fee if I need to. Any insight would be appreciated.
In 2010, I hunted the NWT and my son and I both got Caribou and sheep. We had to send the Caribou separate, but I wanted to leave the velvet on the horns. I think it was the Canadian government that required the horns to go through a taxidermist to be treated before they would allow it out of the country. Your outfitter should really know better than we do.
I know things have changed a lot since the famous lion incident, but I'd make sure you know what you are getting into before you go. We almost missed our flight home trying to take care of horns.
The outfitter has given me good information already, but he was not certain on the United policy either. The lion issue has caused problems. The outfitter supplied a contact in Edmonton that can take care of everything. I spoke with him the other day and he gave me great information on what my options were. The only thing he was unsure of was how strict United was in the one set of antlers or horns. That was the reason for asking the question. The easiest thing would be to just have him handle everything and depending on how things go I may simply end up doing that. At this point I am looking to have a good hunt and not create problems. Just checking my options. It is entirely possible that I will only be bringing one set home any way.
Perhaps you could find a phone number that would let you talk to directly to a United customer service rep who works in Edmonton. They would be able to give you a lot better info than a random rep from their toll free number.
Regardless of what you bring back, you will have a great adventure in the NWT. The place is as remote as country gets and it is game rich. My son and I had an amazing time in 2010. Hopefully you will too! Keep us posted.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-16 AT 09:03PM (MST)[p]I tried and got rejected in 2007. I had to have them split, crated and shipped after inspection to the states. Like $200 crating and $400 shipping.....
I did bring capes and two deer racks from Edmonton to Reno on another hunt with just an extra suitcase (box) for $50.
Anyway one of my greatest hunts was bou hunting in NW Territories!!!!
Good Luck!
Keep in mind you are subject to what the person checking you in "thinks" the regs are. Arguing (especially if you are right) might make things worse. I speak from experience.

Your goal is to make it NOT look like antlers and look as clean/neat and nonthreatening as possible.

No one will count the horns........

Clean it really good wrap skull plate and box crazy neat and doubtful you will get questioned. Good news is Edmonton sees a LOT of hunters and will be used to it.
granted this is Alaska air, but when we come back we use cardboard and make custom boxes to fit the antlers in and tape them all up good with stuff covering points... If you were to split racks and package them all up tight in as small of box as possible, I doubt they are going to care if there is a sheep wrapped up inside of your other racks...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
has anyone ever taken sheep horns as carry on? going on my first sheep hunt this august in Alaska and have been wondering about that. I am paranoid as heck about lost baggage and it looks like if you just have the skull cap and not the whole skull that they would fit inside a bag that meets carry on dimensions.
UNITED AIRLINES HAS THE WORST TRACK RECORD FOR BEING ON TIME. And possibly luggage lost too. The best on time rating is with HAWAIIAN. Alaskan Air has a good rating too.

>has anyone ever taken sheep horns
>as carry on? going
>on my first sheep hunt
>this august in Alaska and
>have been wondering about that.
> I am paranoid as
>heck about lost baggage and
>it looks like if you
>just have the skull cap
>and not the whole skull
>that they would fit inside
>a bag that meets carry
>on dimensions.

DO NOT try to take horns or antlers in a carry on!

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