
Long Time Member
You've all Heard Me Beaching for Years over all the CHEAP CHINA Built BS that is Built from Total TRASH with Absolutely NO QUALITY CONTROL!

But Most Americans want/Look at nothing but CHEAP Pricing!

Bunch of F'N TRASH!


You can't always get away from their TRASH!

But if there's any way,I Avoid giving them one Red F'N Cent!

What a GAWD-DAMNED Shame!

Here We are The Greatest Nation on Earth & Just Look at us!

Another Thing that AGITATES Me is all the Money that's been Wasted in this Country on Global Warming!

What a F'N Joke!

They come up With Obama Pipes & New Emissions all the Time & Countries Like China Pollute this World as they F'N Eh Well Please!

Last I Knew this Earth Still Spins,Right?

End of RANT for now but I Ain't Done Yet!
Yup you said it. I fear we are living in the decline of the USA empire. For all reasons we are seeing, Gov taking over, socialism, over regulation. Other countries own our debt and it ain’t getting smaller
Heres the condensed version boys.

That's the inherent problem. News will report very brief summaries of the whole feed and argument and that is what is directing the narrative keeping people from deciding for themselves. One of the most tragic things of all of this is how quickly people have surrendered their ability to choose and think for themselves. And, they've done it with thunderous applause.

Fauci is old, of course he's worried...
hell ya everyone forget about the shelter in place. i remember what its like to be healthy, no fun to be cooped up. guys like me and my wife don't really matter anyway, we are well past our prime, our health is shot so i guess we should go out and enjoy life until its over. hell we are about used up anyway who gives a rats ass if you spread corona to the store we shop at 1 time every 8 to 10 days. why would it matter if a couple old folks got it. who cares that after almost 40 years together, we could suffocate alone, apart from each other while mucus in our lungs hardens and we die. why should we matter. we raised our kids, worked our whole lives away. we should expect to be sacrificed for the next generation anyway. as far as buyoing cheap foreign crap, we tried to buy american when we could. we have owned, in our lives 5 Ford trucks, 2 chevy trucks, 1 dodge truck, 1 crown vic. we do have a couple viso tvs, i don't know where there made. we buy clothes from JC Penny , dont know if its foreign. we do have an American flag in front of our home, and I do know it was made in America. but like I said, we are old, and dont matter anyway.
It was starting to feel like he was winnng the trade war. Is this a bigger setback for us or the Chi-coms?
Bring Jobs & Manufacturing Home!

And PISS On them CHI-coms!

Let Em Eat,Breathe & Drink their Pollution & their PISS POOR Quality items!
Who gives a **** about a couple of old people. Not me. My wife and I been married for 52 years and we would gladly get the virus and take our chances to save the economy for our grandkids. No one ever asked for our opinion before destroying the future. Old people are selfish and entitled. The men mostly lose their balls at 65.
Some of those old people dieing are the reason punks like me have a high chair to bang my spoon on. Suffocating in snot is not the way our heroes should go out.

Harsh man......
This from my lawyer friend:

My thoughts on the COVID-19 lockdown in California, in lawyer form:

WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California issued an executive order imposing a statewide lockdown on March 19, 2020.

WHEREAS, the stated purpose of the lockdown is to "ensure the healthcare delivery system is capable of serving all," i.e., "flatten the curve."
WHEREAS, the preliminary results of ongoing studies strongly suggest that the number of people in California who have been infected, both at the time the lockdown went into effect and at present, is much, much larger than previously believed.
WHEREAS, California's healthcare system has never come remotely close to being overwhelmed.
WHEREAS, the lockdown is fast approaching the 40-day mark.
WHEREAS, forty days is long enough to ensure that virtually everyone who was infected when the lockdown went into effect or in the first few weeks thereafter has either died or recovered and, therefore, no longer poses a risk of infection to others.
WHEREAS, there is substantial, compelling evidence that commonsense protective measures (e.g., the widespread use of masks, disinfectants and social distancing in public spaces), coupled with heightened vigilance, monitoring, testing and contact tracing at the state and local levels, are adequate to prevent any new outbreak from posing a serious danger to public health and safety.
WHEREAS, the lockdown's detrimental effects on the state's residents, businesses, communities and economy have been significant and are rapidly getting worse, thereby posing a serious danger to public welfare.
WHEREAS, the U.S. Constitution guarantees certain rights to all U.S. citizens, and the U.S. Supreme Court has long held that any law or regulation that infringes upon those rights must be: (1) justified by a "compelling state interest"; (2) "narrowly tailored" to protect or advance the state's compelling interest; and (3) the "least restrictive means" for effectively achieving its intended purpose.
WHEREAS, we are fast approaching the point past which the lockdown can no longer be defended as both "narrowly tailored" and "the least restrictive means" to "ensure the healthcare delivery system is capable of serving all."
NOW, THEREFORE, the people of the State of California hereby resolve that the Governor should either rescind the lockdown order or, at a minimum, rescind its more draconian provisions, effective no later than May 1, 2020

hey glen, you might not care if you and your wife kick the bucket. sounds like you already have nut issues. I for one, DO NOT want my wife to die the death corona has to offer. I do not know any entitled old folks, must just be you and the area you live in. I've heard the are a few folks in Az, that really like rhinos like flake, now there's your balls looser lol. if you want to die to save the future, you go right ahead. I think the old folks might have a few ideas for fixing this mess when the time comes. it went be the truly entitled young generation that fixes it, there to busy playing X box in mommas basement.
Your right Eel, when i read entitled old people, the fire in my gut ignited... I dont think there is any good reason not to open up the economy. but lets be smart about our" social distancing " we dont need to pretend there is no health issue, and you can spread the virus before you have symptoms. i have worked through this whole thing. I closed all the doors to my shop, but one and insist people use only it. and follow the 6 foot rule, i wear a mask, have 2 hand sanitizers and clorox wipes at the end of both work.benches. today I have worked on 3 jobs. never had to expose anyone or be exposed. i wish the whole thing would open up,, but there are a lot of stupid people. a lot of people who dont give a shlt. and some who want to work and want to be safe. how do you get all 3 to work in unison?
You don't know any entitled old people? You must not get out much. Yes, we are more than willing to get exposed to avoid hanging $3 Trillion and a collapsed economy on our grandkids to pay for. Selfish old pu$$ies should have just bunkered down.
I've got an ointment for you :) I also run a shop manufacturing custom furniture for the wealthy. I have 6 people working here and they have been working all along. My designers are in all the time and never wear masks. The only wipes we have are butt wipes. The sky hasn't fallen yet. I bet this thing will go down in history as the biggest over reaction ever.
Very touchy subject. Strange how it’s somehow “glorious” to send 18 year olds off to kill and be killed in the Middle East for the greater good, yet God forbid immuno-compromised individuals pass away from a flu-like illness. I value all life. This virus has exposed the weak mindset so many have embraced. The govt knows they can take all our rights away, our enemies know they can cripple us with a biological attack. All in the name of “public health.” I’m not drinking this kool-aid.
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hey glen, you might not care if you and your wife kick the bucket. sounds like you already have nut issues. I for one, DO NOT want my wife to die the death corona has to offer. I do not know any entitled old folks, must just be you and the area you live in. I've heard the are a few folks in Az, that really like rhinos like flake, now there's your balls looser lol. if you want to die to save the future, you go right ahead. I think the old folks might have a few ideas for fixing this mess when the time comes. it went be the truly entitled young generation that fixes it, there to busy playing X box in mommas basement.

Yep every one of the next generation is a worhtless POS so why not just leave them a mountain of debt and a destroyed economy.

I've got an ointment for you :) I also run a shop manufacturing custom furniture for the wealthy. I have 6 people working here and they have been working all along. My designers are in all the time and never wear masks. The only wipes we have are butt wipes. The sky hasn't fallen yet. I bet this thing will go down in history as the biggest over reaction ever.

The problem is that it was a one size fits all "solution". We aren't all New York, San Fran, Seattle, etc, etc. Thoughtful policies require thoughtful leaders but we seem to be fresh out of such people through our government.

Explain to me again why we are blaming old people for the current state of affairs. Because they die? Or because their kids don't want them to?
Explain to me again why we are blaming old people for the current state of affairs. Because they die? Or because their kids don't want them to?

I don't "blame" them. The poster has zero problem claiming that all the next generation is in the basement playing X box. I say that is complete BS. I know what my kids do and it ain't playing Xbox. Two of the three are on the front lines of this mess as health care workers, taking care of sick people. The third is an a chemical engineer working for Moderna Therapeutics that is fast tracking solutions for CV.

The next generation is going to have a reduced standard of living because of the money being thrown at this thing that affects older and sicker Americans more than the young and strong. That sounds a lot of like nature to me.
newmont, once again you use your liberal dem spin, to make my post fit your agenda. i said it won't be the truly entitled , they are playing X box in mommas basement. i never said all of any generation, i don't think glenn meant all old people were entitled . I said I don't know any entitled old people,, I don't. and I was serious . today, I worked with a 67 year old man, with cancer, he will have surgery in the next couple weeks, then radiation. he is a dam hard worker, worked hard today. i also worked with 2 others that are both in their 20s, they worked hard. then helped my grandson build 2 metal dog water dishes. and removed the wheels on an old bail wagon, and dropped them off to get new rubber. NO ONE in I interacted with today are entitled. all worked hard, and earned what they got.. I'm sure glenn earned his keep also. did you?
Nope I just sat around all day waiting doing nothing and magically payroll got done, the bills got paid, the employees got their due. I guess you believe supporting a big spending N.Y. liberals makes you a conservative. At some point it will dawn on you that you have been conned,
My question was more directed to the posters who, perhaps sarcastically, advocated geriatricide. I'm a little confused how the seniors got credited with everything including the current congresses multi-trillion spending spree.
You've all Heard Me Beaching for Years over all the CHEAP CHINA Built BS that is Built from Total TRASH with Absolutely NO QUALITY CONTROL!

But Most Americans want/Look at nothing but CHEAP Pricing!

Bunch of F'N TRASH!


You can't always get away from their TRASH!

But if there's any way,I Avoid giving them one Red F'N Cent!

What a GAWD-DAMNED Shame!

Here We are The Greatest Nation on Earth & Just Look at us!

Another Thing that AGITATES Me is all the Money that's been Wasted in this Country on Global Warming!

What a F'N Joke!

They come up With Obama Pipes & New Emissions all the Time & Countries Like China Pollute this World as they F'N Eh Well Please!

Last I Knew this Earth Still Spins,Right?

End of RANT for now but I Ain't Done Yet!
Bess...the U.S. has already got its ass kicked...doesn't have the balls to go against the CHIN-Lee's cause almost half the country is infiltrated with their ideas..

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