US aid 4 Palestinians



Nearly $60 million in US aid to help the Palestinian security forces has cleared congressional hurdles and is ready to be distributed, the State Department said Tuesday.
The $59 million package, reduced from $86 million over concerns that some money might go to radical groups, met with no objections from lawmakers and soon will be on its way to security organizations controlled by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, spokesman Sean McCormack said.
what the he ll are we thinking...

The department notified Congress of the revised package on March 23, and under rules for such notifications, the program is to be implemented 15 days later unless lawmakers file objections ahead of the deadline.

"No senator or representative put a hold on the money, and therefore, we can proceed with that program," McCormack said.
The money includes $43.4 million in non-lethal training and equipment for Abbas's presidential guard and $16 million to upgrade to the Karni Crossing, the only cargo crossing from Palestinian territory in the Gaza Strip into Israel.

The cut from $86 million reflects a decision not to fund elements of the Palestinian national security forces that do not directly report to Abbas or that have unclear control and command structures.

Lawmakers had raised fears that US money could go to forces loyal to Hamas, with whom Abbas has forged a coalition government, which prompted the reduction.
That's what I work hard for. So the Gov can take part of my honest wage and give to some rag head carpet pilot with an AK and hatred for jews.
>That's what I work hard for.
>So the Gov can take
>part of my honest wage
>and give to some rag
>head carpet pilot with an
>AK and hatred for jews.

Ditto Boss Ditto'
If we're going to give Israel 5 billion dollars a year in aid, military funding, and loan guarantees why can't we give the starving Palestinians lunch money? check out Carter's book " Peace not appartide " and it will give you a different perspective on this matter. before you tear Carter apart he was the president , he's been very involved in peace missions and he's also a devout christian and a dedecated humanitarian if that means anything.
"before you tear Carter apart he was the president, he's been very involved in peace missions and he's also a devout
christian and a dedecated humanitarian if that means anything.

Warped thought process there bud, Israelis are not a terrorist nation the Palestinians are terrorist and barbaric, read Carters book, please , I put him in the same category as Jerry Falwell, religious,
If we gave Palistine the money and arms we give Israel they could fight in a conventional fashion, why do you think they use terror tactics? maybe their rocks aren't very effective against modern military equipment. before you freak out no I'm not advocating that but the Palistinians do have a legitimate argument. we've not been fair in our treatment of them thus escalating the situation. I'm not defending them what they're doing is wrong but to deny Israel is part to blame is ignorant. we don't care about the Palistinians but this aid is to make it look like we do, it's politics to show we care about Arabs. to those who think you have all the answers and we should just kill or starve all the rag heads Iraq should prove to you things in the middle east are not near as simple as they seem. I'm not sure peace is a real posibility there but Palistine is where it has to start, that's common knowlege amoung the experts.

Carter is a good man, you may not agree with him but nobody doubts his good intentions or dedecation to peace. manny you think he's too religious? geez you just can't win in this group.
Spoken by a true politician...

I just figured out why I always disagree with your views, you're a politician you got to be...

And for me to explain why I don't pay attention to guys like Jimmy Carter and Fawell would be like some one trying to explain rocket science to me.....
ok so you don't like Carter fair enough, but that doesn't change the problem between Israel and Palistine. do you suggest Genocide or should we try to broker a deal both sides can live with? I'm not sure that can be done but as we can see what we're doing now is not working. according to the B/H report and most middle east experts until we get this situation resolved there can be no peace in the region, this is far more important to us in the long run than Iraq is.
I guess I just don't get, but why should we reward terrorists, ain't that what were doing?...

They use suicide bombers to kill woman and children, because they need a land to call their own...hog wash...Why don't the Saudis give up some ground? They got miles of land

You remember that fiction writer, what the hech was his name, he wrote huck finn, well he said when he visited the land that is now called Israel back in the early 40?s, that it was so desolate that it couldn't even support a camel, no one wanted it not even the Palestinians, but now that the Jews have made it bloom everyone wants it, hog wash.

oh Mark Twain
The Jews have made it bloom with our help and money, the Palistinians have no help. if we had done the same for them maybe the terrorist wouldn't be who they see as their only hope. there's enough blame to go around, question is how do we fix it?
I'm not sure how we fix it, but why do we have to help finance the Palistinians, why don't the Arabs help 'em? it just makes no sence to me...
One huge difference between Isreal and the Palistinians is that Isreal is an ally, and for the most part the Palistinians don't like us. I seem to remember a few of them on the news dancing in the streets after 9/11. They are still basically a terrorist nation and I wish that we wouldn't give them anything. I feel that we should cut all aid to all countries that don't like us to begin with.

>One huge difference between Isreal and
>the Palistinians is that Isreal
>is an ally, and for
>the most part the Palistinians
>don't like us. I seem
>to remember a few of
>them on the news dancing
>in the streets after 9/11.
>They are still basically a
>terrorist nation and I wish
>that we wouldn't give them
>anything. I feel that we
>should cut all aid to
>all countries that don't like
>us to begin with.

Good enough for me, thanks
The Palestians recieve substantial aid from their Arab brothers.

"The total amount of, international aid to the Palestinians surged despite the Western initiative to freeze aid sent yearly to the Palestinians, a move led by the United States and Israel and prompted by Hamas? victory in last year?s elections.

The total amount of aid rose from US$ 1 billion in 2005 to more than US$1.2 billion in 2006."

Isreal Total Military Personnel: 576,000

Look at the armies around Isreal

Syria Total Military Personnel: 536,500
Egypt Total Military Personnel: 1,109,000
Iran Total Military Personnel: 11,770,000

That doesn't include Jordan and Lebanon or the Saudi finacial resources.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that openly celbrates homicide bombers and exploits children to accomplish their goals.

If the state of Isreal didn't exist in the Middle East the Arabs would have to invent her because it is the only thing that unites them.

We should not support the Palestinians until they denounce homicide bombing and bus bombing and targeting Isreali civilians. They had peace in their hands and Isreal has withdrawn from the Occupied terroritories and as a thank you the Palestinians shot them in the back as they left. They are reaping what they have sewn.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-07 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]Huntindude,

You need to read Jimmy Carter's rantings in the Book "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid" with some good healthy unbelief in his "facts". Even his supporters know BS when they see it. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Alan Dershowitz

I like Jimmy Carter. I have known him since he began his run for president in early 1976. I worked hard for his election, and I have admired the work of the Carter Center throughout the world. That's why it troubles me so much that this decent man has written such an indecent book about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

His bias against Israel shows by his selection of the book's title: "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid." The suggestion that without peace Israel is an apartheid state analogous to South Africa is simply wrong. The basic evil of South African apartheid, against which I and so many other Jews fought, was the absolute control over a majority of blacks by a small minority of whites. It was the opposite of democracy. In Israel majority rules; it is a vibrant secular democracy, which just today recognized gay marriages performed abroad. Arabs serve in the Knesset, on the Supreme Court and get to vote for their representatives, many of whom strongly oppose Israeli policies. Israel has repeatedly offered to end its occupation of areas it captured in a defensive war in exchange for peace and full recognition. The reality is that other Arab and Muslim nations do in fact practice apartheid. In Jordan, no Jew can be a citizen or own land. The same is true in Saudi Arabia, which has separate roads for Muslims and non-Muslims. Even in the Palestinian authority, the increasing influence of Hamas threatens to create Islamic hegemony over non-Muslims. Arab Christians are leaving in droves.

Why then would Jimmy Carter invoke the concept of apartheid in his attack on Israel? Even he acknowledges--though he buries this toward the end of his book--that what is going on in Israel today "is unlike that in South Africa--not racism, but the acquisition of land." But Israel's motive for holding on to this land is the prevention of terrorism. It has repeatedly offered to exchange land for peace and did so in Gaza and southern Lebanon only to have the returned land used for terrorism, kidnappings and rocket launchings.

I don't know why Jimmy Carter, who is generally a careful man, allowed so many errors and omissions to blemish his book. Here are simply a few of the most egregious.

? Carter emphasizes that "Christian and Muslim Arabs had continued to live in this same land since Roman times," but he ignores the fact that Jews have lived in Hebron, Tzfat, Jerusalem, and other cities for even longer. Nor does he discuss the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Arab countries since 1948.
? Carter repeatedly claims that the Palestinians have long supported a two-state solution and the Israelis have always opposed it. Yet he makes no mention of the fact that in 1938 the Peel Commission proposed a two-state solution with Israel receiving a mere sliver of its ancient homeland and the Palestinians receiving the bulk of the land. The Jews accepted and the Palestinians rejected this proposal, because Arab leaders cared more about there being no Jewish state on Muslim holy land than about having a Palestinian state of their own.

? He barely mentions Israel's acceptance, and the Palestinian rejection, of the U.N.'s division of the mandate in 1948.

? He claims that in 1967 Israel launched a preemptive attack against Jordan. The fact is that Jordan attacked Israel first, Israel tried desperately to persuade Jordan to remain out of the war, and Israel counterattacked after the Jordanian army surrounded Jerusalem, firing missiles into the center of the city. Only then did Israel capture the West Bank, which it was willing to return in exchange for peace and recognition from Jordan.

? Carter repeatedly mentions Security Council Resolution 242, which called for return of captured territories in exchange for peace, recognition and secure boundaries, but he ignores the fact that Israel accepted and all the Arab nations and the Palestinians rejected this resolution. The Arabs met in Khartum and issued their three famous "no's": "No peace, no recognition, no negotiation" but you wouldn't know that from reading the history according to Carter.

? Carter faults Israel for its "air strike that destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor" without mentioning that Iraq had threatened to attack Israel with nuclear weapons if they succeeded in building a bomb.

? Carter faults Israel for its administration of Christian and Muslim religious sites, when in fact Israel is scrupulous about ensuring every religion the right to worship as they please--consistant, of course, with security needs. He fails to mention that between 1948 and 1967, when Jordan occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Hashemites destroyed and desecrated Jewish religious sites and prevented Jews from praying at the Western Wall. He also never mentions Egypt's brutal occupation of Gaza between 1949 and 1967.

? Carter blames Israel, and exonerates Arafat, for the Palestinian refusal to accept statehood on 95% of the West Bank and all of Gaza pursuant to the Clinton-Barak offers of Camp David and Taba in 2000-2001. He accepts the Palestinian revisionist history, rejects the eye-witness accounts of President Clinton and Dennis Ross and ignores Saudi Prince Bandar's accusation that Arafat's rejection of the proposal was "a crime" and that Arafat's account "was not truthful"--except, apparently, to Carter. The fact that Carter chooses to believe Yasir Arafat over Bill Clinton speaks volumes.

? Carter's description of the recent Lebanon war is misleading. He begins by asserting that Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers. "Captured" suggest a military apprehension subject to the usual prisoner of war status. The soldiers were kidnapped, and have not been heard from--not even a sign of life. The rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion are largely ignored, as is the fact that Hezbollah fired its rockets from civilian population centers.

? Carter gives virtually no credit to Israel's superb legal system, falsely asserting (without any citation) that "confessions extracted through torture are admissible in Israeli courts," that prisoners are "executed" and that the "accusers" act "as judges." Even Israel's most severe critics acknowledge the fairness of the Israeli Supreme Court, but not Carter.

? Carter even blames Israel for the "exodus of Christians from the Holy Land," totally ignoring the Islamization of the area by Hamas and the comparable exodus of Christian Arabs from Lebanon as a result of the increasing influence of Hezbollah and the repeated assassination of Christian leaders by Syria.

? Carter also blames every American administration but his own for the Mideast stalemate with particular emphasis on "a submissive White House and U.S. Congress in recent years." He employs hyperbole and overstatement when he says that "dialogue on controversial issues is a privilege to be extended only as a reward for subservient behavior and withheld from those who reject U.S. demands." He confuses terrorist states, such as Iran and Syria to which we do not extend dialogue, with states with whom we strongly disagree, such as France and China, with whom we have constant dialogue.

I hope President Carter will seriously consider addressing these omissions and mistakes. He begins his book tour soon and he will have an opportunity to correct the record.
He has backed up most of his statements , as in any debate if everone was right all the time and it was easy to prove there would be no debate.

We could argue this forever but the fact remains until this dispute is resolved we will still have more promlems with the Arabs, we may anyway but we must address this situation. many experts agree if a solution to this problem can be found the Arab community would view the US in a different fashion, then Arabs who wish to harm us would be veiwed as radicals rather than as liberators. a solution won't be easy and it won't be cheap but it could be the most effective tool in the war on terror possible.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-07 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]He has not backed up any of those statements. You have some real misinformation. Did you watch him bristle on Larry King?

He stated that Palestinians in Gaza are completely cut off from the world by a fence. No mention of why the fence was built. I stated that Israel still occupied Gaza yet they have removed their settlements in both Gaza and the West Bank.

How come you think we can bring peace to between Israel and the Palestinians, who have been warring since Abraham sent Haggar and Ishmael into the desert, but you don't think we can bring peace between the Sunni's and Shiites in Iraq?

There is no way in this world that Arabs and Muslims are ever going to accept Israel's right to exist. It will not happen period. If you think that is true you are as delusional as Jimmy Carter.


He is completely biased against Israel and apparently so are you.

If Carter was stupid enough to debate Dershowits in public knowing the tactics he'ld use I'd say Carter has truly lost it. just question one thing Israel has done and the fireworks fly, Carter would have to prove his every word correct and his opposition's every word false. even then he'ld be called a liar, sometimes and on some subjects you just can't win because you'ld be hung for speaking the truth. our 100% support of Israel has brought us to where we are in the middle east today, we fix it or we live with the consequences. your hate for the Palistinians has blinded you to what we have to gain if we can broker a deal, no it won't be easy but the rewards will be much greater than a victory in Iraq and probably more attainable.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-07 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-07 AT 06:54?PM (MST)


Carter won't debate because he cannot prove any of Dershowitz arguements incorrect.

You have not answered any questions especially how you think we can bring peace to Israel and Palistine, sworn blood enemies, but not in Iraq between two factions of the same religion.

You forget that we give $3 billion a year to Egypt.

I have not hatred nor am I naive enough to believe we can have peace with a people who think it is glorious to have their children volutary explode in markets. There is no point in talking to them until they renounce terrorism and state Israel right to exist.

How many deals have we brokered that aren't worth the paper they are written on. If Carter is such a genius how come the Camp David Peace Accords blew up in his face? His four years in office didn't exactly bring any thing of lasting value to the Middle East.

I'm not saying Carter can solve it, as an American who thinks palistine has the right to exist he would be useful but this is a big task. do you think the Palistinians would use the tactics they do if they had equal weapons to Israel? they are fighting the only way they can. does that make it right? no not at all, but for every rock they throw Israel fires a rocket. both sides need to give and many in Israel are willing to give an inch if it would bring lasting peace, again the rewards for all make it worth more than at any time in history. you'ld walk away from the table and wait for the next 9/11 and middle east war rather than pursue this to the end of time?
The problem is not with the "Palistinian people" the problem is Hamas! Until Hamas ceases to exhist we should not give them a penny.

That would be like me asking for funds from the NAACP while living a white supremacist lifestyle calling for all people not like me to die.

Do you know anyone else who holds their own people hostage so their fathers and mothers will strap bombs on their bodies and blow themselves up so their children will be left alone? When have you ever heard a Hamas leader blew himself up for the cause?

Sorry if this seems angry, but we can't keep doing stupid things like this and expect a different outcome.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.

Tell me whose mission statement is made up of the following

"Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it

as it had eliminated its predecessors."

The Imam and Martyr Hassan al-Banna(5)

May Allah Pity his Soul

Article Thirteen

[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its faith, the movement educates its members to adhere to its principles and to raise the banner of Allah over their homeland as they fight their Jihad: "Allah is
the all-powerful, but most people are not aware."

From time to time a clamouring is voiced, to hold an international Conference in search for a solution to the problem. Some accept the idea, others reject it, for one reason or another, demanding the implementation of this or that conditions, as a prerequisite for agreeing to convene the Conference or for participating in it. But the Islamic Resistance Movement, which is aware of the [prospective] parties
to this conference, and of their past and present positions towards the problems of the Muslims, does not believe that those conferences are capable of responding to demands, or of restoring rights or doing justice to the oppressed. Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the nonbelievers as arbitrators in the lands of Islam. Since when did the Unbelievers do justice to the Believers?

There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time(27), an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people are too noble to have their future, their right and their destiny submitted to a vain game.


What is the sense of trying to have a discussion regarding peace or a solution with a group like HAMAS? There is NO sense to even discuss it with them as they state it will never happen.

It has nothing to do with waiting until the next 9/11. That is a pretty stupid statement.

The only thing anybody in the area understands is strength and Military Might. If Israel was not an armed camped it would no longer be a nation. Those rockets and bombs and artillary pieces and troops in Israel are there because if there was even a precieved weakness the Arabs would pounce.

The will be no reason to ever sit down with a group like HAMAS.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-07 AT 04:09PM (MST)[p]"for every rock they throw Israel fires a rocket"

boy are you un-informed, rocks, Isreal Rockets, man, c-mon how many rockets do you think isreal has to deal with a day coming from Gaza, I know people who live there, it's kinda like only negative reporting comin out of iraq never any positive info... its bull!
You can give me 1000 reasons why it can't be done but we will and must keep trying, can't never did anything. The Palistinians have the most to gain by resolving this matter, meaning they may be willing to negotiate if all the stars line up right. why give up without a fight here and fight forever in Iraq? I find it interesting that the same people who hold out so much hope for Iraq are ready to throw in the towel on the Palistine/Israel problem. this dispute is like the start of cancer, if we could have cut it out long ago it wouldn't have spread. sure we're too late to stop but it may not be too late to heal if we cut it out now. there's just as much if not more hope here as there is in Iraq and yes that's not much, but much more to gain by our success.
The UN gave the Jews modern day Israel after WWII. Now, they have abandoned them. Why? Because there is more profit to had if the Arabs take over.

Israel is surrounded on all sides by their enemies, yet they thrive while their enemies fight to survive. You can say it is because we support them, but we are not there, fighting side by side with them. If it were possible, the Arabs would have over taken the Jews many years ago. Yet, it is not possible. America will fall to illegal immigration, bankruptcy, political upheaval, political correctness, etc before Israel will ever weaken.

Turning our backs on Israel would be a grave, grave mistake. Israel would still survive with out us though.
If Israel could survive without us why not save ourselves billions a year and use that money elsewhere? they sit on a rock surrounded by people who hate them and disliked by the rest of the world, so I'd like to see how they would thrive without help. I'm not advocating letting Israel fall, I'm saying we need to broker a deal betwwen Israel and Palistine that both sides can live with. Palistine want's everything back and Israel wants to give up nothing, that sets up a tough sale we all understand that. times change and there is a large movement in Israel who are at the point that they will give an inch if it brought lasting peace, many Palistinians feel the same. even if a deal is struck you can bet radicals from both sides will try to break the deal by starting something further complicating things, it won't be easy for sure.
I find amusing how you can make harsh a sugestion, and then say but you don't advocate it...a real politician, you missed your calling dude
Trying to make peace betwwen Israel and Palistine is harsh? you need to cowboy up if you read anything harsh into what I've said on this. read some of the race war threads and then tell me I'm too harsh, give me a break. all sides must come to the table, yes even Israel if there's to be a solution to this.

Can you quote something that says "Alot of Israeli's and alot of Palestinians are willing to sit down and talk peace"? What proof do you have of that?

The Palestinian political leaders have the will of the Palestinian people behind them. That is why Hamas won in the last election.

Israel has demolished it's settlements and gave up "Land for Peace" and in return they got far more then rocks lobbed into Israel.

I would support peace in this conflict but nobody can talk with a group like Hamas because they have no interest in peace and the Palestinian people voted them into office. I would let them hang in the wind until either Hamas backed off it's radical anti Israel stance or the Palestinian people voted into office a group that was

You need to read something other then Jimmy Carter's book.

Give me a break Israel is just as much to blame for the state of affairs as anyone, this innocent by stander crap is part of the reason we haven't had any success thus far and the world knows it. Hamas is a bunch of thugs no doubt about it but to the Palistinians they're the only hope they see, that needs to change. There are a lot of people from both sides who want peace that's a fact, I didn't say all of them or all of thier leadership. the first thing is try to help pro peace leaders get into power and keep them in power, then help them accomplish something fast to show progress. there will always be detractors from both sides making a lasting deal very difficult indeed. with your logic civil rights could have never been accomplished because the KKK would never allow it. I'm not trying to say anything about this will be easy because it won't but you're wasting your time trying to discredit me as a dreamer, negotiations will continue and tax money will be spent on both parties until it's resolved or one side is dead. we know what you want but killing them all it won't be that easy, look at Iraq if you don't believe me.
You need some reading comprehension classes. I never said kill all of anybody.

There is not even a majority of either side that will go for peace at any cost. You may want to check out what happens to leaders in that part of the world that get too close to making peace. They have a habit of ending up assinated.

I never said peace at any price, infact some from both sides wouldn't take peace if it were free. I can't say we could even get the majority of them to agree on peace with the perfect plan and that's where we come in. with the loss Israel had against Hezbollah last year the Palistinians feel like they're gaining ground, things may get worse before they get better and we're so preoccupied with Iraq we're not even paying attention to the catalyst of our middle east problems . yes this is a tough one you can stop arguing that point because I agree, but it's not hopeless and it should our number one priority in the war on terror.

Now it was palestenians and jews that knocked over the trade centers?? I thought everything we did other than look for bin laden was a stupid waste of time ?

Due read this,

My niece was married to a Palestinian, 7 days before 9-11 he was in N.Y, 3 days before 9-11 he was caught molesting one of his daughters by my niece, 3 days after 9-11 he shot and killed my nease and her two daughters, really normal people & we really need to negotiate with them ?eh?
D the Palistine / Israel conflict is at the root of all our problems in the middle east. this is ground zero for American hatred in the middle east. Saudis did the 9/11 attack why doesn't fixing this do more good than attacking Iraq? so you're right everything except the hunt for Bin Laden and a fix for the Israel/Palistine problem are pretty much a waste of time.

Manny you can't blame a whole country or race for the acts of one idiot, Jeffrey Dahmer was an American and a christian so does that mean we cant negotiate with you? even if we don't like the Palistinians we will have to deal with them , that's life.
I wish there was a way to bring peace to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. The Palestinians cannot afford peace, Hamas only gets money from other Arab countries because they are viewed as fighting Israel. Again if Israel didn't exist then the Arab countries would have to invent her. How else can the leaders and rulers of Arab countries explain why their people are still destitute? They would not be able to blame it on a Jewish conspiracy with The Great Satan (the US) backing Israel.

Israel knows that the only thing Arabs respect is overwhelming strength.

The Camp David Accords, Oslo Accords, Numerous UN resolutions, Road Map to Peace, Land for Peace etc, etc. Have resulting in nothing.

You say you are a dreamer but there is a difference between dreaming and the reality on the ground. Both sides have invested too much blood and treasure to give up much of anything.

Hamas will not recongize Israel right to exist. Israel is in no hurry to sit down and break bread with Hamas. Of course the Israeli's are not without blood of innocent peole on their hands. I would say that most countries would act no differently. Think about it: Israel is surrounded by countries whose people believe the very country has no right to exist, what defense measure would be viewed as over the top if a country was in such a situation?

Good luck with finding a peace process that allows peace in that conflict because It has been illusory since the Moderns state of Israel was formed following WWII.

Also I don't disagree that this is ground zero of our problems in the Middle East. I just don't believe either side will ever come to a point that they compromise. Peace in itself means nothing without security and neither side can ever be secure given the current regimes.


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