US Republican Presidential Hopefuls Debate Iraq, Terrorism



Anybody else see it?

Mitt Romney - looked ok.

I really liked Mike Huckabee and his answers and statements.

Sam Brownback also liked him but know that he is not electable.

Not found of Giuliani or McCain.

No cuts on this thread - just who do you guys like so far?
I said it way earlier but I think Ron Paul is the man, I know he is the oldest in the group but he is also the most firm on his positions he doesn't do the wishy washy stuff like Romney, Go to his myspace page. He gets my vote.
Ron Paul does have firm positions - he is another one that I think is unelectable - presentation means alot in the primarys.
Kinda liked Tancredo, from what I saw of the debate.

Romney looked kind of ill at ease to me. I like his take on family values, but don't know much else about him. I think he is out of his league.

McCain? He may be good. I like his anger. I think his age will be a factor, though.

Guliani's got the hole-shot right now. I don't care for him, but it always comes down to who do you think can take on Hillary? Guliani is much more popular than Hillary is. I think that right-leaning special intrests groups better start buying themselves the guy that can beat the wicked witch of the East.

If he has gun control issues, he better start sucking up to the NRA and hunters groups. The guy is grossly moderate-to-left, but he is a better alternative than the "tax the middle class to death" democrats we will have with Clinton or that ex-muslim "gee, though I am half-white, half-black, I'll always be an African-American first" idiot.

Gonna vote for the guy who is strong on border control, immigration, strong on military. Someone against socialised health care. I don't want to foot the bill so some crack-addict can get a bandage on his/her ow-ies.

The closest I see is Tancredo. Unfortunately his electability is just slightly north of Pauls. Conservatives are screwed. The moderates and liberals have got the controls.
What's so bad about moderates? only a moderate republican has a Chinaman's chance in the general election, wouldn't you rather have a moderate republican than Hillary or Obama? the dems can afford to go far left because that candidate will be very electable. the republicans are screwed if they go far right so wise up and support a moderate in the primary, that's what we need anyway.
No, that's what YOU need Dude,
and you're so far off base, even I
could pick you off.
You're a liberal dude. Period. Paragraph.

You stay on your side of the street. I hope
the most conservative candidate is the one the
Rep's go with. I'm a major Fred Thompson guy right
now. But, if he aint interested, I'll go another route.

Either way, draw your sword, cause I can't abide anything
you goof-ball left'ys are gonna put out there.

Y'all are sick puppys.

What I'm not stupid enough to be a real republican? I'll be voting in the republican primary next year for the most moderate republican running. if the republicans and dems both pick whack baskets I'll just vote for Nader in the general.
What's all this talk about Ru Paul? Is he/she running for president? I would figure he/she for a democrap.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"What's so bad about moderates?"

Often times it means that they do not have the stones to take a stand, right or wrong.

"only a moderate republican has a Chinaman's chance in the general election, wouldn't you rather have a moderate republican than Hillary or Obama?"

You are absolutely right. Makes me wonder why you have such a HO for GW. I'd rather have anybody else in there but the Witch and the Osama Obama.

"the dems can afford to go far left because that candidate will be very electable."

Absolutely right. They will have it because the moderates haven't got the stones to pick a side. Got to wonder if their crotches ever get sore from all the fence sitting.

"the republicans are screwed if they go far right so wise up and support a moderate in the primary, that's what we need anyway."

You're right again. The reps are screwed, thanks to moderate wimps. You see, when you become a moderate, its kind of like letting someone get away with something once, because "hey, no big deal." Gets easier and easier the more you capitulate. Eventually you get socialism, where we are heading.
When you put down moderates I don't think you're taking into account just how crazy the far right or the far left would go if we were all extremist. I don't want religious zealots or hippies running my country, moderates are the ones who force both sides stay realistic because there's not enough wacko's to give either side the majority.
Well said Dude and I agree 100%. I have lived around hippies and around conservative religious zealots and I don't care for the politics of either. Moderates do have opinions and don't necessarily ride the fence. Thomas Jefferson was a moderate or liberal however you want to classify him and he constantly battled the opinions an actions of whom we would call conservatives (Federalists). He had some obvious opinions which he wrote down in a document called the Declaration of Independence. " Protest is the highest form of Patriotism" (Thomas Jefferson)
Unfortunately I agree, but I am still going to vote for him, if I get a chance.
Here I go again and siding with dude instead of opposing him as I usually do. I believe he and Cornhusker are right on the money about a "moderate" having a better chance of defeating a "liberal" democrat. I also feel that because a person is a moderate, does not mean he/she is a fence sitter.
I for one do not want a left wing liberal or a far right conservative as president. A lot of you guys believe that because a person does not wear his religion on his coatsleeve, he must be a moderate. You need to stop and think that very same belief is our problem in the middle east, those countries are being run by religious nut cases that use their religion to kill other non-believers and their own people. Is that what you want in this country?
I am to the right in many beliefs, but not all. there comes a time that every person must bend somewhat and be willing to meet in the middle in order to get things done.

You're right on the money RELH. if the republicans nominate a candidate that wants to end or scale back the war and is moderate on the other issues he well may have a chance. any candidate who supports the war or has strong opinions on abortion or other unpopular to the majority issues will go down in flames on election day. life is about compromise, if you never have to compromise you lead a very charmed life. we can compromise and nominate an electable republican or you can have Hillary or Obama, your choice. even a moderate republican faces a very tough road ahead but a hard liner is dead before he starts, thems the facts and it 's just fine with me. a moderate republican is just what we need to try to pull this counrty back together again.

I'll bet you $100 that Fred Thompson gets in and $500 that he wins if he gets in. Put your money where your mouth is.

It's morning and I'm sober.

I have no idea if he'll run but if he does I'd say he could very well win the primary. if you mean win the primay I don't want any of that action, if you mean win the general I'll take that one for sure. the polls out this week show if the election were held today every major dem including Gore would beat Fred Thompson by a comfortable margin if he were to run. I don't think the guy has many skeletons in his closet but the pro war and anti abortion stand alone would kill him when that gets pushed in front of voters. no pro war candidate will stand a chance, catch the news tonight another dozen dead Americans and no sign of any progress in Iraq. I'm not sure any republican will have a chance when Bush is done.
I want in on some of that action.
I'm talking the general.
I'd put $100 on Thompson over anyone you want to
run out there. Take your pick.


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