Utah archery antelope success...


Long Time Member
What a awesome hunt with my oldest son (billcollector) on here... We experienced a little of of everything this past week from extreme highs to extreme lows... The hunt started off with all the antelope concentrated around water troughs, then the monsoon rains came with flash floods and scattered them far and wide... Lots of spot and stalk took place with shots ranging from 25yds to 65yds with every miss became one less broadhead/arrow in the quiver... (lots of lava rock died as a result of this hunt)...

A trip into Richfield (Jorgenson's) for more T3G5's was in order to keep him going... Before this hunt he was batting 1000 3 for 3 on archery animals. I think he thought archery was easy, boy did he get an eye opener on this hunt lol...

Thursday night he was down to two arrows left when we found a buck that would give us a great opportunity so we went after him... At 65yds we were out of options to get closer, with quartering towards us I ranged him one last time still 65yds... He let the arrow fly entering high lungs and exiting just in front of the opposite hind quarter... The buck took off running for about 40yds stopped started wobbling and tipped over... I started hollering and l looked over at my boy and tears were streaming down his face... Lots of emotions were experienced of this hunt and I believe he learned a lot of life lessons during the week... One hunt I'll never forget...

Sorry for rambling on just one proud Dad.... Hope you enjoy...
Nothin better than hunting with one of your kids and finding success.
Congrats to billcollector and proud Pop Tikka!

Very nice archery antelope
>AT 06:09?PM (MST)

>Congrats. That is a great story.
>I took one there myself
>last year. Great hunt.

grizzlyhunter post us up a picture of your buck I'd like to see him... That's fun place to hunt goats for sure...
Nice!! If I could criticize though, a dad should never apologize for being proud of his kid, you should be proud, he wants to hang with his dad, what could be better than that?!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Thanks for all the compliments guys... Looking back I'm glad he got it, but also sad that its over already...
Congrats Tikka,
Cant wait for me and my sons antelope muzzy hunt!!
Only a couple weeks away.
Wish us LUCK everyone and we also wish everyone luck on their upcoming hunts.
This will be my son's first big game animal I think I'm more excited than he is!! Everyone think back to that first big game animal that you harvested. I know that's a great feeling for me but I'm sure I speak for others when I say it was one of the best experiences of my life.
I guess I just can't wait for my son to experience that!
We drew the S.WEST DESERT
anyone familiar with the unit. I would love to hear anything you have to tell.
Kudos goes out to Blaine
For accomodations,and also his brother. ( whom I haven't met yet)but is also helping me get set up. Zeke for the info about some places to check out. And Theox for info. as well. And I would greatly spprrciate any more info. Dweller
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-16 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]cliffdweller
I wished I new more or anything about your unit that I could pass onto you but I've never stepped foot on it... One this is for certain you guys will have a blast... Take pictures and post em up for us to see...

Good luck cliffdweller
Great story. Those feelings can't be beat. That's a great accomplishment for a young guy. Archery Antelope is by no means easy.

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