Utah Gov tag bull story


First off i want to apologize for my replies to the "utah gov bull dead & alive" post.

A very good friend of mine called me to night after reading this post and told me first hand "the real story" behind this bull and the long adventure that led up to "Doc" taking this fine bull.
He asked that i write a little something to clarify, instead of crucify. He knew, because he was there and helped get this bull on the ground.

I want to congratulate "Doc" on this bull, it didn't come easy, nor was it cheap.
The $82K paid for the tag its'self was not even half of the real total cost for this hunt, it was more than double that by
the time it was all said & done.

I won't, nor can i go into detail about everything that led up to this ending, but there were many excellent bulls at or above the 400" mark spotted and being put on "rain check", one being the 440" "Bennet bull".

The reason they couldn't get a bigger bull, though many were rat holed on various LE units, was largly dependent on Doc's 72 year old age and the fact that he uses not just one cane to get around, but two.
AND...the fact that he really wanted to take a record bull with a crossbow, due to his handicap. (Talk about respect!!)

Well, a local bull was found and pictures and video were shown to Doc, which obviously he liked the bull. The hunt ends on the 15th of january and it was now crunch time, or a "do or die" situation to say the least.
They summoned some of the best guys in the state to help get this guy his bull, these guys literally camped on this bull for days in and days out just trying to make a game plan to get Doc to the bull with his handicap and four feet of snow.
And within crossbow range at that!!
Trails were plowed by hand and countless hours spent working every angle physically possible to get this job done....and they did it with pride.

No the bull was not killed with the crossbow in the end, it was impossible to get Doc within the needed range under those conditions due to the weather and his ailments, so they opted to take him with a .338 "Titan" Lazzeroni at about 400yds.

Congratulations Doc, and to the whole damn team that helped get your 385" gross bull!!;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Thanks for the story!!!!! This is why everyone should just SHUT UP! and say nice bull and keep their rude comments to themselves!!!

Glad to hear that a nice guy got a nice bull!! no matter the cost, it sounds like he had the hunt of a lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doc has put alot of money into our state wildlife and I thank him for that. Bottom line is what matters most to him that counts. If he's happy it looks like a success story to me.
I hope I can get it done at 72!

I hope I want to get it done at 72!

I hope I am still kicking at 72?
Nice Bull.

Seems ridiculous that we had to clarify anything. Who cares what he ended up shooting.
I really could care less if he is 25 and an Olympic Sprinter. He shoot an animal that he paid a lot for. Again HE SHOT AN ANIMAL he paid for, and seems happy.

So no need to clarify.
Every once in a while we are reminded about the good in most people. Those individuals that helped out this man on a difficult hunt should be commended.

Slamdumk, thank you for posting the real story behind this hunt.

ktc, I agree with you 100%. I hope I still have the drive at 72. Actually, I agree with about everything that you all had to say.

Nice bull DOC, if you're out there reading.
Very nice bull and story. Congrats Doc. Thanks for using your financial resources to help make hunting better for everyone. Doc has killed some monster bulls in Utah!
Congrats to Doc,

Great effort, thanks for the great story.

72 that really makes me hope I can still hunt

at that age.

>They summoned some of the best
>guys in the state to
>help get this guy his

You must be mistaken slam, no one ever called my phone. I checked.
Sorry woody, i didn't hear anything about it either till it was over!!

We must suck!! lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Thanks for your apology slam. That thread was pathetic. Proutdoors needs to post an apology more than anyone. He's embarrassing. Congrats to the hunter and thanks for the donation.
Yes, much congrats to the hunter. I also hope to be alive and kicking at that age.

Thanks for posting that story. I really wish i never would have put those pictures on here. I had no idea how stupid some people are on this site. I just thought that it was cool to have some before and after pictures of that bull and i thought people would appreciate looking at a nice massive bull. I guess not.

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