Utah Lion results out


Very Active Member
Well, I guess 7 points ain't enough. Just got my email. Oh well. One of these years it will happen. Anyone got a successful yet?
Get a tag every year, and have bought a Utah harvest tag since they started selling them; matter fact I haven't put in for the draw since the state started selling harvest tags. Funny thing is not one single year has passed that I haven't had the opportunity to slam dunk a trophy tom.........

The wife drew Monroe but can't go now due to surgery the first of December. Someone will be getting a call soon!!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-09 AT 01:08PM (MST)[p]I drew the Northeast Manti. Can't wait for November 18th to start chasing cats
geez i'm kinda scared to post this... but i drew as a non res. with no points for the beaver. but i'm so freakin excited! my wife is po'd! i did the same this year with my spring bear tag. wish i could have this kind of luck when puttin in for big bull.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-09 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]>geez i'm kinda scared to post
>this... but i drew as
>a non res. with no
>points for the beaver. but
>i'm so freakin excited! my
>wife is po'd! i did
>the same this year with
>my spring bear tag. wish
>i could have this kind
>of luck when puttin in
>for big bull.

Hezzy, Where you from? I have a place that would make a great base of operations for someone looking for a lion in the Beaver area. Let me know.

sent you a PM

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