Utah point creep ?


Very Active Member
How bad is point creep in Utah ?

I'm about 1 points below every tag I want.
I was hoping to draw next year, 2012.

I know in Colorado it can take many years to catch up a point. Should I quit dreaming, or is there hope for a non resident with 11 this year, 12 in 2012 ?
It depends on the unit and how many tags there are for Non-residents. For the really good units like Pahvant, San Juan, Monroe, etc. you may take several years to catch up. But on some of the less desired units you would probably be okay.

It all depends on what the rest of the n-r hunters put in for and how many points they have.
The nice thing about Utah compared to Colorado is that 50% of the tags go to the top point holders and the rest are just in a general draw. From my understanding, Colorado just gives the tags to the top point holders...

If you are holding out for a hard to get early rifle tag, like Pahvant or San Juan, you could wait another 15 years to get one of them. If you are going for an easier tag, it could be a much shorter wait. With 11 points, you are pretty darn close to getting in on some really good muzzy or some of the best archery tags Utah has to offer...
point creep is so bad most people don't have a sniff how bad it is. Utah is also cutting the crap out of its tags this year. So it will be getting worse. It is going to get even worse once the void in the recruitment is felt with the spike bulls getting killed.

at least the guys in Colorado know when they are going to hunt. Utah just strings you along hoping you will draw every year and then Utah makes the other half of the people taking twice as long to draw unlike Colorado.


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
Colorado actually went to a system similar to Utah's last year for the high demand units. For elk, deer and pronghorn tags that have required more than 10 points to draw for the previous 3 years, they now allocate 20% of the tags to a random draw for everyone to have a chance. The more points you have, the better your odds are but still possible. Also, to be eligible for the hybrid draw, you need a minimum of 5 points.
I like this part because it eliminates the vast majority of people from being eligible. It keeps it to those who are truly dedicated to holding on to their points for one of the highest demanded tags (notice I did not say best ;-))


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>point creep is so bad most
>people don't have a sniff
>how bad it is. Utah
>is also cutting the crap
>out of its tags this
>year. So it will be
>getting worse. It is going
>to get even worse once
>the void in the recruitment
>is felt with the spike
>bulls getting killed.
>at least the guys in Colorado
>know when they are going
>to hunt. Utah just strings
>you along hoping you will
>draw every year and then
>Utah makes the other half
>of the people taking twice
>as long to draw unlike

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

anyone who is not stupid knows when they will draw in utah!

a comment like that tells me how ignorant you really are about the utah draw system and ill just leave it at that...


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
A couple years ago UT went from applicants only being able to apply for 1 LE big game species and 1 once in a lifetime species to allowing everyone to apply for all species. If you want to talk about point creep look at how horrible the draw odds dropped in the bracket w/2 pts this year. The draw odds in the random pool went through the roof and is getting worse by the year. It is also getting more and more expensive to apply as license and application fees continue to climb. UT's elk quality continues to slide and the only way to improve this is to cut tags.

If you want to hunt elk..come on over to CO where you can hunt every year with an OTC tag! You may have company and not go home with an elk but at least you can get out and hunt.
>a comment like that tells me
>how ignorant you really are
>about the utah draw system
>and ill just leave it
>at that...

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

please just tell me ? don't leave me hanging

if reading a odds book was easy sw buckless would do it.

do u really think u can compare utah and colorado elk hunting ?

it takes a alot of points to draw good tags in both states.

the only thing is the quality is not even close when you look at the numbers.

at least in utah a guy can daw with no points could u draw a good tag in colorado with no points?
I have always felt that the Point code only for years and years has really helped increase this 'Point Creep' theory.

Look at the two point sheets we have in Utah.

One is more of the 'odds' for those that put in and the other is those with points....they certain have a big gap in those that apply and those with points.

Not to get in the middle of this with "sw and coondog"..... but Colo is Preference points and Utah is Bonus points---- so to draw and compare is not real fair as they are completely different point types.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-11 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]Coondog

your first response to me was:
"anyone who is not stupid knows when they will draw in utah!"

Your second response to me was:
"If reading a odds book was easy sw buckless would do it! "

your third response was:
please just tell me ? don't leave me hanging. if reading a odds book was easy sw buckless would do it.

and your fourth response was:
do u really think u can compare utah and colorado elk hunting ?
it takes a alot of points to draw good tags in both states.
the only thing is the quality is not even close when you look at the numbers.at least in utah a guy can daw with no points could u draw a good tag in colorado with no points"

I should just leave this one alone but here it goes. Ill try and splane it to you.

Answer to your first question. since your not stupid why don't you tell me when I'm going to draw my Henry mtns deer tag. I have 10 archery points. I know that this is impossible to answer because I'm not so stupid when it comes to the Utah drawings.

your second and third response comes right out of a 2nd grade and doesn't need a response from me.

answer to your fourth response,

I never in any of the above statements in this particular forum said I was comparing Colorado quality to Utah quality. So go back and re read what I said so you don't jump to conclusions and start spouting off... The only thing I have suggested is I prefer a system like Colorado's where the guys that have put in the longest get to draw. I personally feel this is the only fair system. It is also easier to know what year you might draw a coveted tag. I don't feel anyone should be able to draw with low points before the guys at the top gets to draw. This only increases the time for the unlucky to recieve their chance and creates a giant butt plugg in our bonus point system in Utah. I also believe it leaves a chance for someone to abuse the system if they are somehow involved with the drawing processses by issueing an early tag. I personaly dont like Utahs point system.

So Coon why dont you answere this question and show me how up to date you are on the Utah point system. How many years it will take someone that has zero points to draw a sanjuan any weapon elk tag? How about a wasatch any weapon starting with zero points? tell me what year they will draw. You did say "anyone that is not da STUPID knows when they will draw in Utah daaaa."
SW,,,Not that tough to figure out.
You have 10 points going in this year (Henry's archery).

There are 28 guys ahead of you for bonus tags,,,,,,
Right now there are 4 a year,,,That's 7 years to clear out.
BUT,,,some of those could draw regular tags AND I believe
these permits will increase cleaning these 28 out in 6 years.

NOW YOUR in the bonus pool (2016),,,,23 guys...
YOU HAVE a guaranteed archery deer tag on the Henry's in
the next 10 years I would say.....

BUT,,with the 50/50 split,,,You could get lucky this year
and draw your permit! Get it?

Coondog is the shizz man, with the majic crystal ball and all. Its easy when you have one of them. I paid him good money to tell me when I will draw my Dutton muzzle elk tag again after my 5 yr waiting period is over. It was killing me to know and he told me 4 years so it wont be too bad. All of us on here just need to wisen up and get us our own little ball and we could be as good as him swbuckmaster. Shees :)
goofy thanks for passing part of the test for coon. I new he needed help.

Let me also help you out with the rest of the equations and why he cant say "anyone that is stupid enough knows when they are going to draw the tag."

you have no idea how many rifle or muzzy guys that have more points then I have and have been bailing out or swiched weapons to hunt the henry mtns. In fact there are hundreds with more points. Most of the guys that have been drawing the tag ahead of me are not archery only guys or have not always been archery only. I have watched this one very close over the years and I can say without a doubt I am ahead of the pyrmid schem but it could definatly take longer then 10+ years to draw the tag.

There was a time a few years ago if I looked at the same draw odds as I look at today I should have drawn the tag in less then 3 or 4 years. Now look you say its less then 10. To me it seems no one looks at point creep, point bailers, SFW tag cuts because the henry mts quality sucks ect. They just look at the divisions page and see the top point guy drew with 12 years or what ever and see they have 6 and say "o I will be drawing the tag in 6 years or less." I say they need a reality check!

This is why it makes anyone foolish to say "anyone that is daa STUPID enough knows when they are going to draw the tag daaa." look foolish.


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
All I can say is I hope Cooner is one of the last guys in his point group to draw so he has a big slap up side the head with the Utah butt plug system. :7


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
SW, Here's a SERIUOS question.
Why not take your 10 deer points and go hunt San Juan??

In my opinion , NO DEER tag is worth waiting 20 years for.

Go hunt San Juan archery deer, You have a guaranteed tag
there if not this year , next year FOR SURE!

Then draw your self an easy to get archery antelope tag..

I'm tell'in ya,,Its a great way to "adjust" the ole attitude.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-11 AT 10:41PM (MST)[p]
Hopefuly so there swbuckmaster. But remeber, if he is the last one in his point pool to draw, he seen it coming, not like it's rocket sience or someth'n. Everybody knows when it is "thier year" here in tardville lol. Looks like there is plenty of help here for us tardvillers to figure out our "exact" draw year for the unknowledgable, uneducated and illiterate people who can not figure out all the variables within the Utah system. I finally figured it out and after my five year wait, I will draw again in the exact year of 2042 and if you need help, just holler.
A lot of guys don't realize elk is going to be a OIL draw for most of them. Some will never draw.

I thought Utah was going to start moving a few more guys through the system, but it doesn't sound like it now.

I feel for the guys just starting to apply, they have a long road ahead of them.

Life is short, draw and hunt as many tags as you can in every state you can afford. It's only going to get harder to do so.
was going to send you a pm goofy but it looks like yours is broken or disabled


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>All I can say is I
>hope Cooner is one of
>the last guys in his
>point group to draw so
>he has a big slap
>up side the head with
>the Utah butt plug system.

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...


you come on here and whine and somebody calls you on it.

utah strings me along and i don't have a clue when i,m gonna draw blablabla. then when goofy points out what i was saying you praise him for helping me do basic math.

i just didn,t think you knew that the odds are posted every year and with a little work your average hunter should be able to figure it out . not saying its exact like my" crystal ball"
but pretty close. then you wish for me not to draw a tag.
thats kinda harsh maybe i'll start a put in for the henrys archery campain and see what happens to your butt plug.

never did see you respond to are post about coyotes killing bucks you do remember that right? same thing here you say something i don't agree with i call you on it last time you didn't respond this time you tell me i'm stupid and hope i don't get a tag. i've already used my oddsbook crystal ball to draw several tags in utah and don't have alot of points but i bet i draw a tag before you do .

if reading a oddsbook was easy sw buckless would do it .instead he has goofy do it for him.
When I saw the thread title I thought it was about Don Peay.

The other thing you need to take into account is SFW stealing more of the tags for the wealthy or for raffles, like they have in the past. This will boost your point creep robustly, like it did mine. I'd have drawn 3-4 years ago if it weren't for them.

Of course this is something you cannot predict the exact extent of, but history tends to repeat itself so expect them to return to the well for more at some point. To factor in for this I'd add 2 years to your plan.

what do you have points for ? I've seen some conflicting posts would like to help you .

if reading a oddsbook was easy sw buckless would do it . instead he has goofy do it for him.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]coon
Im going to try and respond to this so you can understand. However I think your reading and comprehending skills are not up to speed.

You said

>you come on here and whine
>and somebody calls you on

False I responded to the original posters question about "How bad is point creep in Utah ?"
By saying what I said in post #3 go back and read it again. You then attacked me and called me stupid for not understanding the point system. You however don't know who I am or what I know about the point system in Utah. When it comes to the Utah point system I practically wrote the book and don't need goofy or anyone to actually tell me my odds.

">when goofy points out what
>i was saying you praise
>him for helping me do
>basic math."

I never praised goofy I sarcastically responded to him. I actually wish he would have never responded to it because the question was for you. I also let him and you know there is no way you can say a statement like you did when you said ?anyone who is not stupid knows when they will draw in utah!?

"> then you wish
>for me not to draw
>a tag.
>thats kinda harsh maybe i'll start
>a put in for the
>henrys archery campain and see
>what happens to your butt

Ya that was harsh I actually don't wish this on anyone. So I take that part back. You can do what ever you want with the campaign about the henry mtns but I think anyone that knows what a deer looks like knows about the Henry mtns. I'm also above the pyramid scheme and they will have to give me a tag some day. lol

">never did see you respond to
>are post about coyotes killing
>bucks you do remember
>that right?"

This part makes me think you might be a woman. My wife always brings up crap that happens months or years back into an argument/discussion. I don't believe bucks are getting killed on general land or Le land to any degree where I need to get up set enough and go kill coyotes. It might happen on antelope island on a rare occasion because the dog numbers/per mile are so high. I do believe coyotes will kill the young every year though and this is the part that I will worry about. So if it makes you happy to go kill coyotes to bring the buck to doe ratio up go for it. Ill kill coyotes in the spring and summer so they dont do as much damage to the fawn crop something I do worry about.

">same thing here
>you say something i don't
>agree with i call you
>on it last time you
>didn't respond this time you
>tell me i'm stupid"

I never called you stupid you called me stupid go back and re read it. In fact I never called you anything until you started calling me names. I try as hard as I can to not get drug into that sort of stuff. If you go back and re read my post I used ?? when using the word stupid. That means I was quoting you.

">if reading a oddsbook was easy
>sw buckless"

Again name calling lol. I can stoop to this level though on some occasions here is my attempt. ?nan nan a boo boo anything you can do I can do better then you so stick your head in doo doo.? Lol quote from tosh.o


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
Several years ago I had three points for elk. I applied for Boulder Mountain Muzzleloader. The year before, everyone with three points drew, but there were only 3 permits given out. The year I applied with three points, several others who had three or more points switched to that unit. Instead of 100% draw odds, mine went down to less than 10% and I did not get drawn. That has happened a couple of times since. I now have 12 points. The draw odds are constantly in flux because people switch units and the permit numbers change.

The reality is there are still about 5,000 people with as many or more points than me applying for bull elk. So depending on the units I choose and how many tags are issued, it could still take many more years to draw a tag.

Last year a friend of mine bought a new rifle and scheduled time off work because he knew he would draw a specific elk tag with 10 points. He knew because his son drew the unit the prior year with 10 points. But last year a person with 10 points only had about a 25% chance of getting drawn and he wasn't one of them.

Some people apply for the same units every year. But many don't. So there is virtually no way to look at last year's odds and say for certain that someone will draw a specific tag based on those numbers.
>what do you have points for
>? I've seen some
>conflicting posts would like to
>help you .
>if reading a oddsbook was easy
>sw buckless would do it
>. instead he has goofy
>do it for him.

I don't think anyone can help me. I'm a NR with 14 deer points. I think my only decision is pick between Pauns rifle or Henry's management. I've ruled out any regular Henry's tags. Odds just rediculous.

i never called u stupid .
i said anyone who is not stupid knows when they will draw!!
you just thought i was talking about you . is your real name stupid buckmaster?

as for me being a woman why would you throw ur wife under the bus?

did you say that coyotes "DO NOT KILL BUCKS" ? just trying to figure out your line of thought. hope you draw the henrys this year.

if reading.... forget it tag lines suck!

i read a post where you talked about "your elk unit" had 8 nr tags for elk in 1997

went back to the odds book or "crystal ball " and couldn't find it?

if your elk points some how changed to deer points you might have a legit complaint.
>Several years ago I had three
>points for elk. I applied
>for Boulder Mountain Muzzleloader. The
>year before, everyone with three
>points drew, but there were
>only 3 permits given out.
>The year I applied with
>three points, several others who
>had three or more points
>switched to that unit. Instead
>of 100% draw odds, mine
>went down to less than
>10% and I did not
>get drawn. That has happened
>a couple of times since.
>I now have 12 points.
>The draw odds are constantly
>in flux because people switch
>units and the permit numbers
>The reality is there are still
>about 5,000 people with as
>many or more points than
>me applying for bull elk.
>So depending on the units
>I choose and how many
>tags are issued, it could
>still take many more years
>to draw a tag.
>Last year a friend of mine
>bought a new rifle and
>scheduled time off work because
>he knew he would draw
>a specific elk tag with
>10 points. He knew because
>his son drew the unit
>the prior year with 10
>points. But last year a
>person with 10 points only
>had about a 25% chance
>of getting drawn and he
>wasn't one of them.
>Some people apply for the same
>units every year. But many
>don't. So there is virtually
>no way to look at
>last year's odds and say
>for certain that someone will
>draw a specific tag based
>on those numbers.


if by several years you mean 1997 when 3 points where max you would be right . only in 1997 their were no muzzy only tags on the boulder. i'm not saying to only look at last years odss!!
do some research and figure out were you can draw.

my grandpa had 15 points in 1954 and still can't get a tag on the wasatch!!
see how easy it is?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 03:41PM (MST)[p]>Flint
>if by several years you mean
>1997 when 3 points where
>max you would be right
>. only in 1997 their
>were no muzzy only tags
>on the boulder. i'm not
>saying to only look at
>last years odss!!
>do some research and figure out
>were you can draw.
>my grandpa had 15 points in
>1954 and still can't get
>a tag on the wasatch!!
>see how easy it is?

lol the comment above makes me believe someone has been sniffing glue again.lol

You cant go back and do any research on any unit in years past to know what and or where your going to draw with x amount of points... In Utah nothing is for certain, the units get changed every year usually for the worst imho. Point creep is real and most elk units now are oil tags..


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>AT 03:41?PM (MST)

>>if by several years you mean
>>1997 when 3 points where
>>max you would be right
>>. only in 1997 their
>>were no muzzy only tags
>>on the boulder. i'm not
>>saying to only look at
>>last years odss!!
>>do some research and figure out
>>were you can draw.
>>my grandpa had 15 points in
>>1954 and still can't get
>>a tag on the wasatch!!
>>see how easy it is?
>lol the comment above
>makes me believe someone has
>been sniffing glue again.lol
>You cant go back and do
>any research on any unit
>in years past to know
>what and or where your
>going to draw with x
>amount of points... In Utah
>nothing is for certain, the
>units get changed every year
>usually for the worst imho.
>Point creep is real and
>most elk units now are
>oil tags..


>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

this one was for flint ! look a couple posts up and try to respond to those with sw buckless on the title. don't make me call you stupid for helping others out!
Just stay away from the glue once in a while it makes life easier for the rest of us that have to read your drivel.


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>Just stay away from the glue
>once in a while it
>makes life easier for the
>rest of us that have
>to read your drivel.

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

no glue here just facts!
try responding like a big boy and maybe i'll know wtf your talking about
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]I did some research on who you were and found a photo of you and your coon dog in action. Now I understand how you got your screen name "coondog" ya it all makes sense now.



As you were!


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
why don't you do as much research on drawing a tag and then you wouldn't have to look up your favorite sex position coon on dog.

your really getting old either respond faster or find something else to do big boy!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]Coon
let me give you another analogy you might understand. When it comes to the Utah draw odds. "I would be the pimp and you would be the ho."

I know so much about the draw odds I could have wrote the odds book.

The thing you still don't get is the reading and comprehending part. I wasn't really asking you for help on my draw odds. That part was a loaded question. Goofy of all people fell for it. I wish he wouldn't have. He also didn't answer it totally correctly either. I had to show him the real answer.

You can go back and read that same post again I did have two other questions for you and you still haven't answered them.
Never mind Ill just re post the same ones here. We know how difficult it would be for you to go back and have to read 10 posts over again with your problem with "reading and comprehending." Here are the questions again

"How many years will it take someone that has zero points to draw a sanjuan any weapon elk tag if they are the last one in their poit group to draw? How about a wasatch any weapon starting with zero points? You did say "anyone that is not STUPID knows when they will draw in Utah."

I can pretty much guarantee you will fail the question especially if you go back and use all your old data. I will then have to edumacate you on with the correct answers. So go ahead ill eat crow if your correct.


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
what does san juan elk have to do with you being a whiner?

san juan elk odds with zero points doesn't mean sh@t to me so i'm not gonna waste my time doing your math for you look it up on line or go buy a book .

i'm starting to think you name might be stupid buckmaster!

how many tags have you drew with you pimp knowledge?

i think your more like pro's b$tch than a pimp!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 10:00?PM (MST)

like I thought "F" for fail or "N" for special kids like yourself. Tell you pa pa "N" means Needs Improvement.

lol Cooner your a hoot!


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>lol coon your a hoot!

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

take your time i'm sure you will come up with something better.
maybe some more pictures of you and pro on your honeymoon.
who knew pro was a coon too?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 10:14PM (MST)[p]Its been a long winter Cooner thanks for being such a good sport.

By the way what does Pro have to do with me?


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>AT 10:14?PM (MST)

>Its been a long winter Cooner
>thanks for being such a
>good sport.
>By the way what does Pro
>have to do with me?

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

you love pro and by the way your picture looked he really loves you!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 11:21PM (MST)[p]cooner
I wasted 2 minutes of my life looking up who you are on MM. Funny thing is you must be a loner with your kind of attutide. I seriously cant find anything you have contrubuted in a positive way to any forum on monster muleys. everything you say is negative it dosent matter who you say it too either. It must be hard being YOU!

Anyone else that wants to see the coons negative past just look up coondog and search authour.

Like I said earlier "As you were!"


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>i read a post where you
>talked about "your elk
>unit" had 8 nr tags
>for elk in 1997
>went back to the odds book
>or "crystal ball " and
>couldn't find it?
>if your elk points some how
>changed to deer points you
>might have a legit complaint.

I was only referring to it as "my" elk unit in that I drew it back in 97. I was only using it as an example in what happened to the NR quota there. Had nothing to do with my current points.
i've wasted about two hours trying to explain the utah drawing system to you. go back and look at your own post something about utah stringing you along and then never getting a tag .who really thinks they are going to draw a san juan or a wasatch with no points. it's simple you whine about something and i call you on it . you get pissed because your wrong .then you try to get personal and i burn your azz and i'm the stupid one . try and back up your posts with some facts . not just whining.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 00:05AM (MST)[p]burn my butt lol thats funny. The only way you have burned my butt is by dragging me down to your level for awhile.

If I had to live in your shoes for any lengthly amout of time I'd prolly kill myself. :*


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
>AT 00:05?AM (MST)

>burn my butt lol thats funny.
>The only way you have
>burned my butt is by
>dragging me down to your
>level for awhile.
>If I had to live in
>your shoes for any lengthly
>amout of time I'd prolly
>kill myself. :*

>If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters
>would do it...

whats prolly mean?

your right i'm done . come to think of it i don't know anyone who has drawn a tag in utah. thats why they don't list the names anymore sw i'm sorry i ever doubted you please accept my apologies and i'll try to only post positive thngs from know on.
i guess theres no hope for that henrys tag maybe colorado still gives out tags try there. good luck
>so what unit was it? how
>good a bull did you

320" like everyone else there.
Hahaha. This post is like the "Maury" of the elk forum. Pretty funny. I think post 26 gave a good example and brief explanation of point creep in Utah.

The same amount of people are not going to put in for the same tag every year, and the tag numbers are not going to be the same every year. So looking at many variables of past odds can give you a solid indication of what tag you could draw, but those odds do not guarantee anything.
Not me. I keep checking in to see if anyone has anything constructive and helpful to say but this is the last time I look at this post. What a waste of my time. If I wanted to listen to people acting like children I'd listen to my children. Or I'd go to work.

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