Utah rasies Alcohol levels in beer


Long Time Member
There was an article in the paper today that said Utah is raising it's beer alcohol level to match the rest of the country. From 3.2 to 4.8 WOW and this after they just reduced the level from .08 to .05 for Drunk Driving.

Is this coincidental or just their way of raising cash.

I can remember as a kid driving to Wyoming to get beer for our parties. I'm sure that still happens but if they pass this law will Wyoming or Evanston in particular go broke? LOL

Anybody's thoughts on this from a Cop's point of view?
>I can remember as a kid
>driving to Wyoming to get
>beer for our parties. I'm
>sure that still happens but
>if they pass this law
>will Wyoming or Evanston in
>particular go broke? LOL
>Anybody's thoughts on this from a
>Cop's point of view?

No, Evanston still has Fireworks. They use to be able to count on porn money from Utah but the darn interwebs ruined that one. Im sure the Evanston fireworks economy is strong enough to support the town.
If memory serves me, the beer companies said, paraphrasing here, 'change or we will stop bringing beer to your state due to the Utah being an odd ball with lower alcohol content than every other state.'

BTW Utah folks will still visit Dinosaur because they can purchase doobage there. Thanks for the continued patronage...

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Back when I was a kid in the 70 we would go to Rangley Colorado because they had a 3.2 bar. You had to be between 18 to 21.Then the feds step in and said you had to be 21 to buy any beer. Like tailchaser said the big brewers said Utah were not going to make that watered down $hit no more so step up to the plate.
Money talks no matter how bad they say they hate the product that brings it in... utah has the highest tobacco taxes too.

Just like the OP stated!

All Related to Money in this SOB'ing State No Matter what you're Dealing with!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Now throw in medical marijuana in Utah. She's all downhill from now on. When the people lead, the leaders will follow.
Elk, You are 100% Correct. Politics = Follow the Money.

We need the group of women from an old Western movie singing: Going down to the River... In protesting via a March, of their men-Folk getting boozed up. I have no clue of the old western movie's name but I can see and hear, in my mind, that group of older forceful women marching and singing. I think they marched right into a Bar.

Jagerdad .... Good Post Elk :)
The church will always control utah, it's disgusting how they always ask the church their opinion on everything. Like the other day they were asked their opinion on parimutuel betting and they said no comment, they were also asked their opinion on the new hate crime bill and said they had no issues with it, which bill do you think will pass??
Utah will have firm grip on the marijuana just like they do with our alcohol.
Raising the alcohol limit to 4.8% in Utah isn't a done deal yet. The Utah Senate approved of it, but it also needs to gain approval from the House of Representatives then get the governor's signature before it's final......plenty of time for the teetotaling majority to voice their disapproval. With the Mormon church already coming out against it, and most of the elected officials Mormon, it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.
There was an article in the paper today that said Utah is raising it's beer alcohol level to match the rest of the country. From 3.2 to 4.8 WOW and this after they just reduced the level from .08 to .05 for Drunk Driving.

Is this coincidental or just their way of raising cash.

I can remember as a kid driving to Wyoming to get beer for our parties. I'm sure that still happens but if they pass this law will Wyoming or Evanston in particular go broke? LOL

Anybody's thoughts on this from a Cop's point of view?

Raising Cash!
In IL I heard it's a Billion dollar a year cash cow.

Now I'm not talking about people driving so drunk that they could kill someone.
But .05 even .08 is crazy heck if you hav3 a couple of drinks at dinner you can get pinched


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I think this is a nationwide thing. I was in OKC about a year ago and they server that 3.2 domestic pi$$. Was talking to a bartender lamenting the watered down beer and she mentioned that Oklahoma as well as some other states were going to raise the alcohol level in their domestic beers. Wouldn't surprise me if the beer makers are not driving this. Makes sense, not having to customize beers for different states.
Half the kids? Come on hornkiller. Sure you ain't referring to the general public? Dinosaur, Co is awful crowded with Utah license plates.

>What about ut drug problems? half
>of the kids in high
>school are doing drugs!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Here is my two cents. This will have no measurable amount of effect on public safety stats. This is a commerce issue. The state has no business at all being involved in commerce and the state republicans are completely turning their back on this very conservative issue because it involves big bad alcohol. You either sell alcohol or you don't. If you do the state shouldn't be the catalyst.

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