Utah's Raging Bulls

fin little

Active Member
Fstop, Wow! Hands down the best elk hunting video I've seen. Very well done. Utah is growing some monsters and this video proves it. The college student that took the state record was classic. I really loved the live footage and the way you put it together. Good job Fstop. Looking forward to your next one.
Thanks Fin,
We are already working on Utah's Raging Bulls II. We had a lot of fun gathering this video from hunters and although it consumed our year we're ready for another. Just a reminder for everyone to take your camera into the field. You never know when the "Big One" will cross your path. Thanks again, Fstop

Are you the one selling the video. If so I had a quick question for you. I was going to order the DVD from your web site but I got a message that I could not get a secure connection when I was getting ready to pay. It might just be my computer acting up. I will try to order one again but if it dose not work is there another way to order a DVD. Looks like a real good video and can't wait to get a copy.

nevermind I gust got done ordering a DVD and it worked just fine. Can't wait to see it.

Thank you
I have to agree that this is one of the best put together videos on the market.I love the format and like how the hunter tells his own story,almost like sitting around a campfire in elk season.some truly awsome bulls too.When will the next video be out? can't wait.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-04 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-04 AT 01:31?PM (MST)

Hey Guys,
Thanks for all of your comments. We've been working on this video for quite some time and we're pretty excited to do another. I think the main difference between our video and others is that we are one: showing some of the largest bulls ever taken in Utah (22 hunts w/13 kill shots) and we really don't care to promote ourselves. We're just all very passionate about elk and elk hunting and with the help of ppl like yourselves we were able to put toghether a product that celebrates the average hunter and their elk hunt. Our video is a combination of our video and just the average "Joe" who finally was able to draw an elk tag and then decided to film their hunt. I hope you enjoy it and remember to take your camera afield, you never know when the "Big One" is going to cross your path. Our address is WWW.browtineproductions.com. We are currently selling DVD's and VHS. I would suggest you order a DVD. We only ran 400 copies on VHS and we are almost out of them and the quality of VHS is nowhere near the quality of DVD. In fact I doubt we will sell anymore VHS in the future.
Thanks, Adam aka Fstop

I bought the DVD at the Sportman's Expo. I thought it was great! One of the best I've seen. Let us know when the next one comes out.


I could not resist the comments so went and ordered me a DVD just now. Looking forward to checking it out. Bummer is I will not likely draw any elk tag this year. Especially in Utah, where I'm saving deer points!

Zim from NW Indiana
I'm so busy working I don't mind when it arrives. I was mostly eager to try out our DVD player. We finally got one for Christmas but I have no hunting DVD's. It's hooked up to our big screen so your bulls will be big no matter what they score! Eager to see the clarity.

I drew Book Cliffs with no points in 97 so Utah's always been on my good side. Your bulls sound a lot bigger though. I was able to take a 330, average for the unit.

Zim from NW Indiana
Received a DVD today and just finished viewing it. It was very well put together and is crammed with lots of long tined, heavy beamed, high scoring trophy bull elk. Well done.
I received the two in the mail yesterday and just watched it this morning. Wow, that is a nicely done job for the first time, looking forward to the next one you put out.
I will get the other copy to your Aunt Karen so she can give it to Merrit.
Thanks again,

Received my dvd yesterday. A great video and recommend
highly to everyone. Really some impressive bulls. Dreamin
in Colorado, because thats all we can do here.
I just saw the video last night-well done. I happen to know Eric Christensen (he gave some of the footage) and I have even gone with him to scout. He used to guide the Panguitch unit (he has moved) and he's a great guy and a heck of an elk hunter/guide. All his footage comes from his home-video camera, which you don't see too much these days. Anyway, great video.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-04 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]I miss the pre-hunt (set-up) like on the primos vidoes, but for a bunch of home videos the film was owesome, great big bulls and good kill shots I will definately buy the next one that comes out.

FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU! Walk soft and carry a 300 RUM,

Thanks, I got the DVD and enjoyed it. I noticed the one unit that was mentioned was the short Book Cliff hunt. His bull looked very indicative of the other bulls I saw taken there, about 330. I liked the bull that came in so close to the camera man he freaked out and shood it away. Brought back memories of my hunt in 97'. I am saving elk points now for my oldest son, and deer points for me. When it come time for him to finish school he will have about 8 points, and I will start shooting for one of those southern tags for him.

Zim from NW Indiana
Great video. I got a copy today and watched it twice....Some massive bulls are in this video...multible years of the same bulls with footage in summer/winter ranges.. Tons of fight scenes, with all the footage being upclose and personal...Just a down right awesome flick! You guys are to be commended for the effort you put into this video. Truely a video dedicated to monster elk..and them being from Utah is just awesome!! Thanks again...and if you put out anything else I will certainly buy it..

Later, Brandon
Guess I'll have to watch the rest of the DVD. I turned it off after the "bowhunt" section. Nothing but bulls in velvet feeding in meadows. The "bowhunts" were 10 second snippets of hunters standing over dead animals sandwiched in between more elk in velvet out in the meadows. No calling sequences, no shots. Nice footage of spring time elk but not what I was looking for so far.
Guess I'll have to watch it again cause I must have missed something based an all the good reports here.

Hey Brandon,
As my wife would attest we're elk fanantics and right now have no plans for a Muley video, but we are already planning another URB II. I have talked to Brian (founder) and he has some ideas that I think are pretty good. Good muley videos in my opinion are very rare and very hard to do. If anyone has any ideas we'd love to hear them, but for now we are concentrating on elk. Thanks, Fstop

(we don't talk the bull...we just kill'em) I've always wanted one of those snappy tag lines like bobcat or moosie.
Did anyone who watched this video notice the one rifle shot crawl up the back of the elk? The shooter had to be positioned directly in back of bull. If you play the movie back in slow motion you can see the bullet hitting the hair at the bulls rump, then the hair on the back, then the top of the neck, then a puff as it enters behind the neck. Broke the spine I'm sure. The camera man has a broadside view so you can see everything. Pretty wild.

Zim from NW Indiana
Since I originally posted my initial dislike of the dvd, I watched the rest of it and would like to say it got a lot better after the bow hunts.

Hey Bob,
I'm glad you had a chance to view the rest of the video. We knew going in that our bow section was our weakest section. It's just so hard to get a bow kill on video. I applaud Primos and the like that are able to do this. But the fact remains that we are showing bulls taken on public land with all of the variables that come with hunting public land elk. Most of the others are hunting on private or reservation land. One of our main goals with our next video is to capture more bow hunts with kill shots with more setup scenes. We encourage anyone who draws a tag this year to contact us about filming your hunt. Even if we don't videotape it we can give almost everyone some info on most of Utah's units. We could also give some ppl some training on capturing thier hunt on video. We would also again encourage everyone to take thier camera's afield. As we say in the news business "if it didn't happen on tape...then it didn't happen." Thanks for your interest, Fstop

I sent you an email to your Private Message account here on MM. Let me know if you didn't get it.

Great video and I hope that I will be able to put an arrow in the broiler of one of those bulls you filmed, since I finally drew a LTD Entry archery elk tag. 11 years it took me. I plan on videoing my hunt.
Primos pays 10,000 for their colorado tags. I have no problem with that, I understand what it takes to make the type of video's they produce. You did a fine job on public ground hunting.
I must have had a bee in my bonnet when I watched the bow section.

Hey Fstop,

Did you ever get the zit on Eric's nose officially scored??? I'm thnkin' it'll gross around 325 and net about 318!!!!
Heard nothing but great comments on the video....Anybody coming to the banquet in Cedar City this weekend?

NTHERUT...congrats on your draw... we drew Monroe archery elk so we will be down there all summer!
Congrats to you also...Hopefully you stick a pig...Let's keep in touch to see how the scouting goes. I can't believe that I finally drew.

Did Eric show you the sheds we picked up?????? I'm thinkin I'll go look for the broken piece from my bull this weekend.......Let me know if you guys get some time and want to go!!!! The horns are growin!!!!! Already seen a few dandies!!!


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