Video: Mountain Lion chases “my buck”


Active Member
Out hiking and scouting this morning with my goats, and found a really good buck (for UT general season public land). Taking video of him with his buddies, when a mountain lion makes a play.

Thanks for the video Mr Sherlock!
ICMDEER summed it up, it will kill a deer this week if it hasn't already.

Good luck on that buck!!!

Mule deer conservation is another reason why I hunt coyotes so much. That and it's just kick-in-the-pants fun to dupe old wiley coyote.

Yes, a guy should have a lion tag on hand for the odd occasions that they're seen in the daylight.

I messed up. I was always under the impression lion was a draw tag here. Never looked at it again the past 12 years. A friend corrected my folly today, along with all y’all’s encouragement. Came home and bought the tag.

Awesome video! Nice buck. I had this happen to me during a late archery elk hunt and my hunt turned into a cat hunt that was unsuccessful!
Great video and nice buck. That lion will succeed and kill a deer soon. Next time you go, watch for ravens and buzzards.

And as has been suggested, stack up the lion if you can.

Best of luck and thanks for sharing.
Well said!!!

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