Vortex Kaibab HD 20x56 ???


Founder Since 1999
I've never used binoculars of this power or probably even weight. How about any of you? I'm thinking these could be real sweet.

I had a friend who used some huge Doctor's (20 power), and they looked like a great tool, but they were huge and I don't think they'd work for me in the places I usually hunt.

These Kaibab HD's are about 3 lbs. (43 oz). I'd probably still have to take the 10x bino's too. I don't know? Or would a 15x bino work better and leave the 10x home?
Would a heavy tripod be a must with a 20x bino? Probably? Maybe? Anyone have experience with optics of this power?

Camera Land has them at $1399.99.

Vortex Kaibab HD 20x56


Brian Latturner
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Yes I would love to get my hands on a pair to see how they feel. If they feel good ? Then we will see.
They're too Heavy to Pack!

You gonna Pack a Tripod too?

OK to keep in the Truck for Road Huntin!:D

You Accidentally Drop them you're gonna Break Them!

I'm too Shaky with that kinda Power, when I see a lil ole PISSCUTTER Buck I can see the Effects of the Buck Fever through the Glass!:D

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I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I've used some Steiner binos that are 20X80. Easier on the eyes than a spotter, but way too big to pack around. The Steiners are basically two spotters stuck together. IMO you need a tripod to hold them steady at that power, but you could take these and leave the spotter home.
I just weighed my 10x42 SLC's. They came in at 2 lbs. even. I think another pound I might could handle, but how well would they work for just lifting and glassing something at 150 yards or so. ???

Brian Latturner
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I use Swaro 15x56 for all of my hunting, I use a monopod which works great to steady my binos and works good for a walking stick.
I held these at SHOT show. They didn't seem too much bigger than the 15x kaibabs. Personally I'd say carry these with a tripod instead of a spotter and bring your 8x or 10x along too.

Just depends the country your hunting, for glassing really big country from a tripod they are awesome(used the 15x a lot not 20x yet). Some hunts I use them all the time some they don't come along, another very useful tool for certain situations. I would still never be with out my 8x or 10x.
I use the 15X56 Swaro's all the time on a light weight tripod in the sit down position and theyre great.

I have a couple friends that went with the Kaibab 56's and they all regret their purchase. Ive looked through them and there is no comparison. I think you would be better off saving a little longer for a upgrade.

As long as using the 56's, they are awesome if your hunting fairly big country. I wont even pack my spotting scope very often because of my 56's. Weight isnt that big of a deal, space in your pack for them seems to be the tougher call.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-14 AT 08:52AM (MST)[p]Very hard to hold those big binos steady. I've never looked through the Vortex (I use Swaro 15x56), but size makes a huge difference in steadiness; especially when it's windy...which it always is in Wy. If you are going to go up in size, figure on using a tripod. I still prefer a spotting scope myself.
Yeah, i used a set of Zeiss 12x this year and i carried and held them for glassing. 12x might be about as powerful as you want to go without some plans to at least use a small tripod at times. IMO, 20X in no way could/should replace your good 10X glass.


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