Vortex Razor Scope??


Long Time Member
Why is it that a lot of the reviews I read say that Vortex scopes don't focus past the 45x magnification. Yet, when I google the top 5 scopes, Vortex Razor is #1? Swaro isn't even on the list. What gives?

I look in the classified ads here and all you see is Vortex glass for sale. Coincidence?

Anyone use the Leupold Kenai scope? I like Leupold but there's not much info on this scope. Thanks.

I can't spend $2400 for Swaro when I have a kid going to UCLA and another heading to Loyola Marymount next year. :)


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Maybe Homer can tell you what He told Me!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Did he admit to you that he knows everything? Can he shed some light on this Vortex condundrum? I find it hard to read one thing time and time again and then have them tops of numerous ratings. Don't make sense...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-16 AT 10:30PM (MST)[p]buy once, cry once.....and you were a tight ass when they were in grammar school too.....or...get a loan from Tony Weldon
Tony Weldon? I must know you a bit better than I realize. I don't do business with Tony but I'm wondering how you know him. Are you a Central Coast boy, Homer?

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I've used vortex for about the last 4 years. No issues at all with the HD glass. My hunting buddy has a Swaro and he agrees that there isn't much different between them except the price tag. I'm not saying Vortex is better then SWARO, but I cant justify spending almost double the amount with little difference. I don't like to skimp on gear and believe in buying once, but I just don't see the price different in the 2 scopes. Again, its just my opinion. I would recommend you go somewhere to look through the both scopes outside in various lighting to determine for yourself.
Wiz, send your progeny to a state college and buy a Swaro. LOL., just kidding.

"I don't hunt to kill but in order not to have to played golf."
As said before. Go to Sportsmans or somewhere that sells both and look through both. They have a picture in the back of the store at Reno's and It was real close until I looked at full power. Then the Swaros began to shine. I could pick out small objects that I could not see with the Vortex. But like others have said Vortex are good glass, especially for the price. I'm no optics pro, just giving personal experience. I have heard others on hear say the Swarovski and high end glass clarity will last longer than other brands also.
I love walking into sportsmans or cabelas and seeing guys comparing optics looking at animals ( or pictures) inside the store, gentlemen most optics will look good at those distances and lighting, you want to see the difference compare them at first or last light, just IMO there is no comparison, last year on a deer hunt we glassed up a deer at around 800 yds, could see it thru my Zeiss binos and my Swarovski spotting scope just fine but had to drop the power way down on the vortex to see it clearly, defeating the purpose of your scope, vortex is the badlands of optics......bad a$$ warranty....decent product. Buy the very best you can afford!!!!!! Not trying to piss anyone off just my personal experience, Leica, Swarovski and Zeiss are definitely in a different class, talk with a true optics specialist ( not the part timers at cabelas and sportsman's that get kickbacks by selling certain optics) and see what they tell you, good luck
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-16 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]+1 on the above post. The swaro is superior hands down. I was on the muzzle spike elk hunt looking at a big bull about 3000 yards away that was bedded down behind a small pine. We had 3 scopes out. One was a small junk Alpen, then a 80mm vortex razor hd, and a 80mm swaro ats HD. That was the first time I was actually able to see the razor and swaro side by side in a hunting situation where shadows and the sun going down played a role. Anyone that says vortex is close to a swaro is wrong. It's possible their eyes can't tell the difference or they are trying to justify their purchase of buying inferior glass because they don't want their hunting buddies giving them the Ohh my glass is better than yours speech. I spent a good amount of time between both scopes on that elk. I'm not a glass snob by any means, but my eyes are good enough to see the differences and the swaro hands down is far superior glass. The thing that vortex has going for them, cheaper pricing with a good warranty. It appeals to a lot of people. They filled the need for the family man, single guy with a crappy job, or just the plain cheap bastard who wants to spend way less on glass but still want a good value. And if you're wondering how the alpen did, well you couldn't even tell it was an elk, just a yellowish blob.

The vortex lost the detail on the antler that we could see and while I could tell it was most likely a 6 on that side, I couldn't be certain of the lengths. The swaro really shined there as the glass was clear enough to show good detail and you could easily make out that side of the antler.

I've seen the newer sts/ats HD swaros online for 2k with the stay on case. If you're patient, you can find the right deal. You're spending a bit more but will be getting the better scope.
I have the razor he! Wished we got you too look through it. I love it on low power, but increasing the power is tricky. The focus is hard at higher mag, but doable! For me on higher power I need to buy a better tripod/mount! It is really hard to hold it still enough to focus.

I wonder if most have the same issue! Focus very touchy, but doable!
Steve check out the Kowa Highlander, make sure to get the high quality lenses and the optional 50 mm lense.
So ONESHOT, are you saying that you can look through both exspensive glass and medium priced glass in a store and the cheaper glass will outshine the expensive? I think not. I agree that it's not the same conditions as outside, but the end result is the same. The better glass will outshine the cheaper no matter where you compare it.
If claims from product B are comparable to product A, that tells me product A is the one i want.

And "Product A" is Leica

Necali, sorry haven't looked at the post for awhile, I'm definitely NOT saying that the inexpensive glass will out shine the more expensive glass inside or out, what I am saying is that comparing them at the optics counter is not the best comparison, get outside at low light and dusk and it will take away most questions that one might be having about optics because in my opinion the more expensive glass will outshine the cheaper ones hands down in these conditions Oneshot

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