WA Bone


Very Active Member
With the draw results just weeks away (hopefully) lets see some of that WA bone from the past to hold us over till the results come out.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-05 AT 03:58PM (MST)[p]Here are a couple of my Winthrop area regular season bucks. The first one was from 1998 and the last two were from this last year. I just got my mount back a couple of days ago.



LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-05 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]Sorry for the repeat, I posted this buck a few weeks ago.I can't resist participating in a Washington only call.

Okanogan area
2004 Late Archery
25 1/2" wide, 173 1/8 P & Y



Just got my mount back a couple weeks ago. I have been arguing with my wife for years that when the right buck comes along it's going on the wall. She said "not with me living there". Last year after I walked up on this guy, I pulled out my cell phone and said "honey ya better clear a spot on the wall". She isn't to happy right now, but I'm sure she'll get used to it. Hopfully there will be another one next to this one this year.
Good pics to get us started, I know there are more WA bucks out there, lets see them, I'll try to take a picture of my recent bucks to post tonight.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-05 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Heres my bucks from the last two years taken in the yakima area. Come on buck tag with 8pts.

2004 Buck 4x6

2003 Buck 4x4
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-05 AT 10:22AM (MST)[p]My Washington buck from 1978 31.5" wide 4x4. Killed during a snowstorm around the Tanasket area.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-05 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]Did you try the Click here to upload your photo link. once you do that you copy and paste the link between that they give you between [jpg]and [/jpg]

Test photo

I keep hearin rumors that friday they will posted on line, so if u log on friday and it takes an hour or so that means they are out.
I've heard that as well, if so that would be recordsetting time, I'll keep checking everyday till they come up.
Heres TimetoHunts pictures, some dandy animals

The buck on the left is a firing center buck "01"
the Ram is from Quilimene in "99"
the buck on the right wyoming "94"
the other photo all Washington game in "01" moose from

Here's a Pearrygin buck from 03'


Chiwawa buck 04'


My son with my 04' buck and my daughter with my cousins 04' buck

LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-05 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]Kingfish-
Nice old Washington buck... I was born in Tonasket and lived in the area until I was about 23 yrs old. Let's see, in 1978 I was a sophmore at Tonasket HS. My parents owned Sully's (general store, tavern, campground, gas pumps, local eatery, etc.) up in Loomis. If you had your buck weighed there, it was likey I was the one that did it for you. Biggest one I can remember weighing in those years was a 289 lb. (dressed weight) brute, biggest one we had a record of at the store was 311 IIRC.

Man do I miss the home land. I'm livin' in SoCal now...

Muleyslyr- Speaking of big bodied brutes, that '03 buck of yours is a tank!!
Pal, I bet you miss home!!!. I love that country. I use to see some big bucks in that country. My favorite area to hunt was winthrop. Now there is just to many people. How do you like So.Cal and why are you there?
Here are my most recent bucks. Upper left 2004(general season), upper right 2003(late tag), low and center 2002(high hunt).
Ridgerunner - Nice 3 year run.

Wish I had some pics to contribute from the old days, but I rarely took a photo of my bucks back then and when I did it was probably hanging on a meat pole.

Kingfish - Like many a young man I left to find my fortune. Little did I appreciate how fortunate I really was for growing up in an area like that... one thing that is nice though is that it literally has not changed much in all those years. Still got a lot of childhood buddies there. Looking to buy a chunk of land in the area so I can return for good someday.

Good luck this season.

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