WA state multiseason tags....2nd chance?



LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-07 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-07 AT 02:52?PM (MST)

Well, the state gave the first draw people until May 31 to purchase their tags. All unsold tags offered to the next in line.

So, anyone make the 2nd cut? I got the deer tag the first draw, hoping to get the elk!

Here is the site shows if you are successful:
Doesn't say anything about a 2nd cut. Just that I was unsuccesful for 2007 multi season elk.
It also says that I was unsuccesful for the same tag in 2006 and that is wrong because I did have the tag in 2006.

Don't get your hopes up to soon. They extended the deadline until June 8th because in there succesful letters they did not specify a deadline for buying the tag. It seems like every year they extend the deadline for some reason. I drew last year also and it said I was unsuccesful. Oh Well!
Last year my son drew a elk tag, and drew a deer tag in round 2.

Both unfilled (something about testosterone and being 21)
I just openned the letter saying the 8th is the deadline. Another week.........
Here's my take on this year's multi-season tag fiasco....

Me calling WDFW way back at the beginning of April to ask about the multiple-season hunting permit application for 2007 after patiently reviewing the Hunting section of the WDFW website since February on an almost daily basis for said information...

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Yes, I know the regs will not come out for some time, but I was wondering if you might be able to tell me the deadline for the multi-season hunting permit application? I can't find any information on your website. Is it going to be on June 28 with all the rest of the special permit applications?"

WDFW: "I'm sorry sir, you are not the first person I've had to tell this to, but the deadline for multi-season hunting permit application entry has already closed for this year."

Me: "I'm sorry, I could have sworn you just said that the deadline for multi-season hunting permit application entry has already closed for this year."

WDFW: "Yes sir, that's correct."

Me: "Let me get this straight...You've closed the entry, without ever having publicly announced ANY information about the multi-hunt permit application, how or where to enter, or the deadline?"

WDFW: "No sir."

Me: "I'm sorry, what do you mean by "no sir"?"

WDFW: "The deadline was announced some time ago and the deadline closed a couple weeks ago."

Me: "That's interesting, several of my hunting buddies and I have been checking the Regulation and Seasons section of your website religiously since the beginning of February and have NEVER seen any such notification."

WDFW: "Well, it's on the website."

Me: "I'm there now. Can you kindly direct me to where this information is located?"

WDFW: "Ummm...okay, it'll take just a second for me to find the right page."

Me: "It's not under the Important Hunting Dates section or any of the other pages under Seasons and Regulations."

WDFW: "Really? ... it should be there."

Me: "I can assure you that it is not."

WDFW: "Well, perhaps you missed it, it should be there."

Me: "I haven't. Shouldn't it be one of those "important dates" like say for example the 2007 Special Permit Application Submission Due under the Application Due heading?"


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here...just looking...Hmmm, that's interesting ?it is not listed. Maybe it was taken off the list since the deadline has already passed."

Me: "No, as I've said, we've been checking your website for the announcement. In fact I printed that page a while ago. I have it here somewhere."

WDFW: "Hmmm...I can't find it...can I get your contact information and give you a call back?"

Me: "Sure, it's...."

WDFW: "Thanks, we'll get right back with you."

Me: "Okay, thank you."

...a couple days pass and so I call them again...

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "This is... we spoke the other day about the multi-season hunt application problem?"

WDFW: "Oh yes, we've gotten a lot of calls about that. I spoke with the person in charge of this and he told me the entry deadline had definitely passed."

Me: "Yes, I remember you mentioning that the other day. You were going to find out where this information was supposedly publicly posted and get back with me."

WDFW: "Oh yes, now I remember! It was a news release."

Me: "A news release?"

WDFW: "Yes."

Me: (joking) "I generally make it a habit to watch the nightly news and I don't recall any of the nightly news anchors making mention of this."

WDFW: giggle..."No they probably wouldn't mention it."

Me: "Why wouldn't this information be posted under the Regulations and Seasons area, specifically under Important Dates? Don't you think that would make more sense?"

WDFW: "Well, I don't know, but yes it would make sense to put it there."

Me: "Okay...I don't see it as a heading under the New Release section."

WDFW: "You need to click on the WDFW News Releases."

Me: "Okay, I don't see any headlines relating to multi-season. Where should I be looking?"

WDFW: "Hmmm, I don't see it there either."

Me: "Oh wait, it's probably archived down here on the left."

WDFW: "Where?"

Me: "Scroll down until you see News Release Archive on the left side of your screen."

WDFW: "Okay."

Me: "Let's see...nothing under March...you said the deadline was March 31st right?"

WDFW: "Yes, I think that is correct."

Me: "Do you find it odd that there was no news release or alert in March to the effect that a deadline for a special hunt application was approaching?"


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here."

Me: "Did you hear me?"

WDFW: "I'm sorry, I was trying to find something relating to the multi-season application...could you repeat the question."

...question repeated as I begin to look under February

WDFW: "That is a little strange."

Me: "Indeed...maybe it's archived here under February."


Me: "Here's something under February 23rd..."

WDFW: "Yeah, okay, I found it."

Me: "Well, clearly this is unacceptable."

WDFW: "What do you mean?"

Me: "What part of the search for this supposedly public information we just went through implies "readily available to the public"?"

WDFW: "What do you mean?"

Me: "I had to dig through your website with you in order to find an "important hunting date" that should be readily available to the public and located in a better and more appropriate location on your website. Having to dig around under a couple of obscure layers isn't exactly what I'd consider "public". That's unacceptable and not fair to all the people who have waited patiently for something in the regs to come out."

WDFW: "What do you mean?"

Me: "How would a person know to look under News Releases for Special Permit, Deadline, and Important Date information...you know, Seasons and Regulations type stuff?"

WDFW: "I don't know."

Me: "I don't know either, seems pretty silly don't you think?"


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here."

Me: "It seems like the fair thing to do here would be to re-open the entry publicly and reset the deadline for those interested in taking part in the application process."


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here."

Me: "Is there someone there that I can talk to about this? How about this Dave Ware fellow?"

WDFW: "Yes, I think he's in today."

Me: "Can you put me through to him please?"

WDFW: "Sure, one moment."

Me: "Okay, thank you."

WDFW: "I'll connect you now."

Me: "Okay, thank you."

....she dropped call.

... I re-dial.

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Yes, me again, you were going to connect me with Dave Ware?"

WDFW: "I'm sorry, we'll try that again."

....she dropped call...again.

... I re-dial...again.

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Dave Ware please."

WDFW: "I'm sorry, let me connect you."

....automated voice comes on the line and says, "the voice-mailbox for the person you are trying to reach is full, please try again.", and then abruptly hangs up.

... I re-dial...again.

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Hi, me again, Dave Ware's voicemail is apparently full....could yo..." (cut off by WDFW)

WDFW: "Oh, I was hoping that wasn't going to happen, he's been getting a lot of calls about this. There are some pretty upset people out there."

Me: "I'll bet. Consider me one of them. Could you please write down a message for him?"

WDFW: "Ummm...sure, could you hold on while I get something to write with?"

Me: "Fine."


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here."

Me: "Ready?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm ready."

Me: "Could you please have him give me a call regarding this multi-season hunt application situation...my name is...my cell phone is..."


Me: "Hello?"

WDFW: "Yes, I'm still here."

Me: "Did you get that?"

WDFW: "Yes, is that all?"

Me: "Yes, thank you for passing my information along to him."

WDFW: "You are welcome, have a nice day."

Me: "You too!"

...after a week or so, I received no call from Dave Ware...so I picked up the phone...

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Could I speak with Dave Ware please."

WDFW: "Sure, let me connect you."

....automated voice comes on the line and says, "the voice-mailbox for the person you are trying to reach is full, please try again.", and then promptly hangs up.

... I re-dial...again.

WDFW: "Hello, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, how may I help you?"

Me: "Hi, me again, Dave Ware's voicemail is apparently still full. He hasn't returned my call."

WDFW: "When did you leave a message?

Me: "When I called last, you wrote it down...did the message get to him?"

WDFW: "Yes."

Me: "Is he in today."

WDFW: "Yes, I think so."

Me: "Could you put him on the phone please?"

...should have expected it...the whole full-voicemail-dropped-call-re-dial routine....

Me: "Listen, I'm generally a very patient man, but this is ridiculous...if Dave Ware is there right now, I'd like for you to put him on the line, right now."

WDFW: "Can you hold please, I'll try to find him."

Me: "Fine."

?very short silence?

WDFW: "He's in a meeting right now, can I take a message?"

...repeat of last written message asking him to call me...

...no attempt to contact me was ever made...

...After several similar attempts, I called again and was magically/finally able to get through to Dave Ware nearly a month later...

Me: "Hi Dave, my name is .... I would like to talk with you about re-opening the multi-season special hunt application."

WDFW, Dave Ware: "I've gotten a lot of calls about that and I'm afraid we are not going to be able to do that, you'll just have to wait until next year like everyone else."

Me: "But Dave, there was not a public announcement of the multi-season special hunt application...how were sportsmen supposed to know about its existence or the entry deadline? It certainly was not anywhere under the Seasons and Rules section of your website and it certainly wasn't listed under the Important Dates section of your website. Come to eventually find out it was tucked in an obscure news release that came out way back in February - hardly a relevant place to announce an important hunting date...don't you think."

WDFW, Dave Ware: ?I know, we could have definitely handled it better.?

Me: "Not that many people look through that section, but there wasn?t even a news release in March alerting sportsmen about the deadline at the end of the month!"

WDFW, Dave Ware: ?Like I said, we could have definitely handled it better and we'll try harder next year.?

Me: ?Why can't you just re-open the opportunity for people to put in for the multi-season application and extend the deadline for entry, after all, the regs finally just came out and people would be better prepared to determine if taking part in the multi-season draw is even worth it for them now that they know the dates of the various seasons.?

WDFW, Dave Ware: ?Look, we are not going to do that.?

Me: ?Why not??

WDFW, Dave Ware: ?We have already ranked the people that have put in for it.?

Me: ?What does that have to do with anything? That's irrelevant since you never posted the information in a reasonable place for people to find out about it in the first place?Why can't you just reopen the opportunity for people to put in for it and extend the deadline? Seems to me there is plenty of time.?

WDFW, Dave Ware: ?It wouldn't be fair to the people who already put in for it.?

Me: ?What about it not being fair to all the people who missed out on the opportunity? What about all the revenue F&G missed out on? Doesn?t Fish & Game need the extra revenue that more applications would provide? If not, why do I have to pay as much as I do for tags??


Me: ?Hello??

WDFW, Dave Ware: "Look, I admit the application process wasn?t handled very well this year but we are not going to open it back up. You?ll just have to wait until next year like everyone else."

Me: ?Dave, I'm not calling on behalf of myself, I'm calling on behalf of all the sportsmen that got royally screwed out of the chance at being able to hunt during multiple seasons.?


Me: ?Hello? Dave, are you hearing me??

WDFW, Dave Ware: "Yes, but you've got to understand the timing of these things.?

Me: ?What timing, how long does it take a computer to rank and randomly select the winners?seconds?maybe??

?from that point an extended and increasingly heated debate begins that comes full circle to?

Me: ?Please explain to me in rationale, logical terms why can't you just re-open the application opportunity??

WDFW, Dave Ware: "We CAN reopen it but I'm just not going to, okay??

?astonished silence?both of us stunned by his inadvertent admission of the real truth.

Me: ?Okay, I'd ask you why you can't reopen the application process again, but now we both know that you actually could?so, now?which of the two would you prefer, A) Do the right thing and publicly re-open the multi-season special hunt application for the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of those of us that would like the chance to participate, and in doing so help generate some much needed revenue for fish and wildlife habitat and management, or 2) choose to do the lazy and selfish thing which will end up with you, your boss Dave Britell, and your boss?s bosses Larry Peck and Jeff Koenings having to spend a lot of time answering several hundred, perhaps thousands, of extremely irate telephone calls and e-mails from sportsmen of this state?


Me: Hello?

WDFW, Dave Ware: "You do what you have to do.?

So I am?

If you are upset by the way the Dave Ware and the Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife has severely mishandled the 2007 Multi-Season Hunt Application, let's motivate them by expressing your own personal extreme dissatisfaction.

(360) 902-2515
Dave Ware - [email protected], [email protected]
Dave Brittell - [email protected], [email protected]
Larry Peck - [email protected], [email protected]
Jeff Koenings - [email protected], [email protected]

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
I say t.s., you snooze you lose! Everyone I know was fully aware of the deadline. I wish that they would open it up for any special permits for two weeks only if you cant get you crap together in that time tough. It seems that no matter how long or what dates that they have for applying for permits there is always a bunch of folks who cant seem to get their act together to get it done! If it is not on the website, the deadline has probably passed and they have taken it off. I do remember the deadline for multi-season permits being posted very clearly on the WDFW website.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

HMMMM. wierd. i didn't even put in for it and it all seemed pretty clear to me. seemed like all the chatter about it on this site and one of the other local hunting sites indicated people knew what was up. don't get me wrong, this state obviously has it's share of issues with the drawings, but i didn't notice at all an issue with the multi-season draw timing.
only thing i heard was the results were later than they were supposed to be by a few days or so.
there is a whole page on the WDFW web page with a bunch of FAQ about the multi season permits.

Q. Where can I purchase the multiple-season hunting permit applications and when is the deadline?

A. You can purchase special permit applications over the counter at any hunting and fishing license dealer, or by calling toll-free 1-866-246-9453, or by using the internet at https://fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov/ . The deadline to purchase the applications is March 31, 2007.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-07 AT 04:58PM (MST)[p]Polarbear,

Dave Ware, is that you???

Good for you, but, with all due respect (that you apparently don't have for other tax and fee-paying Sportsmen of this State), you are full of sh!t when you state that the "I do remember the deadline for multi-season permits being posted very clearly on the WDFW website."

That statement is absolutely NOT true and F&G has fully admitted to the fact that the ONLY announcement that they put forth to the public was via an obscure news release on their website under the off-point News Releases area of their website, and to people that subscribe to (what apparently were) generally worthless news releases.


Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Agreed. I knew about it well in advance, so did everyone else I know.

On the plus side, you do get a gold star for winning the longest post award. ;-)

That information was not posted prior to the March 31st deadline. They conveniently put that up after the fact as part of a CYA. See above, they have admitted to screwing this up.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Quit your whining!!! It absolutely WAS posted on the WDFW website at the beginning of the year! They took it off after the deadline! Of course you are not going to find it now. Maybe you actually spend the time, get your facts straight and quit making excuses for not knowing what MOST other WA hunters were aware of. The folks at the WDFW that you talked to (supposedly) really dont give a crap about hearing another ill informed person whining about how they were not aware of the deadline. They were probably blowing you off. Our WDFW is totally f-ed up and about as competent as a retarded chimp on crack, but you dropped the ball on this one, dont blame them!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


Couldn't agree with you more on the "our WDFW is totally f-ed up and about as competent as a retarded chimp on crack" part, but will adamantly contest the part about not having my facts straight.

What part of them admitting (Dave Ware on up) to NOT posting it in the Hunting section do you not understand? The pic above of the Important Dates was a screenshot from their website that was NO different pre-deadline or post deadline.

So, yes, I will blame the hell out of them for their retarded chimp on crack incompetence.

I don't believe the deadline was any earlier than it was last year. And I do believe the deadline was posted somewhere, probably on the site where you buy your licenses, tags, and special permit applications. All you had to do was to go there and buy the application. That's all there is to it. You don't even have to submit it after you buy it. Buying it is all you need to do in order to be entered in the drawing. Simple as that. They did have the deadline posted somewhere. I saw it and so did many other people, because everybody I know was aware of the deadline. Dave Ware is right...it wouldn't be fair to open it back up. That would be penalizing the people who did get in before the deadline.
Not sure why they would have said that the only announcement was the press release since I clearly remember getting my multi season permit info from the FAQ page mentioned above. I applied in February, so it was at least on there at that time.

Also, I don't know if you fish, but those "worthless" press releases are what they use to announce emergency fishery closures/openings/changes/etc. So if you're not paying attention to the releases, there's a good chance you're fishing illegally at any given time. Seems that the same principles should apply to hunt announcements. IMHO, I think the press release and email distribution works really well to quickly disseminate information, at least relative to methods employed prior to the web/email age.
The deadline was posted before the day it was over. I read it on there long before I put in for it. I personally am tired of people whining about not having enough time to put in or someone from fish and game didn't wake there butt up and say "Dumba** today is the deadline". If your mom doesn't dress you in the morning do you forget to put on underwear? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out the multi weapon tag has to be drawn in advance to the regular draw so those tag holders can put in for different weapon controlled hunts. It was on the website, but even if it wasn't you know when last years draw was handled and should know it is going to be around the same time this year. Quit whining! If it wasn't for idiots that forget to put in every year our draw chances would suck worse than they already do.

Oh...I get it...you got yours, screw everyone else so your chances are better, right?

Now, before your resort to further dim-witted "idiot/momma dress you" crap again, here's some additional info....

The fact of the matter is that myself, and everyone I know that was interested in the multi-season permit applied last year, and were looking forward to the opportunity again this year (NOT a small number of people). One of my hunting partners was fortunate enough to draw last year. IMO, the multi-season permit is arguably one of the, if not the most valuable special permit in this state. Wanting the flexibility of planning other trips (since most of the other Western states have their regs out long before WA), and knowing the 2006 application took place sometime in the Spring, we became concerned that nothing appeared to be happening with regard to the 2007 application...and thus the series of conversations posted above.

Some salient points:

1. Why would ANYONE be overly concerned in March about missing an (obscured to the point of being unknown/unannounced) March 31 application deadline when the F&G's published list of Important Dates very clearly states that the 2007 Special Permit Applications AND Regulations would become available on May 15th!?!

2. Why would ANYONE feel compelled to visit an obscure/unrelated news area of any F&G website for Seasons/Regulations/Special Permit information?!? That would be akin to looking up special permit application numbers under the Area Description pages of the regs. Utterly nonsensical.

3. WDFW has ADMITS to grossly mishandling this year's multi-season application process. Call 'em...the honest folks down there working in the trenches will tell you the same! (360) 902-2515

The simple fact of the matter is that myself and MANY Washington sportmen got royally screwed this year since we (reasonably) looked to WDFW to appropriately post something regarding the multi-hunt application in the HUNTING area of their website, and more specifically the Regulations and Season subsection, and WDFW knows they are responsible for this major screw-up AND that they could have easily rectified the situation before it became too late.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
They DID post the information. If you couldn't find it you could have called and asked. Or, look at last year's regulations. It wasn't changed from last year, so most people already had an idea from that when it would be this year. Plus it was being talked about on quite a few different message boards, such as this one. I don't blame you for being upset, but you should be mad at yourself and not the WDFW.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-07 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Bob,

Why would I be mad at myself?...That would be like being mad at myself for receiving an infraction for driving a vehicle with a chrome bumper (due to the fact that I was unaware of an obscure news release to that effect in the WSDOT press releases).

You are of right of course, as it turns out they DID post it...in a completely asinine location that, as it turns out, a great many very smart people didn't bother to look in (and with good reason). What they DIDN'T DO was publicly post or desseminate the information in a reasonably appropriate manner. WDFW has admitted their fault in this regard.

Edit: BTW, I thought I was taking preemptive action when I called as early in the year as I did. The regs were not due to come out for another month and a half for chrissakes!

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Like everyone else has said, it was well known when the date was, you just did not bother looking until after the date passed. I didn't apply but I knew when it was and I believe it was the same date as last year.
Also, here is another link to information showing the deadline. This was on the weekender report before the end of the month. Maybe you should sign up to get this report automatically e-mailed to you like I do, that way you won't miss out on the deadlines.
Or I could become best friends with Dave Ware, which isn't likely. ;)

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Aparently they did not "post it in an asinine location" if the MAJORITY of hunters were aware of the posting and had absolutely no problems with it! I would guess that there are a lot more "abscure" laws and regulations that you are not aware of. Dont let ignorance of bite you in the butt! There is no excuse for it! Like was said before, I am glad that there are folks like you who cannot interpret the game laws and apply for permits on time! It just increases my chances (and everyone elses who knows what we are doing)of drawing a special permit.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"Aparently they did not "post it in an asinine location" if the MAJORITY of hunters were aware of the posting and had absolutely no problems with it! I would guess that there are a lot more "abscure" laws and regulations that you are not aware of. Dont let ignorance of bite you in the butt! There is no excuse for it! Like was said before, I am glad that there are folks like you who cannot interpret the game laws and apply for permits on time! It just increases my chances (and everyone elses who knows what we are doing)of drawing a special permit."

Pissing your illiterate self off I see...I love the hypocrisy - all those misspelled words are really a nice touch.

Majority? Says who? Pray tell Oh Informed One, where you are getting your figures?

Folks like me, huh? You mean educated folks like me that know how to spell words correctly and read the annual regs cover to cover? You mean folks like my attorney friends that read the regs cover to cover? Tell you what dude...pick up the 2006 regs and SHOW me where the deadline is referenced for this particular permit! (Hint: There isn't one.) Show me a screenshot where F&G made prominent mention of this in their Seasons and Regulations section of the Hunting area of their website. (Hint: There never was one.) F&G admits to screwing up big time on this issue! What part of this salient fact can you not comprehend?

Your selfish stance on this issue flies in the face of Sportsmanship.

Here's a few questions for you Eric...Do you think F&G would cut you some slack on a game law violation? (Answer: No.) "Aparently they did not "post it in an asinine location" if the MAJORITY of hunters were aware of the posting and had absolutely no problems with it! I would guess that there are a lot more "abscure" laws and regulations that you are not aware of. Dont let ignorance of bite you in the butt! There is no excuse for it! Like was said before, I am glad that there are folks like you who cannot interpret the game laws and apply for permits on time! It just increases my chances (and everyone elses who knows what we are doing)of drawing a special permit."

Pissing your illiterate self off I see...I love the hypocrisy - all those misspelled words are really a nice touch.

Majority? Says who? Pray tell Oh Informed One, where you are getting your figures?

Folks like me, huh? You mean educated folks like me that know how to spell words correctly and read the annual regs cover to cover? You mean folks like my attorney friends that read the regs cover to cover? Tell you what dude...pick up the 2006 regs and SHOW me where the deadline is referenced for this particular permit! (Hint: There isn't one.) Show me a screenshot where F&G made prominent mention of this in their Seasons and Regulations section of the Hunting area of their website. (Hint: There never was one.) F&G admits to screwing up big time on this issue! What part of this salient fact can you not comprehend?

Your selfish and short-sighted stance on this issue flies in the face of Sportsmanship.

Here's a question for you Eric...Do you think F&G would cut you some slack on a game law violation? (Answer: No.) Do you think they should? (Honest Answer: No.) Do you, as a tax-paying, fee-paying hunter think we Sportsmen ought to hold our State's F&G agency to high ethical, moral and accountability standards?

I'll let you answer that last one...

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
"F&G admits to screwing up big time on this issue! What part of this salient fact can you not comprehend?"

They may have done so, but only to get you off the damn phone so they wouldn't have to listen to your whining anymore.

I'm sorry you missed out on something that obviously was so important to you, but you need to accept responsibility and take the blame...it was YOUR fault.

Oh, and BTW, did you record your phone conversation with Dave Ware and the others you talked to? Just wondering if you have that good of a memory as it looks like you posted the entire conversation word for word. Just curious...

Oh and one more thing...you may be able to spell (at least when you use spell check,) but you can't cut and paste worth a damn. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 08:22?AM (MST)

Here is another link on the WDFW site that took me a whole two minutes to locate. Like it has been said before, Dave Ware probably just got sick of you and wanted to get you off the phone.
You will say the above is a new link of course and it wasn't on the site before. Why don't you scroll down the main Hunting page to Special Permits and Raffles and see below link. I am sure this was not in March also.
You said there was not a public announcement in March. Per my previous posting I posted a link to the Weekender report from late March that had a reminder.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]Bushcraft, good for you for noticing my poor spellin! Judging by your demeanor, I figured that it wouldn't matter if I got lazy with my grammar. Illiterate, hardly! I was literate enough to know when the deadline was and get my application in on time. I would be willing to bet that I have more formal education than you do but, in all actuality, who cares? I am glad to hear that you have attorney friends who cannot read; I prefer to keep attorneys as employees and not pals. I do have several friends at the WDFW who have all stated that the deadline for multi-season applications was posted on their website. There are plenty of folks on this forum who can verify that it was indeed on their website but you still cannot get over the fact that you were wrong and misinformed! Ok, I get it that someone told you what you wanted to hear to blow you off, that still doesn't make it fact. As far as your last statement/question, talking about making absolutely no sense! What does a game violation have to do with your inability to stay current with regulations and deadlines? But just to humor you, no! The question is moot, for I have never and will never be in the situation where I would have to beg for mercy or ask to be ?cut some slack? because of a violation!! Period!!!!! I, unlike yourself, do know the laws and regulations and abide by them to the letter!!!! To even infer that ANYONE should be ?cut some slack? over a game violation is purely asinine! Should we hold the WDFW to ethical and moral standards? You?re damn right we should! The problem with your statement is it seems that your idea of ?moral standards? means to ?cut some slack? for those who cannot follow instructions or the laws to the letter. Are you saying that the WDFW is ?immoral or unethical? because they wont open up the drawing for you and your ill-informed friends who can't seem to make a deadline? Come on, get over it! You missed a stinking deadline for a tag that you probably would not have purchased even if you were drawn. Big f-ing deal!! Instead of blaming everyone else, learn from your mistake and get it in on time next year.

Oh by the way..."Your selfish and short-sighted stance on this issue flies in the face of Sportsmanship." Is it not more selfish to ask for the WDFW to re-open the draw just because you and your friends missed the deadline? If you had not been one of the people who missed out, you wouldn't give a damn about those other folks.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]Not sure what the hell happened with my previous post. My internet connection crashed when I posted and the mangled post was apparently the result. Any sensible reader could however make out the points I intended to make.


Ahhh...the truth comes out...you DO have buddies in the WDFW. Can you say cronyism? What about all the rest of the Sportsmen who don't have pizza and beers with their game warden buddies?

I didn't infer that anyone should be cut some slack dumbass! Good grief, pull your head out! Anyway, Eric, your lack of logic and ineffective twisting of words on this is stunning, if not wholly expected. Generally the two go hand in hand.

So I'll try again by using the big hole in your argument and then I'm hopefully done fooling with your irrefusal or inability to process the obvious.

Why would they admit to screwing up just to get me off the phone if they didn't? Doing so would be a lie.

As a taxpaying, fee-paying sportsman, do you really want your F&G governing agency lying to you?

I don't.

F&G admits to royally screwed the pooch on this and THAT, dear reader, is a FACT. Am I and a great many other law abiding sportsmen pissed that we missed out on the opportunity to have a chance at drawing this valuable permit that most certainly would have made full use of? Absolutely! Would I side with the "I lucked out since I've got game warden buddies that alerted me to an inappropriately published deadline and screw everyone else" bubba crowd? Absolutely not!

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Cry some more, geez. Can you not see you are the only one on mm.com that is from Washington that could not seem to find the date?
I posted a few links where it was noted before the closing date on the WDFW site but you have not responded to any of them.
Can you not just admit that the date was indeed posted in at least a couple of locations besides the "obscure" location you had noted above?
You are just too upset about it not being in the "important dates" section and not looking anywhere else.
It was your fault and your fault alone on this one. No, our game department is not perfect and maybe they should have put the date somewhere else but there were plenty of locations where they did post it.
why is this guy the only one who missed it so far on this site, yet somehow it wasn't posted and blah blah blah???
bushcraft...did you notice yet that you are the only one complaining about it so far?
i'm pretty sure that YOU MISSED THE DEALINE because you were not paying attention to the available resources for this info.
here's one thread on this site:

as an available resource, maybe you ought to get signed up to have the news releases e-mailed to you. it's very handy, almost annoying at times, but it works as shown by the thread above.
i can come up with some other links from other sites talking about it, but don't feel it's proper to post them up on MM.
Bushcraft, your incessant ranting has become comical! Yes, I do have friends in the WDFW but they are far from ?drinking buddies?. They are more like acquaintances that I run into every now and then. I pull no special provides with the WDFW. In fact, I have maximum points for several species and bonus points for turning in poachers (who can't understand the laws either) and still haven't drawn a single permit in 20 years of applying! You would think that if I had my hand in the back pocket of the WDFW, I would draw something by now, eh? Pull your noggin out of your pompous corn hole and face the fact that you messed up and you are the only one to blame. You city folks just don't get it do ya? I am done with you!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


Check your bias. I'm but 1 of 8 that have thus far chimed in on this issue from a message board admittedly made up of a collection of more-informed-than-most hunters.

As far as your position that the information was posted, the info was indeed NOT posted. You are wrong and I can prove it...I took the luxury of snapping some screenshots back in March and when I first began contacting F&G in early April...THERE WAS NOTHING POSTED REGARDING multi-season permits in the hunting area OR in the news release area. Period. F&G has admitted to such and here's a bit of proof of my search.



2006 Multi-Season Applicants, Drawn, Tags Purchased
Deer - 5,394 - 1,500 - unknown
Elk - 6,129, 500 - unknown

2007 Multi-Season Applicants, Drawn, Tags Purchased (data from day before yesterday)
Deer - 2574, 1500, 850 (LESS THAN HALF THE APPLICANTS!!!)
Elk - 2943, 500, 320 (LESS THAN HALF THE APPLICANTS!!!)

F&G screwed LOTS of people out of the opportunity to draw AND the preference points they would have earned had they not drawn successfully.

As a publicly funded agency, they need to be held accountable for their wholly avoidable and wholly rectifiable screw-up. They need to make amends!

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
I recieved this by Automated E-mail on 2/23/07, it has everything needed

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091

February 23, 2007
Contact: Dave Ware, (360) 902-2515

Multiple-season hunting permit applications available

OLYMPIA - Deer and elk hunters have until March 31 to enter their name in a drawing for this year's multiple-season hunt.

Applicants who qualify for the drawing will be eligible to purchase a special permit allowing them to participate in archery, muzzleloader and modern-firearm general hunting seasons for deer or elk in 2007.

Those selected must follow all rules in effect for each season. Hunters can apply only once for each species and are limited to harvesting one deer or elk.

In April, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will randomly draw names for 1,500 multiple-season deer permits, and 500 multiple-season elk permits.

"This is a great opportunity for hunters to extend their hunting season this fall," said Dave Ware, game manager for WDFW.

Hunters can purchase a multiple-season permit application at an authorized license dealer (see http://wdfw.wa.gov/lic/vendors/vendors.htmor ) or by calling (866) 246-9453. The permit application is $5.48. A hunting license is not required for application.

Washington state residents selected for the special permits must purchase a $164.25 multiple-season tag, along with a regular hunting license, to participate in the special hunt.

For more information, visit WDFW's website (http://wdfw.wa.gov/ ) or call (360) 902-2464.

This message has been sent to the WDFW All Information mailing list.
Visit the WDFW News Release Archive at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/do/newreal/
To UNSUBSCRIBE from this mailing list: http://wdfw.wa.gov/lists/unsubscribe.htm

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 02:07PM (MST)[p]Jackaope,

Let me get this straight...you are implying that someone interested in a multi-season special hunt permit should look someplace OTHER than the governing agency?...and if they didn't that's just too bad?

Bushcraft read my last post, then sign yourself up for the WDFW news releases by E-mail.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
"You city folks just don't get it do ya?"
OUCH Pbear...that stung a little bit. we're not all that way.
"...you city folks..."

Eric, you might want to consider shutting your jump-to-the-wrong-conclusion pie-hole.

I suppose I'll have to sign up for the news release service again. I dropped mine long ago since I got tired of have a bunch of irrelevant material being dumped in my inbox. Perhaps they've improved the content and its relativeness.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
No the content is still "mostly" irrelevent drivel but every once in a while there is some good info, LOL.

I was just about to delete my folder I keep them in...good thing I got lazy.
There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
>AT 02:07?PM (MST)

>Let me get this straight...you are
>implying that someone interested in
>a multi-season special hunt permit
>should look someplace OTHER than
>the governing agency?...and if they
>didn't that's just too bad?

ummm....yeah...no. thats not what i was saying. specifically what i was saying is that if all these people knew about it, why did YOU MISS IT?. thats pretty much the long and short of it.
oh and the thing about the e-mail service...as i stated and the other guy stated, it's mostly annoying fishing regulation changes and meeting announcements, but occasionally you get a good one...LIKE THE MULTISEASON DRAW DEADLINE ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU MISSED because you didn't want to have to take all the time to delete a couple useless e-mails once in a great while.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 02:21PM (MST)[p]I knew you would dispute that one, that is why I gave you a couple others.
Where is your screenshot from March on the weekender report or the screen shot on the same page you had just shown but scrolled down farther where the permits section was. I would like to see that one.
I see you don't address the other two that I had pointed out.
>I knew you would dispute that
>one, that is why I
>gave you a couple others.
>Where is your screenshot from March
>on the news releases or
>the screen shot on the
>same page you had just
>shown but scrolled down farther
>where the permits section was.
>I would like to see
>that one.
>I see you don't address the
>other two that I had
>pointed out.

hmmm...i was thinking the same thing
Check your bias. I'm but 1 of 8 that have thus far chimed in on this issue from a message board admittedly made up of a collection of more-informed-than-most hunters."

Who are the other 7 on this board who did not know the date? It seems to me you are the only 1. Please show me the other 7 who have chimed in that said they did not know the required date.

Do you not see the obvious lunacy of having to look in the Weekender Report for special permit related info? This screenshot was taken during my initial conversation while talking with the lady, when I began to smell something fishy.

No screenshot on the scroll down...the info was NOT there...F&G admits to this...figure it out man!


Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Hmm, no screenshot of the main area you should be looking under the permit information. I am sure it was there as that is probably where everybody else got the information (unless they looked at one of the other couple locations that it was also shown)
The only thing Dave admitted was he was sick of talking to you as you seem like quite the overbearing windbag. Just because you wrote down your supposed phone call does not mean crap.
Well at least you will probably figure it out next year.
Did you put in last year? It was around the same time frame.
Most on this site new; A. because they entered last year. B because they saw threads on the subject here this year.

There's something like 100,000 hunters in the state give or take right? Since only 6k of them applied last year and the vast majority didn't even know this was available last year, where would the ORDINARY hunter have found the info? The sub set of hunters on this site and others like it represent a fraction of the hunters in the state, the hyper-interested borderline obsessed type. Right, not many here complaining on MM and that's fine. My friend and his father not only missed the deadline but weren't even aware the permits existed yet. They aren't in the regs you know? The F&G bible they believe holds those silly things called seasons and deadlines.

F&G though is no different than any other public office of this state. They have an obligation to make their services obvious and transparent. The single most obvious and logical place to find answers about seasons and dates (IE. The place everyone assumes to look) is the annual regs you get at the store. It wasn't there last year and wasn't issued till after this year's deadline. The next most obvious place is on their web site under hunting regs-important dates. Where it could not be found. People should not be obligated to sign up for news letters. If medicaid payment plans change, it's not hidden. If school lunch programs are changed you don't need to be signed up for an on line newsletter. If the deadline for your property taxes changes rest assured, you'll be notified in writing.

A person should not have to be hyper diligent, or have to search hard to find the dates for relevant deadlines for hunting opportunity. The fact that the denizens of this place are that small fraction of hyper active hunters does nothing to imply or prove that the other thousands of hunters who had no idea were in fact lazy.

I knew about the deal. I didn't apply because I can't make use of it. I knew because of info I found at pages like this. I could not and did not ever see where I would have found the deadline on their site and I'm on the site quite frequently. People were screwed by an inept department. It wasn't a secret but the incompetence of dissemination rises to the level that many people have been disenfranchised from this year's draw AND from obtaining a point.

Again, point to another agency doling out public resource where having a critical deadline for access to a very limited resource gets buried in a web site news item without mention in the very agency's "critical dates" information literature where you'd say "oh well, that's fair".

A lot of people here drew. They also think that guys who expect the regs to have the critical dates are lazy and that's false. Some folks don't even have the internet! Guys who drew don't want to give it back and don't care who got screwed. Guys who didn't scour the web site are in the cold. Like it or not, fair would be to reopen the deal with as much notification and dissemination as the dept can manage. Let's not pretend that the way this came to pass was an open and fair process for all of WA's hunters. I don't think anything will change but folks were indeed screwed... not only by not drawing but also not getting a point. Most here will profit from it, just don't call it fair play just because you came out in the wash.

Most hunters don't go to hunting MB's.
Most hunters rely on the regs for their information.
Most hunters still don't know they've missed a deadline.
Interesting...Do you know Dave? Did you talk to Dave about this? Did he actually say that? Or are you just making that up since it better suits your position?

Yes, as I've already stated, I put in last year. My concern for not hearing or seeing anything was the reason I called in the first place. Figure it out bub.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 03:05PM (MST)[p]Hey bub,
I can see why Dave didn't want to talk to you. You are quite the talker. You are either a lawyer or a d**k, or possibly both.
I am about to just admit you are right because I am sick of reading your crap. Kind of like Dave probably was after listening to your whining.
I am done with this as no matter what the majority of us say on here, you will never ever admit that we have a point. Your point is the only one that matters and anything else we have to say is a bunch of crap.
See you in the woods.
And one issue about not as many people putting in this year could be the novelty of the draw. Last year people were all excited for the possibility of all the hunting they could do. When they drew and the reality set in that it costs $160 or so to get the permit then all the time and money it actually takes to hunt that much, they may have changed their minds. Then there are the large amount of people last year who drew but did not buy the permit. This year maybe those people decided not to even put in.
While i agree with the fact that the regs are screwed up as far as when they come out and what not....if you look at the website under multi-season frequently asked questions, this is what you come up:

Q. Where can I purchase the multiple-season hunting permit applications and when is the deadline?

A. You can purchase special permit applications over the counter at any hunting and fishing license dealer, or by calling toll-free 1-866-246-9453, or by using the internet at https://fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov/ . The deadline to purchase the applications is March 31, 2007.

Q. How much does the application cost?

The cost of the multiple-season hunting permit application is $5.48 for residents, $3.29 for youth, and $54.75 for non-residents.

Q. How much does the permit cost?

A. The permit is $164.25 for residents and $1,642.50 for non-residents, plus the cost of the original deer or elk license.

now don't get me wrong, i understand some people don't have internet access, but to those that do...it seems pretty cut and dry. if you have a question re: the multi-season tag, look in the frequently asked questions section. thats where i'd start anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 03:16PM (MST)[p]I thought I was done but just can't seem to let it go.

Bushcraft, you finally found someone in agreement with you partially and that is Colville. The printed regulations come out once a year. There are multiple changes, updates, etc. throughout the year and the only way to know what they are and to keep updated on all of them is the internet.
The fact remains that they were on the website in multiple locations yet was overlooked by Bush and his buddies.
>>If that doesn't satisfy you...HERE'S THE
>2006 Multi-Season Applicants, Drawn, Tags Purchased
>Deer - 5,394 - 1,500 -
>Elk - 6,129, 500 - unknown
>2007 Multi-Season Applicants, Drawn, Tags Purchased
>(data from day before yesterday)
>Deer - 2574, 1500, 850 (LESS
>Elk - 2943, 500, 320 (LESS
>F&G screwed LOTS of people out
>of the opportunity to draw
>AND the preference points they
>would have earned had they
>not drawn successfully.

where did you locate the data for this years drawings? I could only find 06 info.
wamule deer... I personally had no problem. I have seen it talked about so I didn't miss anything. However, if you had gone to the on line regs/important dates... you would not have found it. Since it wasn't in last year's regs shouldn't there have been a bold new highligted title on the hunting page that says NEW PERMIT SEASON AND DEALINE... something like that. Why would you go to a Q/A section to find out a deadline when they already have an important dates section right there with the regs?

If you weren't even aware there were multi season permits because it wasn't in last year's regs, how would you know to go look for a deadline for the permit you didn't know existed? Is it only obvious to me that this permit should have been put in this year's regs with the June 28 deadline????? Does every hunter here call or go on line to the F&G the day before they hunt to see if anything changes? Maybe every day during the hunt in case things change?

It was a pathetic job of making BOTH the presnece of a new permit and it's deadline obvious and unmistakable. I'm not accusing anyone of doing so intentionally, just being stupid and a good number of folks missed out needlessly. Marginalizing them for not scouring the web site for information that should have been obvious is too easy, much easier than finding the information was.

Look, I'm not out to make enemies of fellow Sportsmen and I'd really rather not get into inter-Sportsmen mud slinging because it eventually serves to fragment our ranks agains the incessant onslaught of anti's.

The utterly simple point that you've apparently yet to pick up on is this...The links and the multi-season information you are posting NOW did not exist on the website BACK THEN (WDFW admission) - And thus, the heart of the problem/complaint of why so many people missed out this year!


Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.

I obtained them directly from WDFW Licensing.

Like most people in the WDFW trenches, the very nice lady named Debbie that I spoke to was very helpful. She had heard of the multi-season problem, but even she was shocked at the discrease in applicant numbers when we were finally able to dig this year's numbers up and make the side-by-side comparison.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
>Look, I'm not out to make
>enemies of fellow Sportsmen and
>I'd really rather not get
>into inter-Sportsmen mud slinging because
>it eventually serves to fragment
>our ranks agains the incessant
>onslaught of anti's.
>The utterly simple point that you've
>apparently yet to pick up
>on is this...The links and
>the multi-season information you are
>posting NOW did not exist
>on the website BACK THEN
>(WDFW admission) - And thus,
>the heart of the problem/complaint
>of why so many people
>missed out this year!

whatever you say chief. bottom line is lots of people knew about it. some didn't. some looked in the right place, some didn't. not sure what to say other than that...
not into the mudslinging either.



i'm done now.
Was it a call or a link? I agree their website stinks.

I learned of it by the email newsletter. I know the FAQ was up before the end of March. I told everyone I knew about it, but my buddies only heard about it from me. I'm sure I saw or heard about it somewhere else though.
bushcraft, "Eric, you might want to consider shutting your jump-to-the-wrong-conclusion pie-hole." Nice dude ranch pic! You look (or whoever is really in the pic) like the dude from the Village People! What part of Seattle is your ranch? I actually do raise cattle and do not have a Seattle address. By the way, I shut my ?pie hole? for no one Mr. internet tough guy! Haaahaaa?
Jackelope, I know you are not all that way but dudes like him give y?all a bad name. Too bad because there are more good guys like you than there are of his type.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

When I read the original rant I laughed and wondered why someone would take all that time to email out several days worth of covnersation! Seriously if you were not aware of the mult season deadline your head had to be buried in sand or it is not a priority. BTW special permits for deer and elk are fast approaching the deadline.

The dirt in that picture has belonged to my family for over 100 years and I've been putting my blood, sweat and tears into it for over 30 years. BTW, that is me doing the roping on that horse.

So bite me bubba-boy.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.

I called for the most recent 2007 info.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
If some of you guys think that this tag could have a deadline of the 28th of June than you are missing out on the major advantage of the tag in my opinion. I am not going to tell you what it is if your not smart enough to figure it out but it has to be held before the controlled hunt drawing. That information of the FAQ page was up before the deadline because that is how I found out about it.

It's not rocket science...being able to apply for all weapon types for one's deer and/or elk special permit application for either side of the state is one of the reasons why I and others consider the multi-season permit to be THE most valuable special permit issued in this State.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
You miss the point Shane. I understand the value. The point is that there's NOTHING IN THE REGS about the deadline... they could have used this year to say, it's June 28 for this year and that ongoing it'll be March. See now everyone has notice in the bible of information and you know what to expect next year before any regs are even out. Maximize participation and disclosure and still move it where it belongs in later years. It's just not that hard.
Then why did you think the deadline for the multi weapon tag deadline would be any where near the controlled hunt drawing? There has to be time to have that drawing and get a chance for people to buy those tags in order to apply for the controlled hunts with that license. In your own words it is "not rocket science" to figure that out. I am done responding to this post but you are just to stubborn to admit you fell asleep at the wheel. The information was available to all. If you did not find the answer easily at first looking into it, you should have looked harder or called the main office. If you miss it next year and even hint at whining you need to be shot. What is even more annoying is if your info was correct the number of people that apply and get drawn but don't buy the tag. If you are not going to do it don't apply. You are just taking tags away from other people and costing the state money they could get from someone else that wants the tag. I would like this state to offer all leftover tags on a first come first serve basis if they are not claimed like Idaho does.
Good Luck next year Bushcraft. I honestly mean that.

I never thought that the deadline for the multi-season would be at the same time (or near) the other special permit drawing date. I can see where you might get this from what I wrote, but I was being a tad facetious with the lady when I sensed something horribly wrong was on the horizon.

There is no way I'm missing next year's entry deadline.

You are right, the information was available to all...that is all who somehow/conveniently knew to look in an obscure non-relevant area of their website. Take a look at those numbers again...perhaps the light bulb will come on and you'll figure out who REALLY got the screwing on this - every Washington state sportsman.

Even after last year's somewhat similar multi-season announcemetn screw-up, one would think WDFW would announce a concrete deadline date like they do for Spring Bear (3/13) and the other permits (6/28) in this year's pamphlet. But nooooo...they didn't. Why? Who knows...perhaps Dave Ware and the other managers head's were still firmly planted up their backsides when proof-reading the 2007 regs.

I couldn't agree more with you that if the tag isn't purchased it ought to go to someone else.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-07 AT 11:24PM (MST)[p]Don?t forget to check page 6 of the 2007 regs, or is that not black and white enough for you? I'll tell you what, next year I will put in for the multi-season tag and if I am drawn you can have it!! Will that make you feel better about missing it this year? I don't put in for it because I don't need that much time to get my animals but I will if it will stifle your whining. By the way, whose grammar and spelling is all messed up now?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


2007's multi-season permit advertisement is essentially identical to the advertisement in last year's regs (sans entry deadline)...so what's your point Captain Obvious?

I'd repeat the admitted inappropriateness of WDFW's so-called announcement of the entry deadline, but I'm fairly certain it would only fall on deaf, dumb and selfish ears.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Wow, you really can't read! If you could you would see that it plainly gives you direction to where you can find information about multi-season permits. It even states that the info will be on their site from February-March. Now a person with ample reasoning skills (which you obviously lack) would concur that not only would the information at hand be posted on their site but after March (as plainly printed Feb-March) the information might no longer be posted. Why, because it is no longer valid due to the fact that the deadline for multi-season permits has passed. You stated that you did not inquire about it until April. Face it, you screwed up and cannot seem to get over it. Man up and set your sights for next year! By the way, childish name calling just adds to the weakness of your argument. But, if it makes you feel better, have at it.
In the mean while, try some of this:


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I have given up on this guy. I already know what his response will be.
"Where is your proof it was there? I have proof that they did not post it, look at my conversations I had with them I posted above. That is my proof."
All his "proof" that he states above is pretty lame. They were trying to look up the information for him while they were on the phone with him as he was being condescending and sarcastic. They were probably getting flustered and upset with they way he was talking to them.
Don't get me wrong, the WDFW is not totally fault free but his so called "proof" that it was never posted doesn't hold up much.
He happened to have screen shots back from February or March but of course no screen shots of the pages I was referencing for him to look at.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-07 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]Eric,

Thanks all the same, but I'd really rather not see a picture of your medicine cabinet contents.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.

How do you propose one capture a screenshot of information that never existed? (WDFW admission)

Take another look at the numbers again and tell me the entry deadline announcement was posted in an appropriate area of their website.

They admitted they screwed up AND were not willing to do anything about it.

I don't know how to paint a clearer picture for you.

One can only hope that they will fairly and adequately post the deadline in the appropriate area next year.

The ONE saving grace here is that so few people knew about, or were made aware of, the deadline that comparatively few people have only one more preference point than the rest of the thousands of people that got shafted.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
SO............I remember last year a mailer going out letting everyone know about the multi season tag and everyone had fair warning to apply for it..........If I was wondering when the deadline was for this year I would have called the WDFW and asked........ Imagine that..........JUST ASK JUST ASK.

By the way I drew the elk tag and am glad that you and all of the other hunters that wait until the last minute were left out because of your own laziness. If it really was a priority you would have been proactive and bought your app early like I did on the third day of February. I can't stand all of the people who wait until the day of the deadline and then crash the computers of the WDFW and cause the entire process to be late...... If its really that important to you you will remember to DO IT ON TIME.
Come on bush, is that all you've got? Pretty lame, but that is what we have come to expect from you. I'm with you WAsharpstick! I am also tired of these pathetic, procrastinating, whining little b!tcholas who aren't smart enough to figure out an important date such as a deadline even though it takes a miniscule amount of effort. Maybe the reason they can't figure it out is because it has to be spelled out to the letter for them to understand. Oh wait, it already has been. I believe bush heard only what he wanted to hear and is making up the rest. I have talked with close to 45 different hunters that I know over the past few days about this subject and every single one of them was fully aware of the deadline date and most had seen it on the WDFW website before it was taken off after the deadline had passed. Asking for a screenshot after the fact is ridiculous. We have a majority of people on this thread who have confirmed that the date was indeed posted on the WDFW website but I guess that everyone is making it up except for bush. What is next, plugging his ears and yelling llaaalaalaalaalala? I can't hear you, laalaalaaaaalaalaaa? I guess if bush wants to fudge figures because he doesn't have a leg to stand on more power to him but himself and a few of his "friends" do not a majority make.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


Fudged? Hardly, you may want to revisit remedial math again, and perhaps sign up for a class on basic logic.

2006 Multi-Season Applicants... 11,523

2007 Multi-Season Applicants... 5,517

Riddle me this Mr. Master Debater...Are you aware of ANY extremely valuable special permit, in ANY state, whose application numbers PLUMMETED the following year when the successful draw numbers and hunting opportunity(s) remained constant?

Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.
Man. I have one point and Less then half the Applicants and I still can't draw SH#T

Thats the kind of luck I have.
Bushcraft, All that your proving with your posts is that 5,517 people were smarter than you this year is that something that you should be proud of?
Good one WAsharpstick.

You keep on saying that WDFW admitted they did not have anything posted on their site, where did they admit it? Your phone conversation that you had written down word for word only showed that they couldn't find it online while you were on the other line being a condescending windbag.
I stated above a possible reason numbers were down this year for entries but you never responded to that. I think a lot of people that put in last year just didn't put in this year. Last year was the first year and it had a lot of hype. Once the drawing was done and people had to pay the $160 some decided they didn't want the tag anymore. My neighbor drew it and wasn't aware he had to pay the $165 so he declined to get it. There could be other reasons also but at least 5,517 people knew when the deadline was.
I was just asking for you a screenshot of the same page you showed but further down showing the Permit and raffle tag info. That would seem like a logical place to look or to take a screen shot.
As has been said by many of the rest the info was posted very clearly under the heading Multi-Season Permit FAQ's, I specifically remember this because that is how i knew the deadline was march 31st. I went and bought mine around mid march and drew the deer tag, if you were Bushcraft had you opened your eyes you may have seen this info, I swear how many f---ing people have to tell you the info was there before you will just shut the f--- up and admit you are wrong. It was there, and I talked to several people who drew and purchased the tag last year who said they didnt apply because it is only worth it if you have lots of time which most people dont, could explain the dip in applicants.
As I have probably said on here many times, I drew both the deer and the elk multi-season permits last year, and then didn't purchase either. I applied because it was a new thing, and at the time wasn't really sure if it was worth $160 to me or not, so I put in thinking at least I'll get a point and have a better chance the following year if I do decide it's worth it. So I didn't apply this year. I think many people did the same thing. That explains the drop in the number of applicants. Even though I had no intention of applying this year, I still knew when the deadline was. If I had wanted that permit as badly as you did (Bush) I sure would not be blaming anyone other than myself for missing the deadline. It was the same as last year, and you applied last year! Duh! Come on, use your head.
Guys, forget about this dude! He continually implies that he is extremely smart but has yet to prove it, only the contrary. He says that he has solid proof and valid points, but has yet to provide solid evidence to prove any of it. His so called rebuttals are riddled with personal attacks and insults not unlike that of a juvenile. He has yet to admit in any way, shape or form that he is actually wrong and continues to blame others for his own lack of competency. He bases his whole (or the majority of) argument on phone conversations that probably did not happen, or at least not the way he has portrayed them. Does anyone really give a rat's sphincter about him and his whining slacker buddies? Honestly, let's get back to subjects that really matter and quit wasting time with this garbage!


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

You guys are frickin' killin' me. I haven't laughed so much in days. I love the ladder comment for getting on the horse, and then there was the beatting a dead horse cartoon...heheheeeeheeee

The deadline was definately posted. I'm sorry you missed it. For God's sakes you pert near had the first third of the year before you had to have your stuff in. Washington is one of the latest for anything. Face it, you blew it, and it didn';t even improve my chances at all in getting a tag. Now that June 8th has come and gone, I'm hoping for a letter. I am not supporting the WDFW as I think they are a bunch of crackheads, but this is YOUR mistake. If you really want to make sure you don't miss things happening in Washington, you should join that hunting site. Feel free to PM any of the serious guys on here and they will give you the link.

I'm still chuckling.....that ladder heheheheheeeeeeeee
Well? I figure the mail notices come out Wednesday. Web site shows nothing for anyone I know.
Just got off the phone with the lady at the game dept. She says the 2nd drawing has not happened yet.
It will be later today, June 15, or on Monday the 18th. Doesn't give us much time to put in for special tags now, does it.
How much freaking time do you need? You should have had that all figured out long ago. Why do you have to wait to hear if you were drawn for a multi-season permit to decide what to put in for? It is called planning ahead. If you are drawn, go to plan a, if not plan b. Pretty simple.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

So if i do draw the elk multi season tag on the second draw are they going to let me go back and change my app, because i already put in my choices?
...I think what he's saying is...if you're waiting to see about the 2nd draw, then you should have waited to put in for your permit. you have till the 28th to put in for permits.
sounds pretty straight forward, eh??
BTW i knew that cuz i got the email.

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