Wake Up Idaho Sportsmen! Your State Is Next!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-12 AT 01:53PM (MST)[p]It looks like Idaho may be the next state to follow Utah's lead to allow premier big game tags to be sold to the guys with the deepest pockets. This trend is like a cancer spreading throughout the west. I hope you guys can stop these bills before it is too late. Once you open the door to these tags, and the F&G and politicians become addicted to the money they generate, there is no turning back.

Perhaps someone from Idaho can track down the language of the bills and post them for us.

Check this article in the idaho Statesman:


Roger Phillips: Idaho considering auctioning big game tags
12:00am on Feb 19, 2012 2012-02-19T06:55:36Z

With most hunting seasons over, hunters may want to focus their attention on the Statehouse, because their sport as they know it is at risk.
There are three bills that would substantially change the way Idaho allocates its most coveted controlled hunt permits, which are typically the best big game hunts in the state.
The legislature is considering to allow big-game tags to be sold to the guy with the largest wallet, not to the average guy who puts in his application like everyone else and hopes for a lucky draw.
Legislators are also considering allowing landowners to sell tags on the open market.
Idaho hunters have a long history of advocating and practicing fair chase of game, and that has also been the guiding spirit in how it allocates big-game tags.
With few exceptions, every hunter gets an equal chance at them. It doesn't matter how much money you make, or where you're from. You put your name in a drawing and get a crack at the best bulls, bucks, billies and rams Idaho has to offer.
SB 1256 would allow some of the best tags in the state to go for auction. Most of the proceeds from those tags would stay with Fish and Game, but the department did not push for this bill.
SB 1282 would allow large landowners such as ranchers and farmers to sell big game tags in exchange for public hunting access to some private lands.
SB 1283 would also allow landowners to sell tags, but without any requirement of allowing public access.
Idaho Fish and Game would get nothing more from landowners than the face value tag, while the landowners could set whatever price they could get.
Big game tags are valuable, and there are deep pockets out there willing to shell out big bucks for the best bulls and bucks.
A big-game tag auction earlier this month hosted by the Mule Deer Foundation and Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife in Utah netted $2 million, including an Arizona mule deer tag that went for $220,000.
Idaho?s sole auction tag, a bighorn sheep permit, fetched $120,000 in 2009, and $180,000 in 2005. That tag typically sells to nonresidents.
Here?s how it would work. Fish and Game would authorize a third party, such as Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife or a similar group, to auction a limited number of tags for deer, elk, moose, pronghorn, bighorn sheep and mountain goats.
The groups have tags from numerous states, and they hold a convention or banquet where people bid millions to buy them.
To be competitive, states have to offer tags that allow access to the best hunting units and the best trophy animals.
Currently, for the $6 application fee for a controlled-hunt lottery, everyone has an equal chance to snag Idaho?s best tags.
You even have a shot at Idaho?s best bighorn sheep tag ? the same one that sold for up to $180,000. The special bighorn tag lottery tickets sold for $10 each last year.
If Idaho?s lone bighorn auction tag is any indicator, tags sold at auction would likely go to hunters from outside Idaho.
Landowners could fall right in line if they're allowed to sell tags. Landowners who currently own 640 acres in an area limited to controlled hunts have a separate lottery for big game tags. They typically have better odds at drawing one, because they're only competing with other large landowners.
If SB 1282 or 1283 becomes law, don't be surprised if landowner tags show up at an auction and sell for thousands of dollars and possibly tens of thousands of dollars, all of which would go into the landowner?s pocket, not Fish and Game?s coffers.
At least HB 1282 would provide ?reasonable access? to private lands for the average hunter, but here?s a twist. That provision used to exist in the Landowner Appreciation Program but was removed in 2002 at the request of landowners.
Now landowners are apparently willing to give access back ? but for a price.
Landowners can already get money for access. Fish and Game?s Access Yes program pays hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for landowners to allow the public to hunt and fish on their property.
All they have to do is offer it up and name their price. A panel decides if it's a good deal for sportsmen and accepts or denies the landowner?s offer.
These aren't the only bills in the Statehouse that could affect sportsmen. There are many others. You can see everything that's pending by jumping online and going to legislature.idaho.gov.
Click on ?Bill Center? to find more information about each bill. You can also use the site to get contact information for your representatives and senators.
Idaho hunting is at a crossroads, and it's up to hunters to let their elected officials know which direction it should go ? to the average hunter, or to the highest bidder.

Roger Phillips: 377-6215


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Generating money for wildlife it a bad bad thing. Idaho should probably just increase there license cost by 4X that will bring in extra dollars and everybody gets included in effort the to generate more dollars.
If Idaho hunters get really lucky, maybe their governmental leaders will set aside 500+ tags for auction/lottery. Then perhaps Idaho sportsmen will be able to enjoy the same quality of hunting and wildlife management that we have in Utah.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Why does EVERYONE b!tch about states selling tags to the highest bidder!?!?!?
i think its a great thing and it brings alot of money to the state to put back into wildlife.
Idaho Sportsmen you better stop this.

The "trophy auction tags" are just the beginning. If the groups that are intreseted in auction tags get this, the next step is to begin controlling all your F&G decisions by politics. Soon all hunts will be limited entry (no more general season) in order to control trophy quality and drive auction tag prices. DO NOT fall for this plot against the common hunter. As a native Idahoan who now lives in Utah I can promise you, you do not want to follow Utahs system and allow this trophy mentality and auction permits to get a foot hold. Yes hunting isn't what is once was in Idaho but you still get to hunt. Because of auction tags many in Utah only get to hunt every couple years and many will never know what it is to hunt branch antlered bull elk. Think about it, if these bills pass within 5 years all hunting will be managed as once in a life time species are now. DO NOT FALL for the propaganda, write your politicians and defeat these bills.
Here we go!!!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Uh this was passed in the legislative session by vote in January. I tried to complain.... but my Senator is the author of the bill. And a big landowner, which in my mind is a huge conflict of interest, he already run's a high fence shoot em up outfit and has closed off many acres of winter range in the upper Snake region. Maybe there is a way to recall this, or it need's to go through the house section of the State, I don't know but you can go look on state page and see it was brought to and voted for 6-3 in committee.

Freedom is not Free!
RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
I just checked as of today vote.... from what I can see it said it failed 17-17-1 in 3rd RG. I was looking earlier at just one page for introducing bills. I am assuming that is a final tally?

>Uh this was passed in the
>legislative session by vote in
>January. I tried to
>complain.... but my Senator
>is the author of the
>bill. And a big
>landowner, which in my mind
>is a huge conflict of
>interest, he already run's a
>high fence shoot em up
>outfit and has closed off
>many acres of winter range
>in the upper Snake region.
> Maybe there is
>a way to recall this,
>or it need's to go
>through the house section of
>the State, I don't know
>but you can go look
>on state page and see
>it was brought to and
>voted for 6-3 in committee.
>Freedom is not Free!
>RIP Lil Bro'

Freedom is not Free!
RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
lundellhunting7---Are you f***ing nuts man!!! Tags to the highest bidder, if it keeps going like Utah has already found out, will put us just like Europe where the common man will no longer be hunting!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-12 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-12 AT 04:28?PM (MST)

1283 is the one I was looking @ 1282,1256 are to be decided, 1282 especially is galling allowing for "Certain" landowner's to broker their controlled hunt tags. The auction tags , well we all know what that is about. In addition we have two animal cruelty laws that are looking for signatures to get on the ballot in November. One is sponsored by the Idaho cattle association, the other by the Peta,Human Society types and their various backers. I will see what group names they are filing under. But the importance of being aware of the second groups agenda is this: Type in a search for Connecticut hunter who is up for felony charges in his state for dispatching a deer with a knife under their newly enacted animal cruelty laws. I believe that is what is on the horizon for us if the second group get's their version of the law in front of the cattle association. Their's is a version being introduced to protect their livelyhood and indirectly our right to hunt. I realize their are also bills in senate now that would preserve the right to hunt fish and trap... but we all know how a 2/3 majority popular vote can eliminate a cat hunt in California ect..... Maybe not a worry, but viligance is the best medicine.
That last Bill of the three is dead with that vote of 17-17-1 at the third reading and it's where landowners could sell their tags for any amount they could get for them. That's a scary vote since that 1 abstaining vote could have gone yea and passed it. You Idaho guys better get on the stick and bombard all the legislators nonstop on the other two because there isn't much time left before another vote them.
>lundellhunting7---Are you f***ing nuts man!!!
>Tags to the highest bidder,
>if it keeps going like
>Utah has already found out,
>will put us just like
>Europe where the common man
>will no longer be hunting!

You still have a chance to draw the SAME EXACT tag as the guy that pays for the tag has. They are only selling a couple tags from the big units its not like 1 tag on the units is gonna make a huge difference in your chances in drawing.... i think its great that the state does it... it gives ALOT of money back to the states DWR but
If thats what hunting has to come to so we can kill good deer every 10 years then thats what will have to happen start savin your pennies up so you will be able to afford tags when it gets to that state.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace" that's funny!! If that were true this forum would be dead!!! LMAO!!!! The UT seem to find no problem to continue to cry every single day!!!

The only thing funnier than that is the fact that the Utah/SFW plan has become the apparent model for surrounding states. LMAO!

Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-12 AT 00:32AM (MST)[p]shotgunt,
When did I say that pimping 500 tags had made the deer hunting in UT good??? I believe if you have actually read my posts you will see that I think SFW has failed with the deer herd over the last 20 years?????

Pimping 500 tags has added money that has been used to help wildlife in UT, unfortunatley deer have not been the top of the benifits!

Please show us all how the expo tags has "added money that has been used to help wildlife in Utah" and I think we will all leave this topic to rest. But I guarantee you will not be able to provide us with this information.

And therein lies the problem!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Muley, I hope you were kidding when
you said the should raise the price
of tags 4x!

Maybe for the residents, but they
have already out priced the non-residents!

That is why they have so many non-res tags
leftover every year, and it keeps getting
S1283 The bill that would allow land owners to sell their tags failed.
S1282 That reads about the same but requires land owners to provide access is in committee and will likely be headed to the floor soon.
S1256 The governor tag bill passed its second reading and will probably hit the 3rd reading next week.
S1305 A bill that would allow landowners who lose livestock to wolves the ability to use aircraft and live bait and has the potential to cause the feds to remove their acceptance of our wolf program passed the committee yesterday.

You can contact the Idaho senators by going to the Idaho legislature web page. Even if you don't live in Idaho feel free to send them all a message about the mess Utah has become and how sad it would be if Idaho followed.

On a side note I would be happy to pay 4x as much for my hunting license if it means I don't have to worry about the issues that these bills would create.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-12 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]Tree-

There are multiple problems. There are issues involving accountability and transparency with public assets. But you are right, the bigger concern is that the people and groups involved obtain too much power and control over the entire process. Before long the tail is wagging the dog.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
My comment was directed at the "500" tags. There are not "500" Expo tags, there are 200. The 300 other tags return 80%+ back directly to the DWR. Correct me if I'm wrong??? As for the other 200 tags, I guess I look at it as funding for organizations that work told helping our wildlife. Those groups put in many hours and effort. I don't expect them to to it with no budget.

4x the tag cost, is just showing another way to create more dollars if that's what the state is after???

I'm not against a handful of high dollar tags. It is a good way to generate revenue for wildlife; however, there is no reason the tags need to be auctioned through a private organization. The governor's tag does just fine without SFW.

The current system is akin to allowing oil companies to drill on state land for no set fee, as long as they just put "something" back into the schools.

SFW would have done well to take their money and shut up. They have consistently fought against the general season hunters. GENERAL SEASON HUNTERS ARE RESENTFUL THAT SFW IS FUNDED WITH A PUBLIC RESOURCE AND THEN IN TURNS USES THAT MONEY TO MAKE POLICY AGAINST GENERAL HUNTERS.

There are many private wildlife organizations that have functioned for decades without public funding. It is time for SFW to join those ranks. It is also time for SFW to stop saying they represent "all" sportsmen. They need to admit they are a trophy hunting organization and they represent trophy hunting interests.
Apparently our legislators have not heard of the disaster that has become in Utah. I have emailed my reps about the 2 bills asking for a no vote. Just hold the IDFG accountable to the ability of our wildlife to generate revenue, then these non profits will not be needed.
Some general season hunters resent the SFW. Not all!!! That is a popular ploy lately to claim that anyone knows what the masses want! As a general average Joe hunter I am ok with the SFW and believe they have done a lot of good. I don't agree with everything they have done but nobody is perfect and neither is any organization.

Pretty sure habitat and predator control benifits ALL hunters, not just "trophy hunters".

Well then you are the first "average joe" hunter I know of that is in favor of SFW's approach to general hunts. Everyone else I know that that is in favor of more units and other general restrictions is a trophy hunter.

Talking about what the masses want is not a ploy. SFW wishes the masses were on their side, but they know they aren't. They know the DWR survey shows 65% of hunters would rather hunt every year than pursue a trophy every 4+ years. Don's response is that "the 65% is like the occupy movement and they don't believe data. They just want to hunt every year no matter what." I guess its easier to discredit the general hunters of the state than to convince them that SFW has succesfully grown the herd with their general restrictions.

The survey didn't ask "do you want to hunt deer every year even to the decimation of the herd." It just asked what people prefer (hunting quality sometimes or less quality often?) The rest of us get it. Sometimes restrictions are necessary when the herd suffers, but we needed to identify what restrictions have worked before we pile on more. SFW has captured an enormous resource. They have done some good. We can agree on that. I just disagree that they are an overall good organization. Al Capone's soup lines didn't make up for his murders in my opinion, nor does SFW habitat contribution make up for their decimation of the family hunt.
I have made my opinions clear. I can't help but wonder though, what speicies is flourishing? DUCKS! We have more ducks than ever. We hunt for a 1/3 of the year. Last I checked there was NO auction tags to kill a swan, goose, etc.. How is it possible that we have no savior like DON PEAY, yet there are ducks everywhere? Support an organization that ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING. I rarely here any criticism of DU. And thats because while SFW is expoing, DU is buying ground in partenerships with DWR and the nature conservancy. Why Don lobbys, DU traps. While SFW puts out "calls to action", DU builds wetlands, or improves it. While Don single handedly stops wolves in Utah, the leader of DU(no idea of who he is, he doesn't seem to frontrun) DU is flat out successful. Support and organization that works, let SFW "save hunting" until they are broke!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
>Apparently our legislators have not heard
>of the disaster that has
>become in Utah. I have
>emailed my reps about the
>2 bills asking for a
>no vote. Just hold the
>IDFG accountable to the ability
>of our wildlife to generate
>revenue, then these non profits
>will not be needed.

Do you have any e-mail addresses of reps who should be contacted?
DU has been a very successful organization!!! Too bad they are not involved mote with big game.

Not sure what that has to do with anything regarding big game, but you are correct that they have been successful.

I would support membership in any of the wildlife organizations. DU, MDF,RMEF, SFW, NWTF, FNAWS, BGF, SCI, DSC, PF, QU. Plus local groups Friends of the UBA, ex,ex,ex......
Click on the links of the original post. At the state website you can select contact my legislators and email them.
Idaho residents-

SB 1252 passed the Senate yesterday with a 17-16-1 vote. The bill now moves on the House. If you are concerned about the proliferation of big money tags, contact your legislator. This is a very close issue and your voice may very well make a difference.



Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
That is not good news!!! The Idaho hunting community better get together quickly to squash these last two Bills or the state will be starting down a slippery slope!
According to a response email from my Senator, bill 1282 is still stuck in committee and he indicated it might not come out. However, he did vote yes for bill 1256, feeling that IDFG could use the money and that non resident license sales could not generate this kind of coin.
I will continue to contact others to educate why this will be disasterous.
1256 Should be headed to the House Resources and Conservation Committee. Go to the Idaho Legislature page and contact the committee.

Chair John A. Stevenson
Vice Chair Paul E. Shepherd
JoAn E. Wood
Lenore Hardy Barrett
Mike Moyle
George E. Eskridge
Dell Raybould
Scott Bedke
Ken Andrus
Fred Wood
Judy Boyle
Marv Hagedorn
R. J. Harwood
John Vander Woude
Marc Gibbs
Donna Pence
Elfreda Higgins
Roy Lacey
Utah has LESS hunting opportunity today than it did 20 years ago when this tag whoring started. THIS IS A FACT.....

Yes some nice things have been accomplished by these tags but it is apparent that it has done NOTHING to improve Utahs deer herds. I wish some people would quit saying otherwise.....

IT is time Utah returns the VAST majority of these tags (conservation/Convention)to the public and leave a handful for the raising of money for a few feel good projects.

Other states would be wise to avoid anything that even remotely resembles Utah's tag process.

Tony Abbott
The next buck to have a fawn will be the

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