Wall Tent?


Active Member
We bought a used 14'x17' wall tent a few years ago. Its been a great tent but the guy that owned it before us used something to waterproof it that makes the tent stick to itself when it's put in the bag. It also seems the tent has shrunk some over time so I am going to set it up and cut the poles down a bit. My question is, since I will have it set up do you think it would damage the canvas to pressure wash the tent? I would obviously start from a distance and work my way in but I'm just curious what others have done for a heavy duty cleaning.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects
what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
If you are going to pressure wash it, spread it out on asphalt or concrete, so you can pour the pressure to it! If it up, it's gonna flap like a flag or rip!
Thanks a lot for that tip. Makes good sense.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
Before I would presure wash a canvas tent I would call the manufacturer that made it. Or if not known call a reputable one and ask. I for one would not presure wash a canacas tent. Not sure what you would gain from it except possibly damaging it.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-10 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]Most any pressure washer is going to tear that tent to shreds. Lay it on the ground, use a some water, soap and elbow grease. Then set it up and spray it off. Let it dry and then apply a good waterproofing (as recommended by the manufacturer)
As mentioned above.....a scrub brush and mild soap.

Also, I would put it up now, in the heat and stretch it back to fit the frame. You may have to use a jack and pole with a tennis ball on the end, in each corner....a day each with adjusted pressure. Leave it up for a few days and it should go back to normal.

We bought one that had not been put up for 20 years. The guy sold it cheap because he could not put it up. It took a week to make it all fit the frame. It was a 14x18 military, Korean War era, with wood frame.

It will stretch.

No way would I pressure wash it! You will lose ANY water proofing that you have.

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