Water Filter


Active Member
Looking at getting a water filter, I saw there are gravity water filters with a reservoir. Have any of you tried or are currently using them? any opinions? thanks

They are good and light but at the same time, the pumps get water faster. I have tried a few types of gravity filters and with most its like you have to sucks like a hoover to get water. Personally I like the steri pen, you so quick pre filter to filer moss then twist the ben and then you got drinking water asap.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
If I'm not mistaken, I believe he's talking about the filters you hang up side down and when you open the valve filtered water comes out. No sucking involved.

Correct me if that's not what you're talking about.
And yes the steri pen works wonderful and I always have mine in the pack to refill when I come across water while hiking/hunting.
Yes, Im talking about the kind where you fill a reservoir and you hang it up and gravity runs the water through the filter and comes out clean.

Sorry my mind went to the little ones you can use, that you twist on a bottle or bag and suck on. I hate those as its like damn I could of just pumped a bottle in 10 minutes lol. The bigger gravity (never crossed my mind) but yes they are better then a pump, the little ones not so much as for the little gravity feed filters go with a pump, larger take over a pump.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
I use a MSR pump filter,always works,cleanable and can get water from many sources,including muddy pools.
The problem with the gravity filters I see ,you have to have the water from a decent supply. If you have a flowing stream or tank to fill it,no problem.If it's a small spring trickle you could be hard pressed to fill it.
My MSR will suck it out of very small pool of water.
I have used both types, pump, and gravity. I like the Platypus gravity filter. I have filtered some very scary looking water. We lived after drinking it, couldn't get the yellow look out of the water.
paramount, would you recommend that platypus gravity filter? or now that you have used it, would you go a different route ?

>paramount, would you recommend that platypus
>gravity filter? or now that
>you have used it, would
>you go a different route
Yes I would defiantly recommend the it. I have a couple pump type, and also a sawyer gravity filter. The platypus is my favorite. I have had to use a small bottle with a handkerchief over the top to pre filter the water first. We had to get water from a small seep that cows were using. It was some gross water. But it worked like a champ . If the filter gets plugged, you just raise the filtered water bag higher then the dirty water and back flush it.
Stopped using a water filter about two years ago in CO. I use iodine tablets in a 100oz bladder. It cuts down on space in your pack and works well. Other people I know use Chlorine and some others use that steripen.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-14 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]Each filter has advantages and disadvantages. Gravity filters can be convenient around camp but I am not the biggest fan. I drink 4-5 quarts a day, so I need water more often than just in camp. While backpacking, if I spend a day hiking to and fishing multiple lakes, I am constantly moving and do not want to spend time waiting for a gravity system to work. Lakes are often above tree line and there is not a branch to hang it up on. I prefer a pump filter so when I need water it only takes 1-2 minutes to pump a quart. If I am hiking and come to a good stream crossing, I want to pump and go instead of sitting around waiting for the gravity system to work. This is just my opinion but they can be great at a base camp if that is the only place you need water AND there is water right next to camp. Often times I am camped at a lake that can be a water source but I still will pump the cleaner running water up the stream running into the lake or a nearby spring. In this case filling up the gravity system can be cumbersome with multiple trips (depending on your system?s volume) vs one trip pumping.

I have 3 pump filters, First Need Deluxe, MSR Miniworks, Katadyn Guide. (bought in this order)

The First Need Deluxe filters down to something like .02 microns (only .2 is need for bacteria) and is considered more a water purifier than a water filter. I'm not the biggest fan because it clogs up way to fast, even with back flushes.

The best feature for MSR Miniworks is that you can clean the ceramic filter insert over and over again. It works pretty good but the downsize is that the filter surface area is not the largest and it does require cleaning every couple days. It is just OK on speed.

The Katadyn Guide is my favorite. It pumps water really fast. Once I start pumping I can do a quart in about 15 seconds. The internal filter has been lasting a long time (multiple years). Someday I might have to finally replace the internal filter insert with the new one I have been carrying around for 5 years.

Just my 2 cents

Edit: I have never looked into the Platypus gravityworks but if it is as fast as they say it is, it could be pretty cool.
First Need Deluxe is a good filter and will do both gravity feed and pump on demand. I have probably only put around 20 gallons through it, but haven't had issues with it clogging.


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