Wedding Cake Topper.....


Have you ever felt like this before? Then again that would be only to those who are married or were married?
The wife and I will be celebrating our 37th Anniv. this next monday 10-4-04. Can't say that I have felt this way ever.

Still wiping the tears out of my eyes...that is funny.

"The Buck stops here...I hope!"
That is funny Brian. Congrats to you and Mrs. Kilowatt also. Good luck with your upcoming hunt.

Happy trails
Ridge Runner
"Now Pilgrim,you sure you can skin grizz"
Omigosh, that is hilarious!!! I've seen one similar to that, only it had a caveman attempting to drag a cavewoman, who was obviously trying to beat Mr. Man senseless with a club!

Congrats, Brian, you two are definitely beating the odds. Isn't it great to see someone actually SUCCEED at staying married?? Blessed folks, for sure!
Thanks to you all for the congrats, guess the wife and I will go out for dinner and keep the evening to ourselves.
I went out fishing yesterday on party boat for "bottom fish" and for some reason I'm still a bit woosy, guess it was the rocking in boat on ocean and the smell of diesel from the motor running.
But I still had the most, a total of 8 where the limit is 10. Did hook a 22" Ling Cod, but the legal limit is 30" so had to through it back in, what a bummer!

Gene, How did the hunt go this year? Again, we can't meet up better do it next year.

Happy anniversary Brian, 37 years is a good long spell, my folks will celebrate thier 37th in two weeks.


Sounds like 1967 was a good year for a few "lovebirds" huh! This marriage was my second too, the first was doomed from the start, too young but have a beautiful daughter from it.
Congrats to your folks on their upcoming event too.


My most sincere congrats to you and your bride! Way to work at something evidently VERY worth working at. Here's to many more years together ...


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