We're Damn Lucky!


Long Time Member
I've been thinking....we are so lucky to have such a strong desire and love to hunt. How many people do you know that don't have a hobby that they think about daily? I think about hunting every single day of my life. I know most of you do the same. I have friends that don't really have hobbies that they are dedicated to. We have taken our hobby to a whole new level. We have made our hobby our lifestyle. How many people can say that? We work year in and year out, day in and day out so we may take a week or two to do what we love. I can't think of a better place I'd rather be than in the crisp Wyoming outdoors come the middle of October. Whether it be hunting for mule deer, antelope, rabbits or fishing for big trout. My Dad and I make the 1250 mile trek out to Wyoming and hunt the same ranch every year. That is OUR time to do what we love. Whether we fill our tags or not, it is the time together doing what we love that is important. I have never been on another vacation in my 37 years that even comes close to any of my trips to Wyoming. From the hunting, to helping the rancher gather cattle to preg-check, all of it is unrivaled. I hope that we all appreciate what our parents and grandparents have handed down to us....the desire and love to enjoy and conserve what God has given us. We are truly lucky!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-08 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]Well said Steve!!!! I grew up in this great state, left for ten year, came back and won't leave again!
And I came back to OH with some want ads for electrician and addresses to send resumes.
My sentiments exactly. Wednesday won't come early enough for me to leave for Jackson for a buffalo and then on to Baggs for elk.A month in Wyo.What a great time!
Couldn't agree with you more. I wake up thinking about hunting, go to work thinking about hunting, come home thinking about hunting. I get up every morning at 4:00 AM to workout for hour, come home after work and do it all over again for another hour. I am determined to be in great shape (not there yet) just so I can hunt harder. I shoot my bow any chance I get but not as much as I should. I spend hours each night doing this or looking at topo maps or google earth so I can be a more informed and smarter hunter. I just can't get enough.

I am so thankful to be in a relationship with someone that is understanding of my passion and doesn't put many restrictions on me. I would say I am damn lucky and quite blessed.

The only part that I wish I had was someone else that shared this passion as much as I do. My father never hunted and my brother doesn't hunt. My uncle is (no longer on this earth) the one that instilled the passion in me so I caring it on by myself.

Califhuntn- I haven't found anyone else but my Dad who loves to hunt as much as I do. I don't know what I'll do when he's gone. He's 65 or so but he still loves to beat the brush. I suppose I'll be hunting by myself when he passes. My wife and I have talked about that and she's not too crazy about me being out there by myself but what can a guy do? I'd love to have someone to share my hunts with just because it makes getting animals out so much easier!! HaHa. One thing I do know is that I'll never stop no matter what happens. Good luck this year. Leaving for Wyoming on the 13th. Won't come soon enough!!


Enjoy the times you have with your father. I am sure they are memories that can never be replaced. Good luck to you and keep the passion alive.

Nice thread and good responses. I've been huting and guiding off and on since September 1 in my beloved Wyoming, and it has been fantastic. The fall scenery is magnificent and these are the best of times for me. I'm thankful for every fall day I spend in Wyoming. I was in Hawaii last week and it sure made me appreicate September in Wyoming. Our weather is better than Hawaii (at least in September) and I really like the fall colors and the chance to look for wildlife in this great state.
if hunting is a sport doesn't that make us all athletes?
better look fast at the fall colors the leaves are about half gone by the 15th there won't be a leaf left on a tree in the mountains here
I don't believe hunting is a sport. In sports there is a winner and a loser.....unless there's a tie. When I'm out hunting, I never lose, whether I shoot something or not. I just enjoy being out. I do think we are athletes though. That is for sure! If you do anything that requires physicality, you are an athlete.


Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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