Whastup With Shep Smith?



Anyone see Shep on FAUX News? he lost his cool listening to his fellow righties try to excuse torture today. check it out on youtube.

So what about it? let me guess, burning a little girls hands of with a coleman stove would be ok if it there's a chance it could make you safer, you gotta do what you gotta do GC be damned .

It will be interesting to see if any charges are made and how high it goes, want to bet shooter is sweating? Obama might not be able to stop this, like Gates said today it's going to have to play out. this is going to be in the news for a while so I thought I'd mention it for some polite rational debate like we've come to expect around here.
pound sand dude....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Yeah Yeah. maybe we should keep Gitmo open a little longer, with a little waterboarding Rice might cough up a few names involved in this a little higher on the totem pole. and they said torture was bad.
Let me see if I have this right. We waterboard 3 raggies. (Big deal, you call that torture?) All which were seriously involved in 9/11. The results were enough to save another attack on a US city (Los Angeles). And were making a big deal about waterboarding which helped possibly save hundreds if not thousands of lives. I dont get it. Dude, someon, please enlighten me on how this is so uncivilized. I'm shaking my head on this one wondering WTF is going to happen the next 3 years and 9 months with our current leader that takes pride in killing teenagers.
I'm surprised Shep feels that way. I fully support any means necessary to get info out of bad guys but where is the line? I would ask twice politely and then snap. Luckily I'm not in charge.
Where do you come up with killing teenagers?

What about the GC? I think Shep said it best, we're better than that, and if we're not then who is going to set the standard of conduct?

Prove anything that was gained saved one life, let alone hundreds of thousands. I don't care about those ragheads who were tortured ( and it was way more than 3 ) I care about America's image and the fact we are supposed to be better than that. torture is illegal, we broke the law, are we or are we not a nation that respects the law.
Does the GC apply to Americans held by al Qaida? I am certain that Osama did not sign on to uphold the GC. Where do you propose to try those harden elements that are being held in Gitmo?

They will be granted Constitutional protections if tried in civilian courts where the GC does not have any authority. So we will tie ourselves in knots making sure that the rights of terrorists are guaranteed without any counterveigning guarantee from the other side. Then to show our shame we will go after the people who implemented such policies.

This is going to turn into a very very ugly political fight that is going to further widen the partisan divide. If there were crimes committed then prosecute the criminals but if this is just political pay back then it is a useless and harmful miscarriage of justice. I wouldn't want to work in the CIA under this administration.

>Prove anything that was gained
>saved one life, let alone
>hundreds of thousands.

Turning that around, can you prove that it didn't save one life? The evidence/proof is that we have not been attacked. Had we been attacked, then evidence/proof for your argument would be that the torture did nothing to prevent an attack.

>I care about America's

That is a problem with many Americans and liberals. They care more about image than substance.

>are we not
>a nation that respects the

Apparently not since we allow thousands to break the law daily from Mexico and other central American countries. We hear about proposals to "forgive" and "pardon" millions of people who openly broke US law but we don't hear anything about any pardons for people involved in torture (following US government directives) at Gitmo. I wonder why that is?

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Image, simage, Dude you could care less you just want to start sh&t with republicans. Be honest.

If you are truly concerned then you should be concerned our image has now been weekend in the eyes of our enemies. I can just see them now sitting in their caves reading the New York Post and laughing their nutts off. They have nothing to fear if captured. America's current leaders are a joke.

If the Dems decide to persue this they will regret it. Hell sounds like they will have to start with Nancy Pelosi as she approved of this and now she is attempting to crawfish. Now that is going to be interesting to see how that plays out.

I think you have to deal with your enemy in a way that puts you on a level that the particular enemy can relate to. We are not dealing with a conventional enemy. These guys are nothing but savages that cut off heads AFTER they torture their captives. I think our water boarding is hardly torture.

I did get a good laugh yesterday when I heard they water boarded KSM like 180 times. AWESOME, I only wish I could have done it my self. Oh and I am sure the families of the 911 attacks would have liked to helped out with a couple of those as well.

On another note who gives a rats a$% what Shep Smith thinks? He's nothing more than a news reporter.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Obama and his crew are going to end up being to busy trying to downplay "GE-Gate" and those hearings on Gitmo will go by the wayside.

We are going to see more liberal dems crawfishing in the next few months and we will stand back and watch the mud slinging on each other. It is dirty politics and payoffs as usual, and the dems will be leading the way and taking the heat from the very people who voted for them.

If water boarding the manager of public works would allow for the discovery of what's being laced in Oregon drinking water I'd say go for it.

>If water boarding the manager of
>public works would allow for
>the discovery of what's being
>laced in Oregon drinking water
>I'd say go for it.

Good try 45, but I'm betting dude has his own well...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>>If water boarding the manager of
>>public works would allow for
>>the discovery of what's being
>>laced in Oregon drinking water
>>I'd say go for it.
>Good try 45, but I'm betting
>dude has his own well...
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Hand dug by illegals no doubt.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
So since we're fighting an unconventional enemy anything goes? what you mean is as long as it's off US soil and they're not Americans they have no rights and who gives a damn. it doesn't work that way, and it's against the law.

Image doesn't matter? I suppose we can fight and bomb our way to safety in every nation on earth? you guys are pathetic if you think we can take on terrorist alone. if the world sees us as no better than the terrorist they'll care even less than they do now, and China won't loan us the money to attack everyone. you think fear of torture is enough to prevent suicide attacks? you're too much, they'll line up to blow themselves up but oh my god waterboarding is scary. you're funny.

202 what has Obama done to make us look weaker? send aditional troops to the true battle against al-Qaeda? that sucks huh? what you need to pick a random county and screw it up every now and then to show you're tough? torture that's a sign of a tough guy too isn't it? the japs liked to bomb and torture and how well did that work out for them? sorry to say but it doesn't insure success.
Is simulated drowning - without the intent to actually drown someone - and no possibility of an actual drowning or death occuring - with medical staff at the ready if something actually does go south - IS THAT REALLY TORTURE ?? Just asking?
Our own soldiers are waterboarded in their training exercises.

Beating the crap out of captive people, ripping off their fingernails, cutting off their fingers, ramming chutes of bamboo under fingernails, electric shock, putting glass rods in a dudes rod then breaking it, rape, mutilating womans genitals, hanging people by their limbs and stretching them are all methods that have been used that most would consider torture.
Our law enforcement agencies use electro shock tasers on our own citizens.
Personally I'd rather be waterboarded than have to listen to Celine Dion for hours on end.
My guess is that all these hearings that congress and the administration are currently threatening will be a dead end and a bad political move that will only end up hurting themselves in the end. There are rules of discovery whereby ALL the facts get to be presented, not just the hand picked blacked out memos that the dems want to present.
Ok Auk Meh Huntindude. Same kind of limp wristed thinking is what got us in this mess to begin with. Liberal a$$ Slick Willy could have snubbed it years ago but was to afraid to kill a few of OBL's co-conspiritors because the were wearin berkas and how it would look. I know...shoulda....coulda...woulda, image is everything.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>Ok Auk Meh Huntindude. Same kind
>of limp wristed thinking is
>what got us in this
>mess to begin with. Liberal
> a$$ Slick Willy could
>have snubbed it years ago
>but was to afraid to
>kill a few of OBL's
>co-conspiritors because the were wearin
>berkas and how it would
>look. I know...shoulda....coulda...woulda, image is
>"A well regulated militia, being necessary
>to the security of a
>free state, the right of
>the people to keep and
>bear arms shall not be

So why did w not see obl as a threat anymore?

Didn't w have 8 years to get obl?

Was obl not a threat when w mozied into office?

Wasn't obl responsible for the 911 attacks on w's watch?

Why didn't we go after obl instead of sadam?

Is w's finger tired of pointing the blame?

Didn't w have obl's family escorted off US soil after 911?

I'm not sure this mess is all Willy's but it's sure fun to hear all the bs.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-09 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]Actually, there ARE reports that YES waterboarding did bleed out the information regarding the 2nd wave of 911 in Los Angeles. The report was that from the time they were captured, they were asked numerous times, and in numerous ways about future attacks, and the only answer they received was, you'll soon find out. After waterboarding was approved, it was only a matter of days before they had the information on this attack, from ASIAN terrorists, because they KNEW we would be looking for Arab men. They thwarted the attempt, and that is a fact. As for the 3 Arab's that were interrogated, according to the documents, it was three that were interrogated strongly. Now of course I realize that this must be a false document, but considering the Obumya administration released the document, it would be hard for the lib's to dispute it's authenticity. As for the wire tapping, AND water boarding, it also thwarted attempts to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. I however, Do NOT believe that ANY of the libs will EVER EVER EVER be convinced of this, unless it came from the Messiah's mouth, but he'd never do that. Furthermore, burning the hand of a child, and waterboarding the MASTERMIND of 911 are the same thing? I don't think so chief, not even in the SAME ball park, or area code. I do not, and would not lose an ounce of sleep if these guys were TRULY tortured, and I mean some pretty mean $hit. I would not and do not care. This is not like we are grabbing people from their jobs, we are taking people from the battlefield, putting them in Gitmo, what are we supposed to do with them when we remove them from the battlefield???? They have tried to other ways to interrogate, and they did not work. That's a fact bubba, be thankful that we decided during the Bush years to "connect the dots", and not, suck the nations who hate us off, like the Obumya administration has done.
Read what Wilkerson said about that, if the majority of those held at Gitmo are innocent and never should have been arrested in the first place what makes your cowardly attitude that torture them all and hope something comes of it the American way? as Smith said we're better than that.

Remember this, we don't rule the world, we can't whip the world and a good share of the world doesn't like us. if they lose respect for us we're screwed, taking the high ground almost always pays off and in the world of terrorism it's our only hope. if we are considered no better than the low lifes we ask for help stopping we'll never get the help we MUST have.
I think you sincerely underestimate our country and our military might. There is no other military fleet that can match what the USA has. If the American people had the stomachs, the middle east would be a flat piece of glass right now. North Korea, and Iran, I really hate to say this, but at the current rate, these nations, and the rest of the world are going to kick the sleeping giant one too many times, and they WILL feel the wrath and the consequences of their actions. You sir are the coward for your refusal to admit that the USA is NOT the enemy, but rather the victim. These nations that are F**king around need to get a grim reminder of who, and what they are dealing with. It is time to show the world that we fight the good battle, we are not starters, we are finishers. Maybe perhaps one day you'll wise up and realize that. And by the way, we do not HAVE to have their help. Their help would be nice to avoid cassualties. Our arsonal is more than that of the entire world. Do I want a meltdown worldwide? Hell no I don't. Do I think it's going to come to that? Yes I do. WWIII is inevitable. Which side will you be on? No please don't shoot at us? No please don't use those nukes you just bought? Or will you be on a hell bent rage, ready to save the Republic? Or will you be there to help destroy it?
Wow, serious case of shortman syndrome.

We may at the moment be the most powerful natioin on earth, China and Russia are on the same page and we pale against those two together so don't strut too hard.

Who will finance WWIII ? or enemies? I doubt it.

You can't justify illegal torture just because you don't like the nation or the race a person comes from, even if they were all guilty it's illegal and knowing an insider like Wilkerson says many are innocent makes it unconscionable. only a coward would torture an innocent man out of fear , and torturing a guilty one is still illegal, we have to be above that.

As Smith said, we don't F&^*$ng torture. we got this far taking the high road I don't need cowards telling me it's time to puss out and act like uncivilized ragheads.
Noble idea Dude..........but as with so much of what you spout out around here, you don't know squat.

I guarantee you that in EVERY war this country has ever fought, if somebody thought a prisoner knew something of value, the prisoner was questioned.....and gave up the answer.

Obviously, you never been in a combat zone.....you or Shep Smith.
The only combat zone Dude has seen is in the evening when he has a fight to get his bottle of Crown Royal open.

My heck, in which regard do we pale against China and Russia? In man power, that is it. We saw how well talks with Russia went just a month and a half ago. Take the lessons from WW2 and realize what the USA IS, and will BE as long as people do not COWAR down to the desires of the far left. Our intelligence, and arsonal is many times that of China AND Russia, that is a FACT. Short man's syndrome, wow I must laugh in your face, what I accomplished when I was 21 was probably more than what you've done in your lifetime friend.
When we go to war, I can tell you that my number one draft pick will be StrictlyArrows. Some fresh blood is what is needed on this forum. Thanks for your responses! "Arghhh Juicy Fruit"

As you can see, our liberal imposters get all their info from the likes of CNN, CBS, NBC and the likes. It's gospel to them. Wait a minute...they dont believe in Gospel...so its the truth damnit because Osama and his media cronies said so! And if its not the truth is Bush's fault!
Isn't the internet a riot? now we have Rambo and his minions telling us like it is.

I have no doubt torture has gone on in every war, but IF it was approved from the top it was never discovered because it's illegal and that's not something we condone. that is the issue here , we CAN'T condone it let alone advocate for it.

We are not the ruler of the world , we're not able to control it, if you think otherwise I think your military experience is from your video games not from the front line. manpower is an important asset, the Chinese could whip most nations with bent sticks and slingshots. a report a few years ago said we had so much equipment and personel over seas we were left open to a domestic attack, does that sound like a nation who can tell Russia and China to bring it on? think about what you say once in a while. we're a very powerful nation, but we're not that powerful , we have to hold a standing in the world because we can't control it by force and for sure not by finance. nuclear weapons are the only way we can fight the world alone, if you want that you're not only wrong you're crazy.
So on one hand Dude claims he is deeply concerned about America's image, then in the next sentence uses racial slurrs.....hhmmm.
Then here at the end he says "oh yes torture is quite ok, just don't talk about it, you know condone it"
So if we keep the (alleged) torture in the closet it is fine with Dude. Sweet, that way we are seen as torturers and liars. Fabulous foriegn policy there McFly.
In reality water boarding is not torture at all it is simply an inhanced form of interrorgation. The only reason Dude is portraying him self as the defender of human rights is because it is a popular way to try and deliver a black eye to Republicans.
It is hard for me to take a racist like you seriously Dude.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Allow me to be perfectly clear on a few issues. 1: If a draft were instated, I would not be drafted, I would simply go enlist to get it done with. I would not dodge it, I would not fight it, I would simply go. 2: I agree with the fact that Hdude is entitled to his opinion, and he should not be called names, he is stating what in his opinion is right. 3: HDude is worried about paying for the war. Well the same people will pay for the war who are also going to be paying for the spending from Obama as well. At the G20 Summit, he addressed torture, and that STILL did NOT get the support of France, OR Germany. Some people cannot, and will not be pleased, that is a sorry fact of life and relationships. Kissing butt NOW will NOT get people to love, like, and support us. It is what it is. Other countries HATED us BEFORE, and AFTER waterboarding, and that simply will not change. It would take the 2nd coming, which many do not believe it (and I respect that belief) to make things in this world change. Hdude, I wish you the best on your hunts, may you kill big bucks, bulls, and boars, but in this instance, we must agree to disagree. I'll support enhanced interrogations, and you're more than welcome to frown upon it. And I will also support talks with our allies, but China and Russia can, and probably never will be trusted. What the USA has done in it's history is by far way better then most other countries, mistakes are made, but I DO NOT think waterboarding is one of them. That is an OPINION, just as HDude is perfectly allowed to have his.

You have failed your history test again. or maybe you do not consider the term "slaughter" in the same context as torture. Does Sand Creek strike a bell, or maybe wounded Knee.
How about good old Gen. Jack Pershing and his example to the moslem Moras in the philippines. He got tired of them performing Jihad on his troops, so he lined 50 of them up and shot them by firing squad with bullets dipped in pigs blood.
The Moras stopped their jihad charges after that example of American retribution.
There was never any thought of court martial for Gen. Pershing for his actions.

Arrows, good post, nice to see someone with enough brains to debate like an adult. I respect your opinion and the way you state it, I understand your points I just don't think you're correct. this is why we have elections, we can all be on the same page we just see something different.

202 , there are lots of people I don't like, ragheads are just one of those groups. unlike you I don't feel my nation has the right to kill them like varmints or torure them just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, guilty until tortured and found innocent? so I'm a racist and you're a fearful fanatical hypocrite, I'm more comfortable admiting I don't like them than having to admit I'm such a coward I feel I have the right to do anything I want to the people I say I like if it MIGHT make me feel safer.

I didn't say torture was fine as long as we don't know about it, but if we don't know about it then how do we approve or disapprove? Hardin, MT wants to bring the Gitmo prisoners there, what do you say about that? not a good idea because we can't circumvent our laws and ethics on US soil? you only have human rights if you're in America? what a guy, and you wonder why the world has less respect for us all the time.

RELH , we've killed many thousands of both guilty and innocent muslims and tortured who knows how many. what has it gained us? is the middle east on the road to stability? how are things in Afghanistan and where is Pakistan headed? is Iraq going to be okie dokie when we leave? if you were right things should be getting better not worse.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-09 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-09 AT 11:54?AM (MST)

the better question is what's up with john mcain and the republican party. . .

the leader of the party, who also is the best, most qualified to speak about terror has been completely muffled on this subject of late. Why, because the right and the former administration is scared. This it is a political nightmare for both parties. I was always a bit skeptical of mcain, and as I had predicted, he's acting like a coweredly politician - it's a good thing he did not win the election, one thing Obama has is nerve, guts, stupidity or all three and he's motivated to make change, right or wrong, he's going to put his political butt on the line. . .

So, the right winger that's qualified to talk about torture wont. He is on the record as saying it's torture and not necessary, not american and not wise, but the experts on MM know more about it - huh?

Mcain could win back his former supporters (even me) gain back some party support, and once again be a hero if he'd just speak the truth, unfortunately politics and age have destroyed his patriotism. . .

I'm for following our laws, all of them. . .

I'm not saying, i'm just saying. . .
We have a history of abusing and torturing our prisoners and reclassifing them from a prisoner of war to another classification to suite our ends. This is not new. If you think it is new you are mistaken.
And yes laws should be followed. The fact that laws can be circumvented either means that congress is lacking or they have purposely left wiggle room.
"If the Dems decide to persue this they will regret it. Hell sounds like they will have to start with Nancy Pelosi as she approved of this and now she is attempting to crawfish. Now that is going to be interesting to see how that plays out."

This is why it will never go to full on investigations. Her hands are dirty and she has the power.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Maybe, maybe not. I don't care who is at fault they need to be brought to justice, any nation that allows laws to be cherry picked or distorted is headed for destruction.

It may not be the torture as much is how as that it was allowed to happen, sweep this under the rug for the Bush administration and then what will Obama figure he can get away with, and if Obama could break the law why not the next administration and on and on. either our laws matter or they don't, choose a path and stay with it through both parties rule from now on.

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