What happened to Uncle Sam?


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-28-11 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-28-11 AT 06:11?PM (MST)

71 rounds??


Was this just swept under the rug?


Milk, really?


I thought we were broke?


Now were bombing another country, and blaming big oil for the price of gas. I wonder this is all going to come down around us?

Ron Paul 2012!
What are you going to do about it? in a nation of 340 million people you're going to have cop screw ups, government screw ups , finacial screw ups and you'll screw up yourself now and then. it just happens.

You try to learn from mistakes and you go on, we won't have another Waco, Iraq or housing bubble like the last one.

We are the government, it isn't perfect because we're not perfect. well I am but I mean most people.
As long as the goverment continues to over step its bounds, yes, you will have screw up's...thats the point.

Why do Americans keep hiring the same ole thing? I believe Einstein called that "Insanity".

Republicans and Democrats alike have gotten us to this point. How much longer does it continue?

Would you hire a BS artist to run your company for you? Why do we elect them to run our country?
As long as we allow things like the Patriot Act to hold where are the bounds? do what you want then see if it's Ok, but maybe sometimes the ends does justify the means I can't say. all in all our freedoms are pretty good even if we haven't achieved perfection.

Why do we keep electing the wrong people? good salesmanship, fear of the unknown and outright stupidity. I'd much rather have a sucessful businessman deciding my fate than some groomed actor but seldom is there a choice. the good people can't pass our purity test and even if they could who'd want ther job? if you're successful you probably have enough money being a public punching bag doesn't sound like fun.

Once again we run off the good people, so we get what we asked for.
LAST EDITED ON May-29-11 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]>And life goes on , nothing

thats all you gotta say, well I say enough is enough!

those SWAT boys were sisies with too much authority to take a life, some heads better roll!

Milk raids please!...you can grow pot but not sell hole milk...Freakie

it's funny how Obamma-nation can promote a rebellion in another country, well one is needed here!
If you knew the whole story behind these stories they may make more sense. my dad always said the fastest way to ruin a good story is to hear the other side.
Hard to make any sense out of shooting someone 71 times,...well they actually only hit him 60 some odd times, regardless of the other side of the story.

The point is, as Americans, we are NOT supposed to fear our Goverment. They are rapidly becoming our biggest enemy. Again.
It is the very reason we have a constitution.

It is not just an Obamanation, it's a politicianation, that is crippling this country. To think, republicans are for the American people any more than democrats are, is just plain ignorant.
The case in AZ is just one of many like it, when you go into a home with guns drawn it doesn't always end well. it might be bad law enforcement but it isn't a government out of control.

They said 71 shots fired, 60 hit him, and he lived for a while but medics weren't let in to save him so he died, at some point this story gets fishy. he was either superman of that swat team sucks.

What makes this case so special? just because he's a vet it seems, McVeigh was a vet too so that means nothing. he was accused of leading home invasions well armed and organized, lots of innocent black people have been whacked for less did that mean the governmrnt was out of control?

I wasn't there so I'll wait to hear the rest of the story before I place any blame.
Haha, uh yes, in my opinion, whether your pink, black, blue or green, Hippy, or Veteran, when the Popo kicks down the door to your house and shoot's you 60 times, something is out of control.

When they take weeks planning a midnight raid on your house because your selling un-pasturised milk, yes something is out of control.

When your 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than you are by a terrorist, in your own country, yes something is out of control.

If the changes planned for the AUMF bill actually go through, yes something is out of control.
Once again knowing the whole story can change everything, we don't. if these cases are as how they're stated then yes it's over the top. my experience with people in law enforcement leads me to think there is more to the story. the slack jaws can and will yap, the cops can't give their side yet.

You just can't say the nation is off track because of a few cases with unanswered questions, I'm sure you'd agree we could post articles all day long of how law enforcement did their job right.
I'm going with 440 on this one. Before everyone gets all up in arms I can tell you there is ALWAYS more to the story. The media outlets seldom get it right, distort facts, and omit others to sell more sensational stories.

The truth will come out. If the cops screwed up that will come out also and they will be dealt with accordingly. In the mean time, to make a knee jerk reaction off initial news reports is a good way to eat your hat later.
Well, I think the only knee jerking that has gone on, was the LE involved in that particular incident. I tell you what, if they can spin it enough to justify 71 shots being fired, I will eat my hat.

The point of all this was...How has our country gotten to the point that these types outrageous events have become common place and taken so non-chalantly. To quote 440 "And life goes on , nothing new". That is, of course, until it happens to you. And then I bet it becomes real important. Kinda like flood insurance.

It is no different with our foreign policy, current flavor of the day is Lybia, who's next? But of course "And life goes on , nothing new".

Don't you think that the non-chalant attitude is part of the problem?
The number of SWAT member firing assault weapons it would take a few seconds to fire 71 rounds and the guy pointed his weapon at them. No drugs found in his house but plenty found when they raided his brother's home. It will come out in the investigation but I wouldn't stand for the man being clean until they figure out the facts. Police uniforms, vests and assault weapons may be coincidence but I doubt it.
>Haha, uh yes, in my opinion,
>whether your pink, black, blue
>or green, Hippy, or Veteran,
>when the Popo kicks down
>the door to your house
>and shoot's you 60 times,
>something is out of control.
>When they take weeks planning a
>midnight raid on your house
>because your selling un-pasturised milk,
>yes something is out of
>When your 8 times more likely
>to be killed by a
>cop than you are by
>a terrorist, in your own
>country, yes something is out
>of control.
>If the changes planned for the
>AUMF bill actually go through,
>yes something is out of

+ 1
Glen, so because his brother was involved with drugs his death was justified? I have a brother who is a drug addict so should I expect the swat team to kick my door in and fire 70+ bullets at me? If this is how law enforcement is supposed to work then I have zero faith in law enforcement anymore. They could very easily have waited him out and busted him on his way out to work, or even at work for that matter. Instead, they gun him down in front of his wife and kids and then find NOTHING illegal in his house.

If it was so necessary to send in the SWAT team to execute the warrant, wouldn't it be logical that there was a perceived threat? So then why not raid the house while he was at work while simultaneously arresting him at work? Seems like it would have been a win win situation.

Isn't this the same county that the Sheriff claimed the Tea Party shot Gabrielle Giffords? Hmmm... what's the matter Sheriff, cat got your tongue?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
There is no "Selective Outrage".
In the original post there were 4 examples given. You could just as easily put your above link in that same group and take out the Arizona case.

So, when the raid breaks out on your place because you were using un-certified manure to fertilize your plants, they shoot you and your dog, it'll be alright, crap happens and thats just the price of our freedom? The end will justify the means. Got it.
The Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, blamed Rush Limbaugh for Giffords shooting and then demanded a government body to police "civility in America".

Quoting him directly:
"The kind of rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information," Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said today. "[Limbaugh] attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior in my opinion is not without consequences."

I guess that leftwing radio talking heads only use facts, are nothing but responisble and their actions don't harm people. There is simply no way to draw a straight line from anyone to Loughner's actions and to do so show a lack of credibility.

Since there was a Rush Limbaugh sign on a freeway in Dupniks county with bullet holes in it and the fact Staypuff spews crap like a spreader what the sheriff said wasn't off base really. he didn't accuse anyone, just the fact the rhetoric is overheated. it is.

Loughner was not directly driven by anyone that is now obvious, what is also now obvious is the anti gun lobby can and will beat us over the head with it. so the teabaggers are off the hook this time because the guy is crazy, and the NRA supports a crazy guy legally buying a gun and Rambo clips. there are no winners.

Muleys you make my point but you don't get it. bad or questionable police work happens all the time and in every state. it doesn't mean anything other than there will always be human error, we can strive to do better but just like wrecks on the hiway crap happens. don't read too much into things like this or you'll end up adding another layer of tin foil to your hat every morning like some of the nut jobs on this site do.

When all the truth comes out I bet what the SWAT team did won't seem that inexcusable and I bet the guy the shot wasn't the saint he's supposed to be. in not, then it was just bad police work not a conspiracy to take over america.
Whether one agrees or does not agree with Rush Limbaugh I believe he has every right to put up a billboard that says He is a straight shooter. I guess liberals only like freedom speech and press when it comes to TV networks that are biased toward them and MSNBC radio shows. You cannot have it both ways you cannot have selective outrage for a billboard with Pictures of bullet holes in it that makes zero reference to killing somebody else including Gabby Giffords and still say you are freedom of speech and press.

Explain exactly what Rush Limbaugh did on that billboard that was illegal, encouraged violence against anyone or was irresponsible? The reason it was took down was due to fake outrage fanned by people like the sheriff who is not outraged by illegal aliens, who commit a crime when they cross the border but is outraged by a bill board. I bet if it were a Barack Obama bill board stating the President was a straight shooter there would be no outrage at all on the left but the right would go crazy.

The SWAT team in this case seems trigger happy however I don't know the whole story so I cannot say. I do know in the heat of things it is hard to stay calm and once bullets starts flying it is an instinct for you to pull the trigger until either you are out of ammo or you weapon jams, or somebody gets you to cease fire. To much info left out to make an informed opinion on this matter.

I think you're overreacting to what the sheriff said or anyone else for that matter. Giffords dad said the most, and since she had been on the recieving end of teabagger attacks and his daughter had just been shot in the head he has the right to overreact a little.

I don't think anyone made the Limbaugh sign a national crisis, and when has staypuff cared what the left thought of him anyway? if he was confortable with his sign it would have stayed up. in fact he would have put more up just for the attention, just like Lady Ga Ga and Sarah Palin it's all about attention they have nothing to say anyone should care about.

The right leads the selective outrage game these days and it's starting to get old. Nemont you watch FOX and I watch the other fake news organization , Comedy Central. take a look, maybe you'll get it.

I don't even have cable or satelite so I don't get Fox News. I read old fashion news papers and then peruse different sources from both sides of the arguement to form my opinions. I don't need Rush Limbaugh or Chris Mathews to tell me what to think.

The right has no more selective outrage over things than the left does. They both use to pick up the low hang fruit that are going to agree with their idiotic ideas.

I watch Jon Stewart online and watched that bit as well. Seems like there was alot of selective outrage on the left when GWB was president yet with Obama as president none. For example the Democrat controlled Senate just reauthorized the Patriot Act and the very people who were dead set against it while Bush was president championed it through this time. So please save me that only the right has selective outrage talk.


I think Ron Paul once again is right, and it shouldn't have been. but it should be noted the extension is not what the bill originally was as a whole.

Why is the debt now a subject of outrage? Bush doubled it and where were the teabaggers ? the debt used to be no big deal, now it's all that matters. someday there will be another republican president, and there won't be a balanced budget. that will be interesting to watch.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-11 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]440, I get it just fine. I am not sure you do though.

I don't think the goverment has any right to be able to do any of the things listed in the original post, I also don't think the goverment has the right to ban AR-15's or Hi-Cap magazines.

But since these actions don't seem to bother you, I bet it wouldn't bother you if there was a ban on AR-15's or Hi-Cap magazines either.

I know, I know, without a hi-cap magazine, Loughner couldn't have shot so many people, but according to YOUR thought process, just like wrecks on the hiway, crap happens, there are errors in judgement, right?

Yeah I got it.
Who says the goverment doesn't have the right to ban military style weapons and clips? when the founding fathers said the right to keep and bear arms they had flintlocks, did they mean 50 BMGs and street sweepers ? this will be decided by the supreme court at some point, whatever their decision is that will determine what the government's rights are not you or me.

Crap does happen, it always will. crap like an obvious known crazy guy legally buying a semi auto pistol and a pocket full of 20 round clips shouldn't be one of them.

I bet I own more guns than you do and nobody is trying to take them and if they do they're not getting them. but wrong is wrong I can't defend what happened in AZ nobody can, the law should have prevented it.
440, I got to say, your a different egg.

"Crap does happen, it always will. crap like an obvious known crazy guy legally buying a semi auto pistol and a pocket full of 20 round clips shouldn't be one of them."

But, getting shot over 60 times, by the police is? Seems a little flawed. But, I'll digress.

It's not wise to be betting somebody you have absolutely no clue about. But, if it makes you feel better, Ok.
I bet is a figure of speech, I bet I do but if I don't it doesn't matter the point is I like guns.

How does possible bad police work taking down a guy who probably is guilty of invading houses compare to a guy crazy as bat crap legally buying a gun and Rambo clips killing a bunch of people on the street?

I think you're one of those who says this is the greatest county on earth and you cherish your freedoms, but you say the government is corrupt and the people who freely elected them are all wrong. are you free to criticize your government? do you still have your guns? has anyone showed up in the last few years to take them? if fair and free elections and a court who upholds our constitution isn't good enough what is? life's too short to live like a malcontent teabagger, enjoy it because it ain't that bad.
"I think you're one of those who says this is the greatest county on earth and you cherish your freedoms, but you say the government is corrupt and the people who freely elected them are all wrong."

Well, you got the 1st part of that statement right. If you had said "but you say the goverment has become to big and has become this country's biggest problem, both foreign and domestically."

Then you would have been right.

I enjoy my life plenty, and that is just it, I want it to stay that way.
hey dude' is there more then 4 people that have your reasoning, I'd say your psychotic, but hey I"m just a Jesus freak...
Yes Manny your opinion is of little value, that's one of your best observations to date.

Muleys , did I say we need more government? I'd be the first to say we have a bloated government but it's what we asked for or we wouldn't have it. show me one politician since 2000 who hasn't been elected by a majority vote, so unless you can prove we are not a nation of the people by the people how can you fault the government and not the voters? and if the voters have the elected officials they asked for is anything broken?

The teabaggers have the right idea, they just execute it very very poorly. if they did it in a more moderate and less Palin like style they could get lots more support.

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