Whatcha' think of a real time Chat Room?


Founder Since 1999
So what would you all think of a real time chat room. Any interest?
Maybe have different topics throughout the day at scheduled times??? I don't know.
1:00 Mule Deer Hunting
2:00 Elk Hunting
3:00 Archery Hunting
4:00 Muzzleloader Hunting
5:00 Utah Hunting

This is the chat I was thinking about. Just not sure it'd get used. Many years ago I had a live chat room on the site and it got used, but that was before Facebook and others came along.
I like the idea and would participate but how would you keep it constructive and conversational? Instead of just a bunch of name calling BS? I'm just curious...
There was a chatroom for awhile. It was pretty popular at times.

It might help keep bobcatbess's post count under control.
I like the idea but would rather just have it open discussion at anytime or maybe having a curtain subject on a given day of the week but not by the hour each day. I usually only post eary morning or in the evening.
How about have ones geared towards a very specific topic with an expert in the area on it to answer questions. Topics could range from beginner topic how toos...to more advanced topics. Think of it instead of an informative article that people just read but a Q&A sessions...or an article first that we read and then a follow-up chat...just some ideas.
There was one way back when I first started. D13er was always giving TripleK a hard time.....lol
I think it would eliminate the need for 600 response threads like the baiting thread. They could all just chew each other out real time and then go get sloshed and forget about it

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